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Prop 19 Results - It has been a long time coming but...

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I look at it this way...
voting to let big brother tax weed would be like taking back your kids bike from the neighborhood bully that stole it from him and giving said bully a skateboard for his inconvenience.
We have enough taxes already.
Put aside 2 hours and watch the movie freedom / to / fascism To see what how we are getting scammed by the people we vote into office.
Watch it on Google.


why didn't 19 pass?


"Nationwide, young voters did not turn out this time around. Only 11 percent of those under 30 turned out,"

one on ten! what a joke...no wonder it didn't pass.

I wonder how many of the 89% will be arrested & handcuffed for pot in the next 12 months? how many will not be eligible for a student loan due to a pot bust? how many will have their lives ruined? How many will rue their not voting yes or not voting at all?
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Active member
I wonder how many of the 89% will be arrested & handcuffed for pot in the next 12 months? how many will not be eligible for a student loan? how many will have their lives ruined? How many will rue their not voting yes or not voting at all?

probably very few, since you no longer go to jail for simple possession. a ticket, no misdemeanor anymore, no jail, no court. nobody gives a damn about minor possession or smoking, which the the majority of people are usually caught up with. i was walking around downtown san francisco ALL day today with the boys smoked atleast a zip, rolling up blunts and burning them down 5 feet away from the police. infront of atleast a few hundred cops today, and on a daily basis.. havent ever had a problem, EVER


Freedom Fighter
probably very few, since you no longer go to jail for simple possession. a ticket, no misdemeanor anymore, no jail, no court..

But how about Concentrates, and having that 5 pack in your closet, or those growing?? Yes, they still bust small growers...and if you have $$ for a good Lawyer, you'll prolly skate, but if not, then you get some fucked up plea bargain-- It is still a Felony--
All those would have been legal--


you won't be jailed for a bag.....but 6 or 12 months of piss tests and anti-drug classes and a lifetime inability to get a job due to the pot conviction might be yeah....duuuude, like.. a real bummer, duuuuuuuuude


Active member
you won't be jailed for a bag.....but 6 months of piss tests, drug classes and unable to get a job due to the conviction might be like a real bummer, duuuuuuuuude
not even, it's like a $70-$100 fine and you walk away drug class free.


Bong Smoking News Hound

Ya lets hang onto the sick people to make our riches, and not have to pay taxes. Because thats such a worthy thing to live for.

Hey there are two kinds of people out there. Givers, and Takers....

And i wont spend a Dime in a Club, because i grow my own. Except the very Few that have meet my standards in quality, and Compassion!

Like Berkley's Patient Group. Fine example of quality control.

I only buy Clones from Clubs, even then, just for experimental reasons. The real strains come from Patients, helping Patients!

Good luck with your court case.


you won't be jailed for a bag.....but 6 or 12 months of piss tests, sitting down to anti-drug classes and a lifetime inability to get a job due to the conviction might be yeah....duuuude, like.. a real bummer, duuuuuuuuude

Sad part is, Even if your case gets dropped. When they run your drivers license. It still shows up! So everyone in law enforcement can see any charges that were filed against you, and see them as valid! When they run your name, im sure the dispatch fails to mention the cases where dropped, just " Prior Drug Charges"

Dont matter if you win, if you go to court, you're marked!



Isn't it true that you don't even have to show up to a polling site in Cali to vote? I have family there and I thought they mentioned some kind of something like that...

If that's so, it's just a shame that everyone didn't vote (one way or the other) just for the sake of exercising one of their rights as a citizen (which are diminishing as we speak).


Active member
But how about Concentrates, and having that 5 pack in your closet, or those growing?? Yes, they still bust small growers...and if you have $$ for a good Lawyer, you'll prolly skate, but if not, then you get some fucked up plea bargain-- It is still a Felony--
All those would have been legal--

i don't know, i don't smoke concentrates. well i guess a zip of that 5 pack should have been sold, spent to have a lawyer on retainer if you plan on fooling with concentrates and having pounds stashed.. then spend another lil $100 on your medical card, best insurance you can have, then abide by the growing guidelines.. bam, golden.


Bong Smoking News Hound
Isn't it true that you don't even have to show up to a polling site in Cali to vote? I have family there and I thought they mentioned some kind of something like that...

If that's so, it's just a shame that everyone didn't vote (one way or the other) just for the sake of exercising one of their rights as a citizen (which are diminishing as we speak).

Its called Absentee voter. You can vote by mail, in which your ballot will be sent about 3 to 4 weeks prior to the election. I feel this gives a better advantage to do research!, and you can always go to your local voting place to put in your ballot. You dont have to mail it back in!


Eugene Oregon
I'm stoked it didn't pass. Lets keep it decriminalized and strictly medicinal.
I would hate for the "man" to control and regulate my herbs.
Much love to all, i expect some of you to flip out on me, but were all individuals with different opinions and were all here for the same reason and that is cannabis.


Freedom Fighter
i don't know, i don't smoke concentrates. well i guess a zip of that 5 pack should have been sold, spent to have a lawyer on retainer if you plan on fooling with concentrates and having pounds stashed.. then spend another lil $100 on your medical card, best insurance you can have, then abide by the growing guidelines.. bam, golden.

Naw bro, I was pointing out that those things I mentioned are all Felonies, that would have been completely legal if it would have passed--
I am a long time Med Patient, so it was really never about me...
But it didn't pass, so this is all just banter now-- I'm cool, and moving on to the next step...TRIMMING!!:tiphat:


Bong Smoking News Hound
I'm stoked it didn't pass. Lets keep it decriminalized and strictly medicinal.
I would hate for the "man" to control and regulate my herbs.
Much love to all, i expect some of you to flip out on me, but were all individuals with different opinions and were all here for the same reason and that is cannabis.

Nothing, is forever.....

But i agree. Lets keep Medical Marijuana just that. Medical! And Compassionate, as the act states prop 215.

If these Greedy people keep making hand over fist with this, it will get exposed, believe me, when i say, DEA already has a plan in action... and it changes as political agendas change...




Active member
i love how everyone pretends this would effect just cali,this would have been in the very least a good experiment for the rest of us.
yet a shit load of people voted against it for there own selfish reasons. WTF ,ive said it before ,money creates very irrational descision making,i think thats what people mean when they bring up the term "oh mighty dollar" it bypasses all reasoning and i think its pretty much likened to a mind control device.
this is a perfect example,greed and money basicly F'ing the rest of us.
i hope the rest of us learn a lesson,just grow your own and smoke it,reguardless of the law,theres just gonna be assholes in the world who spend time choosing sides and ridiculing people for profit.
i hope another state champions this movment.


anger towards No voting Californians from those of us living outside that State is understandable but unfair in some cases...it's easy for us to say they should of voted Yes because it would of meant the eventual end of the farce that is the world wide war on ganja...but getting 3 ~ 5 years jail for giving your kid brother a few joints would be horrid to live under, especially if you are currently living the lie (or the joke) that Med MJ is in 95% of cases and zero worries about getting busted.

My fear now is that now the controllers will feel empowered, so look forward to a crackdown on those they regard as being non-essential MMJ card holders..I'm sure they will find a way to cut that number down either directly or indirectly....

or maybe the police will not just simply give out parking ticket size fines for pot possession for non-MMJ card holders anymore. maybe they will automatically raid your house as well, so the bust could become raised up from simple possession and they will add paraphernalia, cultivation, dealing (they found sandwich bags in the kitchen) charges thrown in with resisting arrest, your dog shot dead and your family handcuffed and terrorized by the 25 masked and black booted thugs trashing your house while pointing loaded guns at your Mother, sister, girlfriend etc...the worst part is when they strut around high fiving each other as they leer at your girlfriend's ass while 3 guns point at your face.....then another 2 or 3 years of tension and grief as you are hit with tens of thousands of dollars in lawyer, court fees and fines just so you might just not go to jail..
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Freedom Fighter
but getting 3 ~ 5 years jail or giving your kid brother a few joints would be horrid to live under,

A lot of ppl kept bringing that up...how 19 made new Felonies--
This is the current Law tho-- (Notice it is the same as 19 would have had...there were no new Felonies--)

Any amount to a minor over 14 years old felony 3 - 5 years none Any amount to a minor under 14 years old (includes offering, inducing, distributing, or employing) felony
3 - 7 years​

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
not really....did i have to live in berlin to care about the wall coming down ?

and that would have started with just one hammer swing as well...........

yes, in oder to fully 100% grasp the situation and have it be the most relevant you had to be a West or an East German.

I can feel sorry for the kids in Rwanda that got there arms chopped off, and I can understand that is had to have been terrible, but I could never fully grasp their experience, and the importance of that event in there lives.

In order to understand how American constitutionalists feel about our founding fathers philosophy you have to grow up with it.


yes, in oder to fully 100% grasp the situation and have it be the most relevant you had to be a West or an East German.

I can feel sorry for the kids in Rwanda that got there arms chopped off, and I can understand that is had to have been terrible, but I could never fully grasp their experience, and the importance of that event in there lives.

In order to understand how American constitutionalists feel about our founding fathers philosophy you have to grow up with it.

sorry man...i just cant get on THAT logic train no matter how hard i try......:blowbubbles:
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