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Problem and Solution: Phelps loses a sponser, Kellogg's loses many customers.

Problem and Solution: Phelps loses a sponser, Kellogg's loses many customers.

  • I'm on board, e-mail sent, and I'm swearing off Pop Tarts!

    Votes: 13 43.3%
  • I kinda like the idea, but I don't feel like doing anything about it.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • I like the enthusiasm, but this won't work. (And I have a better solution.)

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Other -- (Explained in Post.)

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters


Patient Grower
Maybe if Mr. Phelps wasn't such an ass kissing tool I'd support such a boycott.

Wait, what am I saying? No Kellogg's in my home anyway. the point is moot here.


18 and Doh!
And what pray tell fits into YOUR definition of a "real sport"???

Does it involve a bunch of coked-out steroid monsters in plastic armour smashing each other into the turf over a bag of inflated pigskin?

Or does it involve a different bunch of pongoid knuckledraggers skating after a wee black puck?

You really show your true colours with asshat donkeyhonker comments like that, Tree.....

I already knew your colors but this comment confirms it.....cough


his own fault for acting like a stupid college frat boy.... its obvious the fellas not to bright anyways.... and were all supposed to boycott kellogg because phelps is a smoker? the story wasnt solely on weed either.

""honey can you pick up some more strawberry and smore poptarts on your way home??



hhhaha,, i bet all them at kelloggs is laughing their asses off. people like phelps are a dime a dozen to sponsers.....swimming around in a pool aint even a real sport anyways

Honestly, comments like this make me wonder less why marijuana is still illegal. Do you want it to be illegal BHT? Because this is the way to go about it.

Laughing at our activism, purposefully working against it, and doubting that it can ever work are all the domain of our opposition. Coming up with ways to make it work, even if you disagree, is our domain.

The least you can do is come up with a better approach rather than mock us. I'm disappointed in you.


Cannabrex Formulator
One of them fancy pants elitists who 's look "look at me i read books" yay, "sports are so pointless".

Never did I say or even insinuate that sports are useless.....I merely took BigHerbTree to task for saying that swimming is not a sport.

While I am not into pro sports at all and definitely deplore the amount of money and resources that go into them, I would never say that sports are pointless.

Unfortunately, one of the big points of the pro sports industry is to keep the populace distracted, entertained and placid (bread and circuses, it's been done for over 2000 years)......but that's another kettle of fish.

By the way.........I do not wear fancy pants.
I wear old fucked up overalls most of the time.

And while I do read quite a bit, I don't feel the need to brag about it.


One of them fancy pants elitists who 's look "look at me i read books" yay, "sports are so pointless".

What does this have to do with Kellogg's, Phelps, or Marijuana? Let's not make personal accusations about each other please.


seeker of greater knowledge



There is too much munchie food on that list to give up. I mean I can send them like an email saying they are wrong but I'm not gonna stop buying rice krispie treats.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Honestly, comments like this make me wonder less why marijuana is still illegal. Do you want it to be illegal BHT? Because this is the way to go about it.

Laughing at our activism, purposefully working against it, and doubting that it can ever work are all the domain of our opposition. Coming up with ways to make it work, even if you disagree, is our domain.

The least you can do is come up with a better approach rather than mock us. I'm disappointed in you.

your so fucking right,,,if i would have sent kelloggs that email we could be toking on legal crhonic by tonight,,,,damn im stupid.

seriously though,,,ive already wasted enough time as an activist. and i hate to use the word wasted,,because i did get to meet some great individuals, but the outcome was mute.

do you have any idea what it feels like to wake up and spend your whole day talking to and convincing community leaders, business owners , and citizens to change their minds about MMJ and help them develop a better sense of why medical cannabis is needed in our community?

i spent six months of my life doing nothing but that every single day. i collected over 6500 signatures from people like church pastors, local police officers, and even a few members of our local republican party headquarters ....

now i realize that even though i had put in all this work,, did anything really evolve from my work? no. did any meaningful change take place? no. do i think i made a difference in the opinions of people of that community to maybe take a second look and step in another shoes before so hastingly voting AGAINST medical cannabis laws? definatly.

so please dont be so quick to judge me because im not emailing my heart out on behalf of some corny ass white boy swimmer who took a few puffs of weed while he was acting like a drunk fool at a party. i have standards, and there are far more deserving MEDICAL patients and providers that could use our time and effort more than michael phelps.....
The thing that gets me is the press time being spent on this guy. If Joe Blow down the street was in the same situation, he would loose his job. One hell of a lot more than a sponsor. There would maybe be a short blurb and it would be over. Except for his life has been ruined.
Phelps has nothing to worry about. He's rich. It's the little guy who needs celebrities to stand up for the rest of us. He did not do this. He would rather take the money, as many of us would do if we were in the same boat. How many can actually say they would stand up against prohibition when they were offered hundreds of thousands of dollars to do the opposite?

I didn't think so........


your so fucking right,,,if i would have sent kelloggs that email we could be toking on legal crhonic by tonight,,,,damn im stupid.

seriously though,,,ive already wasted enough time as an activist. and i hate to use the word wasted,,because i did get to meet some great individuals, but the outcome was mute.

do you have any idea what it feels like to wake up and spend your whole day talking to and convincing community leaders, business owners , and citizens to change their minds about MMJ and help them develop a better sense of why medical cannabis is needed in our community?

i spent six months of my life doing nothing but that every single day. i collected over 6500 signatures from people like church pastors, local police officers, and even a few members of our local republican party headquarters ....

now i realize that even though i had put in all this work,, did anything really evolve from my work? no. did any meaningful change take place? no. do i think i made a difference in the opinions of people of that community to maybe take a second look and step in another shoes before so hastingly voting AGAINST medical cannabis laws? definatly.

so please dont be so quick to judge me because im not emailing my heart out on behalf of some corny ass white boy swimmer who took a few puffs of weed while he was acting like a drunk fool at a party. i have standards, and there are far more deserving MEDICAL patients and providers that could use our time and effort more than michael phelps.....

Wow dude. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. How is that my fault again? I didn't ask you to email your heart out. I asked you to send one email. I didn't ask you to talk to a whole community. I just said Kellogg's. (Something simple and easy.) If you want to pick someone else that the press is talking about or pick someone more deserving to be defending, I will gladly email for them too. But at least try to add something rather than detract.

I'm sorry if I have little patience for people who like to ridicule other people's ideas without at least providing a decent alternative. Maybe this isn't very effective and maybe it has no meaning in itself, but it's something. You laughing at it, however, doesn't help anything. And the only way to guarantee failure is to not try at all.

Also, since you apparently missed it, the boycott was on the front page of norml.com too. So more than 150 people probably saw it.


Active member
Kobe RAPED and got less airtime!!Phelps smokes a little grass and its headline news for days!!Do you think this is setting America up for anything????Maybe getting ready for Worse things ahead??Ya gotta keep it demonized,ya gotta make it look bad and evil!!LOL.......if yer one of those peeps who think that way,maybe its just me:joint:
I can see the headline now(if he ever flubs again) Gone To Pot!!!


Active member
read it and read alot of the comments.....

seems everyone has his back, but tell me what will change?...i say nothing.

your talking about a corporate america company that is ONLY concerned about money, and an olympic athlete who obviously doesn't wanna be a marijuana advocate.

why should we take the side of either?

Here is some more evidence more than 150 emails went out.


They actually changed their IVR (phone system) to have a special menu to say something about phelps! HAH!

This is real.


Active member
when phelps stands up and says i smoked weed and i dont regret it...then maybe ill support him.


We at least changed their IVR. If marijuana advocates can do that, then they can probably have a monetary effect on the company as well.

Either way, getting our message out and letting other people know that we are paying attention can have an effect as well. Especially when we get news coverage.

And as far as him being a marijuana advocate all of the sudden, I think that is unrealistic and unfair to ask of him. In the current political climate, you would probably be asking him to give up his career. In any event, it isn't really about Phelps; it's about weed being legal/normal to have/use in your personal time and a company that makes a lot of money on munchie suffering marijuana smokers.

If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly concerned with his legal defense fund...


Active member
news coverage makes us look like fools...look at all the recent docs. (all paint us to be stoned out losers)...tho most of us are FAR from that.

im not tryin to argue or anything STL...but i just think we gotta let this one fall thru the cracks like it will, and maybe endorse someone that is more well spoken and not such a flake.

when it comes down to it phelps isnt gonna stand up for us....so why should we for him?

...he's just a guy that smoked some weed, and failed @ least 2 of the 3 L's (smell, tell, sell).

no one has a pic of me pullin tubes, and almost no one knows i grow...and the cpl that do I know so solid that i can say no one knows i grow.

even if i could grow and smoke freely nothing would change...i'd still tell no one, and keep my hobby to myself...i kind of like it like that.

We at least changed their IVR. If marijuana advocates can do that, then they can probably have a monetary effect on the company as well.

Either way, getting our message out and letting other people know that we are paying attention can have an effect as well. Especially when we get news coverage.

And as far as him being a marijuana advocate all of the sudden, I think that is unrealistic and unfair to ask of him. In the current political climate, you would probably be asking him to give up his career. In any event, it isn't really about Phelps; it's about weed being legal/normal to have/use in your personal time and a company that makes a lot of money on munchie suffering marijuana smokers.

If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly concerned with his legal defense fund...


news coverage makes us look like fools...look at all the recent docs. (all paint us to be stoned out losers)...tho most of us are FAR from that.

im not tryin to argue or anything STL...but i just think we gotta let this one fall thru the cracks like it will, and maybe endorse someone that is more well spoken and not such a flake.

when it comes down to it phelps isnt gonna stand up for us....so why should we for him?

...he's just a guy that smoked some weed, and failed @ least 2 of the 3 L's (smell, tell, sell).

no one has a pic of me pullin tubes, and almost no one knows i grow...and the cpl that do I know so solid that i can say no one knows i grow.

even if i could grow and smoke freely nothing would change...i'd still tell no one, and keep my hobby to myself...i kind of like it like that.

As I said, it isn't about Phelps. :) But I'm not the kind of person that likes to give an inch when I don't think it's right to do so, especially to a company that takes people's money to make statements against marijuana.

Though I agree that he should be more careful if he plans on continuing smoking. But I doubt he gets the chance to smoke very often anyway.