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Raistlin's Room '08



wattup raist.PH is lookin like shes gonna spread her wings for ya bro.
the babies look good for the most part.did those come outta the cloner?
is you foliar feed them with clone x it stops the yellowing up or atleast controls it a lil bit.i hittem up like twice a day.peace yo-Y-


Active member
Thanks, Raistlin. If ya wouldn't mind posting the genetics of the CJ (prolly again :bashhead:) I'd appreciate it!

Pardon the newbie q, but why the yellowing on the lower leaves of the PH and slight twisting just below the tops?
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Raistlin Majere

YwouldntI ~ not clones brother, seedlings
they went through the heat wave outside on my back porch, thats why they still so small
the roots never even filled the small cups they were in, thats how little they grew
i have no funds to get clone X, but a few small leaves on the bottom are not gonna hurt anything i don't think
i am hoping to get 4 cuts from each plant in about 2 weeks, probably not the front and center one unless it does better that it is now :badday:

mjcuresall ~ Casey Jones = Oriental Express(Trainwreck X Thai) X EastCoast Sour Diesel V3
i am thinking the yellowing is from lack on N, as she has had none added yet
i never have followed a strict feeding regime, just a little hear and there
the twisting, it looks more like wrinkles in person i'll try and get a better pic for ya later
but along with that the leaves are thick, i am pretty sure thats a genetic trait from the DC daddy

there is some eagle clawing going on as well, i always thought that was from over feeding ??? kinda strange because if anything she would be starving for food

JustinCase ~ LOL, well the walls were already in place
only the panda is duct taped up, but it should work just fine i don't need anything fancy to veg in
as long as its light proof :joint: now i just have to figgure out how i am gonna get my EZ-cloner in there using a third light source
gonna somehow try and rig it to catch a bit of light from my veg cab, without getting light on the front of my flower cab
cause thats not light tight and never will be :bashhead: well untill i figure out an air intake that works in panda film that is :muahaha:



I recognize that "eagle clawing", as my #7 plant has it as well, only worse. I was told it's too much N. I tried flushing and feeding w/o N but yet it remains. I think thats just a sensitive Mandala plant.(mine)
whats the finishing time on that CJ?

...by substrate I mean the perlite in the rubbermaid tub, wich I am goin down there very shortly to take pics and help out in any way I can.
..and yeah, YOU need to stop lurkin and start postin yourself!!!
you might miss red9 but I miss you too!

Raistlin Majere

well it cannot be to much N this time, as i have not added any yet LOL
well last night i did, after i took the pix
makes me think again its the FF(nutes) overall :badday: even though the only got such a small amount ???
mystery to me. i should toss them now and be done with it :bashhead:

:lurk: :lurk: :lurk: :lurk: :lurk: lurk, lurk, lurk :muahaha:
haven't even really been doing that much either
hard to do so from outside :joint:
going swimming again here in about half an hour :rasta:

:EDIT: flower time on CJ is 55-68 daze i think
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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Raist~ Sup Buddy, just droppin in and i saw you guys talkin about eagle clawing and N levels and what not. FoxFarm nutes were my worst enemy for a while. The last time I used them i burnt the crap out of the plants, and severly damaged my White Rhino mother. After talking to a bunch of people on another forum and one of the members calling foxfarm for having the same problem.(sever clawing and crispy leaves) They told him that they have calls all the time about it. turns out that both the grow big and bloom, will burn if watered on dry soil/roots.

they told me that the best way to approach the situation was to water the pots with cold clean water first, wait 15-30 minutes, for the soil and roots to rehydrate, then water again with your fox farm nutes. i adopted this practice and now it works perfectly. i no longer use fox farm nutes but i do "prewater" all my plants in flower. and i have not burned one yet.

cellardweller said:
I recognize that "eagle clawing", as my #7 plant has it as well, only worse. I was told it's too much N. I tried flushing and feeding w/o N but yet it remains. I think thats just a sensitive Mandala plant.(mine)
whats the finishing time on that CJ?

...by substrate I mean the perlite in the rubbermaid tub, wich I am goin down there very shortly to take pics and help out in any way I can.
..and yeah, YOU need to stop lurkin and start postin yourself!!!
you might miss red9 but I miss you too!

MY Nirvana K2 plant, does this.. i gave her too many vegg nutes right b4 flower and she eagle claws, just like yours does. however i have also found Raist's problem, wilst using FOX FARM NUTES. im kinda stoned and didnt read if you are using them too, but if so read Raist's comment.


thats half the turkey pan, already harvested the other side.



i know no funds raist, but i thought i would chime in here on FFOF.

i currently use it, 1 full bag mixed with 1 full bag of Black Gold. light fluffy mix, with nutes and away ya go.
add 3/4 cup of dolomite lime, 1 and half cup of Bonemeal, 1 and halfcup Bloodmeal, a large bag or more of perlite, and you be playing with the same dirt i run. heheh.

water only for 10 weeks... no nutes..
e x p z

FFOF for the win :)
we know its hot, so cool it down.


i use ff nutes too raist and they work cool for me,i dont use ff soil though.

like Endo i also prewater my plants with cold water before i feed.i was told this a while back ago from somebody here on the boards.it also helps to not waste ur nutes.when you first water to dry soil all the runoff comes out and your nutes right along with it.when you pre water it stops all that waste of ur nutes yo.and i pre-water with the same amount of water that imma feed them like if each plant is gettin a half gallon of feed they get a half gallon pre water and like that.it'll also make it so you only waterin/feedin like once a week if the temps aint high.i even prewater veg if theyre gettin any n that day. well im done ramblin now.peace-Y-
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Raistlin Majere

Endo ~ cubies looks nice bro :respect:
and thanks for the tip on how exactly to pre-water, i have always done it but never like described
i only watered just a bit to get the top inch or two wet, next watering i'll do it the proper way

i am surprised though at how the plants react to only doing this once, FF nutes must be STRONG

NZjay ~ info filed away for later usage :friends: thanks bro :wave:

cellardweller ~ :bongsmi: :canabis: :bongsmi:

YwouldntI ~ thanks for more confermation, i'll deff be doing it the correct way now :ying:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
You don't need clonex or olivia's or any other cloning solution with the EZ cloner.
I just gets sprayed off by water anyway.....so I doubt it's of any use. I slap it on out of habit and superstition. Therefore no funds are required.
As far as what kind of light is necessary to get your clones pumping: natural light this time of year will suffice....but in the absence of that: all my moms, vegatives and clones share one 105 watt Compact Flourescent....and it's MORE than ample.
My friend almost had a heart attack when he came to pick up clones on the 19th. He couldn't believe how much stuff was growing healthily under such a small lamp.
He's accustomed to growing whatever he wants because he jumped the meter....so he's got multiple thousands of watts pumping. It's QUALITY not QUANTITY sometimes.
Love and attention can go alot longer than raw wattage (but I certainly wouldn't turn down the opportunity to crank out 10K+).
I used to have the EZ Cloner under a 15 Watt flourescent tube and everything was cool also.


yeah i just use a 4 ft shop light over mine and it works fine.
that e-z is a beast yo.for sure.peace-Y-

Raistlin Majere

:wave: morning guys :wave:
yeah i know the light requirements are low when cloning
i just have to figgure out how i am gonna have all this in my closet :muahaha:
kinda tight in there, and keeping the lighting seperate from each other is getting tricky LOL

take care :rasta: back tonight


Smokin on that serious...
im gonna be eatin quite a bit of cubies myself at a certain music fest happenin in the north east this weekend :bashhead:

hope there as good lookin as yours are! keep up the good work mang!


wattup raist just wakin and bakin and makin my rounds.
mornin brotha.

endo those shrooms look crazy yo.i gotta try my hand,mf's go f'in nuts for those around here yo.and you guys make it seem prety easy too.hmmm lets see i know i got some spare space around here somewhere.....
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Raistlin Majere said:
i just have to figgure out how i am gonna have all this in my closet :muahaha:
kinda tight in there, and keeping the lighting seperate from each other is getting tricky LOL
"That's what other closets are for...":That's my personal quote for the day.
However, in the spirit of things, I've taken upon the mantle of posting some other rather famous quotes about closets right here for your entertainment purposes:​
George Bernard Shaw said:
“If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance.”:1856-1950
Charles Caleb Colton said:
“To dare to live alone is the rarest courage; since there are many who had rather meet their bitterest enemy in the field, than their own hearts in their closet.”:1780-1832
Henry Ward Beecher said:
“The world's battlefields have been in the heart chiefly; more heroism has been displayed in the household and the closet, than on the most memorable battlefields in history”:1813-1887
