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Project Re-Veg,Clone and Make feminized seeds



reveg looks great jack! good luck with the clones.


If you could only smell these gals.. There is something to be said for a long healthy life.

Hey that 14 watt unit looks fine. I have some seeds in cups. If they sprout I'll have more of an understanding of LED like you my friend...


The Compost is steaming on a hot Summers day.. It's almost like some influence is guiding the timing of this project. I'm thinking good thoughts.


Well it's looking like the issue wasn't all Fungus material.. Or too much water it may have been pH.

Ack! You say.. well yes there was excess moisture and I admit I was in error but the pH may have been high with the Oyster shell I added and as the pH slides on down the acid loving bacteria are taking off!

I wrote in the compost tumbler thread and I'll repost it here in this case it is "better to burn out than to fade away."

The composting process locks nitrogen into biological processes and that in turn becomes available for plants.

Once this surge of processing is to a point that the easy carbon and nitrogen are locked in it is like a charged battery I understand.

So it's still Turn, Turn, Turn for a while!

Oh well that's how it goes.

Into the hot range for the first time.


Update 7-2-2010

Update 7-2-2010

today marks the over-haul of my light cooling, lights and a whole new atmosphere of photography.

To Celebrate the achievement and to offer atonement for a delayed cloning I offer a calendar in the spirit of Calendars past.



I believe I have finally got mad.. I added the bulk of a mix I had here to bind all nitrogen and fix the composting process!
let us pray the microbial influence is sequestered.

I am so ready to make soil blocks... Enough with the dramatic composting!

So .. next is the inital "Burn off" of the silver ingots I have. I expect the first batch of CS to be contaminated with human body oils and such so I will dump the first batch in the hopes that the silver underneath will be clean.

I welcome advice on "cleaning these bars" before i attempt a CS spray. The do-&-Dump is my best guess for silver that is obtained in a "Coin Shop"

So I hope to provide some photos of my attempt and the results from the PPM point of view but I will be discounting the quality of the first batch.. A trial run we can call it..

Enjoy a calendar..



Rub them with a rag, or just drill, wire, and use as-is. There is only finger grease trace on them. Thats my take on it, unless the first run is just to break in the generator setup - then have a blast plugging and playing.


Rub them with a rag, or just drill, wire, and use as-is. There is only finger grease trace on them. Thats my take on it, unless the first run is just to break in the generator setup - then have a blast plugging and playing.

I don't know.. Maybe a clean small steel brush and some cleanser. Then rinse real well and run a batch to get it burnt in?

I feel like I should burn it in, learn how to do the PPM meter stuff and do a trial batch then dump it and be ready for the real thing. In this case practice seems to be the thing.
I hope to have a nice photo shoot of the burn in.

So just to be safe I think it will be break-in of the equipment or is it a brake-in of the old noodle figuring it out ahead of time..

I should get to that my next weekend.

Update: The Compost is now in the ready to use zone so I will be making blocks and filling containers..

It's about to get moving. All elements are in place.

As stated the goal is to make feminized seeds and grow out said plants to test them.

Once that is done hopefully distributing said seeds will be legal in California to anyone over 21 and anyone of any age who has a medical recommendation.

Hopefully this will be Generation One of the Tiki-Jo Sweet ( Codenamed Juicy Fruit Pheno ) Because it has a similarity to a chewing gum sold in the USA during flowering.
Everyone has to start someplace
The Mother plant here had a complex floral evolution that included a bubble gum phase, a Musky phase and the Juicy Fruit phase. It is realistic and honest to say the genetics are enjoyable to grow and do have scent in Veg.

I plan to work the line properly and I am open to suggestions of other genetics that may further the line.. I am interested in plants exhibiting Honey tones and obviously Juicy Fruit or Bubble gum tones.

Some call the scent Tuti-Fruity in the UK..

I have mentioned in other threads that I have upgraded the lights and air. These were projects I had thought about for a while but i was surprised when i discovered multi-watt ballasts! That is an ideal tool for this box. There are time a 1000 watt light is what is best, times when a 600 is best and times a 400 is best all in one growing season. A selectable wattage unit and just one bulb ( 1k hort ) is all I need to achieve the flexibility I desire. So yes it's all in place.

That's what I have today..



Update 7-5-2010

Update 7-5-2010

The soil mix is done! Wow that was a long composting!

You read that I took some "used soil mix" and composted it with new materials. That is what many call Cooking the Soil. Not to be confused with sterilizing the soil.

One thing I can say is that I learn new things every time I do things.

So lets see where am I in the story... Oh yeah the upgrade. I upgraded the mother room air. I figure with six flowering Moms I need the full can with a dedicated fan in there.

That is a nice sheet-metal can I bought on Ebay years ago. Just refill it with 4mm pellet and we are off!

So now on to the soil mix.

After a long composting process I went and mixed what was left of a peat+coir and Earthworm castings mix I had with the active compost in the tumbler. That brought it home as they say. I mean it helped get it to the usable point.
Now I needed to screen that composted soil mix and so I broke out the Quarter-Inch and used a yard tub to collect the grind.
I had soil aggregates that were very rich and dark when broken open.
I also screened the peat and coir that I cut this rich soil mix with.

This Quarter inch "grind" is ideal for soil blocks.
Soil blocks have a history that goes back to Native Americans and how they reclaimed and managed the lands. Thread It's very natural and an easy process for plants. Very little transplant stress.

So once I had the rich composted mix combined with the Peat/Coir mix I had enough for the six blocks and to fill the six three gallon containers.

Now I will be ready to clone just as soon as those blocks age a week. With soil blocks and cloning it is necessary to let it stand and let any chemical reaction happen. usually this relates to the addition of raw materials into a mix and not the biologically processed soil like I have done but all is fair and it is better to be safe then sorry.

So these nice 4 inch blocks will enjoy the sunshine for a few days then we will cut some clones!

I was rereading JJScorpio's Cloning thread .. Again.. It took a day and a night but I reread it again.
It's these delicate matters that can be frustrating if they don't go well.
I just had 3 of 5 sprouts of some Widow-Warrior die. Why? They seem to be shallow rooters and delicate.
That leaves two on tall pheno and one short pheno. I hope one is a boy. I will be crossing the Tiki-jo ( Kush pheno ) with Widow Warrior if I can.
I am officially splitting the line here.
I had to pick two of the four females because of space limitations and that was sad but, friends, I have f1's of all 4 mothers and each was a different experience with qualities of their own. I'll bet there are some interesting traits in those f1's so we have to make choices some time. Roads not travelled and all.

So it's locked in. Who and what.. I will be interested in how it turns out myself.. Thank You for reading along.
I can't invite the neighbors in but I can share my hobby with the world.. Ain't it the truth?

Oh and Check the Chinese god of money. That came from India.. I mean a friend went to India and brought it back for me. Is the dish he holds meant for us to touch and wish for things? Is that the mythology?

Anyway I tossed them into the garden to keep Bird company. Bull is happy to nap all the time as I don't make him do much.

Okay.. Next is the test run on making Colloidal Silver solution. As I wrote i will be doing the first batch for the experience of doing it. Also I need a brown glass jug or jar.. Any suggestions of a source? I'll Google later.



Living with the soil
Hey Jack,looks like you're moving along pretty well here.
I drilled holes in my silver coins and just tied the wire on tightly...it worked out.


Hey Jack,looks like you're moving along pretty well here.
I drilled holes in my silver coins and just tied the wire on tightly...it worked out.

I bought clips so I'll go with that but i thought about drilling. As it is now I will clip a corner of the bar and let it hang I think.

Did you pre-clean the silver?

I found a nice page on CS..
What is colloidal silver?

A solution of water containing nanometer sized particles of suspended silver. The total silver content is expressed as milligrams of silver per liter (mg/L) of water which is numerically the same as parts per million (ppm). The total silver content is divided into two forms of silver; ionic silver and silver particles. Ionic silver solutions are products whose silver content is predominantly in the form of silver ions. Silver protein based products use gelatin as an additive to keep large silver particles suspended that would otherwise fall to the bottom. True silver colloids are products that do not contain any protein or other additives and whose silver content is predominantly in the form of nanometer sized silver particles.

I was looking for brown glass and I see that sites suggests PET plastics like juice bottles for storage.. Well that saves me money.

Did you use a 9V? Capt.
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Living with the soil
I just used rubbing alcohol to clean them up a bit. Once you plug it in you'll see results overnight. Yes,it was a 9v power adapter. Did it in a clear tupperware container with a lid in which I poked two holes in to hang the wires through the lid in order to suspend the coins in the distilled water at whatever that certain distance from eachother is.


Your screening process goes way further than mine. I can see where the 1/4 inch mesh comes in handy with the chapines, but I can't go smaller than 1/2 inch. Too much work for my lazyazz. At least I started using the 1/2 inch mesh instead of just leaving the chunks in the mix.
Good vibes on getting a male Wid War. Can't wait to see your beans hit the Bay & Boo and hopefully the corner store in November.


Your screening process goes way further than mine. I can see where the 1/4 inch mesh comes in handy with the chapines, but I can't go smaller than 1/2 inch. Too much work for my lazyazz. At least I started using the 1/2 inch mesh instead of just leaving the chunks in the mix.
Good vibes on getting a male Wid War. Can't wait to see your beans hit the Bay & Boo and hopefully the corner store in November.

The textures of the "Soil" have an important role in root development.

The easier the time for a seedling to expand it's root system the bigger the plant.
But you are right that there is a utility to all things.

1/4 inch isn't as fine as i go here. I have a smaller 1/8th inch for really fine grind materials.
There is a utility in good old fashioned hardware cloth screens.

On the Beans.. We shall see.. We all have to learn to walk before we can fly. If i do start providing seeds my goal will be customer satisfaction. There is a lot of work in making seeds people can count on.

One the Wid -War I'd like to have had the other three to choose from but they are very delicate plants it would seem.
Widow Warrior is what I want to cross the Kush with. Perhaps I have a winner with the two left. Fate is playing a part. How about this Kannubis.. Take the best of that cross (Tiki-jo Kush Pheno X Widow Warrior ) and cross that with White Widow ( GHS )? Starting to sound exotically frosty to me. There will be a serious need to grow out a couple Dozen to get a good idea on the spread. I guess I should back cross that to the Original Tiki-jo Kush pheno.. I could get addicted to breeding plants!

So many strains so little space..


I just used rubbing alcohol to clean them up a bit. Once you plug it in you'll see results overnight. Yes,it was a 9v power adapter. Did it in a clear Tupperware container with a lid in which I poked two holes in to hang the wires through the lid in order to suspend the coins in the distilled water at whatever that certain distance from each other is.

Cool.. I picked up a "Paint stripper brush" non metallic bristles and some cleanser.
I will give these a good scrub and call it good. I will reread the CS thread too.

So over night? Cool..

I am almost ready to do the CS shoot..


hey jack, wonderful efforts, and very well kept... ya wouldnt mind if i tag along here would ya ?


I appreciate that you appreciate these efforts. After a few threads I have a style going. I have to say Sony Cybershot Cameras are great cameras! I am wanting to buy a new one and "reserve" this one for special projects.

I enjoy writing threads because it's really like telling stories.. Spinning a yarn.. The nice thing too is if it's boring I will never know the reader quit reading and the story teller knows when someone has stopped listening.. LOL

So sure.. I'm happy this presents some news.. I think I'm the first to run a threads like that.. Not that the elements of this thread haven't been run but just the putting it all together.


Update 7-6-2010

Update 7-6-2010

Colloidal Silver Generator:

Today i have assembled the parts i have gathered to create my first colloidal silver generator.
That's really a fancy name for suspending electrodes in solution and running electricity through the distilled water.
The reason for this is we want the electrons flowing from one electrode to the other to dislodge small bits of silver and leave them in the water thus making the colloidal silver ( CS ) solution we will spray our plants with to induce male flowers on a otherwise female flower only plant.

This is a trial run and the CS made will be dumped. This is to gain the experience in making CS.

I was going to make a collage but I thought maybe some may benefit from a full size photo with some comments.

I picked up a couple .999 Fine used silver bars at a Coin Shop. i told them give me two you can't sell because they will be electrodes and no need to ruin really nice ones but, silver is silver to them so it didn't mater. I picked the two that seemed long.
You can see I didn't do anything to the silver to improve the value by scratching the surface but that also broke the surface and exposed fresh metal underneath. That will help us get the silver in the water faster, better..

I picked up a stiff bristle non-metallic "paint Stripper Brush" to do the cleaning. The bristles are made to brush away loose paint so they are ideal for "dressing" the silver electrodes. Non-metallic means I am not adding other metals such as iron, from the small steel brushes they sell, when I clean the silver. Perhaps a small bit of iron contamination wouldn't hurt but why add iron when I don't have to.
I read that I will want to clean the silver right away after the batch is done so this brush is a wise investment.

Now I have plenty of extra transformers around so i picked up a 9 Volt D.C. transformer out of the box on miscellaneous electrical wires and transformers.

There is a possibility of having an A.C. transformer but most are D.C. The A.C. means alternating current. That type of electrical power changes polarity of positive and negative in a predictable time frame. While I believe A.C. would work I read that we should use D,C, D.C. means Direct Current. Fair enough.
Often the plug on these power supplies are wired specifically for the device intended. Some have the negative on the outside of the plug and some on the inside but we are cutting the plug off.
Now there may be some indicator of which wire is the positive wire or "lead' as it is called. For our needs this isn't important unless you want to have a specific color alligator clip on a specific wire.. I happen to have bought the red and black plastic cover clips just because it was the same price as the non-jacketed alligator clips so i needed to check the polarity of the wires to be sure.
This brings me to the meter. If we have the positive on the positive wire and the negative on the negative wire then our needle will swing to the positive side of the zero. If we have it the other way it will swing to the negative side of the zero. Just an fyi.. On a digital I assume it will show a positive value or a negative value.
It's easier and it protects the wire to use wire strippers.
The alligator clips are the nice kind with a screw to wrap the bare wire on and then tighten down and also metal prongs that are bent over to hold the insulated wire in place. This makes pulling on the cord less likely to disconnect the wire from the clip and the plastic slides over it all to give me a grip where my body oils do not get on the metal.

This brings me to a device i have had no use for as an Organic Soil guy.. A PPM meter.
I understand this low end Hanna is a wise choice.. i have the majority of you all to thank as the word "Hanna" has been mentioned in favorable light for many years. I thank you and Hanna Brand thanks you.
i will be reading and getting ready to calibrate the meter when the CS solution has run for 24 hours.

I am using a glass jar with a flip lid. It looked nice and without the gasket when I close and latch the lid it holds the electrodes in place without damage to the wires.
I attached a flat bungee cord around the jar as a water level guide and as a way to keep the wires generally on one side and the other.

Lastly the process is best done in the dark so that no decay of particles happens from sunlight. I read it is also important to store CS in the dark too.

So it's on! I will keep that plastic bag over it and check it tomorrow night.

I should have a better understanding on how to calibrate the PPM meter by then too.

Once I understand how CS is made I'm guessing the PPM meter will be less necessary but for my own education is was a cheap tool i will value this time around.

So friends have I missed something? I wouldn't be surprised if i am missing a point of two..
Feel free to comment and do read the linked threads to the CS thread if you are learning or need to review. They are in a previous post in this thread.

So it is moving along. The soil blocks are doing the slow dry and that should give any chemical reactions and the biology time to get settled in as it dries.

So the plan is.. Do the Sweet pheno then work the kush pheno with the Widow Warrior. That should take me to October and then i will grow out a couple Feminized Sweets and we shall see what the do.

I will need testers. You have to be a Proper Medical person in California because I would like to avoid confinement in a cell..

Fingers crossed I have it hooked up right..

Cool I'm making CS!



Did you know that under D.C. Electrons flow from the Negative Terminal to the Positive?

I have a darkened Positive electrode atm..'

Good sign


Did you know that under D.C. Electrons flow from the Negative Terminal to the Positive?

I have a darkened Positive electrode atm..'

Good sign

Oh the joys of working with electronics. Electricity always flips everything on its ear. Negative flows to positive, i is current, j is imaginary, and so on...



The Square root of negative X is a real quantity in electronics.


Stone-cold sober right now, this is just what happens when you get engineers talking. (really bad jokes that nobody gets that is)

Also, 200th post yay!

p.s. can't wait to see how your silver colloid comes out, just be careful with it, you don't want to turn blue.