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Purple Kush Unit


I love my life
I'm guessing you haven't been visited by those chicks that love dudes in purple for a while; unfortunate it is better when we aren't congested.

If you have a problem of LV PK being from LV then take it up with the universe. There are a lot of PKs out there and they aren't all the same.

Who's eyes were the wool pulled over when you chose to grow LVPK a few months ago (still in flower right)? If it were a shit strain you'd never do that. If you are upset that others in the universe have it or I have it; no way I can help you.

So I'll set my pride meter to 1 of 100 and ego to 1 of 100 (and you know that is hard for a fucker like me), what do you really want?

House shitty as always, underwater forclosure waiting to happen. Stone IPA still one of the best beers of all time. Otherwise things high for everyone that knows me. I was really hoping you were doing better and not chasing demons that don't exist.



My life is great. I don't rely on bottles and bongs for false happiness. Or loads of cash for that matter. Guess it's the perks of not having been divorced and pawning a brilliant kid off on others while being an alcoholic.

There's plenty of information on the internet that I'm sure you're willing to avoid like the plague, exposing it as Kyle Kushman's Purple Kush. Face it, you're nothing in the game without your little LVPK. Not a grower, just a dictator.

I'm willing to see past it though and offer friendship regardless because you have some good educating qualities about you that are enjoyable when you're most sober. You can learn to grow again, it's kind of like riding a bike. You've got the knowledge, you just need to apply it. Shaky at first, then smooth as silk. :)


I love my life
Really bitter and not been ICmag too much recently or you'd have read the most recent US PK thread (not the Canadian one or the UK one) and would have read what KK supposedly said about his New Yorker cover photo. Many here in this thread have read it and also seen my alcoholism in person (including the creator of this thread). Long story short LVPK is not from KK.

The fact that there are DOZENS of threads about LVPK on ICmag is because I pay an army of patsy's to post them. The bud sucks, sorry you chose to grow it. You are right I am nothing in the game. I've know this forever, I am just a tool working for a plant. I chose mine, sorry you don't like her.

As for bringing in others like my family, you got me I don't want to go there.

Dictators really don't get to go on vacation so we must not have the same dictionary or you were over reaching.

I've never forgot how to grow, but I really wonder how I wronged you.



The fact that you received the cut from someone years back from Overgrow and had not a damn thing to do in its breeding should be enough fact that there's no LV involved other than for your pride. That's what this is about Hydrosun... F U C K your pride and harshness towards others for no f u c k i n g reason.

The herb is bomb and that has nothing to do with you or Las Vegas. Get over it.

You bet I grow bomb...


I love my life
The fact that you received the cut from someone years back from Overgrow and had not a damn thing to do in its breeding should be enough fact that there's no LV involved other than for your pride. That's what this is about Hydrosun... F U C K your pride and harshness towards others for no f u c k i n g reason.

The herb is bomb and that has nothing to do with you or Las Vegas. Get over it.

You bet I grow bomb...

Well there it is boys and girls it is no longer LVPK it is LiferPK, cause he grows the bomb. That LV shit was just a holding place until he came along. Just warming your seat dude don't have to be so angry, why don't you tell the good folks how you developed LiferPK?



Now the upcoming cross of PK x TGA's new Plush Berry release. That'll be called KY Jelly when selection is made. Its creation will be thoroughly documented in high definition like a pro.


I love my life
Then what was your fucking point? LV shouldn't really be LV because it was really crossed in ZZ city? What was your fucking point? These threads don't read HydroSunPurpleKush, and I never claimed to breed it. You yourself said the cannabis was the bomb what more should I do shoot myself?



I love my life
Now the upcoming cross of PK x TGA's new Plush Berry release. That'll be called KY Jelly when selection is made. Its creation will be thoroughly documented in high definition like a pro.

Why would you build a seed company off of the LiferPK is it really that good, Mr. Pro? Again great to see that your efforts are in no way enhanced by a douche like me, at least you'd only use LiferPK, never LVPK.



Are you drunk now Hydrosun? You're acting pretty childish trying to turn it on me taking credit. The point was to discredit you by adding the LV to what I simply refer to as Purple Kush. It's the best Purple Kush I've ever got my hands on in this tight knit community.

You're human like the rest of us, stop trying to top 1% yourself and your precious DNA. Am I clear?


I love my life
Are you drunk now Hydrosun? You're acting pretty childish trying to turn it on me taking credit. The point was to discredit you by adding the LV to what I simply refer to as Purple Kush. It's the best Purple Kush I've ever got my hands on in this tight knit community.

Am I clear?

I'm feeling drunk right now, so you are saying that THE BEST PURPLE KUSH you have ever had is the LiferPK? Well I was lucky enough to keep that clone alive cut to cut for 7 years, thank you for returning. I only called it LVPK because it came from Las Vegas and wasn't the same as other PK cuts going around.

I'm glad you live in such an enlightened part of the world were PK means LiferPK not that other crap.



I don't know if you're more pathetic or me for still wanting to be friends. But it's pathetic. I got love for you and your entire family within my heart dude. I can be a shoulder to cry on, buy me a plane ticket I'll be right there. NO jokes. I was man enough to delete your CC from my SW acct. BTW.


I love my life
Well your post would have been much cooler if you just said say the word and I'll be there. Asking for you ticket to be paid for means you got problems up to your eye balls. Just saying. I don't know who is stranger you or I, but as I said I never screwed you over. Who cares if you delete CC info or not, you know enough about me to fill a book and are smart enough to recreate it on the fly. For these reasons and others I never break the trust of this community. We can fight all we want, but it is in the family; nothing gets between family.



Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Now the upcoming cross of PK x TGA's new Plush Berry release. That'll be called KY Jelly when selection is made. Its creation will be thoroughly documented in high definition like a pro.

Hells yeah man,I have my PLUSH BERRY popped and on there way to knock up the lvpk,hadn't thought about a name tho. Love the butt sex jelly name tho.


I bought my car and house cash and have been paying bills since bro. You're right, up to my fucking eyes in it, and loving every minute. You'd have to pay for my food too as usual. Pay back in 4 weeks I promise. Let's do this shit now I need some company!


I love my life
Hells yeah man,I have my PLUSH BERRY popped and on there way to knock up the lvpk,hadn't thought about a name tho. Love the butt sex jelly name tho.

I know the newest and greatest is the thing that everyone wants to cross, but I just keep thinking back to DG's post of a few pages .... Can it beat the mother? If not aren't we just diluting it....

This cut is pretty good as many say and certainly not horded, here is to seeing those that can beat the mom.



Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
I'm not trying to eliminate or dilute ol mother,she will remain as is in my garden for as long as I can help it.I'm just trying to find new varieties to enjoy her as.

I would love to find a pheno in a cross that would hold on to her potentcy and density while boosting the fruityness and grow ARM sized nugs.

not saying that plush burry will be the one to do so,I would just like to see that and see what other wicked mixes she would make.

Oh and before i forget,do I need to change the lvpk in my Sig to liferpk? LoL