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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



cant believe the stinkyness of the last 2 plants harvested... it smells like there is some dead animal in the drying room. and the rest of the house too...


i planted 21 seeds of SSH/PTK x beeniemans and 8 seeds of SweetSourDiesel x SSH/PTK/PTK


Active member
hey bone :D
the ssd x ssh/ptk/ptk is a flavor bomb. going to be wicked to see how it behaves in youre room.
i have planted alot of ssh/ptk x beenie man mix and some thai /destroyer / ssh/ptk x ssh/lp


dramamine - i think it could be sourdiesel x strawberry diesel if i remember rigth :) i got a lot of seedlings of that one on the go :D so there will be enough to see how they are :D


yeah man i hope to get some nice examples to take pics of.. im going to flower some of those very soon, most likelly i will put them to flower within a week. the plants are not big, but 2400W should make them stretch and grow as much as possible.


vend - im stoked for the outdoor grow u are planning for this year :) i hope u get time to post some pics! gonna be a lot of nice plants in there im sure!


Active member
yeah man i realy hope so. i cross my fingers . hehe
did a little alcohol extraction yesterday, took forever. but ended up with some nice oil . peace


yeah man :) alcohol extractions are fun but time consuming :D hehe
takes ages to evap :)

im stoked to see how the the thai cross is going to be. im going to flower some soon :)

the original jackherrer/corinto/destroyerMEAO-THAI x PTK cross is in lineage like Destroyer. solid resin balls of nugs, and very potent too. should not be any whispy phenos at all. none of the plants i grown this far of the crosses of it has neither hermied or been bad yield. all top notch :) i crossed it with males of SSH/PTKxSSH/LP

should be mixed outcome but a lot of good stuff in the mix :) so its exiting to see how these are in relation to the mom. the mom was a crystal monster of resin.


:) im stoked - soon im going to flower a whole bunch of plants, many of crosses i havent flowered before :) more about what exactly it is, when it is time for 12/12...

also i planted 10 seeds of herijuana/alibi :) :) they should be ready in a few months to flower...

i put in today a 400W in the veg area, to help growing the plants in the last weeks of veg.. also i thought the moms gonna like to be under those when there is space too... im normally a fluoro/veg fanatic, but it got more economic to buy a 400W kit than many fluoros w cables etc..




:) im ok, the earthquake hit far enough from me not to cause any damage at all.


i put into flowering 5 Sweet and sour diesel x ssh/ptk (strawberrydiesel x sourdiesel by my friend haze ventura and the ssh/ptk males we used doing a back cross and a few other things a few years ago...

also 3 Amnesia haze x ssh/ptk (same males as above)

and one Blockberry x beeniemans (the blockberry is by XYZ and i used the same beenieman choise males i used for the ssh/ptk x beeniemans and the beeniemans ibl f2.

in veg waiting one week more is 2 amnesia haze ssh/ptk and 1 plant i got labelled thai/ptk wich actually is more or less something like jackherrer/corinto/MEAO-THAI (used in making destroyer afaik) x PTK

when those have flowered i will flower a whole bunch of ssh/ptk x beeniemans for polination. i not 100% yet if im going to keep doing select choise of females yet or open polination. im leaning towards open polination since im very happy with all phenos i smoked this far. no point to only go for big yielders since most of the smaller yielding ones are of extremelly good quality.

this far i have been taking seeds only from big yielding phenos, and i got allready a lot, but i want to build up the amount even more, mix it up and plant more and continue the work... this is really ssh/ptk x beeniemans f2 im making now, so next generation should be interesting to see what happens :D :D



great reading as usual and very informative, im pleased you were nowhere near the earthquake it must of been terrible for them.stay lucky


only 3 seeds of the herrijuana x alibi germed out of 10 seeds. there is still seeds left for another shot at a later date.

3 remaining plants in veg ready to flower are getting almost big enough to move over. in a day or two it will be done.

a ssh/ptk in flowering is getting close to maturity. within 2 max 3 weeks it will be ready. i dont keep track of flowering time too exactlly. would be a mess in the continuos setup i got. anyway she has been in the middle of the flowering room with 4 x 600W on it most of the flowering. big dense nugs. also some foxtailing in the tips. something typical in this keeper when its realy hot.

since in flowering the new plants atm are mostly all of them sweetnsourdiesel x ssh/ptk/PTK, i picked out all males of the blockberry. lets see if i get males of the SSD/SSH/PTK/PTK and how the cross is in general. my friend VEND has flowered a few of it, but because of PM i cdouldnt get a proper idea of how it turned out, more than sour dankish smell in dominance and big dense nugs. anyway its in great part indica, and this far in flowering its not showing too much stretch energy. lets see the coming weeks how it goes. i did give a stronger dose of nutes today to boost the growth, since this early in flowering it should get used up with no trouble.

also there is 2 ssh/ptk x beeniemans in flowering, and particularly one is looking really resinous.

the other day i harvested 4 plants of ssh/ptk x beeniemans and soon enough i will post some pics..

.......a 400W HPS in the veg room for growing the plants the last bit before the transplant and flowering really boosts the growth compared to the flouros..

damn, soon i gotto make clones of the SSH/PTK moms, they have grown HUGE and might not survive the summer well in their current size...




darn.. think the ssh/ptk in flowering is going to get mature sooner than i thought... maybe one - max 2 weeks ..

in the veg area the future SSH/ptk x beeniemans are vegging almost too quick, the HPS is almost magic compared to the fluoros. feels like i should have gotten a 400W for the veg much earlier...

there is a later batch of ssh/ptk x beeniemans beans also in veg, and im going to keep them far from the HPS, just if they would grow too fast and make my summer stressing...

i got a solution this year for if i get a few fems too many, my brother in law has just decided to buy a house, that has a nice terrace we had a quick talk about putting out plants on. lets see if and what happens about that later on..

the thai/ssh/ptk/ptk i had in veg almost ready for flowering is a male and i removed it today. but also i have seen one of the ssh/ptk x beeniemans with really nice sturdy structure, and still tall, is a male. im sure i will keep vegging that one with the ladies for atleast 6 weeks to 9 weeks more untill the first bunch of non-related seedlings are ready flowered and there is space again in the 12/12 area.

seems still i can plant a little bit less seeds at a time, since the veg area is working so effective, im going to have to flower as many as possible as quick as possible, or i will have 50 plants in veg that soon get too big for convenient transplanting and flowering.

im positivelly going to put in 3 more plants to flower one of the following days to fill up the flowering area. later when the 3 big plants i got flowering are done, i will spread the others out more. this means roughly double space for them as soon as the other 3 are done.

all good
peace :D


just by chance i went by the grow area, at a time the flowering should have been with lights off.. but it wasnt. im running 2 timers, one is digital. seems the digital one has gone a bit crazy, and was all off suddenly. maybe batteries are out... anyway, i switched to an other mechanic timer instead.. but i wonder for how many days/week/months it has been like this. its been 13 hour days in the flowering area, for who knows how long. interesting it didnt make much difference...

anyway problem fixed...


awesome :D got some beans of killer queen redux :D :D :D going to plant em as soon as the hotter months have passed.. with the temps indoors allready over 30ºC no point to plant seeds now....


.. flowering this round of plants in non-canna coco... and cant say im too impressed.. cheap never the less, but high salt level. flushing out at 0.7 to 1.0 EC above what i feed in. taking about a a few days to flush it out nicelly.. i usually have the flush out EC at around max 0.3 over what i feed, but normally i keep it 0.1 to 0.2 over what i feed..

also im considering to switch of one of the lights - we are allready in pre-summer and the heat is rolling on slowly.. its allready at 34ºC in the middle of the flowering room rigth under the lights...

still its only a few degrees above the air temp that we got outside so unless i hook up the airconditioner, things are going to keep like this for a while more...

im reluctant to put on the airconditioner also in the grow area.. its a whopping 2,5Kw more of power use.. might need to pull down new cables etc.. but i better get onto the case allready before the heat gets too high...



emptied out lots of jars and boxes with trim.. and made some drysieve and also ice hash. drysieve took about 10 minutes. ice hash took about 4 hours.

i got the ice hash drying in the drying room with a dehumidifier. should be dry enough to cut up finer tomorow. i think i will lett it dry for about 2 days atleast before i will mix it with the dry sieve... then i will mix it with my jelly hash...

i wont make any oil for a long time forward.. almost fed up of BHO... so im going to do only drysieve and icehash this summer and autumn.. the jelly hash is still very liqiud and i can propably keep adding drysieve and ice hash to it for a long time and the consistency and quality will not go down. i want the ahsh to get dry enought o be able to bring along out during the day, but i gotto add a lot of drysieve to all the oil/bho i got in the jelly before it will be able to take the summer heat we got.

lets see how it gets...