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Purple Kush

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
yeah I had it or 3 years , just let my last one go 67 days , that might be the perfect amount of time exactly for the PK , mine has that crazy kushy / grape undertone and goes a lil purple when not taken down early.....lol think ther r 2 PK threads going right now lol

headband 707

Plant whisperer
ts--- i some how erased this part of my previous post urs does look like the lvpk unless u figured outthe bc cut like few others either way gorgous plant huge pk nugz i luv it

The Lavander PK here in BC when you can find it has a very lavander color and the PK has a Purple color when she is done .. and they are both amazing .. peace out Headband707


Active member
Some shots of my lvpk right before i cut her down yesterday.





Active member
lvpk looks more like bubba... pk sr71 looks more like urkle and grape ape..
right after you say that I post the lvpk then we get a comparison shot of the sr71. Your description is spot on. Ive never grown real deal bubba but ive grown atleast 6 phenos of sour bubble and Ive heard bubba is is pretty close. I grew a sour bubble right next to the purple kush just to do a comparison. Well if someone gave me a spliff of lvpk my first guess would be hey is that sour bubble but that is where the comparison ends. LVPK beats sour bub in every category. Better faster growth, more stretch, less finiky with nitrogen but there are still some issues if you use to much, the best part the yeild was more than double what I got off the sour bub. Purple kush will remain in my garden for years to come. I am eager to try the sr71 aswell she looks yummy.


Active member
i love purple kush i have a small yielder but potent and sticky as hell shes a winner not to different from vapeds cut


Only sampled a bit of the lvpk, but I had some bubba on hand as well. They smell remarkably similar. Definite nuances between the two, but both kushes for sure. Kind of caught me off guard, I was expecting the lvpk to be more like gdp/urkle to be honest.


Active member
You see alot of bubba because....Bubba....Erkle....Purple Kush.....Sour Bubble....they all come from the same part of the world....Afghanistan or Iran....take a look at my Landrace Iranian Indicas and they also look like the plants above....purple bomb...


Active member
I think they all have a little pure kush from the kush regions in them but they are all predominantly American hybrids. From what I have seen erkles and the GDP dont have the same kush bud structure as the pk, sour b, and bubba.


Active member
Nah dude...i have actual seeds from the mountains in Iran and they look like twins......Indicas come the Iran/Afghanistan...not the Kush Mountains,,,Iran has the best land for growing Indicas in the entire region ...the land in the north is insane...way better then the Kush region


Active member
Nah dude...i have actual seeds from the mountains in Iran and they look like twins......Indicas come the Iran/Afghanistan...not the Kush Mountains,,,Iran has the best land for growing Indicas in the entire region ...the land in the north is insane...way better then the Kush region

That is bomb diggity I would love to pop some Iranian land race. I love all indicas. I run 22 strains right now and only one my blueberry muffins blueberry is sativa dom. Im vegging out a pack of Grindhouse Ancient Afghans right now. In the future I would love to run Iranian, pakistani, and Indian Indica land races. The A. Afghans aren't really a land race but an inbreed line from cali. What is the flower time on the Iranians?


Active member
All vary bro....I have 14 more seeds I popped a month ago and Im currently sexing them out right now....alot of variation already...I'll take pics for everyone to watch them grow and flower soon...flowering times are all over the place...


Active member
this strain fucks me up more than anything ive smoked. it makes me feel violated!
there should be a warning
~~~~~~~NIGHTIME SMOKE ONLY!!!!~~~~~~~

far to potent for peeps who have to do stuff in the day. its so hard not to smoke in the morning though lmao. im a glutten.