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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread


One thing I would advise is to start generally treating your body like a temple. I have no religious inclinations whatsoever, so the tendency should be easy to cultivate regardless of one's cosmology. Just consider how much more multiple everyday pleasures are than brief gratification. Start trying to quit smoking, move onto vaporizing and edibles. The money you'll save efficiency wise from vaping over smoking will pay for the vape within 3 months. Also, experimenting with different cannabis methods have different effects that can be used to add novelty to long term cannabis use. Vaping produces a more traditional high, while fat dabs of hash oil is like needles for THC (That's a rush!), edibles produce their own unique and powerful effect. Either way, start to avoid ingesting smoke at all costs.

I'd also politely like to advise against eating the majority of factory farmed meat. Giving up meat altogether can be difficult, but preference should be given to wild game and farmers' markets. Whatever your diet, it can be improved (mine included), start taking multivitamins and make sure you're well hydrated. As much exercise as a long walk can do wonder's for one's sense of well being.

In the interest of making your prolonged life more enjoyable, cultivate affections and connoisseurship wherever possible. Take the time to enjoy whatever presents itself to you. That's the real problem I find with alcohol, that it dims experience; as opposed to cannabis which heightens experience (both in intensity and via weakening normal attention prioritization mechanisms which allows for noticing more subtle details). I find vaporizing really brings out the taste of good herb, I just marvel at the variety of flavors. I find the high of cannabis can help do the same thing to real life, just marveling at the variety and intricacy of it all.
Hi Purpleman,Cabeza and lockehead, wantatokenbone!! It's great to see you guys stopped by!!
wantatokenbone, thanks for the health tips, I feel so much better now that my body is healing from the years of alcohol consumption. You have some really cool information regarding nutrition and our bodies, please keep them coming!

Purpleman, you are so right, I see drunk people now and cringe!!! They seem to be running away from reality and hiding behind that hard drug society condones. Reminds me of the cigarete ads back in the day. "Hey society says it's cool and good.Just do it!" I remember days that would be erased by alcohol, such an egotistic drug, makes people really aggressive, dumb and self serving in my opinion.

Lockehead, yes, the amount I consumed while drinking was insane. Now a days, I smoke on average 3-4 times a day, an average of 3-4 bongloads per medicating session. It is more than many Cannabis users, but already a big improvement. Remember that tolerances vary with increased use, so the way 3 or 4 bongloads affect me is different than it would affect you. I can understand your concern, but imagine how much worse it would be if I was drinking. The good thing is that side effects from Cannabis are minimal and I'll take them anyday over alcohol addiction. When you are a grower, you end up sampling and smoking alot. I agree, I would like to cut down to only smoking at night or after lunch and dinner only for digestive purposes. You see I don't only use herb recreationally, although I really enjoy the effects!! It helps me calm down at the end of the day, helps me digest my food, and helps me spirtually and overalll in my quest to become a better person. Alcohol was not good in any way except flavor and initial high..My whole view and respect for herb has changed since I stopped drinking. With edibles and smoking flowers, I have the confidence I will not put one drop of alcohol in my mouth. How great is that?

Speaking of which, Not a drink since I started this thread.Over a month now I believe and I don't plan on counting days. I've made a resolution to not even worry about how long it is has been, I'm no longer a slave. I no longer crave alcohol like I did for the first month!!!
I really don't crave it, but when I walk down that wall of wine on one side and beer on the other I have to make tunnel vision still, not look and pretend all is cool. In reality all those labels, bottles, drive me crazy in a subconscious way! Like a jackpot bell going off in my head, it's amazing the psychological grip it has on me! i'm disgusted by how it crept into my life and almost made me not care any more about life, in a disguised false feeling of temporary euforia. The depression, confusion, sick feeling is gone. I feel like I am still healing from years of poisoning myself!
I am running almost daily and went from 2-3 miles to 8-10 miles no problem within weeks.
It is truly amazing, the amount of fat and celulite (yes I was starting to see that shit when I squeezed my stomache etc.) I have burned too. I'm so happy I don't feel sick, queasy, or nauseated when exercising. My stamina has grown 10 fold, I would never have believed it had I not stopped drinking alcohol. I've easily dropped and stayed at 168-170, where as before I was closer to the 190-195 range and feeling chubby lol. I also am eating healthier and not making rash drunk decisions about consuming crap while drunk. When people are drunk get they get the stupidest cravings and overdo everything, abuse food, drink, smoke, and life. Alcohol is such an egotistical drug it's sickening!

The one single benefit which surprisingly has come with my abstinence from alcohol is being able to control my mood. Before if I was drinking or hungover or just confused due to withdrawals, I would easily get irritable, blow up, raise my voice, and not handle stressfull situations well at all. I've sen it alot with people that drink, and I was that ugly irritable person who could be set off easily by pressing my buttons..Now I find that I don't have such a huge ego and can relate to the other person's view and agree to disagree if I have to. There are days when I feel I am still going through withdrawals, and am irritable for periods of time, but it is so much easier to get over now and move on. Before I may have escaped to alcohol and worsened the anger, resentment, bitterness...Bitterness is a terrible side effect of alcohol, bitterness in life is a passion-blocker.

thanks to MJ i have not had a drink,man made drug,or a ciggerette in just under 6 years but i smoke bud daily.ive never been to an AA meeting because of my MJ use ,my question is would you or do you go to AA meetings and do you consider yourself "sober"?

Great question Cabeza, thanks.

No I don't go and don't think I would because I am stronger than alcohol. I understand I have a compulsive nature and alcohol is a compulsion i allowed in my life for many years. I knew it was a bad drug and ruins lives and kills, but thought I was stronger and staying physically fit, I could handle it! I realized that it almost ruined my love life, my sanity and my health. I have a great family, and have Cannabis to keep me sane while going through the psychological withdrawals.

I have never gone to a AA meeting because I go to church and find my spiritual strength in other ways, in my relationship with God (can be interpreted many ways, you decide what God means to you) for example. I'm not trying to preach, just honestly answer your question. It did help to read the 12 steps just to get an idea for what has worked and works for people quitting such a nasty addictive habit that society almost expects you to have...I feel that people need to really believe it is harming their lives or people won't quit.

Quitting a nasty drug addiction is tricky because you almost have to HATE it and what it's doing to your life, you have to HATE the way the alcohol industry demonizes and tries to wipe out Cannabis. You have to HATE the death and confusion it causes. The fake high is not worth it!!! Cannabis therapeutic effects are so much more liberating and help you become more sensitive to life not NUMBED and ZOMBIE to life. I think AA is for people who maybe aren't convinced there is a big problem and were forced to go for some reason, or people who really have no will power, I'm not sure, but no I don't go, I love myself and my family and my passion for life is such that I HATE alcohol and what it has done in my life and in people around me. I love beer and wine, but I hate alcohol...

Do I consider myself sober? Sure, I have so many reasons to not drink! I know I would consider myself a complete loser and would be giving up on life if I were to drink. It would prove that my ego is bigger than any thing else, and that is simply not me. I made a resolution and have convictions. For me to realize this though, I almost had to lose everything. Like Job in the Bible, I had to be in a pretty depressed state where I thought all was lost. I can't explain, but I threw my ego away and decided my family and wife were more important than self-serving with alcohol and being a person I was not. I am me, I am not an alcohol zombie, so yeah, I won't be drinking because I HATE alcohol, I HATE the alcohol industry, I HATE the damage it did to my body and family, I HATE the way it killed a few of my friends, and I HATE the numbness it brings. I have a conviction I will not drink ever again, just like I know I will be ok, as my harvest has come and I have meds to last me through this battle, I won the war though as soon as I realized all these things., now it's just battles against the temptations..I truly believe people can only quit when they make the true decision and truly HATE what the entire alcohol industry stands for - profit off death, confusion, sickness and depression. I HATE alcohol and refuse to let it take a hold on my life again...


Thankyou YoungTrees,you and i are alot alike.I went to an AA meeting once for probation years ago (forged the req # of sigs) and it was unbearable how inslaved some of those folks were.i did walk away understanding humility, and that is what gave me the strength to quit drinking and man made drugs. But i know for a fact i wouldnt be here if it were not for my relationship with MJ in all its glory.
One thing I would advise is to start generally treating your body like a temple. I have no religious inclinations whatsoever, so the tendency should be easy to cultivate regardless of one's cosmology. Just consider how much more multiple everyday pleasures are than brief gratification. Start trying to quit smoking, move onto vaporizing and edibles. The money you'll save efficiency wise from vaping over smoking will pay for the vape within 3 months. Also, experimenting with different cannabis methods have different effects that can be used to add novelty to long term cannabis use. Vaping produces a more traditional high, while fat dabs of hash oil is like needles for THC (That's a rush!), edibles produce their own unique and powerful effect. Either way, start to avoid ingesting smoke at all costs.

Govinda, beautiful post!!! I agree thanks for the insight! Edibles have helped me smoke so much less, and yes, the volcano will be dusted off and will be put to use, however I have found edibles definitely keep me medicated for longer periods of time and I smoke way less and don't even think about drinking. Excellent post!!! thank you! Happy Sunday to everyone!!


Great job Young Trees, it sounds like you are well on your way to the new life you chose for yourself. Sounds like you have a strong outlook on things. Only you know how to do you best.

You should consider getting in on BHO action and an oil rig (I use a kut pad myself :sasmokin:). It is a bit hedonistic, but hell, as far as I'm concerned it's the safest rush on the planet (a 24 hour tolerance break followed by a fat dab can generally transition me to a state where it's just me and the thc for about 2 minutes). I really find it's the easiest form of hash to make as well in terms of labor intensity once your technique is down. Oil's vaporization properties just make it so conducive to hot knifing massive quantities of cannabinoids to the dome in a single hit.

If there is one gospel I believe in (aside from utilitarianism), it is "hashing the universe". In the interest of this I operate my "Magical Mobile Traveling Hash Studio" in order to allow all cannabis connoisseurs with at least a quarter of weed to make hash at their discretion, in return for a 5$ butane fee per extraction and a single dab for myself.

All I'm saying is, it's a lot of fun. And why not have some fun?
Great job Young Trees, it sounds like you are well on your way to the new life you chose for yourself. Sounds like you have a strong outlook on things. Only you know how to do you best.

You should consider getting in on BHO action and an oil rig (I use a kut pad myself :sasmokin:). It is a bit hedonistic, but hell, as far as I'm concerned it's the safest rush on the planet (a 24 hour tolerance break followed by a fat dab can generally transition me to a state where it's just me and the thc for about 2 minutes). I really find it's the easiest form of hash to make as well in terms of labor intensity once your technique is down. Oil's vaporization properties just make it so conducive to hot knifing massive quantities of cannabinoids to the dome in a single hit.

If there is one gospel I believe in (aside from utilitarianism), it is "hashing the universe". In the interest of this I operate my "Magical Mobile Traveling Hash Studio" in order to allow all cannabis connoisseurs with at least a quarter of weed to make hash at their discretion, in return for a 5$ butane fee per extraction and a single dab for myself.

All I'm saying is, it's a lot of fun. And why not have some fun?

Oh I definitely love my o'kief tube lol

It is a bit hard on my lungs, I'm digging the full melt bubble, but yes, those titanium vape bubblers are sick. I gotta get one ....

The alcohol cravings really started subsiding and only happen when I come face to face with the bottles of beer at the convenience store. I also have friends I stop hanging out with, because their whole thing is drinking..and they expect you to drink with them.

I cruised by PNC today, saw some awesome cuts...


There were at least 7 or 8 types of OGs, Bubbas, all kinds of cool things..several sizes of plants even, very pro! I also managed to drop some things off..

I did have a nighmare about drinking last night, now I remember. I started drinking a cup and on my second cup I realized it was beer and felt drunk, but kind of dirty and all dizzy and the beer tasted bitter and was not satisfying, but it felt like I had ruined something sacred, like I had done something really lame...
I found this on some site:

Benefits of drinking:

It helps me forget about my problems.

I have fun when I drink.

It’s my way of relaxing and unwinding after a stressful day.

Benefits of not drinking:

My relationships would probably improve.

I’d feel better mentally and physically.

I’d have more time and energy for the people and activities I care about.

Costs of drinking:

It has caused problems in my relationships.

I feel depressed, anxious, and ashamed of myself.

It gets in the way of my job performance and family responsibilities.

Costs of not drinking:

I’d have to find another way to deal with problems.

I’d lose my drinking buddies.

I would have to face the responsibilities I’ve been ignoring.


Registered Med User
Im 2 months strong since 2 days ago, fealin cool! Seems like when Im not high I get cravings to drink, but if I smoke the cravings go away.... Been real tired fealing since I stopped tho, dont know what thats about, but when I smoke it also helps wake me up(dependin on the strain)... I think Ive done a lot of spiritual growth that alcohol was haulting while I was a drunk.
How you doing out there Youngtrees staying strong?

Unfortunately I relapsed, need to kick this shit into serious gear, I dont want to live my life like this anymore.

I get super depressed the day after binging even if i dont do stupid shit, I totally relate to the mid 20's alcy. Social anxiety history of alcohol abuse, depression at times.

For me I can honestly say cannabis has been helping me fight cravings but I slip because all the people around my age still go out and its expected that is how you celebrate a birthday and what not.

Can totally feel you on the reward thing thats how I would tell myself its okay to have one but then that turns in 10-12. Funny how powerful the mind is to make you do things you dont want and is ability to fight things off.

Im realizing sobriety is something i need to work on everyday.
Sorry I've been gone guys, but my dad got real sick with MDS, kind of Leuquemia, doing chemo etc,injections straight to the jugular, real nasty... I had to travel and help them. It was good to clear my head because I spent a month with no herb and still no alcohol. I Have not drank a drop since I opened this thread and I'm another person. Irritability, depression, anxiety, fears, and many other chains were dropped when I stopped drinking alcohol. It is a vicious drug, so subtle, but, a slow, emotional and physical death for sure.
Having faith in God, having a purpose in life and finding ways of staying away from alcohol and people who drink;claim to be friends, and will call you names once you decide to quit.It's ironic, but it's usually those people who have problems with alcohol. Staying away from these people is vital because they will almost always try to pressure and intimidate you into drinking at every chance. Your real friends will like the change in you, and will usually try to keep alcohol away!!Keep those people close in life.

Pre98 Bubba:



Active member
no alcohol for 7 days now. i have had problems with alcohol in the past and i really enjoy a nice micro brew from time to time but i don't even want that anymore. my problem is even if i get a nice micro brew to sip on i still want more, and its usually high in alcohol content so i get a buzz anyway. after i had my surgery (minor thing, no worries) i've decided to just quit. got rid of some really rare beers i had at the house too. also don't like the way i feel after i drink beer or liquor. my body just feels toxic.

still got a mason jar of moonshine stocked in the house as always and that will never change. i am from an area where its commonly produced and it has to many uses past just getting wasted, and i've never had any desire to get trashed on this stuff anyway. the occasional shot for special times is about all i use it for, and if i have a soar throat a shot will clear it right up. hell i forget i even keep it in the house most of the time, and its not like i have some trigger that sets off every time i see alcohol.
my problem is even if i get a nice micro brew to sip on i still want more, and its usually high in alcohol content so i get a buzz anyway. after i had my surgery (minor thing, no worries) i've decided to just quit. got rid of some really rare beers i had at the house too. also don't like the way i feel after i drink beer or liquor. my body just feels toxic.

I was feeling like that man, I love microbrews, but one is not enough, and now that I am only using Cannabis, I no longer would enjoy feeling out of balance, goofy, dumb, DUI risk, and not capable of confronting serious scenarios. Once you stay sober for a while you no longer crave alcohol, but still love a good quality product like a micro brew or a finely made and aged cognac...
Like you said man, it's a toxic death of the body and mind....

Speaking of which I've had a horrible week, one of my closest friends passed, I feel terrible..

this is my best flower, and it's for you Brendan...rest in peace..
I hate alcohol more than ever...


Check out his videos on youtube, they are insane, much better even than his music... his username is brendanmaj..

This one's for you Bud, Fire OG, my best and favorite of all times..

Anyone else tired of alcohol? It's so nice not to be anxious and depressed from alcohol...
Cannabis relaxes me just as well and side effects are minimal compared to drinking.
My life is alot less hectic without the weekly depression even small daily doses of beer would end up creating. My digestive and nervous system also are detoxed and I can do alot more and am motivated to get alot more done.I sure miss the taste of a nice IPA once in a while, but I won't trade that for waking up depressed the next day for no reason. Instead I go to the store and get some full melt (there's some sweet Blackberry Rhino Fullmelt and some Afghoo Fullmelt at the store that are insane right now) and make some brownies as well with hash from my shake..

Green Crack Extreme..




alcohol sucks

synthetic morphines were my vice

strong bubble hash or BHO and lots of it is the only substitute I've found that's relatively safe.

be there for your friends..if somebody has an addiction see if you teach them to grow weed..such a wonderful plant can save many


Active member
ICMag Donor
excellant to hear you are doing well young trees !! i just found this thread and would like to say ive been alcohol free for 13 years this july!!!!!!!!!

burning my best stash of bogs sour strawbeerry kush for Brendan's spiritual ride! god speed Brendan!
excellant to hear you are doing well young trees !! i just found this thread and would like to say ive been alcohol free for 13 years this july!!!!!!!!!

burning my best stash of bogs sour strawbeerry kush for Brendan's spiritual ride! god speed Brendan!

Small posts like yours keep people like me and others motivated to stay away from the poison that is alcohol. What made you finally quit and stay strong in the face of temptation? Your post means everything to me, thank you so much for your moment of prayer and meditation for my bro Brendan, it's been really hard for the last 2 weeks, and thinking of how alcohol made him spiral downward into depression and the lowest point of his life..It revolts me how many people die, take their lives, and kill due to alcohol, and how society feeds it to people psychologically and physically. "Superbowl time, get drunk!" , "Happy hour, get drunk!", "Happy New Year" get drunk!
To me it is the single biggest peer pressure there is...society condones this poisonous crap.
The first person I ever drank with and got high with was Brendan, over 20 years ago, a part of me died recently, both bad and good, unfortunately both involved alcohol..

Beer commercials on tv make me sick, seeing people getting persecuted and clowned for Cannabis makes me sick. The more people try to convince me to drink along with them, the more I hate the persecution and prejudice towards those who represent the herb.

Thanks for all your kind words guys...:thank you:

Green Crack a.k.a. - CUSH (with a C)

Melons, passion fruit and fermented mango aromas, psychedelic heady effects, very motivational and finishes around day 50-60. Very nice Sativa hybrid..one of my keeper genes:



