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purps micro budmachine

Alright, check this out -

Basically what I'm talking about is an intake manifold. You draw air from the single "middle" hole on the front face of the cab, then direct it around to the sides of the box and out thru openings all along its length.

I was kind of thinking the cross section of this manifold would be something like 1x4"? 1x5" if you can swing it. That'd give you the ability to move as much air as possible given the size of that circular opening in the front face of the cab.

The key here would be to construct it out of a very thin material, ie styrene or sheet metal, or at most some 1/8" plywood, like the kind model shipbuilders etc use. The thicker the material, the more you compromise either space within the box or airflow within the manifold.

Framing this up inside your box is going to be finicky but it's not impossible. And it functions as a perfect light trap too!
lollypop..thats a pretty damn good idea..im worried though if ill have negative pressure inside my cab??..that middle hole on the front of the speaker is only 4" where as my exhaust on the backside of the speaker is 4.5"..and its to my understanding that intake should be 2x the size of exhaust to have negative pressure..what are your thoughts about this?? thanks man for your help

nearthebeach..yea man i just couldnt resist it :muahaha: i watched half baked the other day..what part of jamaica.well i live near tha beach boy..ha i also watched cool runnings last night..good shit
purpbythepound said:
lollypop..thats a pretty damn good idea..im worried though if ill have negative pressure inside my cab??..that middle hole on the front of the speaker is only 4" where as my exhaust on the backside of the speaker is 4.5"..and its to my understanding that intake should be 2x the size of exhaust to have negative pressure..what are your thoughts about this?? thanks man for your help

You'll have loads of negative pressure... my concern would be more "can I move enough air in thru my intake to A) cool the rig, and B) avoid overworking my exhaust fan". If your intake is super restricted, then your exhaust fan will be spinning in a vacuum... like covering your vacuum cleaner's hose with your hand - the motor starts to spin super fast because there's no more resistance on the blades. That equals more noise and more wear on the fan itself.

I think you're going to be fine though, a 4" intake is still a pretty good size for the box you're building and the lights going in it. I would try leaving that bottom hole closed off altogether at first, and then if you find your temps just aren't under control, you can figure out how to open it up without creating light leaks.

BTW have you figured out where your scrubber's going to go?
thanks for the replies.. i think im going to have to just sacrifice my back row of three plants and make a scrubber similar to sugabears..i wish there was a way i could go about it without having to sacrifice three plants but i have a 120mm pc fan and i need the scrubber to be on the inside of the box..and smell is an issue here so i need it to be a pretty effective scrubber while still keeping the box's stealth appearance
lights and exhaust fans are mounted in both cabs:rasta:

all that is left on the construction of the cabs are to build and mount the custom intake light traps,mount the power strips inside the boxes, and to build a diy carbon scrubber much like suga bears design for my flower cab and then it will be on to the growshow :canabis: :lurk:

I've also ordered a Nutrafin CO2 canister that should be here within the next week or two that i'm really excited about.I've seen a few micro growers here using them and have said that they noticed a spike in growth shortly after use.
Stay Green.Stay Safe.Stay Tuned :joint:


Just Call me Urkle!!
Hahaha I love it bro I produce also nice MPK49 ya got there I'm still rockin a Axiom 61 but it works just not as cool lol and I love the monitors for grow cabs
thundurkel..nice to have you stop in bro hopefully you'll stick around for the show and give some of that knowledge you have to offer..seems you've caught on quick to the dr bud sog method and i hope you'll be here along the way as this will be my first micro!
Those axioms arent too bad though..pretty sturdy keyboards..i have an axiom 25 that you can actually see in that last pic in the left corner of the pic..use it every now and then but mostly stick with the mpk..its a little powerhouse ha :rasta: Shoot me a pm and let me know what type of music you produce and what not

Stick around guys, ill be mounting the powerstrips today and also will be headin to the store to get material for my carbon scrubber..
got powerstrips mounted and currently working on the scrubber..i need some really thin material so i can construct my custom intake manifold but it seems that hobby shops around here dont carry sheet styrene and am not wanting to have to hassle with sheetmetal..i have access to some really thin cardboard but am hesitant on using this in my box due to the fire hazard and what not..anyone have any suggestions on a material that would possibly fit my needs?? once these are constructed i will pop the seeds and get on with the show so im anxious to get these manifolds constructed :1help:

you can get some thin plexiglass at lowes or homedepot in the glass department,they sale it in small sheets.if you have a small propane torch or something that puts out a good amount of heat,you can heat the plexi and bend it to shape,just hold it in place until it cools or it wont hold its shape.that might work for you.just a thought.
hey havent chekced the thread to see how ur doing, jesus progressing along!

nie stealth. lol i like how it looks like it 'belongs'
let me know how you make that scbrubber.
so im back with an update..i want to first off let you guys know that after tryin and tryin to force myself into thinkin i could pull off a micro sog in these small little cabs, i've came to the conclusion that there is just simply not enough room inside the boxes considering that all components such as power strip, carbon scrubber,co2 canister, and the custom intake light traps have to be inside of the box to maintain maximum stealth appearance..so with that said i've moved on from that idea and here are my new plans:

I will veg my 2 seeds 24/0 in the left speaker..take clones asap and move them over to the right speaker to flower 12/12 to determine whether im workin with females or not..once i have confirmed female i will take two clones, trash the plant that was started from seed, and grow out one clone per speaker..so basically i will have:2 flower speakers each having 84 watts warm white and one clone per speaker..i will train with lst and if i am satisfied with the finished product i will reveg..if not then i will pop new seeds and see how those turn out

Now with that said, on to the progress of the boxes..i have decided to go with 1/8 inch hardboard to construct my intake light traps..i will be purchasing this tomorrow and constructing the light traps over the holidays..i've also made a decision on the carbon scrubber i will use...it is a design by pig-pen that can be made from local bought material and is small enough to suit my application..check it out http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=86726&page=1&pp=15..so i will hopefully have the scrubber and light traps constructed and mounted for the new year so i can get these boxes up and running!!! :jump:
stay tuned guys and gals
i am using darkroom louvers for my intakes ...did a test run with the speakers and temps were to high so i ordered more darkroom louvers and will be adding more intake when they arrive here..once i mount these and i have temps under control its off to the grow!!!:woohoo:
thanks for the kind words guys..ill be startin a new thread documenting my grow with tons of pics as soon as the grow is underway
..santaclaus.. yes they did but all i did was simply just pull the lights out of the solder and bamm! no leds:pimp3:


so check it out i know its been a while but im back to show my fellow micro growers some mods that ive been workin on which include reflectix insulation on all walls, bigger exhaust fan for more ventilation,added weather stripping where needed, and installed darkroom louvers for my intake to keep a nice stealth lightproof appearance

Front of speaker with mesh screen taken off

Inside of speaker with back panel taken off

Closer look at the darkroom louvers

Now heres the hard part..If you havent read the earlier post i am working with the small dimensions of W9.9" x H19.8" x D11.8"...I added an 8 inch exhaust fan thinkin that it would give me better ventilation and better cfm.My carbon scrubber has to be mounted inside of the box and when attatched to my exhaust fan it takes up 5" of depth in my speaker leaving me with the micro growing space of W9.9"xH19.8"xD5.0"..Thats fine though im really just growing for the excitement of getting to grow your own smoke so yield is certainly not a factor here as you can tell..But here is where the problem comes in..I will explain then show pictures to see if i can get any help..The exhaust fan has a diameter of 8" and my cab is only 9.9" wide..The inner shell of my scrubber will be 8" in diameter so therefor i can use an 8" duct cap on the end no problem, but my outer shell is 8 1/2" in diameter because that is as big as it possibly can be and still fit in the cab so i am left with no easy solution to an end cap because duct caps are not made in this size..so what i need from you guys is some ideas as to what i can use to cap the end of my scrubber..i tried using the same material (hardware cloth) to make an end cap but you simply cant get the edges to match up because you cant cut this stuff in a circle...

any ideas would be of great help!! just received my bubblegum seeds so im ready to finish this scrubber so i can get the show on the road