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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



been around for a while - ice hash in morocco. not the most common thing though. still drysieving rules since it gives much higher crappier yield.

but i think icehash hash been around there for more than 5 years minimum, if not more.


Active member
been around for a while - ice hash in morocco. not the most common thing though. still drysieving rules since it gives much higher crappier yield.

but i think icehash hash been around there for more than 5 years minimum, if not more.

I tried ice from marroco there, in the riff, never find it around here.....:abduct:
At least the riffers are not friends of icelator.... and sometimes they are closemind about this .... other problem is the ice.........ive seen some spaniards travelling to bastassa with his bubblebags...:dueling:
I tried some mexican iceolator from marroco... but the owner just have a few just for trying other plants and estracciones jejeje:joint:
Is not the comon way, and i dont think that they are going to change the manual estraccion....

Very nice pictures bro..
see ya


Damn dude that hash looks yum yum yummy!
Whats the price for that? And is that the kind of hash you get 'on the street'?

Well buds looking great too :joint: Good job!

Keep it up!


Active member
Precioso y delicioso Morocan Ice:

I´ve only tryed it on Katsu (´bout10€/g) in A´dam, but i´ve never seen morocan ice round here... Here, some guys were sold some iced hash mounths ago, but not morocan.

that Morocan Ice you posted here and pages ago makes mouth watering man...
Thank you very much for share those candys Bone. Good luck with the summer activities hehe

Buenas vibras


:D this hash is worth much more than 10 euro a G in holland :D this is the best moroc i ever had.

and very tasty too.

passion - no man - this stuff you will never find on the streets in spain...


damn.. spidermites are going loco in the flowering room... not much to do than to hope for the best. no way i will treat a plant thats half way thru flowering :( the worst one is a Snowdawg. there was even web in a few leafs etc..

having a perpetual flowering room - i bet this is the downside of it - in any given moment there is plants of all possible stages of flowering.. only thing to do ASAP is to take out all plants that have been put in there the last 2 weeks or so and spray them at least.. i sprayed the veg area down 2 days ago with Abamectina, the most potent acaricide i can get here. i have to exadgerate the use of these kind of products during the summer months.. any bug will multiply way too quick..

at the moment i REALLY would hate to get the mites to take control in the flowering room. i have to make a regime of spraying plants before they get moved to the 12/12 area, and at some stage i need to take the plants out and spray the room also.

hehe :D im too stoned rigth now to worry too much about that :D hehe :D luckily the worst months here are the summer months - well really june, july, august and september the red months are the hottest with temps up to 45 º Celsius - 113º Farenheit. its a BITCH to grow indoors at these times. but hell its only 1/4 of the year :D hehehe the rest of the months its all just fine :D

i hope it wont take too long before i can build some kind of greenhouse, but there is still a lot to fix before i will get to that... but honestly it would be the best. a few plants to harvest in june in the indoor so i can handle it all the way to autumn and just veg the plants during this time of the year....

its not almost posible to guarantee any plants survival int hese conditions. so thats why i try to keep at least 2 moms of each strain for this time of the year, if any of them would be victim of any heat related problem.

also i use extra trichoderma mixed into the coco, and also some extra Rhizotonic every now and then does the trick.

rigth now every thing is pimped up and cool, besides the mite thing that i dont think i will EVER get rid of, atleast untill they invent something that once and for all will repell them.



:D no man :D no ladybugs here :D

i think it must be possible to get it in some town in south spain - but usually the many hour road trips is too time consuming.

damn i should start breeding ladybugs.. how hard can that be? i managed to keep the mites going for 5-6 years... i bet the ladybugs are less hustle to keep after ;)

peace :D


today i built a false wall whose sole function is to lead the air from the flowering room into the veg area without lightleaks. i had a whole empty 2x2meter blacked-out there before to make sure it was 100% light proof at the exits of the air from the flowering room. but now the false wall - really an empty space about a foot wide and from cieling to floor and about 2 meters long. this is really just a massive conduct of air. maybe ill post one day.

i amde one more veg/test area....
the veg area is small - really not more than 4 x 65W light tubes, but it should be enough to start of the seeds :D and some clones.. but finally im setup to handle sudden bigger demands of clones. i got a new cloner also, so now i can root about 2 x 77 clones or even more at one go.

still need to sort out the electrical works properly one day, im getting tired of having extension cords all over the place. one i put in light and set up the whole growroom in a more thought out manner - i got help of an electrician - the load on the electrical net wont be as high as now. i burnt a few extension cords allready... strangelly enough the worst load on the power-et is not the flowering room... but the fluoro VEG area. and thats because i have been adding and moving around lights and fluoro fixtures all over the place - and the electrician explained if i would serial connect all lights i would get an easier load on the cables... so that is the next step.

still a there is some issues im going to improve bit by bit :D thats what its for :D evolution :D

peace all!!!


damn - the temps just wont go down from 30 with closed door and 29 with it open.. i seriously think my thermometer must be fucked.. surelly there must be a greater temp difference than that :( lets see if i will spend those bucks on a new termometer soon.. i got a 2x2 meter room - it makes up tp 8m3, and about two of that is taken by the plants, tables, trays and etc - so the 6m3 of air is getting changed more or less 133 times in one hour, or about every 30 seconds if my math doesnt fail me. anyway - smoking a fat splif in there - you can see the puffs of smoke get pulled into the room, swirle around between and around and over the plants and its gone before you have time to exhale.

but if the ambient temps are 30 degrees, there is nothing one can do to pull that down, without instailling an airconditioner.

the plants that were late into flowering seem to have been flushed down to a normal nute level, and they are producing as expected.. the easiest way to see the plants are strugling, even before any nute burn etc will turn out is the fact they seem to loose the gloss of their leaves when they are not feeling good. once the shine is back on, u know its cool again.

one thing about EC. dont measure run off EC in a dirty old tray.. or if you do wash it! i measured the run off from my old tray, and after its gone thru the old salts on the tray, the ec is 2.0 - BUT out of the pots its the same EC as fed in pretty much... can i say i was bewildered untill i realized the old salts are getting disolved on the tray.. luckilly no plants are ever in touch with their roots to the tray..

the heat in the grow area is incredible. i gotto look into pulling the air out at several spots in the grow area. i need to use the most silent vents possible :( that sucks since its more expensive.... one idea i just got would be to hide the outlets of the growroom just behind an airconditioner engine... i think i got it thought out properly... just need to buy an airconditioner...

im looking on installing rainwater collectors.. it doesnt rain often but when it does i can easilly get 100's of liters of rainwater in a few minutes.. would save me a lot of hustle to have that setup to a pump.. and just pull a tap rigth into the res.

peace all!


more thoughts..

i got a nice intersting cut to try out, i mentioned her before - its a Psycedelica x Critical mass.. i was told before the critical mass is femmed seed - BUT ITS NOT TRUE: its regular seeds, and that critical male should NOT have room for any hermie tendiencies as far as i can say..

i just cut a bunch of clones of the mom and im looking forward to the first test round. after cutting down the number of branches on the mom, she has gone crazy with vigour into the main 4 branches.. i can see how this one is gonna be a nice yielder very soon...

its gonna go into the flowering room even before the older bigger plants i got in cue... maye hehe :D

the amnesia hazes are so damn tall allready i dont know if i will be able to fit them later on under the lights or not :D hehe nah - i got em all fimmed, bent and prepared to tie them up and separate them when i put them into flowering. i prefeer to keep the most branchy plants compacted up, meaning i try to keep the branches together not to make the lower small branches to start growing all over the place. i want the growth concentrated in the very tips.

my method of pistolwhipping

all plants get peeled off branches and shoots besides 3-5 main branches, those branches get peeled in turn almost all the way to the top early on in flowering. i leave max 4 shoots per branch. later on - a few weeks into flowering one moe adjustment is made - to make sure the stretch didnt mess anything up - this means its time to again take away smaler branches and shoots, making sure the tops are not too long. sometimes the stretch makes the tips get very long - and then a serious snipping off extremetiy session is needed - i make sure there is no kolas that are more than 30 cm tall - and most of then i keep even shorter than that.

one thing is important. i KEEP ALL FAN LEAVES - EVEN if i snipped of a shoot starting at it. these leafes are important for keeping the harvest NIG - since ALL THOSE LEAFES left on will convert light into bud - but there is only a bud int the top - so that nug is gonna get HUGE like this.

this gives a more even harvest since normally in packed conditions the lowest branches of plants dont develop properly - well they are never like top nugs.. so why keep em anyway? i just want chunky hard top nugs if possible :D hehe

only down side of this is there almost is no trim - since the plants dont create a lot of tiny resinous leafes - that seems to be more for low light conditions. so basicly - the more light the less leaves.. - that means less hash/BHO etc.. but its made up by the nice chunky nugs :D


the SSH x LP that is finishing off seems to be a whole lot later to finish than the Jaggen - i bet about 2- more weeks... BUT its made up by this cut in yield - and the nugs are even bigger than any other cut i got - but yeah.. kind of airy sativa nug all the way.. resinous and smelly. also this one is bound to foxtail and have calyx sticking out all over the place. of all the plants i got this is one of the ones i really want to see more than any other.. its gonna yield enormously outside - and hopefully without too much mould risk...

finally the Jaggens selected for seedmaking are starting to get out of the stretch and start flowering properly, in about 2 weeks it might be a good idea to start polinating - the most important thing rigth now is to get lots of seeds, so i more or less decided to take ALL JAGGEN i got in the flowering room and completelly dust them. BUT im going to wait a bit more to be sure to get enough calyxes ready to nurture seeds inside. since jaggen has a long floweirng time, in the earlier seeds we notices the polination can be done later with better results, and also the later seeds would be mature too. the early seeds got almost black.

well.. out of the seeds i planted the other week, almsot all germed - we are talking about more than 70 seedlings.. BUT i had to move the tray to a room where i thought there was enoeugh light, but NOT for the seeldings.. so they started stretching to look for light.. and almost all of them are really tall and lanky... so i built a new veg part for them (the part mentioned in other post above) where i think they are going to recieve better light to start of with.. also i moved 2 moms of SSH x PTK there for the moment..

im realizing more and more how EARLY flowering the pheno of SSH x PTK is. i think i almost harvest 2 rounds of it at the time of a round of jaggen or sshxlp. snowdawg is also early but still 2 weeks almost after the ssh x ptk.



:D its very tigth with space - i would need a fish eye lense to catch all of it in - ill give a try with the pocket cam later.. anyway :D its a bit messy in the areas :D


:D hehe :D its like a jungle man... and i like it like that...

obviosuly there is no undergrowth :D and its all canopy nugs :D but its still a jungle :D

ah damn,, stressing.. ran out of PH-down and aparently i wont be able to get more before wednesday.. thats gonna be a few waterings that i gotto sort out some emergency measure if i cant sort this out..

sometimes i wish i didnt live on the countryside.. would be easy just to walk to the hydrostore,.. but NO..

peace all




this girl is taking a long time to finish.. a monster yielder of a fluffy sativa.. well.. lets see how fluffy it is when done :D looks like a good while to go :D

cross made by cloneman... i used a male of this cross to make seeds with our ssh x ptk keeper. both have same SSH in them.

the jungle.... :D

amnesia haze.. fox tailing :D


hehe :D my impression of the ssh x lp was good thats why i revegged her :D hehe but looking at her like this its gonna be a hell of a trimming session... i remember her having a very energetic high if i remember rigth.. been soon a year since i flowered her the first time... these sativa dominant genetics handle revegging and a second flowering VERY well. i supose the long reveg period did its thing also..

still i look at her and think next time i will do some changes.. i will do even heavier trimming since i think the lower nugs are just way too thin and whispy to be called almost even nugs. this sativa dominant lady is packing on long CHAINS on calyx that sometimes looks very stringy.. but in the end the resin is gonna cover all of her :D if she handles the heat :D hehe

Bone, you never fail to amaze, impress, and bestow great knowledge. I will be doing my trimming and pruning a little bit differently next run with more of a top focus. I've been running molasses for the last little part of my grow (pre-flush) and am seeing some nice chunky nugs fill out. Just wanted to send out my respect!


molases or similar products, i find work best adding about the same time as PK 13-14. it seems it gives extra energy to produce more. i only use a little bit, once or twice. :D

i managed to get to the growshop and pick up a few bottles of ph down.. wont run out for a month atleast :D

peace :D


im itching to cut down the next bunch of plants.. i still got lots of big plants left in veg to move over as soon as i can..

next ones to to get cut are 2 ssh x ptk, and after that i think the jaggen, amnesia hazes and one snowdog will be done :D gonna be nice to have selection again :D but most of all its gonna be awesome to get a little bit more space to move around in the veg area after i moved over more to flower..

i made today 75 x 1 liter pots for coming seedlings and clones..

i got a great idea for this years guerilla grow.. since i like to move up the plants when they have vegged a bit, i thought of using old socs for covering the rootballs, that way i can easier stash more clones in the back pack.. lets see how many clones i will have left over to bring outside :D its getting time soon...

seedlings planted 2 weeks back, are going ok. most of them are developing first pair of real leafs allready, but its gonna take a long time before they are big enough to flower.. looking like this, its gonna take the usual 2-3 months of veg i think, to get to a size where its gonna be fun to flower them...

foxtailing... planst that start foxtailing in end of floewring are a bitch to see when they are done.. the amnesia haze for example, the bud it self looks really almost overdone, but the foxtails are still producing white hairs.. i was thinking of letting them go even more time. lets see how she becomes like.


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