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PWC=pacific north west

Mr. Tony

Active member
i forgot to mention it will be very private deal, growers only so just some random dildo can't walk in, trusted members only kind of thing, but hope to have a good turn out with lots of good times.

shit i guess i'll have to get a new grow going so i can join.

I'll bring the german roor....

should we start up a list of those down to meet up?


I'll be at HempFest. I'm sure down to smoke there with anyone there without a big herpes sore on their lip. But, something about a private meeting of just growers meeting to discuss growing seems like a highly organized criminal conspiracy in the rollers eyes. Not to be a hater or anything, maybe the weed is getting me too paranoid.


Not trying to call anyone a cop, snitch, or conspirator, by the way. Just would hate to see anyone get locked up for growin some bud.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Well I assure all of you I am NO COP, nor a snitch and i think i know the last one but not one of those. Im just a hobby addicted fool that loves to share It,stories,and good times. After seeing beer fest and at the end it saying pot fest coming soon wich was only 5 years ago, After stewing on it since then and finding a new hobby (cultivation of cannabis) then stumbling upon this site and chattin with cool people and meeting one i thought why not at least give it a try ya know? I have even thought bout opening a restaurant or something with a CEA (Cannabis Enthusiast Area) for those who qualify and those being the deciders will be 3 one being me and 2 who click and are trustworthy and who are also growers so the choices will have security in mind at all times, but it would be way awesome to get some shit going.

Also I think im there for hempstalk seeing how its close to my holiday, i should have some blackberry kush near that time too, so we will for sure have to meet up and toke 1,2 or 3 or 4 or way more than that thats for sure.


Anyone else brew their own beer in this thread? I've made a few ales and a weizen so far. I've been debating on trying a pot beer.

I didn't think anyone here was a cop or anything, for the record. I'm just one of those skeptical types I guess.


North american Brewers Festival(NAOBF)- the 5th annual Organic brewers festival at Overlook Park June 26th -28th in Portland Oregon. Featuring the worlds largest variety of organic beers.

Open 12-9pm Friday & Saturday 12-5pm Sunday

website www.naobf.org
I'm not the fuzz either, nor do I have anything to do with them, just in case I need be clear about that. I do worry about them often however. Sucks we can't be more open about it cause I would love to learn about others experience with growing.

I always have said I was gong to try home brewing one day. I have a friend that did it for a while, and he even came up with a few batches I could stand to drink every so often, lol.

You know, if I ever win the lottery or something, I'm going to just travel to all the cool festivals around the country for a couple years. Hempstalk is definitely on that list, but probably not this year.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
if i ever win the lottery i would bomb the whole contry with trillions and trillions of the dankest seeds in the world then retreet to my underground layer where ill grow all sorts of plants and build cool vehicals


Id love to brew my own beer, got any leads as to where to start?

There is a store called grains beans and things in medford. Owner's name is Bob, he is a solid guy. He can answer any brewing question. Plan on around a $100-$150 for your first equipment/ingredients purchase.


I'm not the fuzz either, nor do I have anything to do with them, just in case I need be clear about that. I do worry about them often however. Sucks we can't be more open about it cause I would love to learn about others experience with growing.

I always have said I was gong to try home brewing one day. I have a friend that did it for a while, and he even came up with a few batches I could stand to drink every so often, lol.

You know, if I ever win the lottery or something, I'm going to just travel to all the cool festivals around the country for a couple years. Hempstalk is definitely on that list, but probably not this year.

Hempstalk is okay, dont miss hemp fest though, its way bigger. The country fair in Oregon can be fun if you want to do something in this state.