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Rage Against Mankind!


Active member
You know Budsy/mpd... that I am on to you now.....

MPD or Multiple Personality D/O Disorder has been called DID since the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV replaced it with DID. IN 1994

and a REAL Disassociative or mpd/DID as you say in your opening post in 2004 here would have known that.INDEED!

I am not breaking HIPPA here as these are your words on opening post dear!

Not to mention Multiple Personality Disorder or "Alter Ego" is RARELY seen outside the North American continent so many psychiatrist don't believe it is even a legit diagnosis.

Do better research when you sign on to multiple sites and play many different characters that I got to know well at another weed site that is now closed. YOU NEVER FOOLED MWA!!!! Your distinct personality don't freakin' fool me dear....

You are just a frightened little man just like Hempity once stated and I am way too and intelligent and educated to not pick up on this thing you do....

It would be fun if you were not so destructive and fuck with people just to entertain self like you did MAJOR BUDS while I went through my husbands death followed by my sons death once upon a time.


Your last post here was 5 years ago and you returned after I came here after MH closed down and I moved here.... And not for good resons either. I admit you are very funny with a sharp sense of humor.....

But you are one freakin' sicko and as a nurse I pity you.

If I was diagnosing you.....and nurses don't diagnose I would say narcissistic sociopath and that my dear has NO CURE. But I wish you the best dear....but fuck off.

people beware because I definately won't post here and watch what he does to cause trouble....CLUE......Marihemp is no longer in business.

The mental games he plays are damn weird but I watch like watchin' a trainwreck happen.

BUT Then ...my daughter said the reason I was a nurse in the jail once
"to meet interesting people".....AND IDEED I DID! I will be attending an execution soon of a serial killer I once nursed who is goin' to be killed soon....James Delano Winlkes. He invited me!

I took care of his diabetes and these whacko's just intrigue me AT A DISTANCE!

but PEEPS believe it or not Nurse Madre knows her stuff.

BUDSY'''''FUCK OFF with your mean dirty little games to amuse yourself and get a real life darlin'

Goodbye guys....it has been a hoot till he came back.


Active member
Sorry guys as I went "signal 20" and owe an explanation here, at least to the mods here'

But when I got to this site I just knew he would follow. So I could not figure out which one he was at first as he is quite a chameleon[sp] But I came online to weed sites when I got my laptop to entertain myself while I was doing death watch for a couple of years. ...

I was researching MMJ for my husbands chemo and my daughters MSN thesis. While hangin' out at the V.A. hospital talking to vets about MMJ as they knew I was a nurse while my husband was a patient there.

But to make a long story short widows with assets get targeted by NUTS ONLINE and I won't even go into it at this time.....but MISSION ACCOMPLISHED as I had to show this sociopathic asshole that he ain't smarter than Nurse Madre. I always had his number really. I have been to hell and back the last 5 years with the loss of my husband and eldest son......I myself became "signal 20" under the pressure.......BUT I am a survivor and am happy again.....but I have to confront ppl like him and protect the women on these weed sites who can't see through his crap as he IS REALLY GOOD with his games.

But this "neoplasm" on the internet likes to play head games for sport. I noticed after a while he was on the computer 24/7 doin' his thing....AGITATING!!!!!!

I was on the computer 24 hrs dealing with the death watch as best I could.....the man I was married to since 15 years old and had 5 kids with was dying before my eyes and I could not stop it. And this asshole who is funny no doubt as you see here....BUT HE IS EVIL! and I don't say that OFTEN about humans! But I finally figured out that the returning mpd was Major Buds who I used to laugh with daily online till IT GOT UGLY and I figured out what he does for fun. He must not have a real life other than the internet....

I have been watching him 5 years myself. He has more than one computer to do the things he does do.....I am techno=dumbo really.....but figured that much out.

So this guys who professes "mpd" definately is CRAZY FO SHO! but it ain't MPD or even DID........

But he ain't gonna fuck with Nurse Madre any further or I will turn the tables on his ass make him wish he had not fucked with me.

I have had lots of nice compliments on my IC here and have made a few kindred spirit friends and I apologize foe goin' off on this miscreant.


Active member
BUT he is one hell of a grower with much knowledge I will have to give him that.....I learned a lot about growing so I can do it soon I hope. But even some growers are "pathologically nuts" ya know......So DO read his growing advice.

Well scuse' me as I am talking to myself at the moment and my grandson is lookin' at me strangely.....LOL.

I feel better now .....REVENGE is quite sweet......but I really don't get off to it because I usually sympathize with the mentally ill. But some are EVIL like Winkles who I will watch die by lethal injection soon.

Who know WTF this neplasm does in real life. Prolly not good though.

But nuff' said and I will move on.

Lovely day here today.....I saw a little sliver of moon out my window last night.

Life is a beautiful thing ,,,,,if I control my strings.....I would be a silly so and so if I should let the strings go!"........Said by the famous author Dr. Wayne Dyer.....a great man .....

And that is Nurse Madre's W.O.W. of the day.....Works for me..........


Active member
Well did ya notice PAZ that HE STARTED the thread!!!!!! He had an AGENDA and I was baiting him if ya read my posts carefully you will see that fact and he freakin' fell for it...LMAO!!!!!

My new cause.....save grieving widows from sicko assholes on the internet......LMAO!!!!!


Soooooo many cause and so little time left ppl,

I am tired already......

But I laughed so hard at your response....I almost peed my pants....
You the man....
Thanks Paz for finding some humor in it!!!!!!

Excuse me guys as a little old lady was kidnapped from a nursing home and a baby 2 months old was kidnnaped here today and Amber Alerts and Silver Alerts are out so I gotta go see if I can see anything strange goin' on in my neck of the woods here.

Another day in paradise!


Active member
I am so worried about this 2 month old missing baby who was kidnapped.....if anybody out there sees a tall thin woman with a full head of hair 2 month old child call the PO PO immediately.....Thanks for Amber Alerts!!!


Lammen Gorthaur
You know Budsy/mpd... that I am on to you now.....

MPD or Multiple Personality D/O Disorder has been called DID since the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV replaced it with DID. IN 1994

and a REAL Disassociative or mpd/DID as you say in your opening post in 2004 here would have known that.INDEED!

I am not breaking HIPPA here as these are your words on opening post dear!

Not to mention Multiple Personality Disorder or "Alter Ego" is RARELY seen outside the North American continent so many psychiatrist don't believe it is even a legit diagnosis.

Do better research when you sign on to multiple sites and play many different characters that I got to know well at another weed site that is now closed. YOU NEVER FOOLED MWA!!!! Your distinct personality don't freakin' fool me dear....

You are just a frightened little man just like Hempity once stated and I am way too and intelligent and educated to not pick up on this thing you do....

It would be fun if you were not so destructive and fuck with people just to entertain self like you did MAJOR BUDS while I went through my husbands death followed by my sons death once upon a time.


Your last post here was 5 years ago and you returned after I came here after MH closed down and I moved here.... And not for good resons either. I admit you are very funny with a sharp sense of humor.....

But you are one freakin' sicko and as a nurse I pity you.

If I was diagnosing you.....and nurses don't diagnose I would say narcissistic sociopath and that my dear has NO CURE. But I wish you the best dear....but fuck off.

people beware because I definately won't post here and watch what he does to cause trouble....CLUE......Marihemp is no longer in business.

The mental games he plays are damn weird but I watch like watchin' a trainwreck happen.

BUT Then ...my daughter said the reason I was a nurse in the jail once
"to meet interesting people".....AND IDEED I DID! I will be attending an execution soon of a serial killer I once nursed who is goin' to be killed soon....James Delano Winlkes. He invited me!

I took care of his diabetes and these whacko's just intrigue me AT A DISTANCE!

but PEEPS believe it or not Nurse Madre knows her stuff.

BUDSY'''''FUCK OFF with your mean dirty little games to amuse yourself and get a real life darlin'

Goodbye guys....it has been a hoot till he came back.

No, I'm aware of the change. When they told me in 1999 my wife laughed and said that's so P.C. Don't want to stigmatize people who are suffering.

I know about the rarity as well. I live in Houston and there are only three (3) soul-slicers who claim to be able to treat it and 2 of the 3 turned out to be people who were more interested in the book deal they would be getting for treating me than actually helping. That's okay, because the consensus is that there are only 3 or 4 of us in the area who have an actual diagnosis.

It's okay if you don't believe me - that's not important to me. What's important is having fun here and I seem to have only succeeded in pissing you off when the intention was to be silly enough to make you laugh.

My apologies. I'm sorry you took offense and I will try to not offend your sensibilities in the future.


Lammen Gorthaur
Mods can close this thread at their leisure. the fun is certainly gone out of it...


Active member
Bite me and go away and you will be ignored and not RUIN it here for me also. You are soo busted asshole and you know well I can prove who I am "Liberatarian Toker" a legend at MH knows me well.

You are a SICKO miscreant. crawl/scurry back into your dark hole and your 1000 personalities that ALL LEAD TO YOU ....WTF ever "you" are.....it took you some time to regroup my darlin'

NO SUCH thing as MPD......the reason it is not seen on other continents.....IMHO it is assholes like you WHO CAN'T DEAL WITH REALITY!!!!!! Man up!!!!!!!!

But there are sociopaths all over the world dear. I should charge you for this education we nurses do dear.....

Yes Mods!!!! close the thread....I think you get the point. But watch for his antics and beware ppl.

And they found the little baby girl kidnapped near here close and she is safe about 100 miles from her home. Great day now...


Bodhisattva of the Earth
"I feel pretty, oh so pretty, s o p r e t t y e n r a g e d..... Where's Hal when you need him?"

Let's push this train back on the rage express.

Rage will make you age.....and get surgery!


Active member
I feel pretty Oh so Pretty....
at my age it is harder and harder to feel pretty as age is cruel....but my hubs says I am beautiful....and unique.....But you men know he has to say that...LOL......if he wants his dinner and some lovin'.....

But pretty on the inside is what really counts....

rage is toxic and bad and I just like everybody am a work in progress. We never get perfect but should be the best we can......forgive ourselves for our past mistake and live by the Golden Rule...

Wisdom does come with age at least most often.....some assholes NEVER learn..

Good weed...a good man....tropical paradise...my cup is half full......my grandkids love their crazy Maw Maw...LOL...

Could be worse Desi but the world is a little fucked up right now...but we must keep our hope and sense of humor. Too much hate and prejudice in this world.

Rage will get you surgery...rage is like a toxic poison...to self and I just can't do that anymore ever. I know what you have just been through and I know that is a scary experience, A Fib is pretty scary too...especially the Ablation they did where they lazer the inside if your heart to keep it from misfiring....electrical problem.....LOL.
I know you are goin' to make it Desi as I am......If that procedure did not kill you then it is not your time to go dear and you are hear for a reason.....To cheer up people like me as you do with your posts.....I feel your positive aura coming through the internet.

So you and I have already realized that rage is bad....plus it is very uncomfortable.
Happiness and love for our fellow man feels good and I can look iin the mirror with respect at least....Self respect is essential....to happiness....

OK Hal and Desi lets RAGE a little.......

But some out there are filled with rage and don't like it that some of us can find happiness.
Because they are evil and prolly hate theirself. And they are toxic and should be avoided.

BTW....who is Hal????te he


Bodhisattva of the Earth
lol.........Hal is the first computer that could think like a person....the move '2001'....and he was put here to live the rest of his life here on ICMAG....he is a member........very witty indeed......I wish I was as smart...LOL

Obama said let the torturing continue of the Mexican Cartels to whomever, cannabis legalization is not an answer...........so the rage continues......"I feel pretty, oh so pretty, in such an ugly world (at times)......at least we have our own selves, our friends & family to share what we know is right from wrong....Love, Desi


Active member
Damn Obama I had such hope for you. Charlie Crist has the same stance and will be running on the Repub ticket next time. Ya know Desi I have toked off and on since the mid 60's and I am prolly goin' to throw in the towel for my activism as I don't think Florida or the Feds are goin' to have some balls on this issue.

The people here are retirees and a melting pot of everything and we will never get it together here in Florida in my lifetime. And I can no longer RAGE about injustices in the world as I have to take the same advice I gave you about your recent procedure.
My heart condition is called Paroxymal Atrial Fibrilation. Paroxymal means it comes and goes. Chronic Afib means you are in constant Afib. But anger...rage and stress exacerbates this problem and I take Cardizem and coumadin to prevent CVA/stroke.
My blood has to be kept thin to prevent clotting and ending up on the brain.

So when I get angry I can actually start feelin' my ticker flutter. SOOOOO I have decided to take all that nurse teaching I do and use it MYSELF....Nurses notoriously take care of OTHERS and not theirselves.

Because I want to live a few more years and have some fun and adventure. Now that my work/mommy/granny duties are nearing an end. FREE AT LAST....te he...
But they are the center of my world my family....but they have their lives and I have mine.

But I will go to protests and tokin' events in my future. But I have to stop RAGING AT INJUSTICES and ASSHOLES in the world. and change my attitude about it to live longer. But nice to have good friends here like you...Kenni...BeAn...And my "Bad Girls" here and have some fun and vent about it...

I love you too Desi already as I am a lovin' type Texas woman....and my new man knows I love lots of men who are my friends and lucky for me he is not the jealous or possessive type and is quite cool...

He is free to read my posts and never don't approve. He is into Aces High and plays that damn flying game for hours while I rant about legalization.

But we must move forward for legalization without RAGING!!!!

I feel pretty...OH so pretty......Yikes I just looked in the mirror and major bedhead! Gotta get goin' and go get the Jakinator my little grandson who trashes my place daily....but he is a cute little tyke. And he makes my day. Later my fellow tokers of the world...


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Yep, bedhead is the beginning of my day too. You have really paid some dues young lady with all the folks you have nursed through out your life. It really is a service for others, quite noble in its own way. Your hubby sounds like he take things in stride.........like I'm having to learn how to do, to keep my stress & anger down about everything going on these days.

Yeah, your ladys' thread mean girls, I mean "Good Bad Girls", is quite entertaining...hehe
It puts a smile on my face, fo sho!

I'm on cardizem too babe.....full dose three times aday with lisinopril. These drugs are helping to keep us alive, which always blows my mind how lucky we are too......to have these drugs available that others in the past just died from massive heart stroke or full blown stokes (CVA).

Well honey, it's raining cats & dogs up here today, yesterday, & tommorrow, but we need it and my neighbor went to ****** to water his landscape down there because of drought. I'm ready to start lifting things to clean inside the house & out but the rain is making those kind of tasks impossible right now. I still have to be careful on my neck because I can feel the surgery still,...its tight on my neck.

Hey, I lived in Texas during the early sixties, Corpus and Kingsville. We would jump off the train bridges into waist high muddy water with that hot Texas sun beating down on our backs. Those years in Texas were some of the best in my life.
I'm working on computers yesterday & today. My friends hard drive had 204 infections of which 134 were viruses! He bought Norton after the fact. So I'm playing Computer Nurse!
Have a good day, and I will do the same my friend......love, desi!

PS. madre thankyou for explaining your condition, the afib......I was wondering about the full name of it.


Active member
Oh da doo da day....te he....

it truly is a fucked up thread....someday soon I will tell you Desi by PM maybe about the guy tryin' to "save my soul" and it is strange indeed! I respect ALL religions and a persons right to choose for themselves their beliefs. "Some" can't except that.

But most likely HYDRA will develop another head soon ....but I will just cut it off again...
te he....

But it reminds me of the pontificating of my youth and it does piss me off that he persists for 4 years on weed sites. pathological and compulsive and obssessive INDEED!

But I am a "Scientific Method" believer and a secular humanist that respects alls rights to THEIR belief... HE NEEDS TO RESPECT MY RIGHTS ALSO.


Active member
oh wow this thread has totally done my head in. nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!!

Hey doodah! maybe it is what you are smokin'

But just don't let it scare you......Nurse Madre is really a nice little granny in real life ....te he..:woohoo:

Later guys.....

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