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Quicker Cloning?


Agreed on the 3 nodes thing, I should have specified that I try & keep it at three, but I try to keep 'em all below the pucks. Regarding the above/below water level thing, personally I've noticed better results when the stems are just barely above waterline. When below the waterline my cuttings seem to have a higher rate of going limp on me (leaves shrivel, stem gets floppy & cutting dies). Now that being said, I run quite a good bit of bubbles so even tho its right above the waterline the stems are constant blasted w/ spray. I just figure its better to have the stems in the air and apply the solution as opposed to having them in the solution and applying the air.

Now that I think about it the fouled up res water thing was/is caused by pure laziness on my parts... ie. letting rooted clones sit in cloner too long & pieces of broken roots build up in res.

So thats something to add... keep your res/cloner clean (I guess thats common sense tho).

It undoubtedly makes a huge difference tho. I originally had 1 bubble cloner and recently added two more (each with about 25-30 sites, pool noodles/neoprene collars). I been slacking on the cleanliness thing and consequently after filling all three cloners to the max i've noticed a huge difference in success rates.

The two newer cloners, which are much cleaner, have like 90% success while the older dirtier one is more like 50% success rate.

All three had fresh reservoirs prior to cloning but I didn't thoroughly scrub the older cloner, nor did I thoroughly wash inside the slits on all the neoprene pucks on the older cloner either, which appears to make a big difference.


Active member
Bubbles above,- stems below- Watch dem cuts fk'in Grow!

Bubbles above,- stems below- Watch dem cuts fk'in Grow!

Bubble Cloning-That aint how its supposed to be done bro', thats for Aero, and have you ever seen inside an Aero tank, SPRAY+ EVERYWHERE. Complete saturation. You aint gonna get that in a bubbler. If your cuts are going limp then you are doing something wrong, like temps or something. Give us a rundown of your specifications n i'll try to give an honest anwser why you are having issues using this tec!! I cant see why keeping the stems above the water line would work better. Would be of no benefit whatsoever. Unless of course you are in Aero!
Cleanliness goes without saying, nothing worse than a dirty ass grow show- in the filth sense that is! You doing yaself no favours being dirty n lazy, your strike rates speak for themselves. I HAVE 100% EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL!! Funny that where i am going wrong MMmmmm! lol
Peace-Out...........................Scroger! :eggnog:


I dunno, Scrog.. The ROOTS are supposed to dangle in the bubbling water, not the stems... rot/wilt is very likely in that case. You must have increbile bubble action to prevent this. WIth excellent bubble action also, the cut end JUST above the water will be splashed/misted and in a totally humid enviornment and the roots are encouraged to go down into the water.. they dont need to be in it already. its essentially a deep water culture setup.. if ur getting 100% submergin them you must have great aeration, but the best way is to be close to but not submerged - and have it really bubbling good. this guarantees enough oxygen and limits wilt/rot..
I have never heard of anyone else submerging the stems - but if it works for you its worth a try..
Cant you maybe push some a little further down (or slightly longer stems) so you have some submerged and some just above the water? Then you could see - at the same time under the same conditions - which works best for you. I would try submerging them only if I wasnt getting results the other way...
btw Ive got a single net-pot DWC bubble bucket and a 24-site subbermaid aero/mister cloner but will probably make some bubblers using totes from now on (minimum 4-sites).

DIY cost $90 for aero, about $30-35 for DWC (bubble) depending on pail or tote res


Active member
You a bit wrong bud, you only put the stems in untill they root then move them on/then move the water level back down.(it can be done either way)
Dont tell me you have never seen a cut of any plant root in just plain water-seen it a million times.
Theres a guy on here who rooted his cuts submerged in his fish bowl, and the fish were nibbling on the roots, but they rooted just fine SUBMERGED!
Stems above the water line is mainly for AERO BUDDY believe me dude!
I'll see if i can find a pic of it for you cause i like it - looks cool as fuck dude!

Here's a link to a very simple but effective Bubbleclone show by Cortez,still looking for that pic, but i'll find it-think its in this link somewhere.
Check it & learn it dude!!! http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=26473
In my experience cuts root quicker using the submerged method ok bud!

Peace & Luck...........Scroger'