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RDWC Grow Along!


Active member
Hello chemdoubled...
Thanks for comment. Running 2000 watts.
Actually the canopy is pretty even...except for that tall plant in back left corner, & I'm supercropping.


Active member
Today is day 9 12/12....
Snypes RDWC is like a High output rdwc. Temps reached well into mid 80's for the first week & the plants never missed a beat.
Finally into flower ...this one well be done right before the 4th of July...
Happy growing everyone...



Active member
Hey, I just noticed Snype is banned?!

What the hell happened there? That guy added so much information around here. I learned a lot from his RDWC setup and developed some new ideas by watching his work.

Whats the deal with that? I couldnt imagine being banned from IC. It seems like I been coming around for a long time.
I never spoke with the guy, but I've learned so much from his posts. Whatever happened, he will be missed and his old posts will be referenced often by me as his methods have produced fantastic results for me.


Meh, i was mostly only interested in reading snypes stuff on here (coming back from rock bottom on several occasions). TONS of knowledge and he was willing to help anyone, anytime. Ive kinda grown out of growing these last few months, dont reckon ill be back very often. Toodles
Looks very nice dreaded...Thank you for taking the time to post pics....How are your room/H2o temps looking..?..I remember the one pic ...think the water temp was somewhere in the 80's....Btw..how many days u think you'll let her go..?

Looking forward to any and all info..!!!!



Active member
Hello jointventure....
Room & water temps are fine.. It was unseasonably warm where I live when I started...& I didn't have proper air flow. Now..water temps are 75-78.
Today is day 28 bloom... I have 3 different plants out of the 8 spots...

4- tru-canna purple project pheno #1... This pheno is more indica dominant. Will knock you out. Grape & diesel was the nose on this one. She went 68 days. Turnt purple in cooler temps of winter. First summer with her.

3- tru-canna purple project pheno #2...
This pheno is more sativa dominant...with thinner leaves... bigger stretch...Nice up buzz...
Turned dark purple past winter...smaller yields...but dark purple & very diesel.
Actually...most of my pics are of pheno # 1. #2 are smaller buds..Nice trich coverage. We'll see if she get as dark as she got this past winter. She went 75ish days...& could have any longer.

The last plant...."I don't know who she is"... My dog & my plants had a mix up.
I think it's... Blazing pistelleros ... The White x goji og. We'll see as she grows...sativa dominant slower growing bud structure...should be frosty as hell. 75ish days as well.

Snypes system rocks. When watertemps were high..the plants never missed a beat.. Grows big...fast. Still trying to figure out how ima support these up. Pheno #1 is gonna be huge.
No smells in the room yet.

Thanks for looking....

Nice....nice..nice...!!. thank you for the response and the info...
Its great when something performs as intended/designed..do you think you'll keep moving forward with this style of dwc..?

as always...thanks for posting...!!



Active member
Hello jointventure... I was actually looking into buying a rdwc system when I ran across Snypes. I'm glad I read his post. The system parts are top notch...We'll thought out. It's like a turbo charged engine.
And the part I like the most is vegging in e&f...you get a verry nice root system going into dwc. I've grown dwc before...& the plant seems to grow faster than the roots... In this system you have a nice root system when you start dwc....the plants just explode...

So...to answer your question...yes... Dwc will be in my main room. Next round I haveta figure out how to put these tomato cages on...& this round haveta figure out how I'm going to support the girls toward the end...

Thanks for looking...


Active member

The plant that is "back left" in the system grew to big & fell over on the other plants(no it wasn't supported...thought it would be fine till later in flower)....which caused a dominoe effect.
End result...a few broken branches ..some are tied up...some are leaning against another....
You live & learn...

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Everything looks great.....sorry about the pumps...that really sucks...always happens at the most inconvenient time...as far as the cages go...the extra material the manufacture leaves at the bottom so you can drive the cage into the ground.....cut all of that away(except for 1")...next.. put a 90 degree bend into that 1" piece(all three pieces..towards the center of the cage)...the 90* "legs" allow the cages to rest on the legs...not the top of the buckets...and..allows you access to the airstone hose....they work really well...but...not my idea(the tomato cages)as you know...
