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Raistlin's Room '08



Raistlin Majere said:
put some seeds down last night :joint:
and AK 47 F2's (the mother was cherry pheno)


damnit damnit damnit :cuss: :badday:
edit: I'll find out where he got em and you'll know soon enough..
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Raistlin Majere

i think i know what your talking about :confused:
kick me a P.M. later bro


RM--Thanks bro ..i have a 6inch vortex already so now i need to go get a big enough cooler...what kind of ducting was that....thanks for the info



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
cellardweller said:
damnit damnit damnit :cuss: :badday:
edit: I'll find out where he got em and you'll know soon enough..

What's with the soap opera cliffhanger rant there?:confused: You'd think you'd be elated Raistlin was dropping new beans.

All I've got to say is cheers!:friends: I'm sending super-ultra-hyper-positive vibes (damn I think I'm channeling Soma.... :rasta: ) your way so that they are all tasty ass keeper females that will become the thing of legend.

Someday people will say: "Did you taste that nug Raist had last night?....I can barely remember last night that sh*t was nuts!" :canabis:


Active member
Well I got it. cd's gonna find out where his buddies spores came from. :laughing:
No drama.

Oh boy, Chocolate Chunk and AK 47.

Raistlin Majere

SILVER BACK ~ ah yes the internet, i have learned so damn much since i came on-line !!
the duct i have is 6in insulated ducting, if you want i can post a pic later of what it looks like
but its not hard to find

accessndx ~ cellard is getting the "where are my beans" blues
his last two packages have not made it to him :badday:
(sorry cellard if you don't want me talkin bout your bizz)

thanks for the super-ultra-hyper-positive vibes accessomandx :muahaha:
i sure do need them, gonna be doing ALOT of cloning on these seed plants
gotta get the damn thing down !!!

and bro people already said that about the CC, they always ask when the chunk is coming around again
awsome genetics, thats why i am so stoked to run them again
it would have been a hard decision on which plant to keep as a mother last time

i hope its the same this time !!

hazy ~ :wave: well you got half of it :muahaha:
howizit hazy my brother :friends:
glad i get to run the AK as i have never smoked it as of yet
a friend once pulled some fluffy airy "buds" out and called them AK, but i never believed him
i am gonna make it a point to gift him a bag once i am able to
and be like "oh its just AK nothing special" LOL



:laughing: Rais, your right on the money bro..I dont mind one bit about it though. I have a new safe addy with no love lost so it's all good! :joint: I'm sendin those vibes too bro! Hopin it all blows up for ya! I know how you feel bout pics in yer thread but I think this one is justified.YOU inspired me/us to do this...
Look familar?

cubensis, B+. :muahaha:
and yes, hazy got 1/2.. :laughing: :muahaha:
edit: the needle's position is just a "pose" for the pic. it was run right down the jar-o, boy-o! and just for general knowledge, the spores came from Hawk's eye.
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Raistlin Majere

yeah bro i just followed your last two posts :muahaha:
glad your trying it
the B+ will get huge and they are a good trip to boot


vBulletin Message
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Raistlin Majere again.

all the time man...thanks for yo words bro! :friendz:


Registered Pothead
Raistlin what up brotha. You know i am taggin along this one now that i know who you are :bashhead: Glad to be back and seeing old friends still doing the damn thing.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
cellardweller said:
the needle's position is just a "pose" for the pic. it was run right down the jar-o, boy-o!

I was about to say: "Look at that perfect aseptic technique" (that's my sarcasm ray on full blast) before I saw your edit! LOL.

If you saw the way I handled my innoculations....you'd laugh. I do it in the bathroom....I don't spray bleach, don't clean anything down....nada. I just use an alcohol wipe or isopropyl alcohol to dip.....I wear a cheap dust particle face mask so I'm not breathing on anything. I quickly remove the tinfoil from the tops of the jars (which look just like yours)......put in the syringe and bingo!. I'm usually high as a kite and probably haven't taken a shower...LOL.
Real hillbilly style. Suprisingly enough I don't get many problems. Even with the most sterile and best techniques....you can expect some contaminates.
Let's face it...the medium you grow mushies in is perfect for anything else to grow that's a microorganism.

Raist: Why is it so difficult for people to get their hands on that Chocolate Chunk? I've heard you say your peeps are always out of 'em and your friends are always encouraging you to run them again. Are they not on seedbay/boutique....gypsy..etc.? I know these came right from Adam (the breeder) himself. It's an older strain...is it being phased out in favor of other stuff TH Seeds is making like: Sage and Sour, The Hog, MK-Ultra..etc? I didn't get a chance to really discuss it with Adam, but I got the impression that even they didn't have many of these beans at the time. I would'a bought more packs if they did. I'm sure you'll find a keeper. We need to get you to cloning boot camp just in case these are like the last CC beans on the planet. If its' reputation precedes it as much as you say it does.....you don't want to lose the best of those gals.


accessndx said:

If you saw the way I handled my innoculations....you'd laugh. I do it in the bathroom....I don't spray bleach, don't clean anything down....nada. I just use an alcohol wipe or isopropyl alcohol to dip.....I wear a cheap dust particle face mask so I'm not breathing on anything. I quickly remove the tinfoil from the tops of the jars (which look just like yours)......put in the syringe and bingo!. I'm usually high as a kite and probably haven't taken a shower...LOL.
Real hillbilly style. Suprisingly enough I don't get many problems. Even with the most sterile and best techniques....you can expect some contaminates.
Let's face it...the medium you grow mushies in is perfect for anything else to grow that's a microorganism.
:laughing: How'd ya know I be 1/2 hillybilly? :laughing:

Raistlin Majere

chubbynugs ~ glad you got the message :rasta:
i couldn't remember if i told a my new nick or not
but now that your here i'm proud to have ya in my threads again :friends:
glad your back to posting i have missed you my friend :jump:

accessndx ~ i do my innoculations in the bathroom as well
but i don't use alcohol wipes or anything at all LOL
i don't have tinfoil on my tops though cause i use masking tape
the only thing i do different is i don't smoke when i do the innoculations
and with the exception of my first set of jars, i have never had a contam problem
its a mystery to me how some peeps have so many problems
of course its a mystery to me on how to clone properly too LOL (4 now that is)

about the chunk
my friends have no idea you can order seeds on-line :joint:
they don't know what ICM or SB or any of this is
they would never believe i grew/grow what i shere with them
far as they know its a hook up that comes from cali every couple months

glad you told me about them phasing the strain out
i WILL be buying more packs as soon as i have the cash to do so
such a shame to cause its a really unique smoke IMHO
probably make some F2's as well



wattup raist imma be orderin them too thanx too the info fom access;)i wont get them all though yo,i'll leave some there for ya LOL.

another thing about clonin yo when i used the rokwool i would never let it be like WET just moist yo rokwool soaks up water real fats its easier to water it with a dropper imho.and i used only bottled water,at room temp.just a couple things i thought of.hope it helped.peace-Y-


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Adam quote from TH Seeds / philosophies on their genetics

Adam quote from TH Seeds / philosophies on their genetics

Raistlin Majere said:
about the chunk...
glad you told me about them phasing the strain out
i WILL be buying more packs as soon as i have the cash to do so
such a shame to cause its a really unique smoke IMHO
probably make some F2's as well
I think I misspoke. That was more of a rhetorical "are they phasing that out?" type of question. In other words....maybe it's so difficult to get because they're getting behind their other strains (MK-ULTRA) that are winning cups and have gotten more publicity. As far as having to buy more: if you can hone your cloning skills.....you'll never have to buy more. I know there have been strains kept alive for at least 15+ years. The trick is just to have enough space so you can keep a cutting alive and if you want to put that strain back into rotation....you grow a mom up and voila! In a few weeks you've got CC (or whatever strain) back again for a sequel.:yes:


By the way: I've been discussing TH Seeds Genetics with alot of people. Overall they were all trashing TH Seeds...and there may be good reason. Of course, you were like one of the first people that seemed genuinely interested in working with their genetics....
Zombo had alot of input about another strain called Da Purps. I'm paraphrasing, but essentially he thought they were dubious genetics, very stretchy.....airy buds with no definition or thickness...and took forever to flower.
On the TH Seeds website, Da Purps is defined more like a pure indica that has a short flowering period.
It's differences in the end product and the description that has caused alot of the anger and heated discussions.

Disregardless, I found this interesting quote from Adam the breeder from TH Seeds that may explain some of the phenomenon (at least with regards to a long flowering period). So I'm gonna put it here. Let me know if this sounds logical:

"...before you put your garden into flowering from 18 to 12 hours give the plants 36 hours of darkness, by doing this it will reset the plants natural body clock. After the 36 (or anytime after 24 up to at the most 40 hours) the plant will go straight into flowering rather than adjusting from 18 to 12 which in some strains can be an extra few weeks then when the plant is finished give it another 36 hours this will reset the body clock again this time the plant knows it is finished and will push out all remaining energy into its last trichome production try it."

Now, when people tell me that they've been flowering some TH Seeds strain for WAY longer than they expected to....and it's STILL not finished...it's making me wonder if that's because Adam pulls this trick with the cannabis biological clock with all his strains. If it has a serious impact on initial development, it could take a 10 week strain to 14 weeks...hence the disillusionment.:frown:

Has anyone ever heard of that type of dark interval before initiating a 12/12 cycle?

I wonder what it does to final yield, overall development...etc.:chin:
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accessndx said:
"...before you put your garden into flowering from 18 to 12 hours give the plants 36 hours of darkness, by doing this it will reset the plants natural body clock. After the 36 (or anytime after 24 up to at the most 40 hours) the plant will go straight into flowering rather than adjusting from 18 to 12 which in some strains can be an extra few weeks then when the plant is finished give it another 36 hours this will reset the body clock again this time the plant knows it is finished and will push out all remaining energy into its last trichome production try it."

Has anyone ever heard of that type of dark interval before initiating a 12/12 cycle?

I wonder what it does to final yield, overall development...etc.:chin:

Yes. Just under 36 hrs.(from 24/7) We'll find out together.:chin:

Raist, sorry but I had to answer that 1st. What you said about the masking tape just hit me and made just really good common sense. Less surface area for crap to form. And easily removed.. We did our 'nocs in the kitchen, nosmo king, no gloves,no masks,no bleach. Boiled jar and substrate fer an hour, cooled for 4 hrs. A lighter to the needle, and done.
mmmm chocolate mmmm :droolz:

Raistlin Majere

YwouldntI ~ you ordering THseeds genitics ?

accessndx ~ yeah moms can stay around for a long time, but god forbid if i lost my mom and they stopped selling the seeds !!!!

i actually had da purps vegging in my last cab but tossed them for lack of room, and zombo's word/pics
i could tell from the get go they had heavy sativa influence as well !!
and yes it pissed me off, but not enough to stop me from promoting their CC

i also remember reading that quote from adam, dunno if i will ever try it though
kinda seems like extra unneeded steps, to each their own i geuss
i have read verious threads on newbs asking if they should try it and the general population here said it was not needed, i don't think it would hurt to try it though
the CC flowered for 63 days and had rock hard tight nugs
average yeild per plant was over 2oz

cellardweller ~ sounds good to me, only one thing the lighter flaming does not need to be done
syringes are sent sterile
when you hold a flame under something or even on it it will leave that black residue
same with the needle tip, probably work out for you, but IMHO it is just another route for contam.
i'll post a pic of how i put the tape on my jars

speaking of pics
last night all 5 CC popped for me (no suprise for me) and 5 of the 8 AK
:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

and dinner tonight :muahaha:

have a great 4th, the damn rain is keeping me inside so far today :badday:
BUT...... its a good thing for my babies in the cornfeild :rasta:
keep it green brothers !!


thanks fo de 411 bro! We only fired one needle tho. The other we used a steri-wipe. mad scientist shit, ya know?..
Happy fireworks bro-

Raistlin Majere

raining here i dunno if the fireworks will be delayed till tommorow night or not
ah well i don't really care i'll trip both nights :muahaha:

haha you hear my one B+ story i posted awhile ago
i ran into a friend who i have not seen in quite awhile
said he had shrooms and asked if i wanted some (to buy some)
damn if he did not pull out a bag of MY cubies :muahaha:
i recognized several of them in the bag as ones i had for sure picked and dried
now i gave them for free to another friend and it looks like he either gave some away or sold some
but inside i was laughing like hell
i told the guy i stopped tripping years ago but thanks for the offer :rasta:
never did question the guy i gave them to, after all once gifted they become his to do whatever with
would kind of steam me a bit to know he made money off a gift though
mebbe thats why i have not asked him



wattup raist,looks like you'll be havin a explosive 4th fireworks or not LOL.

naa bro i aint orderin from them,i started readin up on that chunk i was also readin alot of bad stuff peeps had to say about the thseeds genetics.i think i'll hold off on it maybe i get a offer on some(hint hint :muahaha: ) or if not i'll wait till i got the space/time to roll the dice and order from them yo.

lovin the pics of the shroomies too maing.peace brotha.have a good 4th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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