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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread



Yeah man...bargain bin old skool vans....waffle bottoms....and the toe socks....if you haven't tried toe socks...give them a go. I looked at those Vibram slip on toe shoes....I prefer my Vans....I'm so used to them....seems I've worn them my whole life....I skate in the same style shoes....I can feel the board....I can feel the terrain...same same....

You know you are running proper....when you are not wasting your shoes. I've run in the same pair of Vans since May (100s of trail miles)....and they are still good...I would have demolished a pair of trail shoes by this time.....it's all in the feel and technique....padding takes that all away...false security...injuries ensue. You can't pound pads down hill and not expect sore joints....crime to the body. Why running gets a bad rep....

I takes doses of molasses before and after runs...for basic sugars and K. To get minerals and balance my body PH....I drink capfuls of (Braggs Apple cider vinegar with the mother still in it) in my water bottles....I never really have gut cramping or sickness in my belly...since I started using vinegar. I used to puke quite a bit when I ran....puking while running is an art form imo....now I will occasionally after a hard hill or in extreme heat....but yup....your stomach gets better with no alcohol being added.

Hey.....I hope all you guys powered your way through the last few days....don't let yourselves get bored...don't give yourselves reason....remember where that road takes you....in your heart...you will know when enough is enough....whether it be today or some other.....you have to want it....it should not be a thing of force....


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
Not that this is news to any of us, but a recent study by the Brits says:

Study: Alcohol more dangerous than heroin, cocaine.... 'What governments decide is illegal is not always based on science'

LONDON — Alcohol is more dangerous than illegal drugs like heroin and crack cocaine, according to a new study.

British experts evaluated substances including alcohol, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and marijuana, ranking them based on how destructive they are to the individual who takes them and to society as a whole.

Researchers analyzed how addictive a drug is and how it harms the human body, in addition to other criteria like environmental damage caused by the drug, its role in breaking up families and its economic costs, such as health care, social services, and prison.Heroin, crack cocaine and methamphetamines, or crystal meth, were the most lethal to individuals. When considering their wider social effects and harm to others, alcohol, heroin and crack cocaine were the deadliest. But overall, alcohol outranked all other substances, followed by heroin and crack cocaine. Marijuana, ecstasy and LSD scored far lower.........................(article continues at link...... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39938704/ns/health-addictions ...)


Keep strong homies. 5 years and counting for me.
why would anyone think rotten food is good for you? fermented food fermented mind. whole wheat pasta or beer? mmm ill go with the grain thats been rotting n fermenting please. sugar both refined n islolated whether fresh or fermented has made most of the world a drug addict insulin junkie,u elimate sugar from your diet, reminerlize yourself and your whole world will change, youll stop offering free room n bored to yeast mold n fungi in your body and your mind will clear up as a result.

its really shitty that nobody understands that the high from cannabis (the up part u intially feel) comes from your liver via your pituitary n adreanl cortex depleteing its glycogyen storage, that is its simple sugars its made into more complex ones that are therefore ready when u need which is only at one time and that is from physical exersise and work/sport/sportfucking etc, i know the euphoria is other cannabonids but that doesnt change the fact that to syntheticlaly dump your glycogen daily and somtimes multiple times indypendant of physical exersise and that it doesnt have its dangers, If you keep doing this n eating junk food like icecream n sweets ''munchie foods'' your are in fact running your health and cannabis becomes somewhat toxic, this is NEVEr talked about but totally valid n needs to be addressed, it puts alot of people in chronic ill health n low energy , over works the pancreas n deminerlizes you brain basically as if your eating junk food your pancreas will need more minerals n it to from hormones n it must get them from somewere to build theese, there is some truth to the notion that weed makes some people dumb, its a chronic sugar depletion n the demineralzation that follows when that organ the size of thumb keeps takeing what that organ the size of a football (your brain) should of gotten.


just saw this thread and read a few pages.
I quit drinking and using harder drugs a few years ago. This time i did not stop cannabis.
I spent 9 years 100% sober and was a 12 stepper. I will never go back to 12 step. They are a christian group without a doubt(my opinion but AA even closes with "the lords prayer"). They say all inclusive but they are not.
If you go to AA/NA and smoke weed on the side then you are not following there "program" and can not "carry the message".
However i do like cannabis therapy and yeah im fine substituting pot for alcohol. I admit ive substituted weed. I love it and will continue.
Drinking dam near ruined my life numerous times and im sick of it.

I still have resentments against the 12 steppers, there cliques, there so called "unconditional love" sure had alot of conditions
OMG, twice now I typed huge responses only to have the website crap out...
This is really annoying..............................................................................
Twice in a row is too much. OMG.
I have to medicate and go run, I'm getting bummed out. Edibles have been saving me.

I'll repost later, I just typed 4 paragraphs twice! only to have it dissapear with the click of a button ahhhhh! I hate the way this site logs you out and you lose a whole fricking page you just typed AHHAHA man am I learning patience lately. If I were drinking it would turn into rage, now I just breathe deeply and smile that alcohol no longer has a grip on my emotions...I can't believe I just lost all that crap I typed.....I'll come back when I'm inspired. Keep it up guys, Cannabis is so much better, and with edibles you can really get medicated to the point you won't want to drink!

Green Crack Extreme day 40 also -
Friday night again! It's been about a month or so since I started this thread (at least it seems like it) and not a drop of alcohol since!!! Stoked! Cannabis has helped tons too, edibles are the shit!! I found some raw food edibles that are dank!! Truffles made of organic raw chocolate with organic bubble hash...mmm such an awesome medication. I am smoking less, and craving alcohol less now that I eat some and smoke every once in a while.. I feel better, and don't sit and worry about future DUIs or hangovers, such a refreshing feeling. I don't get the shits running and other stomache aches etc..but some things make me crave alcohol!! Today driving around town with my homie Calcio, just the fact that I saw the name of a road that was similar to the name of a Pinot Noir that I really like, made me frustrated I couldn't swing by and grab a bottle, actually 2 to throw back, lol because one is never enough. The more I stay sober, the more I realize how dumb you get when you drink. People turn into clowns, all vulnerable and do things they would never do...
Speaking of which I sure did some stupid shit drunk. Drove ultra fast, got a ton of tattoos, so some cool things, but some not so cool things. Then I would wake up some mornins all worried about all kinds of things. My liver would be hurting from the abuse, I'd start thinking I had some kind of hepatitis or any other disease I could have caught while getting tattoos in many areas where the risk of cross contamination of some sort could have happened..With the comfort of alcohol, I'd numb those anxieties, and do stupid shit just the same. Then I'd remember the girls in the past I had unprotected sex with (while drunk), even if years ago, and be scared shitless because I had never had a blood test ever to screen for diseases..The butterflies in my stomache would come every time I thought about my health in general etc. Instead of having courage and going to get a full blod test, I'd die inside of anxiety and would subconsciously almost drink daily to get to that numb and "courageous" state. At that point I had courage to do a blood test (at 10 in the evening lol) but by the next morning the depression was doubled. Confusion, anxiety, depresssion, fear of disease and going to the doctor..what a vicious cycle. I remember a girlfriend of mine from highschool contacting me after 15 years to tell me she had Hep C. Holy shit, the anxiety only grows. I bet there are tons of guys and girls out there (girls usually take care of gynecological stuff) who suffer from anxiety and insomnia etc due to fears and fueled by alcohol like I was. It took me the conviction to quit drinking that gave me the balls to go down to my doctor and say, "Doc, I'm scared shitless! I got a bunch of tats, had unprotected sex many years ago and have never had a test!" The doctor laughed and asked if I got tats at respectable spots and I told him I never have sex with prostitutes etc. then he laughed and said "You're fine! You aren't a risk group!" I couldn't believe the confidence he passed me, but I was doubtfull, but somehow, I began to realize everything would be alright either way.

The minute I went down last week and got the full physical (Yeah even the old grab the left ball and cough ahahha) and had 5 tubes of blood sucked out my arm for everything from liver function to HIV, I felt years of anxiety and fear, depression and insomnia leave..
The next day I got a call from doc saying everything was perfect and the results were in the mail. I had been to that doctor for anxiety several times and he never had the insight to ask a few questions and determine 3 years ago that it stemmed from fear..Instead he had prescribed me several anti depressants including many Xanax pills, imagine what would have happened if I used Xanax+alcohol for 3 years, instead of Cannabis. I could be dead instead..

I truly think, like Karma Girl once commented. People use alcohol frequently due to some issue in their life, and it's much easier to find the root of the confusion without alcohol. The courage comes naturally to heal yourself, Cannabis helped me be at peace while waiting for the result. If you have anxiety and butterflies in your stomache, face that fear and REMOVE it from your life. Imagine living every day in peace knowing and not fearing. Even these diseases though, all have treatments and the earlier you catch them the better, even with HIV and Hepatitis etc, if you know early, you keep it under control for decades..
However if you let anxiety rule you're life and don't know, keep hiding, you can die of stress and you will only aggravate whatever you have. DOn't create more fear and anxiety if you were like me and are afraid!!! Take care of yourself, don't drink. Do a full physical, blood tests and from that day on out live a healthy life, your mind will be in total peace. I can't believe I no longer get weird panic attacks for no reason (I knew there was a reason, just would't face the fears or demons) Iwannatokenbone is on to something. Diet and cutting out alcohol, sugars etc is a great thing while healing.

When I first opened this thread I googled the AA 12 steps just out of curiosity:


1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we
understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature
of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make
amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do
so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly
admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with
God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us
and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to
carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our
Copyright A.A. World Services, Inc.

I read through it and can relate to many steps. I could clearly evaluate where I stood in relation to each one and since I was raised in a Christian family I didn't have a problem with the religious concepts they tie in to the program. I can totally see a person struggling with some of the religious references if they are atheist or what not, but it's the idea that matters. However when you have faith in a higher power that can inspire us, a want to become better persons..Admitting you are weak to alcohol, you need help, you show others you are sorry and act the part, you have faith in something that is spiritual that will help you make sense of this disease, and that you will help others by telling them your story etc. Pretty cool really, but it will never work if someone thinks they aren't alcoholic.obviously..It works for me!

It is still very hard to break the cravings for sure, but it's alot easier than the first 3 weeks or so. I find myself all giddy about making brownies with bubble hash, and smoking less and being confident about my conviction to quit. I won't lie that I have hope that one day I'll be able to taste wine again, I mean even jesus turned water to wine right? Yeah, but he wasn't an alcohol lover ahaha. Love you guys, peace and thanks for all the help and support, such cool vibes here. Really inspire me to stay away from that personality altering poison! Much Cannabis, love and light!


PS - Off to sample some Private Reserve OG, it's ok, but not as good as the Fire OG!!!
Happy Friday!!

Like Midnite chants -

"Your body is your temple, your one and only temple!"

Love the life you live
Lead the life you love
You should lead the life you love

World is in trouble...
A pure chemical industry
Them a run from cultivation
Goodness and mercy
Driven from the minds of the people
Jah Sire deliver me
Jah Sire have mercy
Jah Sire Father send I some
goodness and mercy
Send I some goodness and mercy
Lead the life we love

Your body is your temple
Your one and only temple
You body is your temple
Your one and only temple
You are living in the Holy Places
Of the tabernacle of the most high Jah
You are living in the Holy Places
Of the tabernacle of the most high Jah

Love the life you live
Lead the life you love

Don’t shed no tears
When I cry I cry dry
What's up guys!!?? Man last night was rough. I saw a guy wearing a Ballast Point Sculpin IPA T and it killed me. I could taste the flavor in my head..went to a traditional Japanese restaurant and suffered some more with people ordering all kinds of beers and sake..
This is the worst addiction, psychologically speaking, cigarrettes were harder, but this is so hard because I gues I haven't felt this urge in a long time..I refuse to drink though, I did ask my wife and a friend not to order beer. I told them sake was fine, but pleaded for them not to order beer...I felt bad, but they understood and ended up not drinking it, in the end it was awesome, woke up with no stomache aches even after eating all kinds of crazy fried foods and other heavy things for the late night munchy sesions LMAO.

Thanks for all your support, Calcio, you're my homie, thanks for your kind words brother, We will succeed. See you later..

After craving beer all day yesterday, moved friends into a new home, I craved a beer as a reward sooo bad. The guy I was helping tried to convince me it was ok to drink friday-sunday, and that he didn't consider that alcoholism blablbal. I know he drinks on weekdays sometimes and on weekends religiously, and so I began explaining all the health it destroys, and how it was proven through science, so I really couldn't deny what it was doing to my mind and body and how much better I feel. How it makes people look and act dumb, irrational, and kill and hurt thousands every year LOL. He got mad and so I changed the subject. I dropped him off and ran down to the dispensary, got some White Diamond OG Kush, and forgot that alcohol even existed. God is great, Cannabis is the sacred vessel to healing!

I thought this WL OG was prettier in bag appeal, but the Private Reserve is a bit tastier, still not the Fire OG, that is my all time favorite OG. Hopefully it will show around again before I harvest :)

I've had interesting discusions where I came to the conclusion there must be different kinds of alcoholics, so I looked it up and found some interesting things about alcohol addiction. It says there are 5 types of alcoholics. If I had to pick, I would definitely say I'm a functional alcoholic..The way I like to compare it is, if I ate 10-15 bars of chocolate every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 4-5 bars on weeknights, I'd consider myself a chocoholic easily! -

"Dispelling the myth of the "typical alcoholic," National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism researchers have identified five subtypes of alcoholics from a study of 1,484 people who met diagnostic criteria for alcohol dependence.
The study found that the largest group of alcoholics in the U.S. are young adults. Twenty percent are highly functional and more than half do not have a family history of alcoholism. The study was conducted by Howard B. Moss, M.D., NIAAA associate director for clinical and translational research, and a team of researchers. The study drew from responses to the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, a representative epidemiological study of alcohol, drug, and mental disorders in the United States.

Types of Alcoholics

The NIAAA researchers defined five subtypes of alcoholics by the following specific characteristics. They also listed the percentage of each type that composes the total number of U.S. alcoholics:

Young Adult Alcoholics

31.5 percent.
Young adult drinkers, with relatively low rates of co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders.
Low rates of family alcoholism.
Rarely seek any kind of help for their drinking.

Young Antisocial Alcoholics

21 percent.
Most are in their mid-20s and had early onset of regular drinking and early onset alcohol problems.
More than half come from families with alcoholism, and about half have a psychiatric diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder.
Many have major depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety problems.
More than 75 percent smoke cigarettes and marijuana, and many also have cocaine and opiate addictions.
More than one-third seek help for their drinking.

Functional Alcoholics

19.5 percent.
Typically middle-aged, well-educated, with stable jobs and families.
About one-third have a multigenerational family history of alcoholism.
One-quarter had major depressive illness at some time in their lives.
Nearly 50 percent are smokers.

Intermediate Familial Alcoholics

19 percent.
Middle-aged with about half from families with multigenerational alcoholism.
Almost half have had clinical depression, and 20 percent have had bipolar disorder.
Most smoke cigarettes, and nearly one in five report cocaine and marijuana use.
About 25 percent ever seek treatment for their problem drinking.

Chronic Severe Alcoholics

9 percent.
Mostly middle-aged individuals who had early onset of drinking and alcohol problems.
High rates of antisocial personality disorder and criminality.
Almost 80 percent come from families with multigenerational alcoholism.
They have the highest rates of other psychiatric disorders including depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders.
This group has high rates of smoking, and marijuana, cocaine, and opiate dependence.
Two-thirds seek help for their drinking problems, making them the most prevalent type of alcoholic in treatment.

Previous studies which tried to identify alcoholism subtypes were conducted with people who were in treatment for their alcoholism. Therefore, a large percentage of alcoholics were left out of those studies, because only about one-fourth of alcoholics ever seek treatment.

Moss, Howard B., Chenb, Chiung M. and Yi, Hsiao-ye. Subtypes of alcohol dependence in a nationally representative sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Retrieved 28 June 2007.

National Institutes of Health, Researchers Identify Alcoholism Subtypes. June 28, 2007.


Registered Med User
6 weeks.... My sister is in the icu on life support from a rare breathing condition that she just found out was uncureable, so she will have to live the rest of her life with a breathing tube coming out of her neck. Been kinda broke lately. Been having crazy drama with my girlfriend. drank a beer last night and it was nasty.... Now know that this quiting thing is for good.
I feel the 12 steps of aa are cool, but my method was different. I refused to be powerless to alcohols control, for I felt I have to much pride to let something else control the outcome of my future. Had to step my willpower game up, then once I started now I would be too ashamed of myself if I started again even if I wanted to, so I cant.
Im planning on enrolling in a gym tomorrow, start gettin up at 530-6 and runnin and swimmin. Been enjoying just being high, I came to a crazy realization today.....

Nothing truly exists outside of this second right now. Everything in the past is just what your brain putting together what was, and the future is uncertain, niether truly exist right NOW accept for now itself. Fear comes from the mind worried about negative consequences of what will or wont happen in the future, sadne...ss and anger come from your minds negative interpretation of the past.
To live now in the moment one would not be concerned with these negative thoughts or emotions as they are only misguided thoughts of the mind on what currently does not exist.
All that is real is NOW, enjoy this moment.

Hope this helps somebody, yall stay up!


Registered Med User
I'd say Im somewhere with some traits of 3 of those five types.... the anti-social alcoholic kinda fits only Im not anti-social, the functioning def fits, then the severe chronic.
i have a new health tip that has recently shocked me.. since traveling around and finding most tap waters undrinkable to the point that were i stay now makes me puke not directly but from nausea that hours later wont go away even if i have only a few ounces untill i do.so i was filtering it and able to not feel sick bult felt not so good either in my head(cant really explain it) so ive gone back to distilled water only. iim absolutely floored in the diffearance on how i feel. and with all the chems in poisons in are tap i would highly recomend that people start any kind of pursit to sanity with the best water, now its not all roses as plastic has phytoestrogens in it, but even glass bottled water does today, so you should consume brocalli or cabbage,cauliflower or brussel sprouts as they have endol-3-carbonal in them, forget your brita its trash and allows floride though, huge no no. you dont want your pineal gland having floride cyrstals on it, nazi germany used it to fool the masses. I used to drink exclusivley the distilled for years and just tried to loosen up n not be such a fanatic, bottom line is u have to be in today world, get your water right, try it, youll know if it works in one day for only one dollar or a little more.


good thread

I've been getting more and more of a taste for wine lately. At first I never had a taste for it. Now I can clear a bottle in a sitting if I'm in a bad enough mood. Cannabis is much better for you. The fake high I get from alcohol blows. Water and re mineralization will help one overcome alcohol. The mineral Magnesium is key.

alcohol sucks because its so available and accepted by american culture its hard to stay away. this swimmer prefers opiates but that's a different story

lets just say a lot of us would be really really really F'd with out cannabis...love you mary jane thank you for keeping me good
lets just say a lot of us would be really really really F'd with out cannabis...love you mary jane thank you for keeping me good

Isn't that a fact. I made some really potent brownies and ate half the tray. I can't even think about drinking let alone smoking too much. Long live edibles!!! No need for alcohol! Cannabis is an excellent way to beat alcohol craving, those truffles I found and any strong edible is the way to go!


Well-known member
yepp, screw alcohol... a real scary HARD drug, which in my opinion destroyed and is still destroying to many lifes (mines included). can attest too, that weed is a strong ally in the battle against the wine spirit!
magnessium is a great point, it the feeling heart mineral, it will boost your feeling over thinking, most of us need more, and if u havent heard there is no such thing as a calcium deficiency, never has been one recorded case in history unless u dont eat period, no dairy lobby shortage though, though the pumpkin seed sunflower seed lobby is lacking.


thanks to MJ i have not had a drink,man made drug,or a ciggerette in just under 6 years but i smoke bud daily.ive never been to an AA meeting because of my MJ use ,my question is would you or do you go to AA meetings and do you consider yourself "sober"?