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Rage Against Mankind!


Lammen Gorthaur
But we can still save you. It's not too late.

If that plea doesn't work, we'll have to try other measures...


Active member
lemme know when you do and I'll spot for you and help you pick off the stragglers.

Hey guys I lived in Texas when the first one spewed bullets from the tower at U of T....ended up he was suffering from a brain tumor.....that pressure on the ol' braino is a biotch!

I can't explain why you guys are nuts! But I am NRA...NRA...NRA!

I pack a 9 mm myself....Florida has liberal gun laws and concealed weapons permits are easy to get if you have a clean record.....I know how to use it as I am a country girl and my husband taught me to be an expert shot....but would only use it to defend me and mine if I have to.

I would not hesitate a minute if ever threatened ........

Granny with an attitude,,,,,BUT basically I am just a harmless granny...


The Hopeful Protagonist
Hey guys I lived in Texas when the first one spewed bullets from the tower at U of T....ended up he was suffering from a brain tumor.....that pressure on the ol' braino is a biotch!

I can't explain why you guys are nuts! But I am NRA...NRA...NRA!

I pack a 9 mm myself....Florida has liberal gun laws and concealed weapons permits are easy to get if you have a clean record.....I know how to use it as I am a country girl and my husband taught me to be an expert shot....but would only use it to defend me and mine if I have to.

I would not hesitate a minute if ever threatened ........

Granny with an attitude,,,,,BUT basically I am just a harmless granny...

Yeah Madre, sometimes in our haste to be "funny" we use references that for most are probably outdated, some still painful obviously to others. Was a truly tragic event, all those strangers.

I would make it much more personal, as in I would know who my intended's would be and in all likelyhood.if I thought for a moment, wouldn't be worth the ever increasing cost of the rounds. :D

Maybe I'll shorten the list, could still us a spotter though WeedNinja. :nanana:


iGro ...card-carrying member :joint:


Active member
Yeah I have a wicked sense of humor and my sarcastic humor offends many....I have already pissed a couple of posters here off....BUT I AM what I am and don't mean to offend....when in my scrubs I was one of the sweetest nurses you could know and had to be PC.....people expect that from a nurse and I was,,,,,I am still a sweet old lady....that is till I get my granny panties in a wad...then watch out.

My hubs....he knows not to push my buttons....lol

You guys here are soooo cool!


Active member
Being good is overated!

Being good is overated!

But we can still save you. It's not too late.

If that plea doesn't work, we'll have to try other measures...

IT IS HOPELESS MPD....I know you are up for the challenge ....BUT I HAVE BEEN JADED by all the assholes in this world.

Granny is too old to change now and my hubs says the old men of the world need us "bad girls" to keep them happy in their retirement...BESIDES


My new motto!


Active member
I am greener than I used to be and have a bamboo floor in my kitchen...some Hemp wear...
I take my bags to the store so I don't use plastics. I am trying to lower my carbon footprint. LOL

Never heard of that in past history....but the new buzzword is CARBON FOOTPRINT....

Stoners......How is your carbon footprint?


Lammen Gorthaur
IT IS HOPELESS MPD....I know you are up for the challenge ....BUT I HAVE BEEN JADED by all the assholes in this world.

Granny is too old to change now and my hubs says the old men of the world need us "bad girls" to keep them happy in their retirement...BESIDES


My new motto!

At least I can say I tried to protect you and provide you with strong moral guidance and true Christian underpinnings.

Wanna' hook up for a date and some dope?


Active member
At least I can say I tried to protect you and provide you with strong moral guidance and true Christian underpinnings.

Wanna' hook up for a date and some dope?

Thank you dear but those "Christians" in small town Texas done "underpinned"
my ass enough dear!

My morals are defined by my standards and they ain't defined by superstitions lauded by the masses and sheeple who blindly follow .

I became a Secular Humanist long ago."I" am responsible for my DESTINY! Not something up in so called Heaven called God...Please Christains DON'T ATTACK GRANNY~!

But as far as hooking up for a date and some dope....LOL...Come to Fantasyland and I will be glad to host you dear. But my new hubs don't like me dating....We are hopelessly manogamous! but nor is he jealous if I have male stoner friends. He is a great and cool guy.

We would have a HOOT!
Thank you dear but those "Christians" in small town Texas done "underpinned"
my ass enough dear!

My morals are defined by my standards and they ain't defined by superstitions lauded by the masses and sheeple who blindly follow .

I became a Secular Humanist long ago."I" am responsible for my DESTINY! Not something up in so called Heaven called God...Please Christains DON'T ATTACK GRANNY~!

But as far as hooking up for a date and some dope....LOL...Come to Fantasyland and I will be glad to host you dear. But my new hubs don't like me dating....We are hopelessly manogamous! but nor is he jealous if I have male stoner friends. He is a great and cool guy.

We would have a HOOT!

Always looking to meet up with like minded people in Florida!


Active member
INDEED my man....we are out here trying to keep the moral police in check.

Stop the hypocrisy now....glad to meet ya....St. Pete here or "the Burg" as locals call it...

I live in the most densly populated county in Florida,,,



Well-known member
When I was a young, I found it much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. I expected people & institutions to live up to standards that I wasn't capable of living up to myself. I found it easy to blame others for misfortunes that may plague a life, than to take responsibilty for them. Which caused me to harbor ill feelings towards others for long periods of time.

Those close to me say, time has mellowed me out a great deal. I still display the occasional "flash anger", as my sons call it, however, it's quick to pass, and has no long term negative effect on me or others.

I have found, that with age much of my bitterness towards others has unconsciously been replaced with one of sincere gratitude. As I rapidly approach the final chapters of my life, watching my children grow-up has become a therapeutic experience that exorcised those demons of rage and anger I had become far too comfortable embracing. If I were to depart this ole world today, mine has, indeed, been a charmed life.

As old Francis Bacon said: "A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green, which would otherwise heal and do well".



Cannabrex Formulator
I find my extreme THC consumption allows me to deal in peaceful and creative ways with my rage against the donkeyhonkers of the world (85-95% of the population).

Without it I'd be climbing tall structures with biiiiig weepons....and that's not very nice.

So I stay high fer health reasons........... the health of those around me.


Well-known member
I have found, that with age much of my bitterness towards others has unconsciously been replaced with one of sincere gratitude.

Fri. 3/20/09 5:37 PM EST

NOTE TO SELF: I just lost my ice cream on the kitchen floor and the dogs ate it.

And found that age DOES NOT diminish the extreme "rage" and "disappointment" of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone!



18 and Doh!
Anger management is a very important issue to alot of people. Personally I feel like there's no winning. If you act on it and kick someone's face in you risk everything you've worked for and even jail. If you don't you risk health problems (I've passed out with rage before).

I take some meds for it but I still wanna fuck people up so I try to avoid people who i know are gonna say shit to piss me off. If someone looks like a goth anti-"conformist" wierdo with 9/11 was a hoax badges I know I probably won't be able to hold a convo with them for more than a few secs before attacking.

I am seriously terrified because I know there's a very high chance that I may end up killing someone and spend the rest of my life in prison so any advice would be helpful. At the current time I have a list of 100 people who I would accidently beat to death if I saw them and that's not considering strangers. thanks.

- I have no good advice
- Please give me some


I am a really chill person.

I have to be with the responsibilities I have...


Active member
When I was a young, I found it much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. I expected people & institutions to live up to standards that I wasn't capable of living up to myself. I found it easy to blame others for misfortunes that may plague a life, than to take responsibilty for them. Which caused me to harbor ill feelings towards others for long periods of time.

Those close to me say, time has mellowed me out a great deal. I still display the occasional "flash anger", as my sons call it, however, it's quick to pass, and has no long term negative effect on me or others.

I have found, that with age much of my bitterness towards others has unconsciously been replaced with one of sincere gratitude. As I rapidly approach the final chapters of my life, watching my children grow-up has become a therapeutic experience that exorcised those demons of rage and anger I had become far too comfortable embracing. If I were to depart this ole world today, mine has, indeed, been a charmed life.

As old Francis Bacon said: "A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green, which would otherwise heal and do well".


AMEN Brother Trouble you have grown wise with age the way one is supposed to....ANGER AND RAGE hurts the one who is angry the worst. I don't do anger these days...but a get little annoyed with stupid people.


Active member
Anger management is a very important issue to alot of people. Personally I feel like there's no winning. If you act on it and kick someone's face in you risk everything you've worked for and even jail. If you don't you risk health problems (I've passed out with rage before).

I take some meds for it but I still wanna fuck people up so I try to avoid people who i know are gonna say shit to piss me off. If someone looks like a goth anti-"conformist" wierdo with 9/11 was a hoax badges I know I probably won't be able to hold a convo with them for more than a few secs before attacking.

I am seriously terrified because I know there's a very high chance that I may end up killing someone and spend the rest of my life in prison so any advice would be helpful. At the current time I have a list of 100 people who I would accidently beat to death if I saw them and that's not considering strangers. thanks.

- I have no good advice
- Please give me some

I hope the hell you are just kidding...


Hey guys I lived in Texas when the first one spewed bullets from the tower at U of T....ended up he was suffering from a brain tumor.....that pressure on the ol' braino is a biotch!

I can't explain why you guys are nuts! But I am NRA...NRA...NRA!

I pack a 9 mm myself....Florida has liberal gun laws and concealed weapons permits are easy to get if you have a clean record.....I know how to use it as I am a country girl and my husband taught me to be an expert shot....but would only use it to defend me and mine if I have to.

I would not hesitate a minute if ever threatened ........

Granny with an attitude,,,,,BUT basically I am just a harmless granny...

We would have high-powered rifles AND high ground AND we would pick a tower with good cover. That would be part of my duties as spotter. Actually, I'm pretty sure IGro was joking and I know I was.

OGKO: Deep breaths man, deep breaths.


Active member
I know you were kidding as I was also...I don't get pissed often these days. I have learned to live and let live and EVERYBODY has their right to their opinion.

Only been annoyed at two people on this site so far AND they are too light wieght to get under my skin as I am in control of self....I just love this thread.

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