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R.I.P. Ronald McDonald?


Andinismo Hierbatero
in fat people hell, I bet there is no McDonalds, but surely there are clowns there?

just a thought


Active member
It's the exact same thing as Joe Camel
Kill Ronald & Fuck McDonald's
Then kill the Cheetos guy
He always annoyed me too :D
Do what you wish with Ronald McButthole but I will defend Chester Cheetahs right to exist. This is about phony, bad for you burgers promoted by a Clown not sprayed on cheese and corn like substances promoted by a Cool Cat.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
When did Ronald McDonald start raising theses peoples children?

Some people find it easier to blame others for their own lack of parenting skills, than to take responsibility for their own shortcomings & defects as parents.

I don't even like McDonalds, however, I despise people who go through life blaming others for their own self-made predicaments.

To hell with those parents with fat-ass kids of their own making

tell it like it is bro, right on.......



I enjoy eating Mcdonalds, and i stay active and work out. im in great shape. im not gonna let some fast food ruin my health and body image
If anyone watched Hard Knocks on HBO last year, Chad Ochocinco said he eats Mcdonalds twice a day. His words were literally "America, the secret it to burn more calories than you eat, and you can eat whatever you want." Ochocinco stays in phenomenal shape and is known for his hard work ethic.

Look at Michael Phelps, he eats 15,000 calories a day, like 4 fried egg sandwiches just for breakfast, and he is rail thin. Oh wait, he exercises like a humming bird.

Anyone who is anti-Ronald has never had a sick family member and stayed in a Ronald McDonald House.

Next they are going to blame the Hamburglar for increased crime rates. :laughing:
I find it hard to believe eating McDonalds is anything but heahlthy, lmao.
Olympians don't train on mcd's, mcd's is some of the most disgusting trashfood out there

If it wasn't so painfully obvious that McDonald's, like every other money grubbing fastfood chain,
wants to secure - no - lock in - generation upon generation --- then it wouldn't be as much an issue.
But thats what they do.

Ronald McDonald is a fishing lure for vulnerable & developing minds to identify and associate trashfood with.
It is pure marketing, it is nothing less and nothing more, and why is it such a big deal?
This isn't alcohol, it isn't a toy racecar, it is food and drink, which are basic staples of living.
It isn't a piece of gum or a candy bar anymore, it's a global food chain vending machine complete with immediate access,
cheap prices, and brainwashing via marketing.

They can sprinkle all the veggies they want in their stupid new age propagandic BS but
the minimal % of their revenue spent on this hollow loudspeak tells us what they really care about.

Aside from general rules of the free market, fuck McDonalds for doing what they do,
it doesn't matter how many sick shelters you hand out when you offset them with if you are actively participating to create a culture of obesity

Fuck Ronald McDonald (McDonalds), the prick(s)!

Another load of shit

I don't care how much a parent's responsibility it is, this is more than that, that is just an excuse to avoid the bigger problem here,
which really is in businesses permanently changing the way we percieve food, and eat, as a culture, from day one of being in school (and usually before that).
Just because you may be smart enough to rise above McD's BS doesn't mean the vast majority will be able to.

Not every parent is around, and this is never going to change, and truthfully I don't wanna live in a society of fat lazy slobs,
who, because of their lazy ignorance, have created a food market that literally kills me, and makes it harder to eat healthily.
I don't wanna pay for obese fat fucks who have abused food, through ignorance or whatever it may be, and have to pay for their health premiums.

This is about a business brainwashing a culture, and a global one at that.
Look at how much they emphasize on healthy food, literally nothing until they got sued by fat people (another ridiculous line of discussion).

Fuck em, no sympathy, the rules of capitalism & democracy should be exercised so that McDonald's culture of obesity is squashed, it's society's moral obligation to stay healthy and not brainwash its children from day 1 to eat livertrashing heartclogging SHIT. McDonalds should be fought tooth and nail by all consumers, their net effects are nothing positive, it's nothing but money-grubbing-brainwashing toxicity, no matter how many good deeds they try to do in order to cover up their literally evil aspirations.

McDonalds is just one more attack on our health, individually (even if you don't eat it) and as a society.



cannabis enthusiast
some people are so fucking stupid these days....... i would have to mow the lawn for 2 weeks and get good grades to get a big mac and some mcnuggets (i know not healthy but it was a treat). nowadays it seems lil kids can say fuck the dinner i want mcdonalds and the parents get it for them. save ronald!!!!!!!!
this is more than that, that is just an excuse to avoid the bigger problem here,
which really is in businesses permanently changing the way we percieve food, and eat, as a culture, from day one of being in school (and usually before that).

You should do some research. We used to struggle to feed every American, now we throw away food we have so much. We would have ate all the food put in front of us, but there was none put in front of us.

We have an over abundance of food, so we never go hungry, and we have switched from a work-on-your-feet laboring society, to a sit on your ass all day and stare at the computer screen society. People have gone from burning thousands of calories during their daily shift at work, to gaining thousands of calories sitting in front of a computer screen and eating take out chinese for lunch. In both scenarios, we went home after work and sat down with our families, listening to the radio, watching tv, playing the banjo on the porch, etc. Our relaxation time was sedentary, but before our work time was massive exercise.

McDonalds has never been the problem. It is society and how our ways have changed.

After they kill Ronald they will go after the Burger King, Colonel Sanders, the Taco Bell Bell, it will never stop. There will always be people looking to blame others and finding false causations.


I find it hard to believe eating McDonalds is anything but heahlthy, lmao.
Olympians don't train on mcd's, mcd's is some of the most disgusting trashfood out there

If it wasn't so painfully obvious that McDonald's, like every other money grubbing fastfood chain,
wants to secure - no - lock in - generation upon generation --- then it wouldn't be as much an issue.
But thats what they do.

Ronald McDonald is a fishing lure for vulnerable & developing minds to identify and associate trashfood with.
It is pure marketing, it is nothing less and nothing more, and why is it such a big deal?
This isn't alcohol, it isn't a toy racecar, it is food and drink, which are basic staples of living.
It isn't a piece of gum or a candy bar anymore, it's a global food chain vending machine complete with immediate access,
cheap prices, and brainwashing via marketing.

They can sprinkle all the veggies they want in their stupid new age propagandic BS but
the minimal % of their revenue spent on this hollow loudspeak tells us what they really care about.

Aside from general rules of the free market, fuck McDonalds for doing what they do,
it doesn't matter how many sick shelters you hand out when you offset them with if you are actively participating to create a culture of obesity

Fuck Ronald McDonald (McDonalds), the prick(s)!

Another load of shit

I don't care how much a parent's responsibility it is, this is more than that, that is just an excuse to avoid the bigger problem here,
which really is in businesses permanently changing the way we percieve food, and eat, as a culture, from day one of being in school (and usually before that).
Just because you may be smart enough to rise above McD's BS doesn't mean the vast majority will be able to.

Not every parent is around, and this is never going to change, and truthfully I don't wanna live in a society of fat lazy slobs,
who, because of their lazy ignorance, have created a food market that literally kills me, and makes it harder to eat healthily.
I don't wanna pay for obese fat fucks who have abused food, through ignorance or whatever it may be, and have to pay for their health premiums.

This is about a business brainwashing a culture, and a global one at that.
Look at how much they emphasize on healthy food, literally nothing until they got sued by fat people (another ridiculous line of discussion).

Fuck em, no sympathy, the rules of capitalism & democracy should be exercised so that McDonald's culture of obesity is squashed, it's society's moral obligation to stay healthy and not brainwash its children from day 1 to eat livertrashing heartclogging SHIT. McDonalds should be fought tooth and nail by all consumers, their net effects are nothing positive, it's nothing but money-grubbing-brainwashing toxicity, no matter how many good deeds they try to do in order to cover up their literally evil aspirations.

McDonalds is just one more attack on our health, individually (even if you don't eat it) and as a society.


I agree that McDonalds definitely does not promote a healthy diet and way of living... However, this is America.. we cant deny them the right to do business here. Even if they are promoting unhealthy food habits, what can we really do to stop them besides controlling ourselves and using our willpower and eat healthier foods?

When you think about it, America doesnt have a true cultural diet - as in what to eat to survive. Its a melting pot of a bunch of different cultures. Some choose to cook and eat foods from their own culture and ignore the "American culture" of fast food and take out. While others forget about their own culture and are basically left to deal with whatever America has to offer.

I think this emerging society of obese people is due to that - people forgetting about their own cultural diets and adopting "American" dietary culture, which we see as fast food, junk food, take out, etc. So there you have sociologistics playing a big factor.

I just cant see how blaming McDonalds in any way for our society of unhealthy people and obesity could do anything to help the problem.. especially in America.

Just wanna add, this is my view on this. there may be other factors involved that i dont know about, such as politics and economics.


Ronald is just good pusher with a big area to operate in.....

Not surprisingly, the rats that gorged themselves on the human food quickly became obese. But their brains also changed. By monitoring implanted brain electrodes, the researchers found that the rats in the third group gradually developed a tolerance to the pleasure the food gave them and had to eat more to experience a high.
They began to eat compulsively, to the point where they continued to do so in the face of pain. When the researchers applied an electric shock to the rats' feet in the presence of the food, the rats in the first two groups were frightened away from eating. But the obese rats were not. "Their attention was solely focused on consuming food," says Kenny.
In previous studies, rats have exhibited similar brain changes when given unlimited access to cocaine or heroin. And rats have similarly ignored punishment to continue consuming cocaine, the researchers note.

Thank goodness weed does it for me and not a double quarter pounder.

"God Damn the pusher" Stepenwolf


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
LOL. This country is so fucked up. Individual responsibility is all but dead.

We blame a clowns because our kids are fat. It's always someone else's fault.

Next we will be blaming Bozo for our crappy educational system.
fast food makes sense to a lot of people in this world because of its price and convenience. its too late for change because people are addicted to the crack which is in their foods (fat, sugar and salt)
the government SHOULD regulate what is advertised to children and the clown should be taken down. its a dark hour for the industry because children are an huge demographic, notice all the places with toys, hats and playgrounds.
have anyone seen the new KFC sandwich where the bun is the fried chicken?

ben ttech

Active member
if anyone needs to squirm in pain for eternity,
its the hand puppets the food industry created to sell poison to children below the age of understanding what commercials are...

that fucking gecko selling car insurance needs lumping in as well...
LOL. This country is so fucked up. Individual responsibility is all but dead.

We blame a clowns because our kids are fat. It's always someone else's fault.

Next we will be blaming Bozo for our crappy educational system.
Not at all, I'm a firm believer in personal responsibility, that's a part of how to cope with this poison permeating into children's minds, but inevitably there is negative societal and cultural influence, part of being personally responsible is shedding light on the misdeeds of others, and fighting brainwash, bc that's truly all McDonalds is doing with their mascot, everything else is just spinoff/PR to detract from that notion. Personal resp. isn't a good enough solution to this problem, closing out their mascot suits me better, the bastards