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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
My homebrew smells more like ganja than poison.


Quitting is good if quitting is what you want to do... just don't blame the bubbles.


Well yes some beers can have a nice smell, but alcohol has a poison smell.

like on its own, or hard stuff e.g. vodka, whiskey, even wine a bit...

but hey... tastes vary


Active member
ive been doing good for the past 4 weeks, i had 2 beers yesterday,cause i didnt have weed,and harvest isnt till 2 weeks at least,errrr.
no prohibition, but it does deteriorate your brain,your frontal lobe ,wich is why people become alcholics. it is responsable for reasoning and inhibitions ,morals, ect.... the more you drink he more those things go out the window.
basicly i can go without alcahol but there comes a time where i rationalize a beer or two like i said above,so its making me wounder if im actually addicted to it,cause it never stops completley.
i always redouble my efforts for the sake of the people around me.


One time I was tripping, really tripping, it was like there was a party inside my head and I went inside this corner store and there were -tons- of men, almost a dozen mostly age 3o and up buying beer..

I was soo high, and I looked at all these people buying beer, and to me it was like... these people they wanted to get closer to god\life, it was like their church
in a way

yet there was also a sadness to it, because I knew the damage alcohol can do
and how often some people drink


Quitting for me was pretty easy because I had no real choice. If I drink I feel sick. A couple beers cause nausea, a headache and sometimes random unexplained blackouts. The unpredictable blackouts and lightheadedness really sent a clear message that I should quit. Used to be able to down a fif and just feel giggly. My advice would be to drink out of thirst since I've never knocked down 30 bottles of water in a night.


Active member
yea i like talking to some of the people that tend to hang out and chit chat at the liquor store,but feel so horrible cause they are there gambling and drinking their life away.

so i get what your saying LEF,and everytime i buy a pack of backwoods there, somone asks why i smoke those,and then i let them know what its for and tell'em theres a way to get your fix and not die.


I was/am a non-functioning drunk.. I have struggled with it all my life...I am completely useless the next day HUGE hangover/ depressed/ Lazy , I dont know how many jobs I've lost due to drinking the night before...My old roomate would drink everyday get up for work every morning and be/is fine ...I think it would be harder for me to quit if I was like that.
I cant say if I will ever beat it, but it's been about a year and a half since I have drank.
and before that I would only drink a couple times a year, but always to excess ..Social situations are hardest for me it's really the only time I get cravings .I feel why cant I just have a drink, when everyone around me is enjoying themselves, but I know that I can never have just one drink... the most dangerous time for me is when things are going great in my life..that when I have to be extra vigilant



I know what you mean up in the cut...

its like.. wow man, things are going so great... I could make them even greater, why dont I have a drink... bam... you fucked yourself

you say you dont know if youll ever beat it.. but a year and a half is really really good.. maybe you could keep away from people who drink


maybe you could keep away from people who drink

I pretty much do...the problem is.. most, if not all my friends/siblings drink...I have had to relearn how to act/ to have fun in social situations again..to quell this anxiety I get... It's getting easier the older I get/longer I go with out, but I have to be consciously aware at all times though


Yeah i understand how that must be having friends and siblings that drink around you...

but I think.. if they really liked you\loved you

and they knew how it affects you... they wouldnt drink in front of you

we can have fun without drinking

if you were one of my buddies or my brother... and you had a hard time with alcohol

I would never drink in front of you

but if it were a party... and there were tons of people drinking then... I couldnt help but drink

but if I would be you.. I would ask myself if this is the kind of party I would want to be at

stay strong

I hope things go well for you


I dont get pissed at them...I'm the one with the problem..is the way I see it...If they are getting too drunk I will/have left, but usually it's not like that...
my determination for not drinking is too strong ,I love waking up in the morning rested and feeling good remembering everything that went down the night before... I do miss it from time to time,( especially when there is micro-brews being drunk like Rouge Dead Guy)but not enough to jeopardize what I have worked for...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I fucking despise AA and all that psudo religious garbage....im glad it helps some people, but honestly theres not enough weed in the world to make that shit bearable to me. I had to sit through 30 meetings and it was the most dreadful, poor me, boo-hooing bunch of bullshit ive ever been through. I think what really irritated me the most is the fucking introductions. Why in the fuck do you have to introduce yourself 9x a meeting every time you get a fucking thought in your head? Hi, im john im an alcoholic...jesus christ hearing that 40-50 a meeting just makes me want to throw a fucking chair at the closest person in my vicinity...


Feeling good is good enough.
I fucking despise AA and all that psudo religious garbage....im glad it helps some people, but honestly theres not enough weed in the world to make that shit bearable to me. I had to sit through 30 meetings and it was the most dreadful, poor me, boo-hooing bunch of bullshit ive ever been through. I think what really irritated me the most is the fucking introductions. Why in the fuck do you have to introduce yourself 9x a meeting every time you get a fucking thought in your head? Hi, im john im an alcoholic...jesus christ hearing that 40-50 a meeting just makes me want to throw a fucking chair at the closest person in my vicinity...

Are you on denial...?


I feel you, used to work at a rehab juvenile jail up in WA.

Kids motto: "Fake it till you make it"...

Oh well, that was then.


I dont get pissed at them...I'm the one with the problem..is the way I see it...

oh, when I said let them know how you feel, I didnt think you got pissed... it was more the.. uncomfortable around alcohol
Heavy beer drinkers have an increased risk of gastric cancer, especially if they possess a certain gene variant, a new study suggests.
People who drink two to three beers a day for many years have a 75 percent increased risk of gastric cancer, and those who have the gene variant called rs1230025 but aren't heavy drinkers have a 30 percent higher risk of gastric cancer, compared with people who drank less than a beer daily, the study showed.
But people who are both chronic heavy beer drinkers and possess rs1230025 have a more than 700 percent increased risk of gastric cancer compared with people who consume less than one drink a day and don't have the gene variation, said study researcher Eric Duell, a senior epidemiologist at the Catalan Institute of Oncology in Barcelona, Spain. The gene variant is common and is present in about 20 percent of the general population, he said.

So good to not have stomache pains, acid reflux and the craps due to beer, I think I'm extra allergic to it, and that's part of the insane reaction in my body that made me so addicted to it..Since I quit drinking I no longer have stomache acid and pain issues..This new evidence makes sense to me..


What were we talking about?
I quit drinking a little over 5 years ago. I am an alcoholic. If I ever take even one drink again, it will all start over again. There is no magic point in time where maybe I could handle it this time. I too almost lost my marriage over this and my wife and I celebrate 30 years this fall.

But I didn't quit because of my marital problems. I didn't quit for my health or for the kids or the grandkids or anybody else really.

I had a moment of clarity after I had already separated with my wife over my drinking. In that moment I realized that everything she'd been trying to tell me for over twenty years was true. I saw myself as the stumbling, bumbling, idiot that I became every time I picked up the bottle. I took an honest look at myself and what I saw was ugly and extremely hard to really look at and take ownership for. My drinking led me to let down the people I love most in life when they needed me the most. I finally knew that booze made me into someone I didn't want to be. I wanted to be a better man than that. For myself. My sense of self and respect for my own self. I am a better man than that and I can be that man if I leave the bottle alone.

I haven't had much temptation once I realized that I didn't want to drink anymore. I don't believe it will really work for anyone trying to give it up, unless they are doing it for their own selves. We alcoholics are a very selfish bunch so trying to do it for anyone else is a set up for failure IMHO.


East Coast Grower
Ah... back again to this thread. Had a rough fucking week, ending in me getting shingles from a weakened immune system from (surely) drinking, and a shit load of stress. fml, I need a break.