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QB96 LED Grow Tent



Highland Mexican x Blueberry #4 f1
about 2 weeks into flower.

I've got 2 f1 males isolated for pollen. Everything looks good so far.



Highland Mexican x Blueberry #1 f1

Curious to see if there is any variation between the two girls. Kinda hoping for some wacky Blueberry outlier...



Well-known member
I'm going to have some northern Berry f2s and northern Berry x skunk Berry if you're interesting in seeing what's in them


HMxBB #4

Here is a pic of one of 2 males isolated and about a week away from producing pollen. The remaining 3 pictures are of one of 2 females at day 20 of flower. This one is slowing down her stretch and is stacking harder and closer than her sister. They are the heaviest drinkers in my tent. Hearty fuckers.


HMxBB #1

HMxBB #1

This is HMxBB #1 or the second gal. She is stretchier between internodes and I suspect her stretch may be slowing down. She was slower to show her flower pistils by almost a week over her counterpart.


Her Majesty Original Delicatessen

Her Majesty Original Delicatessen

She looks lankier when vegged under a 315, but when brought into the flower tent and exposed to the LED she got stocky. Almost no stretch and really not looking like it is half Mexican. Regardless in for a penny in for a pound. I'm curious to see what she will do and even more excited to run a clone of her.



First 4 pics are from 2 different seed mom plants at day 32 flower. The last pic is of a more recent inductee to the flower room; day 16. I like the pistil thickness on pic 1 and 2. Very familiar look to when I was first starting out with internet bought genetics some years ago:biggrin:



Weird, says I have six pics in cue not the 5 that I see in the cue. Regardless, picture number 5


Joey Weed C99f2

Joey Weed C99f2

3 seed girls flowered out to 56 days. I think a part of why I let them go to 56 days is due to my adding beneficials that gave them a burst of nitrogen at the end (and bulked them up a bit). Regularly I would have taken them at day 50, based on the C99 of days gone bye.

They all had extremely similar growth characteristics including resin content and leaf structure. Smell was muted during grow, but could get a tropical rotten smell from time to time. Resin is greasy. They have been curing for 14+ days and I figured I'd start in on them and see how they did.

I was able to get 2 of the 3 seed moms to re-veg and will run the cuts at least 1 more time each. I made seeds with all 3 moms with pollen doners from the same pack of f2's.

The smoke is smooth and non-expanding in the lungs. The taste is sweet and nondescript other than tropical. The smell when the jar is opened is definitely a tropical fruit punch with pepper. When you break up the buds is when you can smell the rotten tones.
High is good.
I recall a stronger initial take-off with the C99 and Apollo 11's I tried from BG as well as Joey. With that said, it has a solid sativa punch right from the first exhale. High is in the head and shoulders and I did not get much, if any of the elevated rapid feel in the chest. High didn't last very long, but I am a daily drive and tolerance is up there.

This was a fun grow, and I'll expect bigger/better from the cuts.




Highland Mexican x Blueberry at about day 30. Here are a few pics of both girls in flower. Stretch has stopped on both and they are beginning to fill in.



Her Majesty at about day 30 flower. Little to no stretch and she is beginning to fill in. Not the structure I was expecting from her, but I have to say I do love how she is shaping up!



AK47f2 in the flowering tent. The further along are at about day 40 and others are around day 30. They all look rag-tag but I will get a good idea of flowering times and effect. The cuts will give me a better view on whom to run further. The buds are getting huge and proper preparation/management of the flowers before and during flower will be essential for an excellent grow. Smell is not too significant. Crystal production is OK.



Skunkberry bud shots dried and barely cured. Taste is mild berry, possibly blueberry. The fruit vs a sweet smell. High is good and layered, but I'll hold off on a report for a while to let her mature. Attempting to re-veg her as we speak.



Lilly bud shots. Short cure, powerful sativa high. The smell in the jar is honeysuckle. When ground up its almost kiwi sweet. Yum!



HMxBB mix of two different seed girls at day 39 flower. They both look great, with slight differences in structure. Cannot wait to run the clones.
