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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



new seedlings i got flowering now, amongst others is:

la mula

amnesia haze x ssh/ptk / ptk

jaggen x ssh/ptk / ptk

meaothai x ptk

SSH/ptk x SSH/LP

still in veg are

berry (XYZ)

beeniemans choise

and various of the other crosses before mentioned. i have set aside allready a few males of different crosses to see if there is any interesting material to use for polinating some females.

i got prepared some seeds to plant as soon as i have taken clones of the SSH/PTK, SNOWDAWG and SSD and rooted them.

the ones to get planted will be SSD x SSH/PTK / PTK and the last remaining few of the SSH/LP x ssh/ptk / ptk.

very soon my coop partner vend promised to plant seeds :D he got a WHOLE BUNCH of containers at his place with predominantly indica genes. we are looking for a keeper or two :D

lets see how the autumn comes along :D

i still havent been able to plant anything outdoors for this season, because the DRAUGTH we have had since may or april. i dont have any shrubs to use as camoflage on my property, or honestly the shrubs that i do have are not lush enough to hide anything yet.

im confident there is going to some rain soon :D and as allways i plan to take out something as soon as i can. since the winter doesnt come untill january or so, most plants can hang on here for late flowerings, also my spot they would get full sunlight for most of the day.

id really like to take out few clones :p itd be fun..

my friend with glaucoma that i got a few plant together with, says the amnesia hazes are going nicelly but they have started flowering quite early. this is propably good since the sun light is more intense now, and the plants there are in a spot where they get partially shaded at certain times of the day.

also he got a unknown plant of some seed that he grabbed from some nugs that i gave him. as far as i understood its not looking too good, since the soil it got planted in is old. the amnesia hazes are growing in good soil he promised :D

peace all


The amnesia you been using is also the one going around..?? My friends got some nice long flowering one from germany...(not sure where):) +16weeks..


i dont know what is circulating europe really at all hehe !

all rigth i just cleaned the bong (thanks vend - great device!) and after a few hits i feel like to post some pics - gonna be a mix of this summers jelly hash and buds;

click on them for bigger images!

some of that jelly turned out pretty legendary.


jaggen drying - one plant - filling up all my drying rack almost - its about 5x5 foot - the darker green very leafy nugs are a bit fucked up amnesia hazes that will go to BHO.. makes nice BHO but cant handle summer hear : hehe that is amnesia in a nutshell hehe

a selection of BHO and jelly hash

hehe i first had it on top of a book of my gf.. but it didnt really work well as a back drop hehehe

a bit of all of it mixed together

other jellies and bho of amnesia



for the jelly mixes i used ice-hash, drysieve and BHO, and also part some moroccan really high grade hashes :D

it was daaaarn tasty


hehe :D rigth now i got no jelly in my stash... looking forward to do it ASAP :D


been a buzy day..
first of all after a look in the flowering room, it shows there is a couple new confirmed females of the seedlings;

amnesia haze x ssh/ptk / ptk - i think i got 1-2 confirmed female of this atm

jaggen x ssh/ptk / ptk - 3 confirmed females today (gotto double check)

ssh/ptk x ssh/LP - there is a few fems of this, the one i first put in flowering looks very promisng with fat calyx and very nice ratio of leaf/calyx

mula - one female

meao thai x ptk - 2 females

there is still a whole lot left to sex of different crosses. also today 2 males of meaothai /ptk were confirmed also. one of them has a really compact growth pattern compared to the other ones. might be an interesting candidate for f2's.

the psychedelica x critical mass is still not ready for havest....

im looking forward to put in to flower a Sweet and Sour Diesel, SNOWDOG i been veggin during all summer, but first i gotto take clones of them :D also i gotto take clones of the whole rest of the keepers... but definetly the INDICA dominant ones will be the ones i will miss during the flowering of all these seedlings, since most of the seedlings are sativa leaning..

have a good day all :D


went down to have a look in the growroom :D and i see there is one more female :D this one is a amnesia haze x ssh/ptk/ptk. i see now i definetly will have the room full of females in no time - so the rest of the plants will have to wait for a while... no more are going in, untill i get to harvest a whole bunch more.

the meaothai x ptk - most of these girls are really tall and lanky with huge internodal distance. lets see if the PTK dad cut the flowering time on any of them..


i made a exhaustive inventory of all seedlings i got in my house, besides the confirmed males. also there is 6-7 seedlings at VENDS place, and i cant remember exactly what went there..

well here we go

first confirmed females (11);

2 Amensia haze x SSH/PTK / PTK

3 jaggen x SSH/PTK / PTK

2 ssh/ptk x ssh/lp

3 meaothai x ptk

1 Karma train

in flowering but not sexed (4);

1 mula

3 amnesia haze / ssh/ptk x ptk

vegging (12);

6 beeniemans choise

1 karma train

1 jaggen x SSH/PTK / PTK

2 berry (xyz)




yummi autumn eh..;)

Quite alot all kinds of goodies:) Going to be interesting to see man!


i just went out and had a little walk in the garden :D and i threw out a few handfulls of seeds :D

threw out seeds of cascadia, banghi haze, ssh/SB x WR, PTK f2, x18 mix

also i took out 2 clones of confirmed females and i planted them lying down in a ditch i dug a year back or so.. i then just threw on top about 40 liters of recycled coco.. clones were blockberry and ssh/lp.

now i just have to wait for the undergrowth to get going, and i wont have to tuck down the plants in the ditch so much..

lest see how it goes :D i bet tomorow in daylight its gonna look scetchy and i will have to fix it up a bit.. couldnt see jack shit, it was all dark out side :D hehe

but fun!



actually the outdoor clones look good.. no need to stress for a while unless they start stretching like crazy..

been raining all day, been collecting rainwater :D got together more than 300 liters so now i can give a nice low ec flush to all plants for a week :D

im getting increasingly doubtfull about the psychedelicia x critical mass that first went into flowering.. she is taking forever to finish and it doesnt look like there is going to be a lot of resin to talk about.. looking forward to chop that girl up and throw it into the BHO tubes..

the 4 other PSY's that went into flowering a few weeks ago look more promising..

its time soon to select male candidates and start collecting the pollen.. im going to avoid a to use all lanky and tall males, and concentrate on one or two short stout ones. lets see how things develop..



i cut the psychedelicia yesterday.. that one didnt turn out too intersting :D BHO material...

also yesterday i took out my last clone of sshxlp to flower it outside.

pretty much we are getting rid of a few sativa dominant cuts, that take too long and that dont handle the heat well. so amnesia haze and ssh/lp has to go.. we are keeping for the moment JAGGEN and lets see what there is in the new seedlings.. if there is new cool sativa dominant smoke treats :D taht dont take too long.

one problem here with long flowering strains is the fact the mites get time to eat it up before i can harvest... not fun to be taking care of something in the flowering room for several months and end up with BHO material.. but some plants cant handle the extreme conditions during summer and they freak out and get very sensitive.. a shame!

peace all


hm :D

it seems that its gonna be a little bit slow on the harvest front for a while forward.. i only got a few plants in late flowering, and the nugs i expected to get from coop's, have in big part been lost for various reasons.

so i will be dependant on what the seedlings will be giving me for a few months. im vegging 3 plants of SSH x PTK, but one of them is not looking like its gonna get going. this means i got 2 moms to slaughter for clones and then flower them one by one while the clones are rooting. also ready for transplant and flowering is a fairly big SND i have had vegging for a long time, and also i got one BIG SSD but she is looking a bit damaged from having the roots crammed in a smal pot al summer. hopefully a transplant will get her going :D

i have had a few quick looks at the clones i hide in the garden, and they are looking almost too healthy green for the surrounding they are in :D and they are perking up :D i expect them to actually grow a fair bit before they are done :D i will have to start bending them along the ground soon.

today i also had a look in the veg area where the males are flowering.. there seems to be 4 interesting looking males, 2 of SSH/PTK / SSH/LP and two of meaothai/ptk. the KT male is not looking too good at all for the moment and might not make the selection.

i seriously gotto cut clones ASAP, but rigth now im so extremelly buzy with work, i have to push it forward every day.. but next week one big year long project is done, and i will again get some more time to spend in the setup.

im tempted to plant seeds again, my coop mate is sorting out his cloning veg cabinet, and this means we have access to more veg space after his big seedling run is done. hopefully its gonna be well full with keepers :D but if not i want to make sure i got enouogh clones stashed and prepared for both of us if necesary.

also we have lightly been planing a bigger outdoor for next year, depending on where my coop partner will rent a house. this time he wants something more rural so he can full fill his dream of BIG outdoor plants :D and of course :D i will be suporting and making everything i can to make it all possible! gotto veg a whole bunch of clones BIG in time for next years outdoors... now i certainly hope this will lead to something :D

im planning and planning for next years outdoor i will have here too. since i live in a spot where there is a bit too much trafic of relatives to my GF, i try to be as discreet as possible. but it helps little since they think allready my pot of PAPAYA plants is MJ... so knowing they have no fucking clue really, i plan to do my best to make the plants NOT look what they expect.

DOOBIE DUCKS great outdoor this year got me inspired to do a long grow season outdoors, but keep bending the plants down to keep them completelly horizontal. i will dig a ditch for planting the plants in, and also to be able to get them down further. i will dig the hole a good half year before so there is no suspicion. hehe also i will pile up different building suplies i got spread out, ta make sure there will be a hidden spot for once. i plan to use a space of about 4m x 0,5. this means the plants cant be too big.

i cant decide for what place to use, because the sun changes quite a lot during the year, and the BEST spot is too visible for the moment to the neighbour i would least want to know about me growing.. so im left with a spot that gets sun most of the afternoon and part of mid-day, depending on time of year.

at the moment the spot i have choosen to use is for comodity and not because it beeing particularly suited, besides the fact its quite hidden from all imaginable views. the truth is it recieves far less sun-light than i expected, the positive side effect is the fact i wont have to water much, but also there is a risk for un-necesary stretch, and nugs need as much hours of direct sun as possible to give the best results..

BUT since my earlier guerilla outdoor in the hills, in a well shades spot, and humid, the results got far better than expected, i have decided to go for comodity. i cant be watering the plants as often as id like to, but like this it wont matter.

its been now sunny for two days, and im sure the temps and humidity in the spots i choose to throw out seeds at have made some seeds to germinate. i havent checked yet since i dont want to be drawing atention to these fairly abandoned areas of my property.. im sure when time comes if there is any plants, i will see them in time for harvest :D

but all in all as usual i try to keep my self stoked for the coming year :D even though most of the time things dont go as planned :D hehe

but im thinking next year will be good :D im sure my friend with glaucoma will be interested in growing a few plants BIGGER this year and make sure the smoke thing will be sorted for a long time... this years harvest from there will be small but hopefully very tasty :D

also its 100% decided that i will stop suplying clones to people around me, since i make nothing on the clones, and they charge me rediculous amounts of money for outdoor grown soil grown bud.. so next year they can go buy seeds as the rest of the people out there.. they will have to be without my selection of nice keepers.. no more favours to them. the loss is theirs.. definetly.. hehe
i have been suplying them with clones for about 5-6 years allready and they are very used to specially the SSH/PTK, and i gotto get together 100's of clones for every spring and summer.. i pretty much hand out so many clones me myself, and the coop partner cant get any of our nr favourite. the fact the clones are going to my GF's brother and his friends, more like a favour and to keep family relations smoother, is the only reason i have been doing it. now waht happened is they have driven up the prices for SSH/PTK nugs to a level that is very high to the local standards, and the greed have made them want to charge me almost 4000 euro for a K i was going to get for a friend. i was jsut going to do a favour to a good friend, but its no way im going to do it now, the fact is i payed 300e for 100g last autumn.. and a 25% price increase when buying in bulk is not normal anywhere.

i dont even need to say these people grow big trees and harvest up to 2 - 2,5 kilo or more per plant. basicly they got MANY of them. and all come from me. but still they want to RIP ME OFF. dumb... i think!

hehe peace all!


i should ad the clones i hand out to the mates of my brother in law, are all vegged plants of the size of about 25 to 30 cm.. and i dont make profit on them at all... thats why i say its a favour taht went too far :D



:D well it seems i dont take that much pics nowadays.. but its mostly because i think the uploading process is time consuming :D

but here are some pics....

first of all lest start with the JAGGEN. this girl got harvested a few weeks back and is quickly getting smoked up :D

next is one SSH/PTK that is soon ready...

the last for today is one of my crosses using hybrids of cloneman. THE fact he used same SSH in both crosses made me want to see how the outcome is..

this far it looks like this particular one, the first to get flowered, has a lot in common with the SSH/PTK in looks for now. compare with above pics.

the calyx to leaf ratio is very similar to the mom, and the stacking of the calyx seems also very similar to the mom. i havent yet gotten close enough to smell it yet :D so thats for an other day :D

for the moment it does look like this one is going to get revegged 100% sure. i normally put to reveg early, so that next round i can flower them as late as possible once i got a mother and clones going on.

this cut is growing in a 4,5 liter pot and i feel also this doesnt do justice to possible BUD size, since the plant is heavilly restricted with root space. but like this i can flower many :D





man, free top notch genetics and those bastards blew it. never bite the hand that feeds you. i wanna see them scramble to get some ptk on the bay or something, cause that gear isnt easy to come by. oh well, their loss.

all the plans sound good man, glad to see that youre getting your outdoor underway. id love to be able to grow outdoor all year round. gotta get that greenhouse, huh? alright, man, just thought id say wassup (and keep the pictures coming!)

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