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Real OLD SCHOOL - Cherry Oil


Hello folks,

anybody out there recall a type of cannabis resin oil know as
cherry oil (late 70's ish, early 80s?)...this stuff was red, kinda like a (chinese food sweet and sour sauce) - red, bright

when spread out on a paper, was of thick viscosity
smelt like cherries just on the paper, tasted like cherries when smoked....and smelt like cherries burning....great high

the best oil ive smoked in 30 years, amen brother

...make no mistake and confuse this with todays so called cherry oil, the stuff available today at dispensaries they call cherry oil, is just a winterized iso extracted, honey oil.....smell and taste nothing like the authentic cherry oil of the late 70s

ya, im in pursuit of figuring this out,
and making some kick ass personal...:woohoo:

I have a theory, that this oil was possibly made from a cherry tasting cannabis, and of one that was plentiful back in the day
to manufacture, mass quantities of the stuff. This particular brew was purchased in large quantities so goes the folklore around these parts, dispatched out of major city of some sort, up in them there hills, as it were.

well you get the gist of it...at the time you were lucky to get your grimy hands on just a 5er...

so im going to try an experiment, with some cherry tasting buds
see how that goes, and for that, ive selected Mr.Greengenes expertise in breeding, and going with his cherry bomb

check my recent album uploads, :biggrin:

:tiphat: and from everything I've read about this strain,
hats of to Mr.Greengenes.....cheers mate


so how about it folks,
anybody remember those days and smoking this stuff...?
any oil coinsures want to weigh in out there...?

Mr G, feel free to comment.

axle robot....lol


ICMag Donor
Sounds interesting.

Maybe there was some CBD (associated with cherry flavors) in there and I'm thinking possibly over ripe to get the color.
Just a guess though...
I made Qwiso a couple of times a few years back, from some nice well cured bud. I let it slowly cure at ambient temps for a few days, and it finished with a nice red color.

I mixed it kief and formed it into hash balls. It tasted just like...hash...


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Ive had some blood red extracts in the past.
This was from some SFV trim. I dont recall a cherry taste though.


well thank you for the input guys, much appreciated....
the more the better, I really want to figure this one out...

ive also come across mention of adding some kind of acid to the iso wash brew
and I think some sodium too was used...to tweak the ph levels...in my research

I think he also used a home made winterizing technique as well as some carbon filtering prior to the cook stage....

it was a quite in depth recipe, and he claimed it to have a
"cherry taste to it" but no mention of color....and no photos to illustrate end product

while reading his post, and apon reviewing his lengthy recipe and coming across the importance of ph balance, utilizing acids and sodium (sodium would tweak the acid back down if too much acid applied I think)....my mind took a sharp left hand turn, when I came up on the acid stuff in the recipe, and although I read it all, my mind automatically disengaged and I didn't take it all in.....lol

I thought well, im not fooling with that method.....haha
so ya, in hind sight I wish I would have at least booked marked it, but I didn't

also, ive been on many sights the past 6 months trying to find this exquisite home brew, like I read literally 100s of posts, everywhere....yes, even sourced the dark web in pursuit of this specific information.....and after 6 months, still searching
(dark web and deep web isn't as awesome as its hyped up to be)...

all I know is this....
somebody somewhere, knows exactly how to achieve this....

what strains to use, and how exactly to process it....to manufacture
real old school cherry oil.....smells like cherries, tastes like cherries, ferrari red in color

so how 'bout it folks, ....ask your friends about it if they ever heard of it
or had the pleasure of actually having some....and their friends ask a couple of buddies and so on...and so on.....maybe that might put me on the right trail....lol
I wondered often if that cherry oil I had back in the late 70s was IBOEL related or not
It was mass produced, but who knows the source.

I even thought about what if you take some of the weed that they got in Lebanon
to make red Lebanese hash out of, (there is a type of weed that stays late in harvest and turns red, they make their red hash with it . (I thought maybe that strain just for the color)....and do a separate QWISO of cherry bomb, for the flavor....blend the 2 iso(s) together, refine....cook

I don't know......haha
but damn it, im gonna crack the code...lol

so throw in your 2 cents worth, give me some ideas.....please

on another note, I can tell you this about it, ive had it a few times..in high school
best oil ive ever smoked in my life -ever, for smell, taste, high.....
jesus that was some good stuff.....

today premium honey oil goes for $50 internet dispensary per 1g.
this cherry oil I speak of, if manufactured right, would easily fetch twice that...
it would be the Dom Perignon of champanges....

no, im not interested in selling nothing, this is just purely for personal
and yes, I would pay that amount for it, given the opportunity, but it doesn't exist

if anyone knows anything on this topic, feel free to jump right in the thread
thank you, fellow tokers

cheers mates...

axle robot

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day A2

BOEL ...

Mr. Bartels. Moreover, the brotherhood was not content merely to smuggle and market hashish. Under the guidance of one of its chief chemists, the brotherhood developed the manufacture of an even more potent product called marihuana or hashish oil. In the course of our investigation, six such hashish oil laboratories were seized. ...

Marihuana or hashish oil was first encountered in February 1972. Since then the number of exhibits received has increased and so has the potencv as measured bv the percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) present. During fiscal year 1973, 49.3 pounds of the drug were seized with an average THC content of 46 percent. This is a highly potent and concentrated hallucinogenic substance which can be manufactured with relatively simple equipment. As such, it must be regarded as a novel and threatening shift in marihuana abuse which should give those who advocate its legalization cause to re-think their position.

In Afghanistan the new product was hash oil. Stark had inspired its creation in Afghanistan by suggesting to the Brothers the idea of taking Andrist's process out to Asia and subverting the dominant position of the Tokhis, who were still distrusted as 'hotel hustlers'. He went further, proposing that he should go out to Afghanistan with an idea taken from a contact Solomon had furnished in Britain. Instead of producing hash oil, it might be possible to take the process further and turn the oil into a powder which was even easier to transport.

Stark visited Afghanistan at least once. The rifle-waving tribesmen in the foothills did not endear themselves to him, but he did manage to work his way into the confidence of a Minister and began making plans for a factory to produce penicillin. But rather than cut out the Tokhis, Stark and the Brothers appear to have decided to teach them how to make hash oil. Papers recovered from Stark years later include correspondence on material and equipment in Afghanistan yet to be removed.

For the Brotherhood, the move into hash oil could only be a profitable one. A gallon of oil brought in $40,000 wholesale, and considerably more when divided. The Tokhis were more than happy to oblige. A third brother called Aman had joined the family business, quitting his job as a maintenance supervisor at the American Embassy in Kabul. In a matter of months he became a well-dressed businessman sporting gold watches, two cars and a wad of banknotes. For $36,000 he bought the former home of an American diplomat close to his old workplace. Aman explained that his good fortune was due to the considerable success of the family rug business. Another brother was planning a private zoo in the garden of his villa in Kandahar.

Not content with hash oil, Stark was still chasing the elusive prospect of synthetic THC which had led him to Solomon, and was now talking of going one stage further. He had it in mind to make a derivative of much greater power. One kilo, he once claimed, would be equal to thousands of kilos of THC and with eight of the fourteen stages of production worked out, Stark needed just another $500,000 to finish the job.


Thanks for sharin

EB .


wow...thanks a lot for that excerpt, brother

very informative, so it is possible the oil I speak of, could have been and/or shared historical roots, - just saying

yup, I need to smoke one after that juicy read.....lol


cheers,....keep the info rollin

-axle robot
I had nice red Lebanese hash when I was in the military in Europe in the mid-70s. Hash of every type and kind...

It all tasted like hash...


yes I would agree with that...the taste factor of hash, some have stronger tasting terps then others, some tasty some not so much....but yes I agree

I have come across red lebanese hash recently, (online dispensary),
and read up on it some, its the redness of color that I was curious about, after reading up some on it, they have a type of strain that runs late into the season, and thereby turns a reddish color and they use this harvest to make their red leb hash out of...

im thinking source the plant, just for the color properties...
and blend with another strain, for taste properties...

that's my logic...
does that make sense ?

-axle robot


Active member
This stuff was readily available in the greater NYC area in the early to later 70's, extremely potent and expensive, it suffered from lack of efficient use modalities. Most was just smeared on a rolling paper...

Modern experience pegs the color to older feedstock and the flavor to ethanol. Neither of those are conducive to origin flavors.


ICMag Donor
yes I would agree with that...the taste factor of hash, some have stronger tasting terps then others, some tasty some not so much....but yes I agree

I have come across red lebanese hash recently, (online dispensary),
and read up on it some, its the redness of color that I was curious about, after reading up some on it, they have a type of strain that runs late into the season, and thereby turns a reddish color and they use this harvest to make their red leb hash out of...

im thinking source the plant, just for the color properties...
and blend with another strain, for taste properties...

that's my logic...
does that make sense ?

-axle robot

Those late plants have would probably have significant amounts of CBN in them, making them sleepy.

Leb is also known to be a mixed type variety that produces both CBD & THC.

From what I've read in the past, CBD is associated with cherry flavors. All anecdotal but a lead none the less.


thank you so much....
I appreciate anyones input or even thought, or theories

a cold trail is still a trail...

-axle robot


so MJ...twice you've mentioned CBD, may be associated with cherry flavours
how so...? please explain further...

how do you arrive at this conclusion..?, what evidence is there to support this ?
what CBD (values) am I looking for to replicate a cherry flavor ?

what strains carry this particular CBD...?

much appreciated,



what flavor difference would there be, say
using an 99% pure ISO alcohol VS ethanol...?

given the same strains used, same process/method of extraction used,
all variables isolated, such that the only difference is ethanol VS ISO 99%

most interesting....


Well-known member
The method used from 'back in the day' has been described with accuracy a couple of times in the concentrates section.
In a nutshell, it was an alcohol extraction exposed to sunlight.
Would have been landrace as starting material.



I am new at this, so please bear with me...
what is a landrace....heard it before, but not sure what it means...

thanks again mate
