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Project Re-Veg,Clone and Make feminized seeds



hey jack, lookin great bro!
i picked up some "SM-90", cleared my gnat problem right up!

In my defence I see the white-flies outside in abundance. So this seems to be a white-fly year!

I have a special project in mind since I am a post-junkie and thread-aholic so keep an organic eye here and in organic Soil forum.. The problem isn't huge I am just amazed that these white-flies learned not to get stuck to yellow sticky traps.

Gnats are not smart like these fellows.


Do you think it's harmful to vent water vapor from this process for humans?

If I don't get the happy-happy I have a 12V 1amp battery charger here.. <Evil Grin> :dance013:

There should be no noxious fumes or deadly gases created from plain water in this setup. Only a negligable amount of hydrogen and oxygen split from the current breaking the molecular bonds.
That is the same basis for the water4gas hydroxy gas generator, only high ppms of baking soda or other catalyst have to be added for enough amps to get pulled from the power source to split the H2O into gaseous form. The higher the ppms, the higher the amperage pulled.

Is that an RV maintenance trickle charger, or the multi-amp with nuclear blast starting boost model?

Those re-vegged gals are looking sweet. Looks like there is going to be a large seed run in the near future. :tiphat:


Motor Cycle battery charger and a swap meet special. Thanks on the fumes info..

That Sweet is really huge! The Kush pheno grew much different from the sweet so as I think I wrote some place the difference between each plant is significant. The kush pheno is more compact in it's branching where the sweet grew long stalk.

Going to start a couple gallon pots with some Sweet cuts to give them a head start. I will follow the pollen gathering technique so the CS females need to mature a week or so ahead.

I am looking at the how to make seeds with this. I'm not ruling out distributing to Medical shops and medical people. Trust me everyone my true space is rather limited.. I just make it look big.


Update 7-11-2010

Update 7-11-2010

Bad news. The very thing I assumed would hold the electrodes in place didn't.

So the last check on PPM read 36 PPM but once the plated steel clips dipped down into the solution a slime attached itself to the glass and the PPM went down to 25.

Bummer! So I went for the big boy.

Big Boy is rated 12V 1 Amp but it actually reads 17 V

So reset the clock for 11:15am California time and I will check it in 24 hours.

I also took the plastic hooks off one of the flat band bungee cords.
I stuck the plastic into one end and then I taped the wire to the plastic hook. This had the benefit of hooking to the lip of the jar and angling the electrodes away from a straight dangle and separates them as far apart as they can be.

This is the time to learn.


That power supply should give you the desired results by midnight, from what I recall from the CS Generator thread. Higher than target ppm should not be a problem though since STS is stronger than that.

Overnight is what I remember most from reading the successful reports.


That power supply should give you the desired results by midnight, from what I recall from the CS Generator thread. Higher than target ppm should not be a problem though since STS is stronger than that.

Overnight is what I remember most from reading the successful reports.

Checking in before i retire for the evening. Not quite 12 hrs and it's 28 PPM from a quick check. That is the best time yet.

Color is there. That green tea color.

So if about 12 is 28-ish then 48 should be target 40 ~ 50 PPM

Lets see.. Nothing to lose.


Update 7-12-2010

Update 7-12-2010

I admit when I have made mistakes.

I thought, Black Bag means dark so just cover jar with black plastic bag and all will be well.
I believed in that so much that I kept reworking my electrical, bought a different brand of calibration solution ( I think ) and basically was dumbfounded.

So.. I look tonight and see that it is back down to 25 after a swish. WTF Over.. Big Boy on the job.

So I go back and reread the CS thread

IMPORTANT: KEEP COLLOIDAL SILVER AWAY FROM LIGHT. Not for safety reasons, but because light deteriorates it as it is photosensitive and turns it into a dark silvery gray, so store it in the dark, at room temperature, and try to run your CS generator in a dark room.

So I see it is again grey/black solution and the PPM is flat lining again.. This after another DAY when last NIGHT it was climbing PPM.. i have natural sunlight in the area.


I looked through the supposedly Black Plastic and it's not stopping the light. I looked at big garbage bags and the same thing I can see the light through.

Double DOH!

So now an empty Iams cat food bag is doing the duty. I couldn't see through the layers of paper and plastic liner. After all they need their product to be fresh and they don't need light either.

Seriously messed up but logically realistic.. So don't use plastic bags.. They don't block light and will deteriorate the CS.. No joke here.

So try number three. The first Gallon jug of distilled nearly gone. It's not that expensive.

Live and learn.. Lets hope third time is a charm. The Silver bars have more than three uses in them for sure!


Well, it's been 12 hours, what's the latest?! Also, I should have realized what was up when you mentioned the color. Silly me not thinking of silver being the photoreactive element in b/w film.


Well, it's been 12 hours, what's the latest?! Also, I should have realized what was up when you mentioned the color. Silly me not thinking of silver being the photoreactive element in b/w film.

I guess we might have to build an enclosed cabinet for this CS generator.

Heh! Rotflmao

We have Success! 54 before the swish and 48 after.

BUT still had light problem. Bag over but sitting on a white counter top so it must have had light! had some black again.

So this is really serious! It has to be absolutely dark or the silver reacts.
When I run a batch to spray with I'll find a real dark place and then cover it in the bag because I figure just a little light reflecting off the counter was enough to do damage.

So there it is.. Much experience and a bit wise now making CS.

And so the focus is now the Clones!!!!

I was looking at ways to work the humidity but all of them were expensive so i ordered some really large Zip Lock Bags. I'll have them in a couple three days. It pays to have humidity control for cloning so after driving around looking for something I could use I went with ordering those bags.

I did have to cut the Sweet pheno down a little and i stuck those branches in a couple of pots on the fly. I'm not thinking I will see those root But who knows.

Thanks for hanging with me on at the CS problems yet, it's interesting to see these things develop. We learn from reading and sharing so no problem.

Cloning is something I have done infrequently.
In 2000 I brought home from Berkeley my first official Med seeds. Some B59 and Glad.. Glad turned out to be an excellent mood lifter and B59 was a nice body effect med.
If you know the story then you know i made seeds with a "Seed Plant" which was a known hermaphrodite. I had no clue in 2000 about genetics back then but the result was six years of all female seeds from the Glad and B59 crosses with that seed plant. Nifty thing that seed plant was.. Started out female then switched to male then back to female on the same cola.
Anyway I have cloned three times maybe 4 in 10 years so it is second on my list of worrisome things.. The first on that list is pulling seeds shells off seedlings.

Alright then I will get that going here is a few and we are all set once the bags arrive.



Hey while I wait a Daze or two.. I saw a cloner in the local shop. I know it's the water kind but I am curious on that.
Any experiences with cloning in a unit like a Water cloner machine?

I know soil so well and I know little about cloning with the water systems.

Aero Cloner link

Interesting. Looks like a fun project. A friend pointed out that I should learn more.

Any comment on this.. This is just an aside to the thread.
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You could use a small rubbermaid the size of a shoebox for a bubble cloner. Just be sure to use EWC tea for the anti-rootrot properties.

The first tub I made was similar to the one you linked, but never got used because of worry about the volatility of the media. Power out for 3 hours and possible root death from no flow changed my mind on aero. Now look at the way I'm growing - natural and in the ground. Gotta say it was a good choice.


You could use a small rubbermaid the size of a shoebox for a bubble cloner. Just be sure to use EWC tea for the anti-rootrot properties.

The first tub I made was similar to the one you linked, but never got used because of worry about the volatility of the media. Power out for 3 hours and possible root death from no flow changed my mind on aero. Now look at the way I'm growing - natural and in the ground. Gotta say it was a good choice.

It looks good but still power outs do happen.

Thanks on the EWC tip..

Maybe I'll try this later on when there is a job.

Then Large Zip Lock and Soil blocks it is!

I may have to flower these two girls soon they are huge again but they did take a lot longer to get there so the idea that they lose vigour in growing has merit.
I don't know.. Gotta get out of here tonight..


No more White Flies! 7-16-2010

No more White Flies! 7-16-2010

I was watching the Yellow Sticky traps and I was wondering why the new trap didn't have any adults and juveniles in large numbers since i had a huge population boom and was ready to order some Lady Bugs to go after them.

Well it turns out the black soldier fly that was hanging out in the box about two weeks ago was a pregnant female.
She left me some friends in the soil and they will eat all other competitor larvae and eggs.. They are ruthless. House flies that lay eggs in the black soldier flies turf can forget seeing their offspring.

So as a reward and my appreciation for the complete removal of the White Flies I went out and picked my friends up a cantaloupe and put in some vegetable trim in so they can eat all they want.
Cantaloupe is a favorite food for BSF larvae especially the young larvae find cantaloupe irresistible.
My friends didn't have much to eat in there so this is a very kind thing I do.
Black soldier fly larvae eat decaying organic materials. They eat things that have nitrogenous content like coffee grounds but not things like wood.

So Organic pest control at it's finest!

So the adult White Flies got stuck and the young became food for the BSF the result is natural pest control and even better soil with my friends processing organic materials on the spot.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Howdy Jack... looks like I'm way late to this party lol.. but I made it anyhow. First of all,I'm not growing anything at the present,still putting gear together,and trying to decide exactly how I want to grow..and reading like a mo fo lol... but I was thinking about doing a grow similar to this, minus the feminised seed part. I guess my thoughts were to start from seed since I don't have any other choice...grow 4 or 5 plants, get rid of any males and re-veg a good female to use as a mother plant. Maybe it's more common to do this, I just haven't seen it until I found your thread here.. so I just wanted to thank you for the info and for letting me know I'm not crazy lol.. tc and grow safe.....Warped


Howdy Jack... looks like I'm way late to this party lol.. but I made it anyhow. First of all,I'm not growing anything at the present,still putting gear together,and trying to decide exactly how I want to grow..and reading like a mo fo lol... but I was thinking about doing a grow similar to this, minus the feminised seed part. I guess my thoughts were to start from seed since I don't have any other choice...grow 4 or 5 plants, get rid of any males and re-veg a good female to use as a mother plant. Maybe it's more common to do this, I just haven't seen it until I found your thread here.. so I just wanted to thank you for the info and for letting me know I'm not crazy lol.. tc and grow safe.....Warped

I believe the more common method is to take the original plants grown from seeds and either take clones to keep as mothers for after the plants flower or turn them (the seed plants) into mothers, then the clones are taken from them determine sex and the final product determines which mothers survive.

I believe re-vegging is usually more of a last-ditch effort to save an awesome plant which you (for whatever reason) weren't able to get clones from or just an interesting exercise to try out.


Warped, why the anti-femmed seed? I have grown some nice ones out. No herms from them. They make good mothers too.


Howdy Jack... looks like I'm way late to this party lol.. but I made it anyhow. First of all,I'm not growing anything at the present,still putting gear together,and trying to decide exactly how I want to grow..and reading like a mo fo lol... but I was thinking about doing a grow similar to this, minus the feminised seed part. I guess my thoughts were to start from seed since I don't have any other choice...grow 4 or 5 plants, get rid of any males and re-veg a good female to use as a mother plant. Maybe it's more common to do this, I just haven't seen it until I found your thread here.. so I just wanted to thank you for the info and for letting me know I'm not crazy lol.. tc and grow safe.....Warped


Just to start you can make feminized seeds or pick a boy and girl and clone them them let them make seeds.

You are welcome to follow me here and read back a bit there are links to JJScorpio's clone thread and Phenomenal's CS thread.
You are welcome to tack on some posts here. It's for everyone.

Props on the reading and reading.


Just waiting for the large plastic bags to get in. I need a humidity dome that the soil blocks fit in. I couldn't come up with anything better but had to order the bags on-line. the Coconut powder is here today so hopefully clones early this next week will get started.
I am switching to pollinating the two in the box. I had thought that i would do 6 in the mother room but I admit I am addicted to growing and I have new guests in the mother room now.
So i will still be cloning and CS'ing but it will be the girls in the box that carry the seeds.

There is little room in there now for anything else. They are filling up the 16 sqft. I'd say reveg is good!
New carbon in the filter so there will be no waiting or worry on flowering once I get the donor plants ready.