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RDWC Grow Along!

Day 19 Flower

Day 19 Flower

This is day 19 of flowering. The SCROG was placed above the plants about ten days ago and it's spread things out really well. One of the plants closest to the light is the tallest at about 40". I've done my best to keep the canopy even by pinching the tallest tops but some of the tops have sprouted up past the others in the days that I wasn't with them. There is a ton of light getting down into the canopy though and bud everywhere so I'm feeling good about it. This has been a great first run. It's been crazy to see the growth rate compared to the growing I did in soil. I can see notable growth each day and now that the plants are budding, they are maturing so much faster. Just got CO2 pumping at 600 ppm which I will increase in the weeks to come.


I'm interested to hear the schedule you use for CO2. Right now I have the regulator set up to a timer to come on about 15 minutes before the light comes on and then every two hours or so after that until the light goes off. I'm kind of doing it blind because I don't have a meter but with some incoming funds, I can have much better control of the CO2 levels with a meter and controller.


Active member
First run on that brute system... No leaks n plants are healthy... Just been distracted. It's gonna be hard to keep up here when the weather gets better. Couple harvest shots from old system

Looks real nice! I feel you on the spring weather that's coming soon. Hope you have a great harvest!


I have read pretty much all of your posts over the past year in my quest to mastering DWC, which i must add is becoming a nightmare for me with regards to root rot due to me not being consistant with my approach (incorrect tea making/leaking system/high temps). I am trying again this time after 4 failed attempts, i am going by the book this run and no more thinking i know best.

Anway dude, your good self along with RichRich are some of the best contributors to the MJ community.

Much respect to dude.

Sorry to hear that. I've had many experience with newbies thinking they knew more than me and switched so many things, even nutes. No one made it. It's hard for some people to try a trusted formula at least on the first run to see how it goes. Hopefully you get your issues sorted out. I've never used the tea but I like the idea if you can get it right.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=60266&pictureid=1414939&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

This is day 19 of flowering. The SCROG was placed above the plants about ten days ago and it's spread things out really well. One of the plants closest to the light is the tallest at about 40". I've done my best to keep the canopy even by pinching the tallest tops but some of the tops have sprouted up past the others in the days that I wasn't with them. There is a ton of light getting down into the canopy though and bud everywhere so I'm feeling good about it. This has been a great first run. It's been crazy to see the growth rate compared to the growing I did in soil. I can see notable growth each day and now that the plants are budding, they are maturing so much faster. Just got CO2 pumping at 600 ppm which I will increase in the weeks to come.


I'm interested to hear the schedule you use for CO2. Right now I have the regulator set up to a timer to come on about 15 minutes before the light comes on and then every two hours or so after that until the light goes off. I'm kind of doing it blind because I don't have a meter but with some incoming funds, I can have much better control of the CO2 levels with a meter and controller.
Nice! Having the CO2 coming on 15 minutes before is a waste. When the light first turns on there should be plenty of CO2 already there from the plants themselves. Plants give off CO2 at night. Your room has to be sealed pretty good to benefit from CO2. You have to measure the cubic feet of your room and do your calculation so you can set your regulator to turn on at the right time intervals. I'd go every hour. The amount of minutes that it will come on would depend on what the calculations tell you and how fast the regulator spits it out. I turn off the CO2 1 hour before lights out. I use the CO2 1 hour after lights on. A 20 pound tank should last roughly 2 weeks for you. 600 PPM sounds good but it's all guessing with limited equipment.


PH level, feeding and topping with straight r/o water.

PH level, feeding and topping with straight r/o water.

Just want to say before I ask my questions what an great mentor and teacher you are to this community. Thanks for all the great threads. Going to be using your cloning formula next month, can't wait. Anyway onto my questions.

I read on another thread that as the nutrient level drops your ph should rise slightly, if your ph drops then you are under feeding your plants. Is this true?
That leads into my next question.
I have a reservoir, with r/o water hooked up to my controller tank via a float valve. I change my nutes every week during flowering and top off with the straight r/o water during the rest of the week. The nute level usually drops 200-300ppm depending on the stage of flowering the plants are in, and my ph usually goes from 5.8 to about 5.5. I've never had any issues doing this but I wonder if I am not feeding my ladies enough during the flowering. Should I be keeping the nute level steady all week? It's a 50 gallon system when full and I usually go through another 35 gallons in r/o, not sure if that's normal.
Thanks again.


Active member
Just want to say before I ask my questions what an great mentor and teacher you are to this community. Thanks for all the great threads. Going to be using your cloning formula next month, can't wait. Anyway onto my questions.

I read on another thread that as the nutrient level drops your ph should rise slightly, if your ph drops then you are under feeding your plants. Is this true?
That leads into my next question.
I have a reservoir, with r/o water hooked up to my controller tank via a float valve. I change my nutes every week during flowering and top off with the straight r/o water during the rest of the week. The nute level usually drops 200-300ppm depending on the stage of flowering the plants are in, and my ph usually goes from 5.8 to about 5.5. I've never had any issues doing this but I wonder if I am not feeding my ladies enough during the flowering. Should I be keeping the nute level steady all week? It's a 50 gallon system when full and I usually go through another 35 gallons in r/o, not sure if that's normal.
Thanks again.

In my opinion, it's true sometimes. I don't look at those types of things because they make no sense to me. What I look at is this. As your rez is going down, is the PPM going up or down? That's the real question. As your rez goes down, you want your PPM to stay the same. That means that when you add back the RO water, the PPM will then go down. But as the liquid goes down in the REZ, the PPM should always stay the same. If it goes up then you are too high. If it goes down you are too low. So that means if the PPM stays the same, when you add back your water, you will also need to add back some nutes at the rates that I list.


Active member
For anyone growing My ChemDD cut in RDWC:

Day 42 Flower: Turn down lights to 750. Still on 12/12. Lower nutes according to my feeding guide.

Day 50 Flower: 12.5 Dark 11.5 Light. Lower nutes according to my feeding guide.

Day 53 Flower: 13 hours of dark and 11 hours of light and I'm still at 750 watts for each light. Lower nutes according to my feeding guide.

Day 58 Flower: All lights turned down to 600’s. Lower nutes according to my feeding guide.

Day 62 Flower: 14 hours dark / 10 hours light. Lower nutes according to my feeding guide.
hi snypes !

Nice job !

How much space (area) have you in production rooms(rdwc) compared to cloning and/or mother plants and vegging. Just give a ratio please...



Active member
hi snypes !

Nice job !

How much space (area) have you in production rooms(rdwc) compared to cloning and/or mother plants and vegging. Just give a ratio please...


Well that's one of the great parts of these systems. Each 10 bucket / 2,000 watt system only needs a 2' x 4' tray in the VEG room for 10 days - 2 weeks. Also I only need 1 MOM for a 4,000 Watt room. So it's great for space! Your VEG room can be a closet or a 4' x 4' tent. With the crazy fast growth rates of RDWC, it really cuts down on VEG time.

So you want an exact ratio? Ok here we go. For every 8' x 8' in flowering for 4,000 watts, I need 2' x 8' with 440 Watts of T5's. So that would be 25% needed for space and about 10% needed for VEG lights. Then you need a MOM which takes up about 2' x 2' with about 200 watts on her.
Day 26 Flower-

Plants range from 40-44". CO2 has been set to be around 600 that past week, and recently turned up closer to 800. However, these are just estimates, as I do not have a CO2 meter currently. The estimates are based on the size of the room and flow of CO2 through the regulator.
CO2 has been set to be around 600 that past week, and recently turned up closer to 800. However, these are just estimates, as I do not have a CO2 meter currently. The estimates are based on the size of the room and flow of CO2 through the regulator.

i've got a co2 meter and i can tell that the value can change easily when i work in the growing space. Breathing adds a lot of ppm.
You should have a way to monitor the co2 as it can be bad also, just my feeling.
Day 33 Flower

Day 33 Flower

Day 33 of flowering. Everything looking pretty good, although the pH has been dropping to around 5.5 the last few days and plants do not eat as much some days as other days. I have been changing out the water every night to avoid any type of lock-out or treat any lock-out that is occuring. I do not have all the data handy from the last week, or else I would provide you guys with it. The plants have definitely been feeding much differently as flowering progresses.



Active member
Day 5 veg b
Plants are just starting to take off since moved to dwc.
I supercropped as soon as they went in & will again right before flip.
It's kinda split up in two sides....since it's a 10 bucket system...and only 8 plants...

Right side

Left side



Active member
That's why I posted that pic. The last two days the temps were 87°-85°...
Haven't reached 90° yet....Lol
Plants seem to love it...no chiller...87°+...white roots....green plants...

Can't argue with that root pic...!! Looks happy...I remember using a lot of electricity to keep root temps in the 60's...until you do it a few times with high temps....its difficult to believe....

thanks for the update...

Day 5 veg b
Plants are just starting to take off since moved to dwc.
I supercropped as soon as they went in & will again right before flip.
It's kinda split up in two sides....since it's a 10 bucket system...and only 8 plants...

Right side

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=4075&pictureid=1421102&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Left side

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=4075&pictureid=1421103&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Nice job, roots look great. I would say that you have a lot of evening out to do to achieve an even canopy to maximize the yield from whatever light you are using. I can't tell, but it looks like you are using 1000W. It looks kinda dark in that room. I would suggest providing some more light to maximize your yield, as well as doing any sort of LSTing that you can do. I have a 1000W crop going that I've been posting on this thread. 6 plants, 1000W and I also added some CFL's around the sides of the system to maximize my yield. There is just so much growth within the 4'x5' within my SCROG that I needed to get some light in the middle of the canopy.