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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



i just planted the beans :D been misting a long time to slowly humidify the coco without getting it too wet..

tomorow morning i will move them to their grow place :D



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
still in full action i read...pitty you got nanners though...well i've been there lol....
still it sucks from time to time ..specially if you did't keep an eye out for them...aaaargh i warped back to my lasy grow..Darn i thought i woz over it hehehe


hehe yeah maybe i was too hopefull about the thai cross :D i allready pretty much decided not to work most likelly that line further hehe :D maybe plant the beans outdoor some day :D and leave it at that :D hehe

still there is 2 fems left of the meaoTHAI/PTK, and they are cool this far.. no gender bending atm. hopefully they will mature on with no problems :D

at the moment we are going to concentrate around the ssh/ptk x ssh/lp.



just remembered, the coop partner is going to plant 60 seeds tomorow.

this means 80 beans this far :D i think it will be enough of seedlings for most of winter, beause we have to flower clones of the keepers to make sure we are happy also during the test rounds :D

i put up a piece of aluminium foil under the ssh/ptk x ssh/lp male that im using to polinate the ssh/lp with. tomorw i will have a look if its a point in polinating more or not.

also today i prepared to cut a bunch of clones of sshxptk...



got a message from the mate, he has planted 60 seeds, of these following varieties



cxptk f2




purple pakistani

special mix x dc

ptk x dc

x 18

jagen x cxptk

dc uzb

dc x dc



up and running...

up and running...

seems like just yesterday you had gotten butchered by the dentist, and now, bam! the coop is back on track. keep up the good work, bone, pop those seeds!:D


bacchus - :D lets see if space lets us do it :D but definetly big is the way to go :D

chemsteady - hehe im doing a good job forgetting about the dental incident :D hehe but we are on track for sure :D we gotto get ready for winter :D


todays check on the seedlings at my place, it seems pretty much all that should have germed, have, its 16 little babies out of 19 planted. i did plant a few pale seeds too, even if they are a bit inmature, im just hoping for the best. those might be the ones not germed yet.

the clones are doing fine atm, the temps etc are now ideal.

the moms got quite slaughtered and i think it might take weeks before i can cut clones again. this is good since im propably gonna need the space anyway.. for a thing thats coming my way.

4 of the beeniemans are getting vegging very nicelly, almost i fear they will veg a bit over the size limit, but its good they are big :D that way i can most likelly make BEANS directly - since my goal from the start with these were to make more for selection work. im still eager to find a jamaican keeper and to get more seeds of this nice smoke for the future. also i promised long time ago seeds of this for my closet and guerilla growing family.

the most interesting part with these this far is that they have so darn stinky stems. its a skunky, cherry acidic smell. smells so good one could scratch and sniff for ages... also i got good memories of the one that i flowered once earlier, but at that time it was under low light conditions and a very small plant. this time over they are a lot bigger. atleast most of them. im still holding on to the runts. one might get sorted out, but the last one i got my doubts for.

i did a second polination of the SSH/LP female with SSH/PTK x SSH/LP male, although i think there was allready a whole lot coming it looked like. well if i get 30-40 of this its enough for me,to look for males etc for crossing back to the keeper SSH/PTK female.

the AMNESIAHAZE x SSH/PTK/PTK is starting to get going in floewring. a slow starter. but looks like it might get some phenos with nice kolas. there is basicly two phenos going on - one tall and very vigorous, and one shorter and bulky.

the JAGGEN x SSH/PTK/PTK is looking good. the two plants that are close to the entrance are resinous, and atleast two of the 3 look like they might get productive.

Meaothai x ptk .. the very lanky pheno is not worth keeping at all. the other bushy pheno with a lot of bud sites - looks like its going to get very dense bud sites, and thats definetly a sign of some hybrid action, since the darn thing is huge and it jsut seems to keep streching all over. this one is somewhat of a nightmare to try to tame in these conditions. since when i try new seeds i dont do any pruning of lower parts etc, to see how they perform as is.

im considering to maybe polinate it with an male of same, and see what happens. one other option is the fact i got a male of Karmatrain x Lp that im not going to use at all for the moment. still remains the fact its smelling a lot and its looking interesting. dont know.. got a lot to do so...

the female karmatrain x lp is not looking too impressive at the moment, but its giving the impression of just warming up, so too early to say.

should ad the both last plants i put in, one jaggen ssh/ptk/ptk and one amnesia haze x ssh/ptk/ptk are both females.

in the vegroom today i had a go misting down all plants with rainwater, and then after one hour or so i sprayed them all with a 2ml/0,75l solution of rhizotonic. im going to keep doing it to the runts specially to try to get the root system to grow better. if it works on clones it should work on full grown ones too. and it should work better since there is more leaf mass to absorb the goodies. lets see if it works out like so.

its getting time to spray down the vegroom against mites.. and im going to keep doing it untill i think i got the mites under controll. i have been slack with spraying during summer, and for a few months i didnt have products. its time to take the bug thing seriously. it would be awesome to have an almost mite free winter season :D

also got one new bug i never had before. this one is for sure a outdoor related problem since it came with plants taken in to reveg for moms. its leaf miners.. to be sure, im going to spray against that also.

im building up a rediculous amount of material for a BHO run. i dont know when we will do it. we need to find somewhere to buy boxes of cans of butane first... and we wont do anything untill we have lots of material.

peace all!


one more seed popped :D and it looked like one more was on its way :D if so its a 95% rate and thats very nice indeed.



now when allmost all of the seeds sprouted - it definetly takes some stress of my back :D only one seed is left to sprout, and it might be an inmature one so no loss. as allways with seedlings im eager to start giving them nutes, but im going to wait untill next week or so before i start with that.

all clones i cut the other day are still all looking good.

i moved around plants and prepared a space in the veg area for coming clones.

its getting time to check up on the flowering area soon...



cool cool

in the flowering area ...

the AHxSSH/PTK/PTK and JAGGENxSSH/PTK/PTK are definetly getting going properly, its still impossible to say how they are going to get, but i can see some have the possibility to become quite good yielders. specially a long haired round ball kind of bud site pheno that came out. its the only one of the ones flowering looking like that.

surprisingly the most sativa pheno of the meaothai x ptk is getting resin, but still small nugs. very small nugs. the other bushy pheno is about 500% more productive or more. atleast it got hundres of budsites, and there is resin coming here also. now the main problemis to bend down the branches, since this pheno is very vigorous and it seems to like to bend right up after it gets bent over.. finally i got hopes for this pheno :D but im not going to make seeds with her, instead, if i reveg her, i will cross it to some other indica dominant male of the ssh/ptk lines later. well i still gotto make a decision about it. i thin i got this week on me. the male is not producing lots of pollen any way, so maybe i should make a few seeds justfor fun anyway.. but the problem is if i reveg it, the seeds will create a problem. a plant thats has mature seeds is less likelly to reveg...

besides that the heavilly mite infested blockberry aimed at BHO, should get cut ASAP. its a source of mite infestion for the other plants. its got web all over and its scary if its spreads out now in mid flowering.

every day i get more stoked about the coming BHO session, since the more seeded nugs i see from the hermies i didnt have time to take out in time, the more nugs i know i will have to use for BHO.

i cant wait to start harvesting these plants, and put in the next bunch of really big plants. next round of floewring is going to be less plants, but all of them big and well spread out. i expect better harvest next round... none of the ones left to flower are very branchy. the beeniemans that i got 5 of ready to flower, all have little branching and slow growth, but the main branches are well spread out at a lower level than the currentlly flowering plants. a lot due to me topping the plants a month back or two. i expect these plants to really get going in 12/12. jamaica is a country with not much variation in daylength, and i almost suspect the 24 hour veg hours they are getting now is actually not as productive for it.. but that doesnt matter since the other plants are loving it. with the beeniemans im going to let them get less water for a while, but im going to keep spraying them with rainwater. the jamaican hills have very high humidity and this far since i started doing it, they have really revived a lot.

also, out of the moms of SSH/PTK that i cut clones of, i gotto choose one for putting into flowering, and i need to transplant it to an even bigger pot. i want to make sure during the stretch the plant is not going to have too much boundaries in the root area, since i think it gets more productive like that. it works well in 12 liter also, but if i spread out the plant a lot, id rather have a 20 liter or 25 liter pot for it to make sure it allways has enough water. the spot it will go (between the lights) has a lot of light intensity, and the plants there use a lot of water in normal cases.

im spending too much time in the grow area :D im too eager to see them all grow. its almost like i get bored if i dont harvest a plant once a week...

peace all!


i got told by my coop mate two of the plants that i moved over there have sexed. its two females - one meaothai x ptk female, and one SSH/PTKxSSH/LP female. the first one is very sativa dominant and lanky, the later is a more indica dominant pheno, maybe similar to the one i put to reveg.

one of the SSH/PTK x SSH/LP was a male and has been used for a few days to polinate a SSD and a BB.

also for the moment it seems the PTK pollen we got gifted a while back from a spanish mate - still was viable after 6 months or so in the freezer :D the JAGGEN that got polinated shows signs of fertilized hairs :D lets see in one week more how it is going.

i think here also the SSH/LP that got polinated with SSH/PTK x SSH/LP is looking like it worked. now we just gotto wait for a month or so :D and see what we got :D



i took out a really mite eaten BB from the flowering - destined it for BHO, and after i put in 5 new plants to flower. they will have hardly taken off before i gotto harvest some more, so i prefeer to put them in a bit early, even though thre is not as much space. later in a week or two there will be more space :D

the plants were one ssh/ptk and 4 jamaicans. i left ojne jamaican to try to get revive its root system a bit more before flowering it.



sorry man :D dont know at all if its even available. id use it against fungus gnats if i had access to it.

your best bet is to order it over the web. dont know where from though...

I have tried to use DE to control Gnats. I didn't do a damn bit of good!

Our swimming pool filter media is DE so I usually have a big bag around. When I was growing with a peat based mix, I got gnats. Covered the whole media surface with DE. I think the Gnats thought it was nice and clean like a beach LOL.

The only way I controlled them was to keep the surface of the media very dry for a week. That broke the cycle.

Now, I'm just starting with coco and I'm worried that I'll see those little bass-turds again.