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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



time for a few pics :D
veg area

flowering :D

its too brigth with 3 hps and my cam cant cope too well.. ill take pics at harvest of the plants beneath the lights.

thats my grow.. messy but effective.

the clones in the shelf are shedding the leafs they had when rooted.. could be the products i used against PM.. wich includes baking-powder wich is a damn poison for plants (but doesnt seem too effective towards the pm)..

im just a few days away of harvest of the ssh/ptk..

had a jelly session today.. used about 150g of nugs and trim. got out about 16 g of bho. mixed it with some blond i bought last week. 9g of blond moroc.. well turned out a ncie sticky lump of dark gooey hash. its almost twice as much BHO as hash.. and honestly it would be possible to mix in a hellalot more of hash.. if i had it hehe :D

ill post pics of that tomorow :D




Nice work bone :)
Are you just using flouros for veg, no mh or hps light?

How big pots are you using for flowering?

As for the commercial weed market i dont think its good anywhere. Homemade is always the best! :)

Hasta luego!


nice veg space you got there, i see you are making use of the old t5's for keeping mums alive. handy to have a dirt floor, no worries about spilling anything. it seems like you don't use any green houses to make clones? just getting my material together to make my new veg box, will be making a 2x600 watt 220cm by 110cm flowering box after the veg part is done.

so you are growing your own seeds mostly now? the hps stops one really seeing the flowering canopy well. hope you can keep that pm under control till the run is done. the problem with mold and pm is that it stays alive for a long time on walls, wood and floor. you have to spray everything including all the shelves etc. otherwise that shit will just get blown back onto the plants.



hehehe :D mate its a rough concrete floor full of loose coco hehehe :D its clean compared to a few months ago hehe :D the growrooms is close to our wood and clay workshop area and im used to stuff all over :D hehe :D

i use big see thru plastic boxes when i actually root the clones, but as soon as roots show i transplant to coco :D and no more misting or nothing. we got 80% humidity most of the time so it might help :D

i like the fluoros for vegging, best low heat option for summer etc :D

that flowering box sound like its going to have nice light intensity :D

yeah for the past 2 year we have mostly grown our own seeds :D occasionally i plant of other material too, and i also get gifted clones from a mate :D that i try out :D

yeah man its impossible to take pics in the flo area now it seems :D maybe should do it lights off..

since i do run a perpetual grow, where i put in new plants each time i harvest, and the flowering area allways got plants in there, i really hope to get it under control, if not it might ruin the whole idea for me.. lets see how it goes. if not ill have to do some serious things..

im still running 2 comercial dehumidifers side by side, and the flowering area does not seem too humid anymore. i gotto make sure i dont flower too many at once :D and crowd it..


an other problem, that i never had in flowering.. today when showing my growmate the plants, i realize i got ANTS in atleast 3 of the pots of plants that are about a month away from harvest. dont know what poison to use in the coco... seems scetchy.

tomorow i wil ltry numerous natural remedies to see how it goes.

the 3 plants have signs of troubles, crispy leaf etc and harvest might get affected.

this on top of pm is almost hilarious :D



Active member
PM, only thing that I have found that kills PM fully is Citrox by Agralan. I tried everything, including the copper fungicide and it didn't work, finally I got some Citrox and bingo, Pm gone in a few days.

There's a certain UK grower who has been handing out PM-infested cuts for a while now so a few friends of mine who got cuts from him had the same problem and Citrox worked for all of them as well.


PM, only thing that I have found that kills PM fully is Citrox by Agralan. I tried everything, including the copper fungicide and it didn't work, finally I got some Citrox and bingo, Pm gone in a few days.

There's a certain UK grower who has been handing out PM-infested cuts for a while now so a few friends of mine who got cuts from him had the same problem and Citrox worked for all of them as well.

Aye, I`m in the UK, and there`s been a lot of PM around my parts, not got to me or my friends yet, but I think I`ll get a bottle of Citrox so that I have the right armoury if it comes a knocking. Can it be used as a preventative, and is it safe to use?

Hey Bones, that`s one impressive set up ya have there.

I just made a few grams of ice hash and going to do a run of honey oil and make some of this jelly hash that I keep envying you for:D

Respect, Toke


indifferent :D the copper-oxide seems to have worked at the moment :D thanks JAH!

tokesome - im sure you are going to enjoy the jellyhash :D

the last jelly hash i made is almost too tasty :D the chronic's resin has a strong sweet candy like flavour and it goes down too easy :D a nice smoke for sure :D


on top of all scetchy bud attacks and pm etc, i today realized my jamaican plant i got flowering is not well... its got some really ugly looking damage on the bottom part of the stem, it does look like some kind of fungus but i never seen it before.. it has only affected the outside of the stem, so its not fusarium as far as i can see. one more plant for BHO.. i think i will cut it after the weekend. with that kind of damage i dont think it will recuperate, but i will let it go untill next week to make sure i see what is happening with her..

out of the 28 seeds of two strains planted a few days back, all have germinated.. i guess i have to buy coco sooner than i think :D also it means i better not make too many clones more before summer, since im allready maybe looking at too many plants in veg.. its good for any outdoor guerilla attempt..

also im insecure about the safety of the outdoor spot i have been planning to use. the frequent air traffic over my house is scetchy, although im sure 99% of the time no one is looking down, the moment they will, i need to have the plant or plants well camouflaged. at the moment im thinking of taking out only one plant, and i will do it in about a month. start of june seems like a good moment. now i gotto start preparing some ncie candidates in the veg area. i want plants that will spread out, so im looking for plants that have a bushy start, if possible i want 10-12 branches on a 15-20 cm heigth.. this is, so when i take it outside i can just split up the branches and tie them out, and later go to her once a week to keep the branches as low as possible and keep tieing them down. im going to useU-shaped iron bars i bent and got ready...

anyhow - the question is, what will look less scetchy at first glance, several plants close to gether or onebigger split out and tied down.

decisions decisions...

meanwhile im working in the garden outside preparing my veggie plantacions... atleast im going to have lots of tomatoes and stuff :D and im planting more!



maybe make a roof over the outdoor plants with some green plastic that still lets most of the light through but stops the view from above?


yeah man i have been thinking along those lines :D the only problem i can see with it is the fact i will be covering a deep big hole in the ground with the shade cloth, and if ANYONE sees me goi down into the hole it must look quite scetchy :D

but i have been drawing allready on one idea, wich consists of a few crossing beams/rods at a height that will be below the actual edge of the hole, and the shade cloth will go on top of this, so it wont show from close. i want to avoid questions at all costs. hehe

i allready got pretty much all the material that i need for that too, but im still wondering about how scetchy would that look :D maybe it will be ok. i have been thowing compostable garden dispose in the hole for a while, so covering the hole with a shade cloth could acctually finaly be explainable.. the more i think of it rigth now, it could be explained as just a fabric to make sure the compost doesnt dry out too much... i will have to look into how to leave enoughspace to go down to work with the plant, and also try to figure out a way to do it comfortably. going down into a 2,5 meter deep hole VIETCONG style with showel, sacks of coco and such, will be fun.

the moment to prepare the out door space is now, since there is still lots of bad herbs and tall grass etc giving me cover going down into the hole.. one option i have ben thinking about is compressed coco, but since the last few times the compressed coco of a crap brand has been way saltier than i like... im ruling it out for now..

anyway there is way to get coco and plants into the hole without bigger problems i think.. i got a few ideas of that too.

my villa is in an area with a lot of houses, and i ahve to make sure i dont get seen too much, and at the moment i can not afford to put shading/privacy cloth on the fences and such, since its a LOT of meters to cover. my wall is also about 3 meters high, so im not too worried about rippers at the moment...

i will think more about it :D its fun! one plant outside will give me an continuous adrenaline rush :D growing guerilla is about 19 times more fun :D


Hey Bones, I remember, I think, you mentioning somewhere on this thread that you may be thinking feeding 3 gall pots of coco once every 2 days, but I cant find anything like this when I run a search on your thread. Did I see this?? Or are you feeding once every day?

Much obliged, Toke ;-)


:D at the moment im feeding by hand 2-3 times aday :D but this is because the light intensity is very high and the plants do use a lot of water.

it depends on the conditions you have. if the pots are not loosing some weigth (lift em up :D) between waterings, the pots will be water loaded and not alove proper fast root growth, and even be fatal for the plant in worst scenario.

at the moment my flowring room is about 5 degrees above the ambient temps, and also i got 3 fans on full force blowing on the plants. also i got my lights about 4-5 inches (YEAH !! INCHES!!) from the tips of the plants, and they really do use a lot of water in these conditions. if i let the pots dry out im wasting life time of the plant, in a 2 month flowering cycle even a few days lost will show effects on end product.

im just about to harvest a really nice specimen for once :D completelly PM free, and it has been flowering with 3 x 600W HP's within an 2,5 feet area and only a few inches from it. its in a 12 liter pot (3 gallons). and very happy :D

also i think tomorow it will be time to harvest the above mentioned plant, and also the jamaican beeniemans revegged mom is looking ready to go.

i have again seen ants in the flowering area, but its raining so it can be easilly explained.

while waiting for the plants to harvest im still working with my veggie garden.. its getting amplified about once a week, i got about half a tenniscourts space dedicated to the veggies and such, and let me be honest about it beeing a LOT of fun :D even though its a bit sweaty at times!

during the work outside i keep planning my outdoor guerilla, and im putting together a few items im thinking of using as camouflage. the hole im going to grow in is WAY bigger than the estimated 2x2 meters, its definetly close to 3,5 meter wide at the top part and in the bottom its close to 2,5m. it means i need to get hold of some quite strong steel rods, pipes etc to hold the camouflage cloth in place. im also thinking of cutting a few holes maybe in the cloth to alove more light to get thru and to have more air flow. i dont want a kilo of mouldy nugs for BHO....

peace all!


Cheers mate, I`m using a wick at the bottom of the pots for judging moisture, I cant lift the pots as they`re training into the scrog screen.

I`m just in the veg state at the mo, so demands are not so high, after 24hrs the wicks in the 3gal pots are still wet enough to squeeze fluid from them, so I assume they`re plenty moist enough for their feeding requirements, after 48hrs the wicks are still moist but not enough to squeeze the fluid from, that`s when I feed again. I`d expect they`re requirements to increase as they progress of course but thought I read here or somewhere about once every 2 days and Canna changing their recommendations. Of course being a stoner I could have dreamt this:biggrin:

Hey Bones, whilst I`m here I know you`re a big fan of keeping nutrient levels down to I believe ec1.2. Are there any time during veg or early flower that you feed higher? I seem to remember you saying you do at some point, but again I may have dreamt that too!:biggrin:

Hey its great to hear you`ve got some PM free plants to chop down, more power to that mate.

Cheers, Toke


Hi BoneC!
I get really sad reading about all your PM fungus etc.

Is it hard to grow healthy buds in spain?

Well glad to hear you have 1 powdery mildew free ganjaplant to harvest. Its nice to smoke weed and not just BHO i can guess :smoke:

Do your veggies that you have outside get a lot of bugs and shit on it?

Hasta luego


well i'm a few days away from cutting my top 44, and this time it will be a pm free harvest. it seems the Fenicure has worked well and actually got rid of it, instead of just suppressing the pm.

the mites on the other hand have made a come back this last 2 weeks and it was too late to spray again so i'm having to put up with mite damaged leaves. still the pm is much worse imo.

my home made sour diesel x casey jones are coming along something awesome, specially the smells are blowing my mind with anticipation. the pheno 2 would be amazing to fill a table with if it's as good as it looks, because the yield looks to be fantastic too. never realized how much fun it is growing out your own seed crosses, compared with some f the delicate eilte clone lines.


eyyo - hehe no man its not hard to grow good bud here :D same rules aply as anywhere else. this year the air humidity has been higher than ever :D but its going down. i never had ever pm or mould before during 6 years growing indoors here. outside there is as much bugs as else where i guess, but the season for them is longer since we dont really have a winter that suddenly kills them off. many outdoor growers have problems with a worm that eats the buds, much like the corn-borer or what ever its called thats eating the corn...

gaiusmarius - hehe yeah man im sure now with the warmer weather the mits are goign to have a feast :D i have allready sprayed my plants in a preventive manner. it usually lasts for months.. yeah pm is worse since if its in the nugs its un-smokeable, while mites allmost only affect the leaves, unless its all out of controll.

me and my grow friend VEND both agree on the fact we as normal growers can take what ever really good we come across and make something with it, while many big comercial seed companies DONT have the same possibility because of business ethics etc. hard to see at the moment the most serious grow companies using oponents material for their crosses.

in a little bit i will harvest one fo the stars of the crosses of ours we have grown out. its the SSH/PTK cut i had for 5-6 years, crossed back to herself 50%. the SSH/PTK x SSH/LP has the white silvery resin coverage famous from the SSH, but the bud formation on the one im cutting soon is quite different to any of the parents. the nugs grow a bit separated but into clusters with chunky foxtail like clusters of calyx. the smell is between pungentlly skunky but with a fresh citrus like touch, but its far from describing all of the smell. its clear the skunkyness comes from the ssh/ptk mom of ours, while the lemony ting comes from the ssh/lp.

lp is lovepotion, wich is mostly santamarta gold from colombia, and ptk is a pakistani landrace, so at the same time as the SSH part of the cross became stronger, also the influence of the hybridization of the ptk and LP side is interesting. i have allready used the mom dad combo in different crosses, for example SSH/LP x (SSH/PTKxSSH/LP) and
ssh/ptk x (SSH/PTKxSSH/LP). the first one of these two, is obviously going back to the ssh/lp sativa side to see if we can get the SSH/PTK influence in the hybrid stabilized and get a move sativa heavy breed. on the other hand the 2nd one is going back towards the all time favorite of hours, the ssh/ptk. in both crosses, that i yet have not grown out, have very interesting possibilites. it will most likelly be the next lot for the seedling tray.

also i got to say for the veggies i grow outside, i pick the seed i grow, for most of them. picking and saving seeds is a VERY nice hobby :D

today i planted 2 kinds of pumpkins, a few mounds for each kind, with about 8 to 10 seeds in each, for getting maximum selection. each mound is about 2,5 to 3 feet across and about 1,5 foot deep/high. i used a few good shovel loads of my garden compost, chicken and rabit manure, wood ash, and recycled coco :D in the middle of the mounds i made a 10 liter (2,5 gallon) hole filled with a sweeter mix of compost, manure and sphagnum peat to give a good start to the seeds.

i love working in the garden.. plants grow so quick here its insane. i cant wait untill i build a few more structures, patio or etc to give me space to palnt properly outdoors...

im getting a tan :D i spend about 6-8 hours a day working in the garden :D

peace all!


yeah man very good points about making seeds as a private grower verses a seed co.

very interesting to hear about your breeding projects. i loved the love potion Reeferman brought to the 420 back in 07, was awesome smoke.

it always seem worth while to make seeds on keeper mums :) i am getting some seeds from the top 44/victory clone too this round. i figured anything that flowers so fast and is still a decent smoke can only benefit from sd x cj male pollen. although i'd be interested to know more about how much influence the males actually have on the seeds.

i envy your garden man, wish i could grow veggies and fruits on my own land. you can't compare home grown food to anything from the supermarket. just the same with buds after all . :joint:


i see it a little bit like if the males are the (X) in mathematical problem if u know what i mean.

female A and female B i both liked, so i take a male of the B or A to bring part of that heritage to the outcome, as i see it, here i can pretty much be sure the outcome in most cases will be an A/B combo with various % - but this far as i see it most of the influence of the male is actually what is in his SISTER plants, ande that is mostly what i look at when deciding for a cross. good males doesnt take too many trys to recognize. we tend to use the males of a structure that we find interesting in the cross.

for example, if we got a indica dominant mom (ssh/ptk) and a we want to cross her but we want to keep it vigorous, so we choose males with more sativa heavy characteristics of the SSH/LP.

i dont look much at all at male flower formations etc, since besides beeing the the reproductive tool of the male plants, it has little influence as far as i can see on the stability of the outcome. i choose not to use male plants with female characteristics. for example i dont use male plants with exadgeratedly big clusters of flowers. female atributes in a male plant is not good in my book...

when we made the SSH/PTK x PTK cross we expected more plants to be of shorter of bushier character, but in the end the PTK influence was not so dominant on plant height, since out of the back cross maybe about 50% were of taller and more vigorous nature. the shorter more PTK dominant plants were much less vigorous than the hybrid pheno.

now i have used this ssh/ptk x ptk to cross back to our favvo mom;
SSH/PTK x SSH/PTKxPTK - and here im sure the favorite of hours the ssh/ptk mom, now should be very dominant, since she is crossed back to her self :D hehe but just with a hint more of PTK in the mix :D
and i have not yet planted of that either :( so little time and so many crosses!



he he, I smoked nearly all the BHO before I got around to mixing in the hash. I`ll have to make some more this week and do it this time.



:D hehe i bet that bho was tasty! :D

im working outside in the garden, trying to get everything setup properly and nice before the heat comes. im glad i prepared allready the outdoor grow spot a month ago or so.. so much more anoying to dig at this time of the year...


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