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Puffin' in the Backyard


Crotchety Cabaholic
The back deck is my main toking area. Next door neighbor is a local cop, but there's enough wooded area between us he cant see what's going on and the prevailing wind doesn't blow his way.
Installed some Polk Atrium 60 outdoor speakers on the deck last year. There's nothing better than getting frosty and hopping in the hot tub with a cold beer and some great tunes.



this is another place i feel totaly safe toking away. and i often smoke one there. as i find it easy on the eyes.


Just got back from camping trip at family farm...its an amazing feeling to be smoking in the open and the nearest neighbors being over a mile away. Went fishing and an entire herd of cattle came within 15 yrds of my girlfriend and I to see what we were doing, cant get that at the city park. I hate the city more than anything, Ive lived next to the worst neighbors in the world for the past 8 years and Ive got 1 more month left. Stop lights in the country? Nope, there are no red lights to hit over and over and over. And cops? maybe 1 or 2 for the entire county. Ill be posting pics next time I go....29 days and counting.