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Question for the California People



There is money to be made in the manicuring business? Interesting.
I can see how a grower wouldn't even want to bother with it. I would be ultra-careful I was a grower trusting other people trimming my buds though...

WTF really?
Who do you thinks makes them buds pretty? Elvis?
Trimming blows so many pay to have it done, especially outdoor. But ya gotta know someone, scissor signs probably wont work.


Trimming does blow...even if you think you like it, you wouldn't if you actually grow enough for four people to smoke over two months.

As for moving to a nonmed state... back in the south, I know a guy who grew the shittiest premy hay-now and made a fortune. He moved to Colorado and couldn't hack it. So, he moved home and got busted...very few people don't get roped in non-med states even if it is for only a 16th. Shit, a 16th still gets you two nights in jail with a $25,000 bail. I know from experience. Life ain't about money. Cali ain't about making money. Cali is all about living life. If working is more important than living, than maybe where ever you get a job is where you should be.
Thanks for the responses guys.

I have another question. We have been discussing the enforcement in the Northern counties mostly, but what about regular 6/12 counties like LA? From what I have read if I have a friend with a card and I have a card we can grow 12 mature/24 immature. Right? And 1 Lb of dry bud? Sounds awesome to me... How is the enforcement in these areas? Do they raid and take you apart and then make you prove it in court, or do you show your papers on the spot for insta-freedom?


Active member
^^ let me put it this way fella. you get caught growing in so cal by local pd and your looking at alotta headaches and fines. you get caught by the feds, which a considerable percentage of growers do, your fucked.

If your comin to cali, dont come here to grow. come for work, grow some of your own. then in a couple years, once you know how things work, try something bigger.
Did i mention work is nonexistant ? haha. If theres a will, theres a way. good luck bud.

soil margin

Active member
Lol smokahontas, you in for some big surprises. Gotta agree with jojo on this one.

Good luck, you gonna need it.
I don't understand how you can get headaches and fines by local PD if you have a medical card that was issued by the state. If the PD go bust growers who are growing within legal limits why don't they just go to clubs and bust them too?? I understand the FED issue. It isn't legal under federal law. So they will put you in federal jail. But local police in California doing raids seems really fucked up! I don't understand how they could do that if the legislation has been made by the governors and passed by the people.

I'm not talking about doing massive grow-ops so I can buy myself some mansions and boats. I'm talking about growing within legal limits because I enjoy growing and so I can support my little friendly habit I have with MJ. Local cops in LA will really give me shit if I have 6 plants?

rick shaw

Well,you apparently know everything that there is to know,as evidenced by your devils advocate response to any comment or suggestion.

It must be awesome to be twenty and be so much smarter then everybody. You should start a internet company and make a billion.

Come on out everyone could use a good laugh and when your epic flame out happens we'll buy your equipment cheap on CL.
this thread has become a dichotomy of "who is a bigger douchebag Jojo420 or smokahontas?" lol. I don't think any of us have any right to pass judgement on someone else. A paragraph of writing isn't enough information to make these assumptions. No one knows anything about me, but we are making these assumptions that I am 20, I smoke pot, I like music and I want to move to California so I'm a prick. The fact is you couldn't be more wrong. I am one of the most respectful people in this world if the respect is deserved. When people get excited and make these assumptions about my life I put them back in line. Sorry if that makes me seem like a douche, but the reality is if I knew any one of you on this forum we would probably kick back with a fat joint and have a good conversation.
Nobody answered my question though about the laws/stringency in LA county. I basically got a reply of "good luck, asshole." Are there any informative/non-angry people out there? I thought this was a stoners forum :joint:
dude i've seen norml before. Thank you for the link but fa real I've probably known about that page since 3rd grade. Norml doesn't answer a question like what happens when there is a raid in LA county. It just says the black and white laws, which we know California doesn't know how to follow for shit anyways.
I don't understand how you can get headaches and fines by local PD if you have a medical card that was issued by the state. If the PD go bust growers who are growing within legal limits why don't they just go to clubs and bust them too?? I understand the FED issue. It isn't legal under federal law. So they will put you in federal jail. But local police in California doing raids seems really fucked up! I don't understand how they could do that if the legislation has been made by the governors and passed by the people.

I'm not talking about doing massive grow-ops so I can buy myself some mansions and boats. I'm talking about growing within legal limits because I enjoy growing and so I can support my little friendly habit I have with MJ. Local cops in LA will really give me shit if I have 6 plants?

its not the pds that are doing the arrest

its dea

and even with a mmj card like jojo said your not guarantee your off the hook just because weed is still illegal at a federal level,so they can raid dispensaries and personal grow ops all day

if i was you i would just stay where you at and just grow weed like you are

if you move to cali get a mmj recommendation then you trying growing and then sell a little off it for profit and get caught your fucked out of a mmj card and your back at square one

if you cant afford growing it just for personal use,then no point of growing it at all just get it black market
seems like a big headace just to move for weed if you ask me


New member
Everyone is so concentrated on the medical scene in California, while overlooking the very real possibility of legalized marijuana for adults in 2012, and certainly by 2014. Personally, I'm trying to come up with contacts, concepts, and frameworks to make money off of legalized pot in the near future. I think when it is legalized, the laws will be very cloudy, similar to the initial medical marijuana laws. Lots of the legislature will be left up to local city and county government agencies. For places like Santa Cruz, where I'm at, I think it could be a very lucrative market for those who know what they are doing...

And to whoever said Portland is very similar to Santa Cruz, you're nuts. Enjoy the crappy weather 9 months a year, I'd rather have my sunshine.


Freedom Fighter
Everyone is so concentrated on the medical scene in California, while overlooking the very real possibility of legalized marijuana for adults in 2012, and certainly by 2014. Personally, I'm trying to come up with contacts, concepts, and frameworks to make money off of legalized pot in the near future. I think when it is legalized, the laws will be very cloudy,

I remember using very similar wording..in like '78-'79 :tiphat:
I always have, and will always support Legalization...but continuously not seeing it happen...is a bummer--:)