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Question for the California People


Active member
How the hell would my PC case put me in jail in California if I had a prescription?
Cause you DON'T have a medical necessity. IF you are to get caught, its the same court proceeding as your home state. IF California prosecutor finds your case worthy to prosecute, they WILL. no matter if you have a script or not. It will then be up to you to prove your medical necessity. sINCE YOU DONT HAVE ONE, Since you DID NOT claim any medical necessity, I give you a 1 in 10 chance of getting off. Your ignorance of what is really happening is evident. Seems like you have been reading to many High Times articles,lol
And you're right - I do know nothing about the California MMJ laws. That is why I am here asking questions
and your ignorance shows again, sorry you dont like my answers. I hope you get the answers you were looking for . cause god knows you dont wanna hear the truth.

Now go away!
and I shall. AND i HOPE YOU DO THE SAME :)


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
How the hell would my PC case put me in jail in California if I had a prescription?

there is no such thing as a prescription in California Medical Marijuana.....

its called a recommendation......

doctors cant prescribe marijuana, but they can recommend it....
Cause you DON'T have a medical necessity. IF you are to get caught, its the same court proceeding as your home state. IF California prosecutor finds your case worthy to prosecute, they WILL. no matter if you have a script or not. It will then be up to you to prove your medical necessity. sINCE YOU DONT HAVE ONE, Since you DID NOT claim any medical necessity, I give you a 1 in 10 chance of getting off. Your ignorance of what is really happening is evident. Seems like you have been reading to many High Times articles,lol

Who said I don't have a medical necessity. I actually have mild Chron's disease. Any other retarded assumptions? You seem to know more about my life than I do.
there is no such thing as a prescription in California Medical Marijuana.....

its called a recommendation......

doctors cant prescribe marijuana, but they can recommend it....

Ok, but the recommendation is how people go to the clubs to legally buy weed. Right? Aside from the fact that I do have a number of medical conditions that would probably qualify me as a med patient, don't people who aren't actually sick get the doctors scripts all the time? That's what I thought I have heard countless times.... I mean does everyone in Mendocino county have cancer? And we have concluded that in Mendocino you show the cops your paperwork and you are free to go? By prescription i just meant whatever paperwork that makes you legal.


Active member


I actually have mild Chron's disease.
WELL THEN WELCOME TO THE CLUB,LOL. Your attitude sucks bro, Chron's or not. I suggest you stay where you are with this attitude. I do however empathize with your physical condition and wish you health and happiness. That is all.

Snow Crash

Active member
Thank you everyone for the replies. When you say falling apart at the seams do you mean that the laws are basically being reversed so that the growers are getting killed and the smokers are enjoying $5/ gram?

Nope, I mean the roads are falling apart, the schools and universities are falling apart, the parks are falling apart, the whole damn economy is falling apart.

Back in the 50's and 60's California was FLUSH with money. They built all the roads, and the state universities, and began the planning and funding for many other systems the state depended on for years. The last, oh, 15 years or so, since Davis, California has been one continuous mismanagement of resources and personal after another. The middle-management types with government positions have kushy jobs, state owned vehicles, and no real responsibility chewed up billions in tax payer funds over the last decade while doing little other than taking a few phone calls and pushing paper around.

The cost of energy alone in California is atrocious. I payed more than 25 cents per kwh in San Jose Ca on average. More than twice what I spend just a few hundred miles away in Oregon. Of all the things in Ca, the cost of energy (energy=work, work=jobs) is just too high. The golden days of California are long gone and if it weren't for the entertainment industry there'd be very little actual money flowing into the state. With Intel basically moving out... the only other real manufacturer left will be Apple, and they buy all their components from china and japan anyway. HP, AMD, Cisco, Google, Ebay, Sun, Seagate... They are all looking to get out of California, it's just a matter of having the talent in the right place.

One of many reasons I chose to move to where I did is because of the booming tech industry and the governments approach to attracting them to this state, rather than charging the shit out of them trying to scare them out. The copious clean water falling from the sky so I can actually drink my tap water was a big reason too because water is the only thing with value when the dollar inflates. Times are changing, and I wanted to be in a place that was equally progressive and liberal, still on the west coast, and hopefully on the way up rather than on the way out.

I love parts of CA, I love the place itself, it is the government and the lack of cash to run the social services that are going to be a big deal very soon. CA was running on Federal stimulus money. Now that money is gone, and it's just a matter of time before shit gets REALLY fucked. All it'd take is another bad season of wild fires and an earth quake. With the flooding in the mid-west... even Red Cross would be hard pressed to make any impact in the area.

Eventually the people will pick the state back up... but this could be 20 years and a full generation. I'll come back if this happens, I liked my little valley in the Santa Cruz Mountains well enough before the recession.
WELL THEN WELCOME TO THE CLUB,LOL. Your attitude sucks bro, Chron's or not. I suggest you stay where you are with this attitude. I do however empathize with your physical condition and wish you health and happiness. That is all.

You seriously just made me a little dumber. I can't take anymore. Goodnight.


Active member
there is no such thing as a prescription in California Medical Marijuana.....

its called a recommendation......

doctors cant prescribe marijuana, but they can recommend it....
and people still go to jail over this, its a recommendation, not a get outa jail free card,lol. Go back n read your post , you DO wanna sell off portions of your crop to compensate. You will be a dealer then. Get your act together before you come west.. Just my LAST 2 CENTS. OVER N OUT.
You seriously just made me a little dumber. I can't take anymore. Goodnight.
well, I was hoping to make you a little smarter, a little more educated. lol FAIL.. Good luck bro.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
and people still go to jail over this, its a recommendation, not a get outa jail free card,lol. . Good luck bro.

this is the truth....

im a collective owner and you can read the second thread in my signature for the story...


Active member
this is the truth....

im a collective owner and you can read the second thread in my signature for the story...
And I fookin LOVE YOU Krunch!! Don't know you personally , but I respect you !! Keep up the good work :)


Well, my opinion is split with my fellow Californians.

Easy, NO!


If you know how to network, Grow, REALLY well, then you'll be fine. It's all about quality and customer service these days.

The feedback your getting is because your a newb here.

If you can learn the ropes, be a professional, and go the extra mile, WELL, that's what this sea of green is missing, and there's always a market for quality, respectability, and networking.

But, I hope i didn't make that sound to easy, it AINT!


Active member
If you can learn the ropes, be a professional, and go the extra mile, WELL, that's what this sea of green is missing, and there's always a market for quality, respectability, and networking.
well said , props. I agree it is what is missing. this guy that made this thread said nothing of the such, just wants to come here and get his. He said nothing of giving back or benefiting the community, just another pipe dreamer sick of the american dream. Thinks he can come here and get his. anyway, im done, good luck all :'0


Active member
Had to do it,lol
Now onto your comments about the music industry. Firstly, what do you know about my music endeavors? I could be aspiring to be the next Miley Cyrus, or the next Dr. Dre, or the next Marilyn Manson.
WTF??? which one? I mean your ALL over the board. If you really read what you just said,lol, and expect yourself to be taken seriously, WOW. Your in denial. In the music industry, you gotta get yourself figured out. Why dont you try out for American Idol,lol I mean for real, r you a miley cyrus,lol or Dr. dre,lol......This proves your an IDIOT, an industry fake. Which one, pick one, lol Whatever makes money right??
You probably don't even know if I'm a boy or girl.
No I don't, and neither do you it seems,lol. You could be Myley Cyrus or Dr dre,lol
Growing 5'x5' with unlimited amounts of marijuana in the house actually sounds extremely appealing to me.
OH GAWD!! This is why our current laws are as asinine as they are, people like this thinking 5'x5' is enough, actually appealing to some,lol "Go gro in your cubicle bob", Im sure thats ok with you lol Thats because you have never truly been free to see the Ganja in her splendor, a truly free plant growing free..5'x5' my ass..


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
ca housing prices have dropped drastically in the last few months. The house I was living in was a 2005 2400sf 2 story. It sold for 168k. It is a buyers market right now in Ca. I have never seen prices so low as they are now.

This same house sold for 545k in 2005.

True but find someone to qualify for the loan, that's the real trick.
I know of no loans that do not require at least a 20% down payment, your credit score better be no lower than 730-750 and that sill doesn't mean your going to get the loan. Oh btw you better have some serious income qualifying documentation from your employer or if your self employed even more...they will look at that like a proctologist.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Ok, but the recommendation is how people go to the clubs to legally buy weed. Right? Aside from the fact that I do have a number of medical conditions that would probably qualify me as a med patient, don't people who aren't actually sick get the doctors scripts all the time? That's what I thought I have heard countless times.... I mean does everyone in Mendocino county have cancer? And we have concluded that in Mendocino you show the cops your paperwork and you are free to go? By prescription i just meant whatever paperwork that makes you legal.

Ok but realize marijuana possession is STILL a federal crime and I kid you not...they are raiding dispensaries all the time here, privat grows (that they believe are illegal and outside prop215/420 regs)......he'll the Attorney General just threatened the city of Oakland for trying to allow huge commercial grows to raise revenue for the city and you never saw supervisors back down so fast.

I worry when I see people being given the truth and they seem to not want to hear it. If this is your dream by all means come out here, their is NO better life teacher than experience....prove us all wrong and succeed! I honestly and truly wish you the best an much success, god bless you.:tiphat:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
And I fookin LOVE YOU Krunch!! Don't know you personally , but I respect you !! Keep up the good work :)


I love you too man (sniff)......what happened to you is a lesson for us all. The only thing that bothers me is that YOU got the "Cheech n Chong" Nikes and I got [email protected]



Just read this thread to see the diff between Cali and Mi. I can see our future now thanks all.
OP? I'm not a troll so no dis ment when I say U ain't listenin. But U ain't. I deal with new ppl every day. U had ur mind made up before U posted this question. When I run into this attitude settin up grows I just quote 420 brudda JoJo "im done! good luck"

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