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Raccoons tearing up my meds


Well-known member
The Raccoons have been hitting the neighborhood hard the last few days. Do you have any ideas for keeping them out of my meds? I relocated one I trapped but the neighbor says I have 5 or 6 to go. Today I staked plants and used string to tie up the branches so things look better. I am going to try the trick using ammonia to soak in rags to scare them and see if that works. At this rate I won't get any meds.


apparently putting chicken wire on the ground is annoying for deer, might work for racoons too, but there again maybe not. i think some kind of fencing is your best option.

maybe get some predator shit from your nearest zoo, lion turds should keep just about any other animal away, just need to refresh it regularly, hehe.


yes but only by PM. and it ain't a havaheart it's how to kill the rotten fuckers..so don't ask if that is a problem


Well-known member
I don't have a dog yet, but was thinking I should get a big mean one as I have heard Raccoons can really tear up the dogs. That idea about zoo poo sounds good. The Raccoons will think it is the biggest baddest animal in town. Thanks


Active member
i have dealt with some cunning coons before. i didnt wanna post my solutions as i was hoping for a peacefull answer.lol i used a combination of methods when i had issues. i think coons are cute personally . coons will sometimes let the dogs chase em into water ,than double back and attack the dogs head an try and drown it. mean smart little bastards


Well-known member
I can't do anything too excessive as the neighbors to the South will turn me in as they are very much animals lovers and feed all the varments. The other neighbors are good and understand what is going on. I was going to camp out in the backyard and shoot the bastids but I figured I would be busted and you would see me on the evening news. I am using home made squirrel bait and that should give them a tummy ache I guess. They are mad and shitting all over the back yard!


Active member
the haveaheart traps wont be effective long IMHO change baits alot diff stuff. also check traps often as you dont want their siblings ,mate whatever to see them caged. they will soon learn to ignore the traps . then i suggest setting trap so it dont close no matter what and letting em get a meal or 2 .then let the trap do its thing and catch more. coons are smart as hell and i respect em and i have had many dealings with em.baby coons are the cutest but grow into meanass animals and shouldnt be a pet .


dude your choices now are a hard tight fence ground sides top or kill em... been a guerilla for decades.coons,rippers,n cops the big three problems

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN



Only 1 way to stop a coon ,.....


had a friend who actually kept one of those fucking things as a pet. they are smart,determined little fuck heads

good luck


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor

dont try to chicken wire them out, they are crafty as hell lil suckers, they even have the fat slow ones sit lookout, i swear they work in teams like ninjas, slip thru any crack, or they will make a crack.


To Have More ... Desire Less
ok.... regarding the neighbor too the south....the reality of feeding wild animals is a violation of public health and can be reported too the healthdepartment and local gam wardens it endangers people and deviates the animals from natural food sources or migration ....
contact local animal control for more info.....

then on U'r own property...run the chicken wire perimeter.... and electrify the dam thing w/ a marine battery and a ground.....


Private Breeder
ICMag Donor
The above methods will have to do for this year. Next year plant cucumbers around them or squash plants. They will grow all around the bottoms of the plants, the little buggers hate walking through them not to mention they hate the smell. This is how farmers keep them out of their corn.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Don't know your situation, but I do know that raccoons hate loud noises. Like, rig up a smoke alarm to stay on. Get 'em with noise, and piss off your neighbor in one stroke.


fence or slingshot.
i think if anyone reported you for protecting your property from vermin
you can report them for feeding/encouraging wildlife aka vermin


Well-known member
I set up the HavaHart trap, put out the ammonia soaked rags, moved the dim solar light, and made some fresh squirrel bait. The best thing is I had an old lolypop edible I put out for them. I would love to see a medicated Raccoon walking into a tree or fence. Well I guess I will wait for tomorrow to see if there is more damage.


Active member
i have dealt with some cunning coons before. i didnt wanna post my solutions as i was hoping for a peacefull answer.lol i used a combination of methods when i had issues. i think coons are cute personally . coons will sometimes let the dogs chase em into water ,than double back and attack the dogs head an try and drown it. mean smart little bastards
LOL most of the coons that run into my dogs pretty much have had there last breath , lol
Come to think of it wolfs cougars , bears also get a beating but i guess it depends on dog type being my dogs are bread to kill cougars , bears wolfs
I own 2 of them combined weight = 393 pounds they eat 34 pounds of raw meat a day




Why all this hate for some poor little raccoon?
I bet they don't even eat plants, I assume they are meat eaters, like insects and rodents and stuff.
Might'nt even be raccoons, might be something else that's damaging your plants.
I'm sure a chicken wire fence will stop them.
Don't kill poor innocent animals over a plant.

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