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Problems with my friend (rso)


Active member
hunterj, i will say to him aboute meditation and breathing tehnicques ;) how aboute correct food? is some food which accelerate degradation thc?

in my younger days visting holland..the cafes would always offer orange juice to bring you down if the high got too much. the citrus of the orange counteracts the high. or at least that what was explained to me back then, it may or may not be true. might be worth looking into..
good luck


hunterj, i will say to him aboute meditation and breathing tehnicques ;) how aboute correct food? is some food which accelerate degradation thc?

Probably best to do just one new thing at a time. The breathing is primary and can be done anywhere any time so tell him that.

Correct food would depend on his location and season but fresh fruit and veg are always good for body and mind. Plenty of fluids, juices, sweet juicy fruit.

I'm getting hungry now, gotta go ... :biggrin:


Active member
I think your friend is dosing himself too much.....and probably has ZERO Tollerance..

As for White Widow....
I grow White Widow....Interestingly enough the cut I have does NOT cause anxiety....In fact a friend who grows but can't smoke his OWN meds without major anxiety attacks can smoke my WW without even taking a friggin Paxil which is HUGE for this guy.

Normally if he smokes his OG or AK he goes squirrely without taking Paxil..


A thought: Your friend has Chrons desease so maybe he absorbs in a different way than a person with a healthy digestive system? Vaporizing would be worth a try.


Runt yes i think this is a problem, absorbing in different way. Now we are waiting for 1:1 thc to cbd ratio aboute 5% 5%. I have another question how is with oil made of industrial hemp? Are this oil contain some cannabidoids?

Blasfrompast, yes his tollerance is not high, but he takes realy tinny tinny amount of oil.


Active member
How many oz of bud did you use to make your RSO, and what was the final yield.

4oz of bud to 500ml of coconut oil.. fully decarbed..made out of my WW will green out a newb if they eat more than 1.5tablespoons (4g worth of meds in this dose...approx).


I use 50grams of dried buds and got out arround 5ml of rso. I dont mixtured rso with cocout oil. Do you think this is option for my friend?


Active member
I have cut RSO with coconut oil simply to more accurately dose a patient....

Pretty hard to get consistent results when a glob on the end of a toothpick can swing either way by a decent amount.

Get what I am saying ?


passing the gas
one thing that many people are trying to avoid the psychoactive effects is to use the oil in the anus. the theory is that by passing the digestive tract you can use higher doses without uncomfortable side effects.

they load the oil into skinny plastic syringes, lube, stick in your ass and squirt it in.

many people on the cannabis oil success stories group swear by this.

good luck!


blastfrompast, yes i understand what you mean... what mixture do you suggest and what dosage for begining?

chunkypigs, is this theory or is this practice? he is realy scarred aboute all side effects...

sorry again aboute my bad english :(


Active member
belivitez; that link to Skunk Pharma is about the best resource, I've read in this thread, contact Greywolf, he scans the concentrate forums, frequently--here.

Plenty of good advice, also! With Crohn's disease I've met a caregiver that is successfully treating it with simple ingested medibles. Those symptoms are as suggested; perhaps residue from the solvent/iso used, dose related and you might try grain alcohol for your next batch. Did he have a headache with it? I get one with an upset stomach with certain rso's and solvent left in the product.

Here is a suggestion and copy of some advice that should help you and your patient/friend on making rectal suppositories:
7 millileters for every gram of oil so 10 I gram syringes would be combined with 70 mililleters of cocoa butter. I became sensitive to the oil when I took it orally.I have been on supps for about 5 months oh the above fomula will come out to 1/4 gram per sup.let them cool to set up in molds then refrigerate.Iamm waiting for a call from ucsf they are comparing my pathology slides from last year to the most recent there were 2 large tumors now 1 small one pea size.all the best bob
...and followed with current results of a man and his wife treating his prostate cancer with the rso.

You buddy should 'smoke' an Indica for those side-effects, that might be extremely helpful. There is a caretaker named, Negative Empire in Oregon (on 2 other boards--you might Google his username); he is successfully treating a patient with severe Crohns disease and he is taking brownies with baked butter in the mix. After 2 years of the man's M.D. treating the Crohn's disease, the doc admitted..that the medicinal marijuana is responsible for a complete remission of symptoms. At least, at one point.

I've read lots of threads of patients with Crohn's disease; You might even Google, Crohns disease and medicinal marijuana.

In regards to Autoflowers---that suggestion is an extremely worthwhile try. I have auto-immune disease and was pleasantly surprise of how the Afterthought Autos (here) autoflower buds have helped my M.S.; I have no doubt all auto's must be potent in CBD's; as the autoflowers have been my passion..now, that I've smoked them and experienced so much relief.

You can make brownies with rso; as well, many do. Even mixing the rso with coconut oil and "cutting it" as suggested would be more helpful, as well.

Some people, just can't tolerate the oil, as in the above quote..a different route, as already suggested would be most important.

Whatever you do, please let us know?:comfort: That is the only way others can find out what to do, in your same position.

Good for you trying to treat your friend's disease in a fashion that should give him/her more relief than you could possibly imagine. Experiment...WW is most likely not the cause of the GI issues, as already suggested, as well.

We are all just experimenting to find what works and what doesn't. jpt


ICMag Donor
Thank you, jpt on your nod of approval on our autoflower strains.

We've received a lot of thumbs up or kudos from MMJ patients regarding the hybrid strains we offer. Pain, insomnia, nausea, mood- it all plays into the overall wellbeing of a patient....or anyone for that matter.

Glad you like the relief afterthought autos has bestowed upon you, jpt. GROW ON! ;o)


@justpassnthru, where can i find contact of GreyWolf? I always use iso, in this batch i use (2propil), he never had a headache. Always long psyhotic effect (fear, bad thoughts...) i must to say almost panick attack :comfort:

if i undestand correctly you recommended to use indica dominant? some strain name please? and offcourse i will googled everythig. Thanks for great informations! i will report state of health of my friend. :ying:


passing the gas
chunkypigs, is this theory or is this practice? he is realy scarred aboute all side effects…

Practice. It's a large group with many who swear by this for patients who are very sick and need high dose before they have time to build tolerance. suppositories are old school, like cannabis.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
So i have question for you guys.... my best friend have chron disease and i gave him a oil. He takes very tinny tinny dosage, and he has very bad fillings (strong heartbeat, nausea, dizzieness, vomiting, bad thoughts...) can someone explane this? I use same oil but without problems.... he takes oil for aboute 7days, always with bad fillings :/

Now he is scared, but he want to continue with treatment, but first he want to know how to pervent all things.... or if he has bad filling what to do in that momment?

i hope that all understand what i write because i have problem in english language.... my friend and i will be very thankfull for answer!

Two thoughts.

Residual Isopropyl alcohol or ultra low tolerance. If the Iso is well purged, it is probably low tolerance.

We have been addressing low tolerance by using higher CBD to THC ratio strains like Cannatonic or Maui Bubble Gift but Dr Robert Melamede used Citicoline at 3X the oil dose to ameliorate the undesirable side effects of too much THC.

What oil dosage is he at now?

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