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Python eats drunk man in India

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Yes big snakes can eat big animals but apparently even the Anaconda cannot eat a full grown adult human . There have been deaths of people drowning after being pulled into the water . No snakes jaws will go over the shoulders of an adult , they can kill a grown human by asphyxiation but not swallow .

A consricting snake doesn't just suffocate you.. It is also breaking bones and making you nice and squishy.
Shoulders are not a problem.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Snakes have incredibly stretchy jaws, but it's really not true that they "unhinge" at the joint. Our rather solid jaws are made of a number of bones fused together which allows us to chew. If your feeding style doesn't involve biting out chunks and chewing them, then solid structure may not be important.

Snakes jaws are made of a number of loosely connected bones. At the point that would be a human chin, in a snake the bones of the lower jaw are not fused together. They are merely connected by a very stretchy ligament which allows the two halves to separate.

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Snakes are thought to have evolved from mosasaurs which swam in the mesozoic seas and needed to swallow prey whole.

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The lower jaws of mosasaurs had a flex point midway between the chin and jaw pivot, that allowed the jaws to bow open laterally and permitted the animal to engulf and swallow a larger prey item.

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Snakes use this mosasaur "bowing" jaw, and their own flexi-stretchy chin joint to allow them to work food items of incredible size down their throats.

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In this photo of an African Egg Eating Snake the jaw bone structure is visible and you can see that the bones are still connected at what we would think of as being the jaw hinge. Most of the stretch here is taking place in the ligaments between the left and right jaws at the point we think of as being the chin.

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Active member
you don't have to travel that far. south florida especially the everglades got plenty of em too. lots of em escaped or were set free and now are breeding.a person who knows snakes can find one easily. I have seen boas, pythons many times there


Active member
A consricting snake doesn't just suffocate you.. It is also breaking bones and making you nice and squishy.
Shoulders are not a problem.

Sorry Harry but they are . All snakes take their prey head first . If you think of any animal a snake will take , the shoulders front legs etc kinda slip backwards as the snake draws the body into it`s mouth , a snakes constriction will not crush a humans shoulders to any degree , shoulders too wide snake cannot swallow & as I have said there is not any snake in the world that can take an adult .
Despite Anacondas pulling people into rivers etc there has never been proof they have been eaten ,dead bodies have been drowned but found , this has been talked about on many a tv programme on s American wildlife .
A good friend of mine runs a business supplying animals for film work , many years ago the Frankie goes to Hollywood video Welcome to the pleasure Dome showed Frankie with an enormous python draped over his shoulders supplied by my friend . That python was measured once when it slid down the staircase & was at full stretch , it went 28ft . He has had other Boa`s Anacondas & pythons big enough to scare the shit out of anybody in the room so he knows his stuff . We talked once about the food size of big snakes & a deer or big pig or calf is about as big as it will get & he has travelled the world & never known a genuine case of human adult being swallowed .

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Sorry Harry but they are . All snakes take their prey head first . If you think of any animal a snake will take , the shoulders front legs etc kinda slip backwards as the snake draws the body into it`s mouth , a snakes constriction will not crush a humans shoulders to any degree , shoulders too wide snake cannot swallow & as I have said there is not any snake in the world that can take an adult .
Despite Anacondas pulling people into rivers etc there has never been proof they have been eaten ,dead bodies have been drowned but found , this has been talked about on many a tv programme on s American wildlife .
A good friend of mine runs a business supplying animals for film work , many years ago the Frankie goes to Hollywood video Welcome to the pleasure Dome showed Frankie with an enormous python draped over his shoulders supplied by my friend . That python was measured once when it slid down the staircase & was at full stretch , it went 28ft . He has had other Boa`s Anacondas & pythons big enough to scare the shit out of anybody in the room so he knows his stuff . We talked once about the food size of big snakes & a deer or big pig or calf is about as big as it will get & he has travelled the world & never known a genuine case of human adult being swallowed .

Damn you discovery channel..


Someone I know had a fecking huge python... It had it's own bedroom. He took the door off and put a polycarbonate one on, complete with prison style door flap for chucking the odd bunny in. (He stopped live feeding when a rabbit fucked the snake up and he got a huge bill from a specialist vet)

I've got a pic somewhere of me when I was at school, they had some people from a reptile centre bring in some snakes, and the pic is of me in the middle, with a friend at either side holding one of those yellow pythons, with the reptile centre man controlling the head. Not as good as when they brought the birds of prey in and an Owl shat on teach's desk

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Sorry Harry but they are . All snakes take their prey head first . If you think of any animal a snake will take , the shoulders front legs etc kinda slip backwards as the snake draws the body into it`s mouth , a snakes constriction will not crush a humans shoulders to any degree , shoulders too wide snake cannot swallow & as I have said there is not any snake in the world that can take an adult .

I'm not trying to start an argument here MJ...but I would agree with your above statement as being...most likely true. There have been reports of children, even young teenagers, being eaten by large constrictors. None of these have been verified, this is true, but given the circumstances of such an event (snake eats person, witnesses too scared shitless to approach snake, don't have a camera, snake crawls away into the jungle), having proof is not an easy proposition.

These things come into play when considering whether a giant snake can swallow an adult human:

1) How big is the snake. Obviously, the larger the snake, the more likely it will be able to swallow an adult human.

2) How big can giant snakes actually get? This is something that we really don't know. For every giant snake that is seen by people, there are likely 10 more, maybe dozens more, that live in the jungles who are never seen by people. At least never seen by people who live in areas where such a snake would come to the attention of newspapers or other media. The largest Reticulated Python ever measured was 33 ft long. Is a 40 ft specimen out of the question?

3) How big is the adult human. Same goes here obviously, smaller the human, more likely it will be considered food by the snake and more likely it will be swallowed. The people who live in areas where these giant snakes live frequently have poor diets which causes them to not get as large as your average human. Obviously, it would be hard to find a snake big enough to swallow Shaquille O'neil, but some body like...Danny Devito... could possibly be on the dinner table.

The ability of a member of one of the giant snake families to grow to amazing proportions has to do with its food source being plentiful, and how many years it has to continue growing. As the human population continues to explode on the planet, the giant snakes available environment to exist keeps getting cut back. So, the likelihood of these giant snakes reaching maximum proportions is getting less and less. But, if you go back in time, when there was more "wildness" and less humans, that is probably where the giants really existed.

I am always amazed when I consider how much of our planet really isn't known to us. What kind of creatures might exist in our oceans? The Coelacanth was thought to be extinct (since the Cretaceous period) until it was caught by a fisherman in 1938. What creatures have yet to be found in the deepest darkest parts of the Amazon? The wild animals that we see and are familiar with when they happen to wander into our human controlled environments are just the tip of the iceberg of what's really out there. I'm guessing that amongst those who are never seen by humans there exists some that push the envelope of expected maximum size. And, if they are big enough, would have an adult human for dinner.

But....I can't prove it! :biggrin:


Active member
W D you have raised some very good points but when people talk of large snakes it is always the body size/length & as you say if they have ample prey it will get bigger . But I have actually seen pythons of 28ft & 16ft together & there was no difference in head/jaw size so the smaller snake can take the same size prey . Anacondas are the biggest snake but only in weight not length , the longest snake is the reticulated python but it is not a real heavy weight compared to say an indian or Burmese .
The jaw of any large snake can only open so far & there is a limit as to prey size , large snakes have been filmed with big items like deer etc but have had to either regurgitate back off or die , trouble is once a snake has got a certain amount in it`s mouth the rear facing teeth cause problems detaching/releasing that is why very few snakes take an item that is too big to swallow . It happens occasionally but not very often .

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
My massage therapist has decent snake handling skills

Are you sure she's a qualified massage therapist.... snake handling tends to be included on the list of thins NOT to do.....

"Now we've got all the tension out of your back, would you like a happy ending"

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Sometimes snakes swallow prey items tail first ...

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Nice one CR! I was reading somewhere that dogs who chase their tails all the time are actually suffering from some mental illness (iirc, it was a mental illness that affects humans as well). I wonder if that king snake is also suffering from it as well? That snake could be useful around the yard....like if you wanted to keep some fence posts closed, etc.