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Does light intensity affect reveg rate?


Does light intensity affect reveg rate? If the plants I want to reveg have a lot of foliage, should I go floro or HID?


her dankness
From what I can tell, yes.
You want the absolute BLUEST light possible, on 24/0, and you can hit them with a low dose of superthrive a couple times during the process to help coax them back.
I have had the best success with 'Ott lights' and just discovered that now there is a T12 tube version at home depot. A good quality metal halide would be fine too in theory, but I haven't used one yet.
There are a couple other things to remember:
-Remove as much bud mass as you can, especially if there are seeds in it.
-Resist the temptation to water! The harvested plant has VERY LITTLE foliage to transpire moisture through so it needs very little water. Keep it on the drier side, avoiding wilt, of course.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Interesting info about the blue light SA, and top tip re low water needs.

What I have noticed is that revegging behaviour is very much strain dependant, I saw this again with my spring crop, some varieties started to reveg a little at the end of flowering, impossible to know if it is down to outright daylength, or if it is partly influenced by the photoperiod lengthening as well.


Non Conformist
My 2 cents

My 2 cents

Light intensity = more plant energy. More energy means the plant is able to cycle itself faster, or get over that hump of switching back quicker. A high N fert will also help it revert back to growing leaves quicker as well. Good luck! BC
All of the above is great advise as I have revegged a whole shit load of plants. This I found is one great use of ST as mentioned above as well as hitting them with some N. If I can give any other advice then this is it: When you cut most of the bud off, pull plant out of cantainer, cut half of it's root mass off and replant in smaller container.


her dankness
Little known secret ingredient of superthrive that makes it just darned swell for re-vegging: UREA! Nice dose of N there. Don't think that there are 'fertilizer ingredients' in ST like the label claims? Ehhh... try overdosing a spare plant with it and watch the N tox symptoms unfold! Fun times!
stinkyattic said:
Little known secret ingredient of superthrive that makes it just darned swell for re-vegging: UREA! Nice dose of N there. Don't think that there are 'fertilizer ingredients' in ST like the label claims? Ehhh... try overdosing a spare plant with it and watch the N tox symptoms unfold! Fun times!
Funny you mention the toxic qualities of ST when used in conjunction of too much N. This last grow I decided to give one of my WR a little more ST to see what would happen and wow did it f the plant up. I mean the plant was stunted like no other and never came out of it no matter what I did. It's in it's last 2 weeks of flower and looks like hell.
Peace out!


Active member
Lots of flushing at the end of flower is key to revegging, and while reverting, plants need not much light. The tip about superthrive is also a good one. Don't repot or trim the roots until the plant has reverted.


Non Conformist


Indefferent, what's the logic behind flushing? Looks ta me like it would force the plant to use up what stored food it had in the leaves jus to try an survive. And also drowned it since there is far less biomass for it ta used on and to be transpired out of. I was also wondering about yer logic for not needing much light? In my experience the lower the light level the longer it takes ta do it's thing..... About the superthrive Stinkyattic, if that post was directed at me, I've never used it. So I wouldn't have clue as to what's on the label or what's in it. I do know there's no need for sarcasm tho. I don't think anyone here thinks they're above making a mistake or knowing it all. I know I don't! ....... I did read somewhere that one of the main ingredients in ST was a hormone called triacontanol. A growth regulator derived from alfalfa. Not sure what affect it would have on a plant that is trying to change it's own hormones from flower to veg tho. I spose if yuv used it and it works well, I'll take yer word for it. No big whoop there........ Imo, a plant has all the homones it needs on it's own. You jus need to provide the correct conditions ta help it regulate them. This goes for cloning, growing, reveg, etc. I don't use anything but balanced nutes and the right inviroment. It's severved me very well for many years now. Take care... BC


her dankness
Whoa whoa! BC I have NOTHIGN but respect for you and your posts and that was not intended as sarcasm at all, but just a sad attempt at humor :( Sorry man! That was NOT intended to come off rude! Thanks for the info on the other hormone component- I think access to CIA files is easier than access to the ingredients in everyone's favorite stanky patent fertilizer additive!

I also agree that flushing a plant that you intend to re-veg doesn't make a lot of logical sense because the major fert component you are trying to keep available to the plant is a mobile one, and also because you want to be absolutely certain that the soil is dry-ish around harvest. If you think your soil conditions are less than optimal, try drilling large holes in the sides of the pot to buy some time, or if the plant is severely root bound, pot-up into a slightly larger pot of a mix that is SUPER light and fluffy, to the point where you look at the mix and go, ummmmm maybe I should add some more dirt to this perlite... lol
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Non Conformist
My bad, sorry I took it that way. Lost in translation on my part I spose. I should have known better. I -do- have a lot of respect for you as well. Yer good people Ms Dankness! ( I feel funny calling you Stinky ) lol Have a great day! Take care... BC


My experience in reveging is that under fluorescents it takes 40%-50% longer to fully reveg then under my HID.

I have done this with finished plants and bud sites that I have cloned at ANY point during flowering.

If I take a clone at 40 days into flowering, root it under fluorescents then leave it Vs putting it under HID it will take 40-50%+ longer under fluorescents to get to the point that new regular vegetation is going again.

As far as nutes go, I barely feed them anything during the time they are re-veging, I have not personally noticed a difference in reveging time compared to when I increase their food. I try to keep on the less is more side, and if I am reveging then I am usually not in a hurry anyhow, and I actually most of the time just use the fluorescents. (HID space is usually reserved for the plants that I get more from, reveging does burn time/space in my opinion)
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