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Protecting hardwoods?



New home, new grow, new problems.

What's an effective way to protect hardwood floors from scratches, water etc... I thought about using that roll on adhesive plastic carpet protectant, not sure if this'll mess up the finish on the floors though.

Any suggestions are appreciated


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
pond liner.
that is all.
anyone with rugs in their grow op is asking for recurring mold and bug issues.
home depot has it in the garden section, towards the back. be sure to buy enough so that it covers the floor and at least a couple inches up the wall.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
pond liner works best. very hard to rip, very thick and durable, waterproof. its what i used in my house with brand new hardwood floors. tarp, panda plastic and all that does not work, the water will find its way through.


one of those rigid plastic kid pools work great, just limited in size.


Active member
I would put down roll foam like you get for carpet laying and then use spray adhesive and roll your pond liner out and make sure the edges angle slightly up to prevent runoff under your running boards.


So...looks like pond liner is seasonal and i can't find it anywhere local, and really not a fan of ordering stuff online for various reasons.

I was thinking of buying a section of carpet big enough to cover the whole floor, then rolling on 2 layers of that plastic adhesive carpet protectant. I used it on the carpet for my last grow, it works great, even catches mites on the sticky edges when they try to escape neem oil.

If anyone's has other ideas I'm all ears :)

haze crazy

Coat the wood with a heavy layer of carnuba paste wax before using the pond liner, carpet or other floor covering. Wax is very water resistant, reduces scuffs and when you finally decide to clean out, you can polish the wax off and have it looking like great. Wax buildup is good for the wood contrary to those commercials you see on tv. Oils attract dirt and make the wood darker. Burt is right about the scuffing. You could use a anti slip mat under the carpet to help prevent the scuffing.


My mistake, forgot to mention if i do thati'd put the carpet on top of that soft vinyl/rubber stuff thats made to go under carpet.

I like the wax idea, might do that, throw the rubber/vinyl down on it and the carpet on top of that...goal is to keep the place in good shape and leave it in better condition than it was when I got here, i think this will work.

So...looks like pond liner is seasonal and i can't find it anywhere local, and really not a fan of ordering stuff online for various reasons.

I was thinking of buying a section of carpet big enough to cover the whole floor, then rolling on 2 layers of that plastic adhesive carpet protectant. I used it on the carpet for my last grow, it works great, even catches mites on the sticky edges when they try to escape neem oil.

If anyone's has other ideas I'm all ears :)

Wall damp course liner is just as good as pond liner - don't use anything with moisture retention properties as that WILL promote mould (mold?).
Have fun and good luck! :joint:

this kind of stuff: http://www.wickes.co.uk/Damp-Proofing-Membrane-1000-Gauge/invt/152858
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You mean don't use a carpet? Done it several times, never seen mold in my grows, everything's kept in conditions where no mold should happen and the carpet is 100% sealed and protected by that stuff. It works fine.

It's probably cheaper than buying a huge roll of liner too, all I need is a 12x12 section.
Fair doos - I don't think that £17 (uk money :)) is a lot for a supply of tough, waterproof material - especially compared to the end value of the grow.......

..... but I also have my grow in the roof, right above my head, as it happens, so maybe the peace of mind about not having a gallon of cold water dripping onto me biases my opinion somwehat! hhehe.
Time for a pipe, me thinks!


I know you said you couldn't find pond liner but it really is the best thing for your situation IMHO. So if you could somehow track some down I bet you'd be really happy with it.


rubber roofing - EPDM rubber roofing is very popular, easy to find and maybe cheaper than pond liner even.

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