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Qwiso Hair Iron Tek


Well-known member
Hello ICMAG,

I made a bunch of QWISO oil and it turned out pretty decent.

Only problem is that I cooked out the alcohol using a double boiler and effectively decarbed the THC by cooking it at temperature for a long period of time.

From what I understand the long heating process turns the oil into something that you should eat rather than dab.


Inspired by the recent #rosintech sillyness, I decided to experiment with some Qwiso i processed (frozen cured nugs; frozen ISO; 2 minute wash) a few months ago and never got around to scraping.

Here's the scraped Qwiso oil:


I folded the parchment and set my ceramic flat iron to 365. Here's what a flat iron looks like:


When the iron was hot, i squeezed the hash crystals very briefly, for a half a second. You can feel the oil melting/boiling. Here's what it looks like after:


It has far better terps than the heat-treated qwiso, and I think the high is better. When you open the parchment u get a blast of terps, sa opposed to the cooked oil which has no smell at all. No diesely or fuelly overtones. Here's the patty in the light, keep in mind i think this was some fairly old material:


A dispo near my is selling ISO hash for $50 a gram. Pretty crazy. I wonder why they don't just call it ethanol hash, they don't need to be that specific.

Anyhow I think this method cooks out the ISO pretty nicely. I think I'm going to try quick wash using ethanol (190 proof everclear).
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Well-known member
Nice lil dab you got there.lol

I have no idea how those guys who smoke those big-ass globs do it. Even my decarb'd iso hash knocks me out after the 3rd dab.

I'm going to try to find some cheap 95 proof ethanol and QWET some material i've had in the chest freezer for a while.

Anybody know what square hot presses are called? No idea what their legit uses are.... not recalling at the moment, heh


The Dude
Dig me sum qwiso, just made some winterized qwiso this weekend. Looks decarbed for sure, still fire no doubt. Jus multi use now lol. I went a lil to hot too an got a lil tan on my qwiso.


Well-known member
T shirt press.

Yeah, plus I guess they also get used in vinyl shops.

I really like this method - I'm wondering how different it would be if i washed with everclear.

For those wondering, here's how i do the alcohol quick wash:

wash step:
- freeze alcohol and dry cured nugs separately in chest freezer. I freeze the nugs in the jar i plan to do the wash in
- take the jar with nugs and add enough alcohol to cover
- grab a towel and shake for 1.5 minutes or so. I time this step. You could wash longer, but I keep it short so keep the chlorophyll from leaching out.
- strain into an empty jar. (you should set this up before you shake) I use a big metal funnel sieve to strain the buds
- you can try running the material again, but i toss it as i find the second wash is way too dark with the old-ass material i run
- if the alcohol solution is green, put jar on a sunny windowsill for a day or so. The sun will destroy the chlorophyll

winterize step:
- freeze solution in chest freezer for 24 hours
- setup a new jar with a coffee filter. I use binder clips to hold the filter in
- pour solution into filter and put both jars back into the chest freezer. You'll need to repeat this step a few times

dry step:
- pour solution into pyrex dish and set someplace clean to dry. I used a small fan to speed up the process
- when dry, I use a scraping tool with replaceable lazer blades and scrape the oil onto parchment. When its thin and dry it shatters like crystal, so i'll cover the pan with parchment and scrap under to deflect the bits

- warm up the iron and squeeze the resulting batch of powder


Well-known member
Very nice!

It is!

With this method the terps hit you when you open the parchment. The oil from my double boiler distill has no terps at all when you open the parchment, and definitely not nearly as much when dabbed.

I pressed at 365 degrees. I'm happy with the results at that temp.

People, I have access to very good bho. By very good i mean done by someone with a large IG following and excellent packaging, $40-50 dollar gram stuff. IMO the $50 bho is not any better than my qwiso wash + iron treatment.

Also my ISO has has not degraded in the year or so its been stored. All the bho I've bought degrades after a month or so; is that what they call 'buddering?' shit aint honey no more

I'm not sure if any liquor stores in my hood carry cheap 190 proof liquor, so I'll have to use everclear. That will be updated in this thread.

edit: forgot to add this is SHATTER consistency


Well-known member
ok guys i did the everclear wash on some old cured material i called anise cheesecake. Damn $30 for 750ml and i was able to wash with the entire bottle. When i did ISO i used at least 33% more alcohol.

Now that I think about it $30 for a bottle of everclear is nothing when name-brand bho is $40 a gram (IF you buy from the dispo in the industrial part of town) and meanwhile a nearby dispo is selling iso hash for $50/g

2 minute wash, color is amber ale. Decent amount of sediment.

Smells like boozy berries. Currently in the chest freezer solidifying; tomorrow i will filter and probably Saturday I'll dry scrape and flatiron.

This time i'll experiment with different temps. My iron has likee 5 temps.


Well-known member
never tried qwiso.. gotta ask tho have u tried rosin?

cause I feel silly as fuck after just dabbing some


Well-known member
never tried qwiso.. gotta ask tho have u tried rosin?

cause I feel silly as fuck after just dabbing some

You know I've seen the pics and I haven't yet! I should, because I have a few zips of bud that didn't pass the test but may be fine rosin'd.

Note the filtering today went quicker than last time, only a few hours. Probably because the material was very dry. I filled up the coffee filter three times, changing the filter each time.

This everclear + berry scented trichome mix could probably be sold as is for use as shots or mixed drinks, it smells that decent. Like I said the original buds I called anise (i.e. liquorice) cheesecake and the resultant wash is totally berry boozy in smell.

Woolybear's Berry Boozy Cannabis Tincture Recipe Idea
1oz WBBCT, 1oz Cranberry Juice, splash of tonic
Pour ingredients over ice into a strainer and shake

I finished the batch I made in the original post today. No change in texture, still shatter quality. Really tasty, minty, piney, fresh.

Regarding the heat pressing, I'm wondering if its even necessary with high-quality ethanol washes. It does help because the material when scraped is basically crystal dust and the heat press makes it much easier to handle... plus marketing. its shatter


Well-known member
Ethanol update

Ethanol update

I made the 190 proof wash with ethanol. Here's some pictures:

Finished dried plate:


Interesting oil formations during dry:


Closeup of milky area. There are actually a couple layers in this picture; the oil was hardening above the liquid.


oil drying :


Final scraped hash:



Well-known member


I took about .3 grams of this powder into a folded piece of parchment paper.

285 degrees squeezed briefly a couple of times to melt the hash. Result is shatter that breaks and does not get sticky upon immediate skin contact:


Full melt no residue shatter. If anything was lost there may be a TINY bit of terp loss, but more of an immediate head effect.



Well-known member
Math calculations:

Solvent cost: $30 (May be less)
Weed cost: $0
Amount of weed used: 40 grams (ballpark estimate)

Oil obtained: 9 grams (22.5% return)
Cost per gram: $3.33
Cost per dab : 0.35 (0.10 gram dab)
Retail value per gram: $35-$50
Retail value for 9 grams: $315 - $450

- This was from a good strain of weed, but i let it go to long and it wasn't something I'd smoke in the end in terms of dryness
- Retail value is for fun, but I imagine the shatterness and taste would make it worth more in the right area. Retail shops charge $30 for half grams of bho for example


Well-known member
I did a small run of my sugar trim and popcorn buds of my med man rock star skunk strains.

No pics, i dabbed it all - but very light blonde color. This was after exposing the mixture to sunlight for a day to burn off the green.

The immediate taste upon exhale is like cotton candy. not as sweet but you can taste it. very interesting,


Well-known member
The fresh frozen run doesn't turn into shatter like the cured nug run.

It has a matte finish, bend and snap texture.

However, it doesn't seem to be as potent as the cured trichomes. Definitely doesn't taste as good; tho there is the mild cotton candy taste of the initial exhale it turns into a more savory taste.


so quick question from an old timer who sees that bho as a crack equivalent:

what is the difference to a normal pressed hash from kief or w water hash ?
return of product ? better hi ?

no hate - just trying to understand why people add chems to a natrual product


Well-known member
so quick question from an old timer who sees that bho as a crack equivalent:

what is the difference to a normal pressed hash from kief or w water hash ?
return of product ? better hi ?

no hate - just trying to understand why people add chems to a natrual product

bho is 'dabable' whereas toking bubble hash or regular hash is a more involved process.

bho is also much better looking than hash, so a lot of the marketing is built around that. 'if it doesn't shatter it dont matter' for example.

from what i understand crack is a cheaper, faster-hitting drug than cocaine. BHO is more expensive than herb by far but i don't think it hits harder than good herb. it is a different more convenient high because you are are not burning material - so i can use bho in my apartment without getting complaints.

however, i have never gotten truely 'blazed' off of bho. its not the same as smoking herb.

this thread is about alcohol tinctures that 'dab' like bho. bho is dangerous and is very expensive to do properly, hence why i am doing ethanol washes.

trichomes are trichomes wheter u wash them off with water or separate with alcohol or butane. the difference is that with alcohol/bho you get a dabbable product right away.

my next experiment will be taking bubblehash and winterizing it in ethanol. if i can shatter this way then it would be a lot easier to scale than alcohol washes alone.

tldr; Marketing & Convenience

hope this answers your question!


New member
yo wooly, stupid question: i dont have access to grain alcohal, but i do have access to 99% iso. will that do the same job?