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Question on Pollen Production


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ARGENTI OXIDUM - OXIDE OF SILVER, Ag2O, Occurs as an olive-brown powder.
It is reduced to the metallic state by a red heat, is soluble in ammonia and in nitric acid,
but slightly soluble in water, to which it gives a metallic taste and an alkaline reaction.
Silver oxide

From different sources its solubility is from 2 up to 16 mg/L ~~16ppm,
when it is dissolved it probably brings Ag+ ions that is useful for the CS pollen production,
in form of insoluble sediment Ag becomes useless,
but they say again about ammonia that improve solubility of Ag2O together with pH up to 8,
That is why I had to use an alkaline washing detergent to wash electrodes from a black sediment.

Mold doesn't like high pH spray for sure, what about leaves?

to report nowday data on pollen yield and CS (pH 6,4) ppm -


Grow like nobody is watching
Isn't there a correct PH for applying foliar nutrients? I wonder if it would be beneficial to adjust the ph before applying CS? It could be argued that it would reduce the concentration or purity, but on the other hand if you look at feeding a plant through it's roots, you can give it piles and piles of something but if it is not at the right ph, then it's not going to uptake it efficiently. A simple change in ph to the correct level solves that problem and drastically improves uptake. So would that apply to foliar cs spray? Since we are essentially doing the same thing - making a plant intake ions.


Well-known member
CS' pH

CS' pH

I used CS that was not pH pre-adjusted, it's reading after a month of shelf life is pH6,4.
I got 2cc+ overproduction amount of fem-pollen with that and the plants are still alive and they are still dusting.

As for CS' pH-correction, it should probably be adjusted more alkaline in opposite to root feeding pH requirements.
From one info source - high pH impoves solubility of silver oxide ,
from another - presence of ammonia "improves Ag+ activity".

I think a few drops of dish-shampoo may be useful in terms of pH level and wettability of CS spray.
as i understand it does not enter the plant through stomatas like standard nutes do. it is sub micronic so it should pass through any tissue so i dont know how critical ph would be except for making silver oxides in the solution more available. if the batch was freshly made this would be less of a concern right? i just started spraying a lemon larry og kush clone with 58ppm batch its in veg i really hope i can reverse this one one of the best cannabis strains currently available.
baking soda would up ph and the high ph kills pm and some other pathogens. i dont know if there would be any negative reactions between the compounds though. i do use wet betty a sticker spreader so that the silver spray does not bead as much an fully coats the foliage.


Well-known member
chain brewing

chain brewing

... how critical ph would be except for making silver oxides in the solution more available. if the batch was freshly made this would be less of a concern right? i just started spraying a lemon larry og kush clone with 58ppm batch its in veg i really hope i can reverse this one one of the best cannabis strains currently available.

When only fresh CS is needed, chain brewing is a good tactics.

To start the process faster add a small amount of CS from previous run to the new 0ppm water and stir in the begining.
For sure it isn't a hard work but is it really necessary to do it over and over again?
The question of CS lifetime intrigues me.

After the Sugar Kremlin fem pollen session is complete I have the rest 400 ml CS 45ppm pH6,4 one month old.
Three days back (01 April :biglaugh:) I started daily spraying on Maple_Leaf, the clone in its early flowering.
I don't need the pollen just do it to study.


Grow like nobody is watching
I had been spraying a plant for about 10 days. A few days into flower and it keeled over from root rot :(

Jump, if that's only been treated 3 times, you must have started spraying quite late? I thought you were of the opinion it's better to start in late veg? Or is this an experiment?

Bicycle racer, may I ask your preferred start time for spraying?

Great discussion by the way. Cheers.
i start spraying 1 week to 10 days in veg and continue in flower until i see sings of severe stress or male features. i also have found that adding some already finished silver solution to the new one speeds the process of reaching an adequate ppm like you suggested jump. jump do you spray in veg i thought you did? one thing i have found is some reverse easy others need heavier more frequent early application.


Well-known member
... root rot :( ...
So sorry... Do you correlate that with CS?
... Jump, if that's only been treated 3 times, you must have started spraying quite late? I thought you were of the opinion it's better to start in late veg? Or is this an experiment? ...
Sure it is an experiment to test activity of aged CS and another timing to spray.
... do you spray in veg i thought you did? one thing i have found is some reverse easy others need heavier more frequent early application.
Last time I started spraying before 12/12, this time I started after 12/12+ on the early flowering.
Circumstances made it so, rest of CS, a female clone and a place to flower it, in the neighbourhood with two SKs pregnant with fem-seeds.

Last time I configured the plant in LST style, this time - Hard ST.
The main stem was fractured into elbow thus flowering part of the stem now is horizontal, the same was done with the strongest side branch.
I left on the plant only 12 flowers on nearly the same height and removed all the others, also left the most of a fan leaves.
I'm trying to spray on the flowers, not on the fan leaves.
Today it was treated for the 4th time. Pistils are drying but didn't disappeared yet.



Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks guys, I'll start spraying another plant I think, and maybe I will have something to contribute. And Jump, - no, the mother of the dead cutting also died suddenly, a couple of weeks ago. It all became clear that it was a root rot (clones are infected from the mother I found out).
exactly what i was thinking a high silver concentration would more or less sterilize the medium it would likely kill the good and the bad microbes though. i also wonder if it could kill pm i think it probably would woth trying anyways.


Grow like nobody is watching
Heh, that's weird because that's the same thoughts I had too; a systemic steriliser. I was pretty close to trying it but I didn't want to take any chances this run. I ended up spraying some cs on some slimy garden steps to see how it goes.


Well-known member
CS from roots to flowers?

CS from roots to flowers?

I think there must be zero beneficial microbes in my plain perlite non-organic hydro,
more, sometimes they kill a plant thru rotting root basement (origially rooted in RW) and/or stem bottom.

Apply them CS to prevent or to cure?
I don't know about transport Ag+ in a plant body.
Will Ag+ being applied to roots act on flowers?
yeah a friend has watered with it im not sure if it can be taken up through the roots would be good to know if it could travel to flowers from medium just another way to do things. i would l;ike to test it on root rot.


Well-known member
Day 7-th,

Day 7-th,

I see a shape of a cluster appears in a close sight picture, or is it just an illusion...

Pistils on sprayed flowers all dried,
but the new little flowers that appear in low positions out of spray zone shows their pistils,
CS didn't affect them in that place.

I suppose the transportation of CS is little or/and slow,
probably it acts locally on a place where it was applied.
It would be good to be true. That drives to possibility of one branch CS reversing.
Thus I calmed with the found explanation and I sprayed CS on the demaged stem bottom
of fem-seeding SK, they both are very pregnant, have many fresh pistils and need no sex reverse.

Fresh/dry pistil may be an indicator of CS inactivity/activity , I suppose.


Well-known member
SK ladyboys amber

SK ladyboys amber

The story of three Sugar_Kremlin ladyboys have to end.
They were 2cc+/1 month pollen producers and they left a very good farewell piece of amber to smoke a little in memory of them.
This absolute is made from SK female plants after their turning into ladyboys with CS and giving 2cc+ of fem pollen.

the coin is russian 10 копеек its diameter is 17,5mm (~0,7").

bicycle racer, tell us the story of lemon larry og kush clone, please.
larry og is one of the elite og kush clones floating around socal it is one of my all time favorite strains and out here you more or less can sample or get any clone. larry as well as tahoe og sfv og and fire og are all the rage at the moment they are all somewhat related but all a little different. the lineage of larry is up for debate but nonetheless it is a sativa dominant hybrid grows tall and stretches in flower buds are very dense and easy to trim taste and smell is a lemon/fuel mix that everyone likes yield is medium to low. on a side note you absolutely dont need to reverse whole plants i only reverse branches it works very well that way you have smoke also. it only acts locally and does not travel through the plant from where its applied. currently i am spraying blue dream(another great plant) and also larry og kush. i will also be using j-1(jack herer*skunk #1) fem pollen which i am collecting now.

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