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Cash-crop legal plants?

well i was walking through the local grocery and they have this relatively new section where they offer organic watermelons cantaloupes bananas, in addition to the regular
most are still Chiquita or some name but i think those big names are like holding companys for small local growers in different countries
but anyway
in the new trendy organic produce section theyve got a section of different "exotic" fruits this is where youll find the kiwis... but now in addition to kiwis theres star fruit and dingleblooper and so forth from far reaches

the only ones i saw that i was interested in were two melons
the pepino melon and the korean melon
these are both small melons around the size of a baking potato
they were being sold for around 8 american dollars each i beleive:dueling:


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
wasabi? (eutrema wasabi) someone told me that it is good cash crop, but it can only be grown in certain places.
it would be something that you would know you could locally distribute, so i would do some market research looking for venues that would deal with purchasing from you first, then evaluate their stock and go from there, im sure your inginuity will spark then, thats one thing we do when we feed our cannibinoid receptors

Quality control

Hi people, i live in new zealand.
there are many cash crops grown here, i can tell you that the most profit is made from kiwi fruit here, 90% is exported to china.
there is 2 kinds, green and gold, the gold is a fairly new variety and as kiwi fruit is a vine not many kiwi fruit growers have been willing to cut down there green and replce it with gold as it takes a number of years to establish.
so gold kiwi fruit in my research is one of the most profitable produce.

I agree with the above with water mellons, they can make huge profits if you sell them at festivals injected with vodka. $20-30 each.

ive got 6 different types of tomatos seedrasing at the moment, might make a journal for my veges, keep an eye out.

Other cash crops that can turn large profits are pinus radiata, or pine trees.
this crop is ruining native bush in new zealand, very little left now.
but i can see where growers are coming from, you can buy a remote peice of land, plant it, prune and thin on year 4 and harvest on year 10, minimal work and massive profits, again most in nz is shipped to china.

as for bio diesel, this is also a major problem crop. heaps of the amason forest is getting destroyed for i think palm oil trees.
a guy in new zealand is making it from alge which grows in the surage treatment ponds, now thats a more sustainable method.

personaly, i grow weed for cash.
its a beautifull plant to grow, and know that the people you supply are getting a good safe product with no gangs involved.
and i sell it to them at 1/2 price of maket so they can also make a tidy profit on selling.

If you want to make real money through growing it is worth taking the risk.

If you keep you numbers below 50 plants at the end of the day (in my country) you only gonna get a slap on the hand.

In a productive room in your house its possable to push out 100-200k a year wholesale. its gonna take a HUGE crop of anything elce to make that sort of money!

I just love growing veges though, they taste better because you grow them yourself and they just taste better!

If you got land, free range chickens are good idea.
the eggs wholesale for about 35c each and sell in stores for 50c.
if you sell them yourself suppling a few cafes ect, 50 chooks laying 1 egg a day thats $25 a day - about $25 for feed a week, tidy profits.
and only will take around 10-20min work a day or every 2nd day.