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Pure speed



as far as the quickest auto like i said dont get your hopes up, your looking at 9 weeks at least on hundred percent of them

Not necessarily so..
this is an AF off @ 49 days from germ due to a ripper problem.
She was multi-potted and I am gonna get over an ounce dry off her once she is cleaned up.


If you look around the threads you will see a lot of postings where people think they are being ripped off with seeds that are being sold as true autos..but they are not.

I'm not getting into a slagging match on any genetics..but I think we are seeing the emergence of a New cross from the AF x Long season mixes.
Work needs to be done on defining them...because the possibilities they bring could be altogether more exciting than pure AF..
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id say .75 and oucne, but looks nice, had u let it go 9-10 youd have a really nice yield, thats a nice size auto my friend.


I have never personally grown any auto -flower plants other than Nev's old Ruderalis X skunk crosses and they lacked pretty hard in the potency dept so I figured they all sucked....Then I was up in eastern Canada, this back around 92' or so and they had some outdoor plants with great potency done in the 3rd week of August.I can only imagine what level they may have brought it to by now..maybe you could find some of those growers out in Nova Scotia/ Newfoundland that have some real fast finishers.I figured I'd chime in with that little bit of info because I was a dead set auto hater until they turned me around.There's an auto-affie I think they call it up there and they grow truckloads of it so I think you can attain your goal with some help from some of those Canadians or even the Northern Europeans.Anyway saw the thread and put in my :2cents: and wish you the best of luck with the project because I believe it is completely possible.:joint::joint:


Guys..gotta a bit running around today but I will be back to you all.

Leviathan..look how Fine her frame is..I get an ounce dry out of 130g cut down wet weight outta that particular pheno. :yes:
and strangely enough..I get better pain meds out of them slightly under done.

vicious bee..cheers..I will check the links at the weekend..got the Friday Night Bud Show..and pipelines Batchelor party ..so time is limited today...
but it is something we need to clarify.
It drives me nuts.

Have a great weekend everyone. :joint:


vicious bee..I have had a quick look and that looks like another one.
Will have a proper look over the weekend.
Cheers..it shows you know exactly WHAT I was talking about.

I hit it first in the f3 AF roll on the JEM.

They flower on 18-6 for sure..because that is when I hit my first one
and I think I got one on 20/4 too..
so That is an AF condition.

They flower on a symetrical frame..same as the AF.
All of the long-season girls that I have grown have gone asymetric
(BUT I am not saying that is exclusive..only the ones I have grown.)

They appear to go straight from pre-flower to full flower without the second veg stage

and they do not appear to follow seasonal prompts..again like AF's

so what is the difference..?
Simply the Size..
they are a hell of a lot bigger...and they take longer to flower/finish.
Not long season timings..but longer than the original AF description.

When the AF's were first introduced..
they were described as 12 inches..taking 8 weeks from germ to maturity.

Well these Semi's step out of those boundries..but in almost every other way they are the same as AF's.

Do we need to broaden the classification of true AF..
ie..give them wider paramiters on the height..harvest time..
or do we need to recatagorise the plants that exceed those given paramiters..?

I am at a loss..
but I am sure that these are the plants that people are complaining about..
so something needs to be done...just for Clarification.

My honest advice to anyone looking for true AF's is..
go for a one that says it comes in at about 12-14 inches high.
That will be the type that comes in @ 8 weeks from germ.
Yield on good conditions/good care will be about 1 ounce per plant.
That IMO is a Standard AF

Add extra weight/height..and you are into the realms of the undecided class.

Also..to be considered..
IF we stick to the Original AF paramiters regarding timing..ie 8 weeks germ to finish..
where will that put the Sati AF's...?
I haven't had a good chance to play with the sati doms..
indy is my medicine of choice..
but if the sati AF's follow their long-season counterparts for timing..
then surely They will come out-side of the true AF classification too.

Mind boggling..:1help:


to be honest an AF is a plant that will flower under 24 hours light, it could be 10ft tall or 10inches but as long as it flowers under 24/0 it is an autoflower

vicious bee

Mossy said:I'm not getting into a slagging match on any genetics..but I think we are seeing the emergence of a New cross from the AF x Long season mixes.

A little more info on Gueriila Gold and semi-autos. I've been really studying semi-autos. The Canadians and the (Danish) Danes are Kings of the semi-autos. A lot of the semi-autos are crosses of Mighty Mite. Mighty Mite is a Canadian Bred plant. It may be originally from a accidental Rudy cross. Wild Rudy crossed with weed for smoke. That what some say anyways.
see:The return of Ruderalis
Gueriila Gold finishes outdoors the end of August or early September. The genetic background of Guerilla Gold is:
Early Gold x (Afghan x Mighty Mite) F5
Early Gold is Kona Gold (an outdoor hawaiian sativa) x Himalayan.
They are time dependent like true autoflowers but not completely. When I say time dependent I mean length of time growing ,not light timing. Maybe I should have called it "Development Time Dependent".
Semi-autos will usually flower on eventually on 18/6 lighting but most of the time not on 24/24 lighting and sometimes they will flower on 20/4, sometimes not.
The home of Gueriila Gold and many semi-autos is http://unleashdagreen.net You have to register to read post. Major info there.


Cheers vicious bee..Most appreciated that you would share your homework with me m8. :yes:
I have a couple of hour put by this weekend for study..and I cannot wait to have a look. :D

You say pure speed, so why is speed a classification for one being a auto flower?
I was answering Leviathan.
He gets bored with AF's if they go over 8 weeks.
The Original description that came with them said they would be ready in
8 weeks...which is true for a 12-14 inch plant..but not for the Large ones.

just to spark some debate. If noone ever questioned anything and gave things progressive thought we would just continue keep things the way they are and our minds would never progress.

I agree 100%..I have asked for help and discussion on them in the early part of my thread..but no-one wants to talk about them.
Luckily..I think I might find some like minded people in the links that vicious bee has given me. :yes:

It also links into the info that Lilly456 gave...Cheers m8...:yes:
There's an auto-affie
because both the ones I have picked it up strongly on are from Affy lines.


Here is what I am talking about.
This photo always makes me smile. :D
The one at the bottom of the pot is a standard AF..
the Big one is her sister.
They are both exactly the same age.


I THINK the difference in growth patterns is amazing.

They are the product of a 100% AF to DC..long season cross..f1.
The traditional AF come in at the prescribed height/finish time.
The big one..whatever her class took longer..but would have given a lot more yield..except..the ripper got her.
So if you want speed..you go for the shorter ones..if you want yield..you go for the bigger one.

Up to now..

the one that I asked for a hand with was this one..


This was the previous grow..same Cross as above..but with accelerated BUD growth too.


Big girl..big girl buds..cut down wet weight..640g's..AF finish time.

That girl was cut down at approx 11 WEEKS from germ..
2-3 weeks longer than it takes to do a standard AF

Leviathan...that is the kinda girl you need to look for...you wouldn't get bored waiting an extra 3 weeks past normal AF time for Her..would you..?

and before anyone asks..no..I don't have her stable.
None in the F2'S..YET.

vicious bee..this one was started late March..and Finished in Early June..
have you come across one like that in your research..?
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vicious bee

mossy- I'm really impressed. The difference is massive. When I started reading this thread I expected a lot of small plants like the little one you had in the same pot as the larger one. Never expected anything like that Monster. What is the Lineage of the Monster? Is the auto a Mossy Jem? What is DC? Is it Tom Hill's Deep Chunk? As you can see you really got my interest.
I'm guessing the above DC x Auto is a semi-auto?

The combination of autos for when the photo period is not right for flowering(planting in March) and semi-autos (planting in May or June) is the winning combination. Long season plants get to big and you share space with the hunters when you harvest. To hard to hide. Yes the long season has bigger yield per plant but Gueriila Gold yields from 2 to 4 oz. or better. Just plant more if you want more.

You really ought to try and clone the Monster. Clone with 24/24 light. Then make some Fem seeds with it. You have no idea how impressed I am with that plant. How's the smoke?

vicious bee

I was so blown away by your plant that I forgot to answer your question. I've seen many that finish in that time frame but none with that extraordinary yield.
I better add something about the yield on Gueriila Gold. This growing them close together. I think the yield is much higher with more space. People might think I'm dissing Gueriila Gold. I'm not I think it's one the best strains out there for my purposes.


mossy not looking to bad, but for the most part the whole plant is popcorn and the top probally weight dry around 25grams if your lucky. what i would like to see with autos is one that doesnt reak like ass, i grew out diesels and the dwarf statues stealth factor is ruined by there stencth, you could smell them 50ft away some days.my lowryder 2s stunk also. to get any kind of few pound harvest of autos is kind of hard due to this smell factor atleast for my situation, they actually woke me up one day at 6am from the smell and mind u im upstairs and at the oposite end of my place were the girls were at,it was like somebody clipped it and was trimming it outside my door, thats not stealth at all, all from a window being open next to them... my quicksilver auto form attitude is coming along nicley, it doesnt flower untill its about 6-8 weeks old but let me tell u the bud sites are unreal!, its a fat hog bastard of a plant, bascially its four -six times the yeild of all the dwarf autos for 4-5 weeks more growth and u cant smell it unless your up on it..the top cola is over a foot and the size of a soda can and its still 3 weeks from done and just got its first brown pistels this week-
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:muahaha: Leviathan
mossy not looking to bad
If I cannot persuade you with that one..I gotta admit I will never make you an AF lover...:yes:

vicious bee
People might think I'm dissing Gueriila Gold.
no M8..that is why I said no seed slagging in my first post.
Just trying to catagorise it.
What is the Lineage of the Monster?
ALF#3..100% AF parent
((Mazar X LR) x (Afghan x lr)) X (White Russian x lr)
ALL parents selected for Afghan dominance..
(we made the ALF to Take the DC.)
x Tom Hill DC
this is where I think I hit Lilly456 affy connection.

How's the smoke?
Kicking from 2 days into Wilt.
Someone in this house says it is the strongest thing I have ever grown..two days into wilt.
So not only does she kick the growing time..but if you can have seed..to brilliant smoke in just over 11 weeks..
it makes her even More attractive.

Got a Bit of a problem with the smoke ATM..she gets you so high..you have a feelable comedown..but I am playing with her through cure to see if I can straighten her out.


hey mossy i luv autos and your plants look really good, those fat stems look like u sure know how to treat em. well im impressed with your skills n think your very talented, im just looking for a no stink auto, 9-11 week finisher.

vicious bee

Oops I goofed. I admit I'm stupid. I've been thinking about your plant all day. Went back and read the info again. 640 gr WET WEIGHT. So I would say in the same conditions that your plant is grow in Guerilla Gold would yield same or better. I'm still very impressed. My plan for next year is to Fem some Guerilla Gold and plant outdoors. Couldn't do it this year due to various constraints. I've got some autos I'm going to run in a few weeks. I think their yours Mossy. From SeedBay.