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Proof Feds Use Satellite Surveillance for NorCal grows

One of the buildings I worked at back in the mid 80's had some military sat photos that were taken sent to us(and no I will not divulge where or what type of building it was). In the photo you could clearly see the faces of some of my co workers(2 that were looking up at something else at the time, and 4 more that were with them. I can only imagine just how clear of an image they can detect now 27 years later.
The detail I've seen is referred to as "a babies footprint on a gravel road". And the heat sig to tell when the kid did it, how full his diaper was, and the chemical sig of his Moms breast milk.

And that was satellite - the drones are MUCH closer, newer.


Active member
There are federal laws on how detailed an image from space can be. Now as for drones, no laws on those. I have heard the drones have up to 50,000 mega pixel cameras on them that can map entire countries in live time.


Laws to limit non-military use - hence google earth gets fuzzy at close range. Military and spy sats take super resolution pics, they just can't show US how high (classified).

they could see a mole on your bold spot, and im not joking.


Active member
So recap....don't be pushing oxycodone, MDMA, heroin, crack, and weed and use a entertainment group to launder the money while in cahoots with a bunch of your 'friends'....otherwise you may get somebody from the federal gov't looking at google earth on you...

It just seems so easy to not let it happen...I'm just glad they weren't whoring out the elf spice, alice, or the flower of the gods, bad karma with that....


This and other amazing stories you can read in this months issue of DUH MAGIZINE!



Active member
id start with not taking on a dea agent as a new and trusted customer.... i can see getting nailed from a ci buy... a ci could be ur best friend. but an undercover agent??? dont be greedy n deal with every tom dick n harry u meet on the street.

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