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Raw honey, or raw cacao powder?


Paint Your DreamStrain
It's summer now, so the coconut oil is liquid, but in the winter you have to find a way to lightly heat the oil up without cookin it.. i think i just put it on low on the stove till it was a little soft. Have fun, you won't be disappointed if you decide to make it!

Just fill up a Bowl with Hot Water and set your Coconut Oil Jar in there. Might take a bit longer than using a Stove.

Your Recipe sounds Dynamite! Blending something like:

2 Parts Dates,
2 Parts of your Choice of Nuts - Pecans, Walnuts, Cashews, anything goes really
1 Part Cacao Powder

in a High Speed Blender (Say, a Vitamix), creates Deliciousness as well. I did that recipe using Pecans, and added some Kala Namak Salt that I discovered recently - it was Incredible. Kala Namak has a HardBoiled Egg-like flavor, it added a sort of Eggy ButteryPopcorn touch to the Brownies. Divine.


mmmmmm gooballs. breakfast of festival champions. for a second i thought your morning batch of fudge was some weird thing like taking the browns to the superbowl. haha im retarded. im really interested in honey sub for molasses. was thinking about raw blue agave syrup last week too cause the store i was in only had grandmas and that agave stuff was looking superior somehow. wasnt sure though. im gonna get my google on now. tagged really interested in this idea. raw cacao too, brilliant... seems good in my mind anyway.


Paint Your DreamStrain
I definitely Would Be down for doing a little Raw Cacao topdressing for Fun and Prana. In the long run though, it would probably more practical to source Cacao Hulls!


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Mmmm i love the raw cacoa nibs on my muesli in the morning with fresh fruit and yoghurt! They are a wee bit exy but.

I used to buy a bottled organic fert called Monstabud that marketed its containing tricantanol from beeswax. Always wanted a beehiveor two. Right next to my greenhouse :smoke:


I have a manuka honey and aloe vera juice i like to add to my foliars every now and then.