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PROPER ENGLISH And how we've fallen down


Well-known member
I think we should all type in Shakespearean English, for education's sake

I remember a little Robert Browning from my school days. Here's one for this noble & aristocratic thread!

Oh, to be in England
Now that Aprils there,
And whoever wakes in England
Sees, some morning, unaware.
That the lowest boughs and brushwood sheaf
Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough,
In England now!

And after April, when May follows,
And the white-throat builds, and all the swallows!
Hark, where my blossmed pear-tree in the hedge
Leans to the field and scatters on the clover
Blossoms and dew-drops-at the bent sprays edge-
That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture!

And though the fields look rough with hoary dew,
This thread will still be gay when noontide wakes anew,
The buttercups, the little childrens dower,
Far better than this worthless thread
And gaudy mellon flower!



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor


The rules of language and the meaning of its words are never completely stable. Language is the totality of its use, and each use or iteration of it can deviate from its previous use or iteration. In other words, meaning is use, and the rules of language are byproducts of forms of life, a dynamic interaction among language-using beings.

Literal language, that is, language following conventional forms of use, is constantly being disrupted by the figurative use of language. This disruption is the point from which a new, stablizaed literal language can be formed. Of course, since iterations of language are always occurring, literal language is ultimately just figurative language.

In other words, language is not a thing, which we can extract essential rules. Language, rather than being something, is a process of becoming.

Simply put, there are no rules of language.

"What, then, is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms—in short, a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that this is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins."

-- Nietzsche, On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense

Classed dismissed!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't remember Nietzsche being so interested in something that mattered! It's good to learn something once in a while... oh, wait... "Extra-Moral Sense".. :rolleyes:


When one attempts to communicate the components of an idea or concept in writing, one should consider utilizing written English in a way that does not undermine it's prominence as a mastered writing system.

Proper written English is a rare sight on ICMag. ICMag is an intelligence web site, but the site's users use improper written English. I think, that the use of improper English on ICMag can only hurt its functionality as an educational web site. If we all worked to improve and perfect our written language skills, ICMag would become a better place to learn and grow.


Sir_Nugget :joint:
Gee,wist I could talk purty like you all,Nugget! you be high class!


The Voice of Reason
When one attempts to communicate the components of an idea or concept in writing, one should consider utilizing written English in a way that does not undermine it's prominence as a mastered writing system.

Proper written English is a rare sight on ICMag. ICMag is an intelligence web site, but the site's users use improper written English. I think, that the use of improper English on ICMag can only hurt its functionality as an educational web site. If we all worked to improve and perfect our written language skills, ICMag would become a better place to learn and grow.


Sir_Nugget :joint:
I believe what you are actually attempting to communicate, is your desire for people to use standard written english.

If that is not the case, then were you asking people to use properly written conversational english?

In either case, it was improper use of english for you to ask people to use "proper written English" when you intend to communicate your desire for them to use either properly written english, or standard written english.
All I ask of people is that they use enough punctuation in their posts and use as few abbreviations so that their point is as clear as possible. Icmag in completely standard English would read more like a British tea party than a laid-back stoner forum.


Who is to say what is proper and what is not?

Do I have to write by your rules?

Who the fuck are you?

Get over yourself.

Best post EVER lol..who does this kid think he is

The simplicity of this post is sheer brilliance.


My whole thing when I read so called "Grammar Whores" like this fool..is nobodys here to write a book..nobodies here to get a degree..or anything like that..were just a bunch of fellow stoners who have a love for the cannabis plant,,really..I think the O.P might just be the only fool thinking like this..kinda annoyed me too:wallbash:


^^^^ LMAOO..yeah..after reading this thread..Im pretty sure this dumb kid is just a troll..Ill be surprised if he sticks around..hopefully when he comes back with his next handle..he wont start annoying threads like THIS...this should be stickied to show what NOT to post on the toker den..

or reap the fury of the annoyed tokers!!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
if u or anyone has trouble understanding are english then open your mouth and say i dont get it... other then that shut ya cock trap


LOL this is funny crap! I see both sides tho... I sometimes use proper english like when I am writing up something scientific but normally my sentences are composed of half crazy ramblings about sheep BAAAAAAAAAAAAA! <--- (onomatopoeia) "DO NOT TOUCH MY GOAT!"
hahahahahahahahaha steep in the inproperness of my English and my crazy deranged ramblings. I have a lexile score of over 1,800+. You are the moron and probably don't not even know what a lexile is son. Go back to troll school so maybe you can learn how to be less of a anally puckered snob wagon and maybe you can fit your proper english bullshit back up your stinky turd pit. Furthermore English is a stolen language based on several languages so if you want to be so proper why don't you learn latin or a similar true language not a bastardized version of several languages that had an orgy and out popped "proper english" which is made by a bunch of old people sitting around arguing about what words are proper and how to properly use them. I say a question mark can be a complete sentence dare you argue this point? ? ? ? ? read signature for explanation of this post.


I don't have the attention span to read through 11 pages of "proper written english". I need all the hibbity jibbity that comes with ICMag.:party:


Registered Med User
U got it twisted, Im not ENGLISH and aint gon talk or type inna way I dont spit in real life ya dig? Because ya ancestors made it that way dont mean its the only way and we cant change it, comunication comes more from the mind then the tounge anyway, real mofuckas gon know wutchou sayin if they feal it. If not it aint made for them to get. Half the broken english I speak is in code anyway so the boys and other folks who aint meant ta understand dont. U FEAL ME? haha prolly not oh well.


The Voice of Reason
Using conversational colloquial english is absolutely fine in 95% of the threads on ICmag...

However, If one if going to try and participate in a debate thread, and does not have the ability to make their thoughts clearly known, then they are liable to look quite foolish, even though they my have a solid grasp of the topic at hand.


Active member
sir nugget ? lol peasant stock i guess

sir nugget ? lol peasant stock i guess

Proper english huh the fact that you announce yourself as "Sir" leads me to believe your the absolute opposite and come from peasant stock and have a problem with that.
As for the rest of us we are who we are and we get along fine communicating in our spanglish or whatever black white or yellow .
You appear to be the only one with a problem.

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