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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



going to make some BHO and jelly hash today, using SSHxPTK trim - and moroc hash - Marijuanaut is going to be the sidekick.

gonna be fun - hopefully there will be some pics to post. :D

peace all


crap.. got a nasty trojan infestion - dont think im going to post anything really untill its sorted out.

peace all



ok :D the trojan infection is under control for now! :D also i smoked up my last Harvest - and also i had a celebrity visit for a week by the GOOD icmagger Marijuanaut :D thanks mate again for all u done! i learnt a lot and got a lot done with ur help! it was a lot of fun :D

ive been building on my new growroom in the new house where we will move to soon (max a few weeks)

got the main growroom (the flowering space, and the workspace) all structure more or less ready. missing is to put plaster on the brick walls and paint it white with a high reflective washable paint - preferably..

the veg part is almost ready too - its going to be fluoros 8 x 56W = 448W - the space is all in all is 1,5 meters x 1 meter - but its devided up in 2 "parts" with a small space inbetween where im suposedly going to crawl in and water... (the heigth is 1.05 meters);
- one low one with 2 x 56 (for clones and small plants) on the left about as big as the whole veg space ive been using uptill the move. this clone space will get extra 18W fluoros added to get a bit more light in the area of the bigger clones.

- one part for taller plants in VEG with 6 x 56 W and a kind of elevated bed of 1,5 x 0,70 meters - enough for 3 large white IKEA trays . with space for a LOT of plants vegging to up to almost 1 meters height - with the pot included. here also will i add a few 18W or 48W fluoros where/if needed.

in there also i need to fix the walls with mylar or paint..


left to build is the cloning chamber unit but its more or less just a question of moving the 80L FISH tank i use for the clones to the main flowering/workroom - where it will fit nicelly under the work bench. the cloning unit uses only 2x18W - and it honestly is big enough to fit a whole tray of rockwool plugs - but i normally take out every other plug to give the clones a bit of breathing space.

also i got left to sort out some minor things in the exterior to prepare the basement for the growroom - the problem is when it rains - some rainwater finds it way thru some cracks along the edge of the upper deck and the wall. i got to fix that not to have to exadgerate with the de-humidifier.. but its not a big thing to fix - its gonna get fixed soon enough.

also i got to sort out the ventilation of the whole grow project - i think now the vent is not enough for my needs and i got to get one more at least. also i got knock some holes and put some screen on them - for the inlets of air from the cooler basement.

all extractors as usual will be directed outwards.

i will as allways use the dehumidifier in the growspace to get the distilled water and also to keep humidity down.

the plan is to try to get the main part of the basement air circulating and extracted - while fresh air will get in passivelly from upstairs and etc..

i plan to move within a few weeks - first im not going to have electricity to switch on the HPS - so i will use the fluoro VEG-space untill i get the electricity sorted out properly - HOPEFULLY it wont take too long before i can put some plants to flower.. as soon as i move i will put to veg all my clones i got (about 10 clones of SSH xPTK and a BIG mom of the same).. for now i just hope the plants grow as much as possible in the time there is.. if im lucky i put the plants to flower some time in july :D

peace all!


all clones have been sprayed 2 times with cannamite this weekend. they will get one more spraying before the move. i want to start as clean as possible..

i built today the suporting structure of the curtain that will be the light stopper of the grow space. there will be an other mylar curtain close to the plants - but i want to make sure there will not be any light leaks.

peace all!


uuh poor thread.. i got u all abandoned.. :(

well some news - im still moving slowly to new house and grow-room - !! :D

in a few weeks i hope to post more grow pics - meanwhile - the vegroom here in the main bedroom is getting nicelly filled up with clones ready for a direct flowering when i move hehe

also this year im going to grow some pot outdoors - but this is in a very non-direct BUT sure way. i gave seeds to a gardener friend of mine - she loves to plant things and grow em and treat them nicelly - well - this far i got confirmed 3 females. she is just growing them for the love of plants - AND she isnt interested in any bud... SO it could be GREAT news in oktober/november if everything goes well!! if things go as suposed these girls are going to get fairly big :D :D


one clone of SSH x PTK is going to a friends terrase - we will split the weed in half - she is a good friend of my gf and a trusted person but not a heavy smoker - i hope she is going to enjoy her part! it might be too potent for her!!!

some clones are sooner or later going to get taken out to a outdoor spot i have thought of since a while back - its one of those almost too stupid to work ideas - but its a place where there is some natural humidity (something very un-usual down here) and i could go visiting the plants during the weekends - i should wait for this spot to keep plants as small as possible - i dont want to have tall lanky plants that get seen from far away.

the plan includes these watering cristals that slowly give of water - the plants would grow in fairly dry condisions in a question of watering - but the sub-teranian water found in the location is not very deep at all and maybe i get successfull roots connecting up with it. also the sun here is not too intense - and this is further aid in the watering question. i dont know yet how many clones i can put there - but im going to try with as many as possible - around 3-4.. hehe

well thats it!

peace all!!


well - today im going to most likelly plant 1-2 clones in a small guerilla grow. i got more clones that i feel comfortable moving with - so there is no harm in getting out a few..

well im going to first go to buy some items and amendments - not anything too fancy - just gotto find something small i can dig with..

in the shopping list is also a few other typical gardening items as watering crystals and ferts and some nice soil.. but this has very little to do with the coco project - i dont really know if i should be posting here about it..
well - maybe there is going to be some pics later.. maybe not, lets see how it goes! if i find a good spot or not!

peace all!


at the friends house we transplanted a SSHxPTK to 50 liters pot, with lots of kilos of wormcastings, compost and nice sphonghy soil, and mixing it with about 25 % of SOIL from these age-old agricultural lands, also i added a handfull off slow-acting fertilizers etc..

on top of the soil mix there is almond shells and a bit of dry olive and almond leafs - just to act like MULCH..

well i hope this girl looks better in a weeks time :D

also i got to start thinking of what to do with the BLACK pot to give it shade a bit more.. almost anything will do, as long as it takes away the direct light from the POT..

looking a bit scruffy from the car ride..

this is part of the water hole in the area where i might plant outdoor guerilla style.. there is a deeper basin very close by that doesnt dry up all summer.. the water is of good quality - although im doubting because of the dryness further up-hill where the possible planting spots are..

most likelly im going to plant one or 2 clones in a humid patch nearby, and plant maybe only one plant uphill - this way i dont have to WORK that much - and after all

we'll see



a few seeds i gave a friend gardener to have fun with - she is doing a good job - and its going to be fun to see how it goes later on - i think there was 3 confirmed females there when i heard last time about a month back or something.... i think it was jamaican, african, and some nepalese genetics i think.. well - but i found out this particular gardener might be too occupied with the plants she is specialized in - (some tropical flowers i dont really recognize) - well if there comes out anything - im going to be happy!

the main source of bud for me will be this big transplanted mom - as long as she survives and gets big.. im obviously going to have to share the harvest with the owner of the land..

hehe feels a bit weird to share this outstanding genetics with occasional smokers - they might get spooked out by the potency.. :joint:

peace all!
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WOW my first ever guerilla planting!

man it was fun.. a bit on the tough side for my slack-ass personality - its been years since i last did something reall fysically exhausting.. i cant say how trashed i got from this climbing/wading trekking mission...

the spot is very dificult to get to - and i dont think people normally go there - atleast i hope so hehe..

there was LOTS of tracks of WILDBOAR and the soil was muddy and with a natural source of fresh water leaking thru the rockwall - its a humid spot and i could see a lot of atypical plants for this very dry area - i guess this place is fairly protected..

on the way back we saw a turtle slowly hide himself into a hole..

it was nice a nice trip - and fun :D came back home covered in mud up to my knees - i cut my self on some plant and i got my arms looking like a butcher shop.. but it was worth it :D

psst - if any mod think its not cool with this small outdoor guerilla part in this COCO thread . let me know and ill do a new thread for them..

peace all


well ..

its been very buzy latelly with work, moving and etc...

but finally im one week from living in my house, i have very few things left to move.. and soon enough i will be settled in!

i havent even had time to go to check my outdor guerilla plants, but i hope they are ok.. but they should be atleast well watered with the few rains we had and all.. the only problem is im still a bit worried about the wild boars in the area..

i still got one big girls - the old mom in a huge pot in a friends garden, i checked on that one 2 weeks ago and it had allready doubled in size. i presume when i go to see it this weekend i will be positivelly surprised.. this plant is going to get huge! it still has while left of veg, and then comes the stretch etc.. it should all go well and give me and the girl i grow with some nice bud..

its soon time for a dose of nutes i think.. maybe this weekend..

well - im off to bed.. long day tomorow!!

peace all



im moving to my new house.. will be a little while without internet .. so no posting until i get it sorted and get the new grow going...

i will put to flower 3 clones under fluoros.. and keep vegging 4 for moms..

ill be back ASAP.


oh - just a quick update..

the one ssh x ptk i got together with a friend .. its a garden at about 200 meters over the sea. the plant gets direct sunlight most part of the day.

its growing in well amended soil, and is soon going to get a dose of canna coco nutes wich she is very used to by now..

well - at the moment she is about 80 x 80 cm :)

.. and there is still a lot to go before flowering gets going.. still no white hairs.. before this one has taken untill almsot september to start flowering, but its ok since end october this girl is more than mature to take down :D

i hope to get some pics this weekend when i go to visit.. but i dont know when to upload..

the 2 other plants i got growing in guerilla in the forest.. have been without any visits of mine since 1, 5 months back.. well - to be exact - the day of transplant out there..

dont know at all how they are.. but then again im not really counting on them giving me anything really either.. a fun experiment.. we will see later if they survived or not :D

peace all! be back some day..
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alrigth then..

im back and with new energy :D

i setup the vegroom and plugged it in, moved the ladies in there - and planted about 80 seeds..

17 - 08

Fixed the vegroom.

added fittings for 8 fluoro tubes more. 1 x 58 and 7 x 36 W. i only put tubes in 3 of the 36W and one 58W.

hung up mylar on the long back wall, and made a curtain for the oposite side. vegroom has now 5 x 58W and 3 x 36W and 2 x18w (290+108+36 = 434W) wich should be enough for this space. only problem is the light penetracion as allways with fluoros. later on i will add fluoros on the side walls ( 4 x 36 W is allready prepared).

i planted a whole bunch of seeds; (even though the cat peed in the earth mix i was preparing.. i took out all i could find.. and hope the soil mix wont burn the plants...

4 x jamaican (JA)
4 x jamaican (beeniemans choice) (Be)

4 x jamaican x UZB (Ju)
4 x Jotake (Jot)

4 x Alibi (AL)

2 x La Mula (MULA)

5 x Alibi F4 (AL F4)
2 x Cx? (C?)

= 36 X

18 - 08

prepared to plant an other 20 something - seeds. but the cat was quick and sneaked into the grow room and peed in the soil mix container.. its messed up. i give up for today. i cleaned out all the pee i could find.. one of the coming days i will check into mixing more soil into the mix.. and continue..

19 - 08

got notice today the big outdoor ssh x ptk has just started to flower.. an other 8 weeks and we are GO!

mixed new mix for seedlings.. and planted a whole bunch more.. 2 x 24 mini pots :D been a buzy evening..
10 more kinds..

4x Herrijuana (HJ)

3x skunk x tw (cheese trainwreck) (SxTW)
5x Diva G x lovepotion (DG X LP)

6x SSH x LP (SSH x LP)
3x KarmaTrain x LP (KT x LP)

5x F13 x bubblegum (pandora)
6x blockberry (BB)

6x DC x UZB (CB)
7x CT x PTK (CT X PTK)

outdoor ssh x ptk



moms ssh xptk

electrical crap

close up seedlings;

chunkbeki (6 closest to camera)

original ssh x ptk and scbb (ptk x ptk)

ssh x ptk x ??? :D hehe .. more about this one later

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Hoi bone,

nice to see you back with new genetics.......sounds really nice

especially the "beeniemans choice" that's cool

all the best to you

peace HV


hehe :D thanks mate :D i think a whole bunch of them germed :D

lets see how them all seeds go - todays check shows about 20 seeds havent germinated - so im allready ending up with less than though :D hehe natural selection is good and will bring down work amount. 60 plants is far more than enough - and its gonna going to get selected down bit by bit untill only interesting examples are left.

today i built a small fluoro flowering chamber - 130 x 80 cm - with about 250W in fluoros. as usual with fluoros on has to be pacient since the buds dont at all get as juicy as with a HPS - but untill i get my electrical isntalation sorted out i got to do with this. anyway - any bud is better than buying comercial hash.. i think :D

i moved in 4 plants to flower, all of them SSH x PTK :D

also i lifted up the floor of the veg-room since the plants are better of bent and closer to the lights - so more light reaches down in the plant..

also the seedlings got lifted up about 60 cm to be closer to the lights also here i added some more light - a 2 x 18W fluoro to boost the seedlings a bit.. they are quite far still form the lights..


suddenly i felt like planting sativas..

i planted 40 seeds.. all of them were put in the 12/12 space..

planted sativas;

12/12 from start

7 mangarosa x banghi

2 congo

6 ssh x LP

6 guatemala (el peten)

12 Mex verde limon

7 thai/mex x banghi

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todays check made clear a lot of the latest seeds planted also germed.. more about them an other day..

the spidermite invasion i had did not get wiped out during the spraying i did a week or two back. in a week or so i will spray again :D the cannamite is got a few more uses left in it :D

the bigger plants that got well soaked are free from mites as far as i can see.. the problem is the seedlings didnt get sprayd because of their size - but in a week or so i should be able to do so.. or maybe this weekend is ok..

i bet the seedlings can handle a good spraying soon :D

if they survive to that hehe :D

pics ill post an other day :D lots of seeds have all in all sprouted :D i bet once again i will have around 100 seedlings to stress around :D

its gonna be tight about space so as before i will do heavy selection to the most vital resistant plants.

the seedlings will be in normal drinking cup sizes mini pots - about 200cc of space for roots.. its not much so soon the tap root is going to start sticking out in the bottom.. and quick decisions.. since at the moment i havent even installed the extraction even yet. i will not use a carbon filter this time. i dont give a fuck if it smells like pot in MY house. hehe if my gf gets visits she can spray room-deodorizer hehe :D any too funky smells can allways be blaimed on the cats.

anyway... im thinking of getting 2 small bathroom vents - or rather some fancier versions of it, and have them in one grow compartment each... and the outlet of the room will be the 430 m/h vent.. i might put in some kind of vent later on for the inlet of air - if not the cracks and etc in the basement walls arent enough. i really rather not make holes in the door.. instead ill try to think of some other area i can pull in the fresh air from.

to properly set up this grow set-up im planning is going to be an ongoing project for a while.. since later on i will have to set up the HPS room.. wich at some time the 600W will get doubled up and maybe put on rails.. all that ill decide in the future.. but also that room will need extraction and vents etc - and also a proper cloning space will be set up to meet the demands of spring time of my mates and my own all year indoor.

so this far we are looking at lot of work and hopefully at some time.. buds :D

i got no new pics of the outdoor-plant i got with a friend - but it was budding nicelly about 2 weeks ago when i last saw it.. the 2 other guerilla plants i stashed out in a humid spot in the bush.. i never got able to check on during summer - or really - not even yet - so i dont know at all how it went for them. soon enough i better go have a small hike and see if i should come back for harvest.. or if i just should forget about that spot.. for now.. and set up better for next year..

well.. all in all everything is good and looking promising.. if i time things rigth :D this might be a fun growing winter..

peace all!


once again a recount of all strains planted, and number of seeds.. and in a few days i will write a list of the once that didnt germ - and whats left this far.

4 x jamaican (JA)
4 x jamaican (Be)
4 x jamaican x UZB (Ju)
4 x Jotake (Jot)
4 x Alibi (AL)

2 x La Mula (MULA)
5 x Alibi F4 (AL F4)
2 x Cx? (C?)

4x Herrijuana (HJ)
3x skunk x tw (cheese trainwreck) (SxTW)
5x Diva G x lovepotion (DG X LP)
6x SSH x LP (SSH x LP)

3x KarmaTrain x LP (KT x LP)
5x F13 x bubblegum (pandora)
6x blockberry (BB)
6x DC x UZB (CB)
7x CT x PTK (CT X PTK)

7 mangarosa x banghi (MB)
2 congo (con)
6 ssh x LP
6 guatemala (PET) (el peten)
12 Mex verde limon (VL)

7 thai/mex x banghi (TMB)

124 seeds planted / 26 strains.

allready i can say about 20-30 seeds didnt germ. some interesting ones didnt pop..

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bad news..

my big outdoor plant is fucked up.. hte reason is kind of messy, hold on and ill try to explain.. the girl/woman i grow with (its her land, she gets 50% of harvest) well the plant that i expected to maybe get a couple of hundred grams of bud, got the other day "pruned" in the most vicious of manners, by the kids of my friends babysitter. those damned kids picked of every darn leaf and including a few smaller branches and a whole bunch of smaller buds.

well, as we all know that plant is not going to recuperate this late into flowering. and the harvested is the first thing thats going to get affected with no doubt..

VEND come down! its time for a patio show again, if we dont grow it - no one will for us mate!

hehe :D

well this messed up plant is going have to her best.. since i need tio save some bucks for a few thingies.. i can seriously say most of my plans are pretty much crushed at the moment.. and i who was hoping for some rest hehhe

but as they say - no rest for the wicked..

gotto set up the HPS and all, properly very soon. im going to flower a LOT ASAP!

peace all
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