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R.I.P. Ronald McDonald?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Corporate Accountability International is
blaming Ronald for all the tubby tots.......

if you haven't heard the news yet CAI is calling
for the head of Ronald McDonald. Some fuckin'
clown is now to blame for the chunky children?

Below is one parents response to the accusations.

and mods, this is about censorship not food please leave it here.

We don’t have cable TV or anything else that gives us more than the basic television channels. Two years ago, after reading the book Affluenza and discovering just how extremely targeted children are by marketers, Brian and I decided to get rid of commercial television. It was difficult at first, but we’ve found plenty of creative ways to still watch that big screen in the living room without the pervasive children’s commercials.

When I hear that Corporate Accountability International is calling for McDonald’s to force Ronald McDonald into retirement because of his influence on children’s desires and waistlines, I do understand the sentiment behind it. The Retire Ronald website puts it this way, “For nearly 50 years no one has been better at hooking kids on unhealthy food, spurring an epic of diet related illnesses. Ronald deserves a break – and so do we.”

I can imagine that most people’s first reaction to that statement is, “Yes, let’s get rid of Ronald.” Yet, when I really think about the statement from the Retire Ronald website, I see it as almost as manipulative as the marketing that the campaign is trying to abolish. I would hope the organization isn’t trying to manipulate, but the statement makes it seem like our country’s out of control eating problems fall squarely on the shoulders of corporations like McDonalds.

Here’s what I think the statement is trying to say – this is strictly my interpretation.

* It’s McDonald’s fault that you feed your children an unhealthy diet. They have gotten them hooked on Happy Meals. You are a victim of McDonald’s evil advertising machine.
* You deserve to be freed from the bonds of your children’s incessant begging for McDonald’s food. You deserve a break from it and getting rid of Ronald will give you that break. Get rid of Ronald and your life will be easier.

Let’s look at this from my family’s experience. I know all families are different, but we’re a fairly typical middle class family. Mom, dad, two kids, mini-van, busy life that makes the drive-thru tempting….you get the picture.

Before deciding to stop eating almost all fast food, I nixed the kids’ meals. It was an environmental decision. Those cheap, plastic toys were NEVER played with once they made it home. They would collect at the bottom of the toys box to be sent to a charity every six months, and I always wondered if they just got thrown in the trash once there.

The pleading that my children did for the toys lasted quite a while, but it subsided. It was about a year after nixing the toys that we got rid of cable and almost simultaneously stopped buying fast food (if you want to really turn your kids’ lives upside down, try reading Affluenza and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle back to back).

So in the past two years, I’ve bought them McDonald’s exactly twice and they have been minimally exposed to McDonald’s advertising. They understand why my homemade burgers are miles above a McDonald’s burger nutrition-wise, and they admit they taste better. Yet, for along time when I would say let’s go out to dinner, they said, “McDonalds!” It’s only been recently that they’ve begun to say, “Well, I know you’re not going to let us got to McDonalds, so let’s go to….”

I’m sure the lack of exposure to Ronald has helped a bit, but if McDonald’s retires Ronald, the company will still advertise. It took what many people would consider extreme measures to get my children to this point -- cutting out the television advertising and saying “no” to fast food.

Let’s be honest here. My children wanted McDonald’s because I was buying them McDonalds. They were hooked on Happy Meals and other fast food restaurants’ kids’ meals because my husband and I (okay, it was more me than him) allowed it. It was not McDonald’s or Ronald’s fault that they were hooked. They may have been more interested in the food because of the advertising, but McDonald’s never forced the food down their throats.

Getting rid of my children’s exposure to the advertising was only a small part of getting them to stop the begging for fast food. What finally gave me the break that the Retire Ronald site says I deserve was consistently saying “no” and understanding that I had created the problem. I was going to have to be patient and live with the begging for a while – quite a long while. The begging has stopped.

Parents, we have difficult jobs. We have to do what is right for our children even when they whine, complain, beg, moan, explain that EVERYONE else is doing it, and shoot us evil looks. It’s tempting to give in. I may have kicked the fast food habit, but there are other areas I give in to. But, I understand that any habit that I want changed for my family is going to come from Brian and me. It’s not going to happen because an advertiser changes methods.

We don’t need to retire Ronald to get a hold on our families’ eating habits. We just need to say no to the foods we don’t want our family having. That’s a lot more difficult than signing the Retire Ronald petition and waiting for McDonald’s to do our jobs for us, but our kids and their health are worth the effort, don’t you think?

Because 10 year olds often drive to mcdonalds to get hamburgers after seeing Ronald on TV, as they have jobs and often pay for their own meals.

Oh wait, nevermind, it is parents who drive to mcdonalds and buy their kids burgers, the same parents looking for someone to blame other than themselves.

Fuckin losers. Lazy fucking parents who are "in a rush" and go through the drive-thru.


A foot without a sock...
PB & J's, tall glass of MILK and an ACTUAL outdoor ballgame...

That's the ticket ;)

Oh Yeah, some parents just suck at being parents.

Blame the school, the government and now hang ol' Ronald out to dry...lol

When I was a kid, Mickey D's was used as a "treat" that happened mebbe....once a month ?.....mebbe less.

Personal accountability people....it's a good thing :yes:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Fuckin losers. Lazy fucking parents who are "in a rush" and go through the drive-thru.
lazy is right & they're hoping that THIS will help the kiddies belt lines? it seems to be the way of the world to try to fault others for their own shortcomings. it couldn't possibly be bad parenting, it's Ronald's fault.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
this is funny. I was just in line at a burger joint with my son who is not fat. And we were behind a family of 3 kids ages 5-9 prolly and two parents. All of them were FAT!! the BIGGER one was in control MOM!..lol
She ordered everyone, but the smallest the meal this place calls monster meal its a triple meat burger with large sized fries and soda. After bigfoot got her receipt she started to walk away, then stops grunts to the young girl can you please make all the drinks diet.. gruunt, fart step... Its these overweight lazy parents that dont want to cook a friggn decent healthy meal for their families.. Hell i even have skinny normal friends that go eat out all the time.. Funny how the big uns wanna blame everyone else but themselves. Oh well life is a super sized meal, BUT with a diet soda.. lmfao.. I hope ronald grabs crotch and says FUCK YOU FAT PEOPLE~~!!!! peace n pufs



It's not McDonald's fault my kid is 9 and wieghs 150 pounds.

Its Nintendo's fault.

No Wait. Its High Fructose Corn Syrup. Yeah, thats it.

On second thought, maybe its that Muslim Socialist Obama's fault, We all know He's to blame for everything.

To quote Dean Wormer " Drunk, Fat and Stupid is no way to go through life". Well. the kids may not be drunk yet but they are certainly fat and stupid.

Who thought that a High Fat and Sugar diet and No physical activity would rot our kids minds and bodies. In some of the poorest nieghborhoods in the U.S. the kids have never seen a tomato.

No ones to blame but the person who puts the food in their mouth.


:wave:Pretty much all been said. I just wanted to add this, just not sure if it's comic relief or a sad commentary...........



The cat that loves cannabis
Well they did make tobacco quit advertising on TV, and I think that was a good thing.
But it's hard to say one restaurant can't advertise, and another one can, where do you draw that line? No more grocery store commercials either?
The ice cream man can't ring his bell anymore?

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I hope they don't go after Spuds McKenzie next!



Registered Med User
Wut about that wierdo creep ass king that keeps showin up in my bed with breakfast burgers? That bastard even stuck some money in my pocket without me noticing one time, messed up in the head I tell ya. I like Jack tho.


Stoner: That MJ pix is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile...lol

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
getting rid of the clown is not going to fix the problem

it is obvious that all the cola needs to be of the "diet" variety


The clown's just doing his job, don't hate just because he is good at what he does and is successful...but wait, this is America...a fundamentally transformed America. We blame others now, look down on financial success, but have our hand out wanting something for free. Wait, Ronald gives the kids something for free in every happy meal. Maybe Ronald should start saying "we are bailing the kids out with a toy in every happy meal" campaign.

Thank God for the few parents (people in general) who actually take responsibility for thier actions and accept the outcome. It's all already been said, just wanted to put in my 2 cents.


The cat that loves cannabis
I think they need to have security at the door that decides who gets in, and who doesn't.

Example: Hey you! Yeah you, 300lbs in the floral print stretch pants, I don't think so.
It's the exact same thing as Joe Camel
Kill Ronald & Fuck McDonald's
Then kill the Cheetos guy
He always annoyed me too :D


Well-known member
When did Ronald McDonald start raising theses peoples children?

Some people find it easier to blame others for their own lack of parenting skills, than to take responsibility for their own shortcomings & defects as parents.

I don't even like McDonalds, however, I despise people who go through life blaming others for their own self-made predicaments.

To hell with those parents with fat-ass kids of their own making


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