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Raccoons tearing up my meds


Well-known member
Another morning and another young Raccoon in the HavaHart trap. I couldn't see any damage to the med plants but they did tear down my solar light and crap all over the back yard. Ya think they are getting mad at me? My black cat (indoors) is fasinated by the whole process.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I own 2 of them combined weight = 393 pounds they eat 34 pounds of raw meat a day, r u fuckin serious?, wow that must get pricey , r u a hunter ?.....
what kinda fuckn dags r those ? wow

Max Yields

Active member
I once saw a raccoon in one of my old grow patches in the woods, which was absolutely HUGE. It was probably pregnant or something, (only logical explanation) this thing was a BEAST. Anyhow this creature started hissing at me and making weird noises, then it started inching closer to me to attack.
I had a crowbar in my vehicle (a sturdy mountain bike for these types of travels, my actual truck was a bit out of reach) so I went & got it. The raccoon froze & it was probably thinking, "what the hell is this guy going to do??" Well, it just stood there almost just waiting for a show down. It got really irate as I got closer, but fuck that thing. I'm not letting it attack me or my plants, so I stood there & just looked at it waiting for it to attack. Then I thought to myself, "why wait" & decided to go ahead 'n clobber this thing on it's head with my crowbar a few times...Problem solved.:spanky:

Worked for me. No raccoons for the rest of the season threatening me or my crop & a happy harvest was had...THE END
(I also recommend the traps being suggested though)I forgot to add to leave the body nearby...I know how cruel & sick, but it worked.
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