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Problem and Solution: Phelps loses a sponser, Kellogg's loses many customers.

Problem and Solution: Phelps loses a sponser, Kellogg's loses many customers.

  • I'm on board, e-mail sent, and I'm swearing off Pop Tarts!

    Votes: 13 43.3%
  • I kinda like the idea, but I don't feel like doing anything about it.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • I like the enthusiasm, but this won't work. (And I have a better solution.)

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Other -- (Explained in Post.)

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters


Here is a touch of morning coffee activism everyone can do. (It's easy NOT to buy something, eh? And also pretty easy to send an email. So let's send a message while everyone is looking at Phelps! Let's back him up!)

According to several articles, Kellogg's is dropping Phelps due to his bong smoking escapades. Solution? Drop Kellogg. (Bastards!)

The simplest and most effective way to do this is to tell them you are not buying their products and why, then to follow through and not buy their products. (Unless of course they respond favorably.)

Also, for this to be effective, we have to spread this around. Get as many people/groups on this as you can. There is nothing wrong with smoking marijuana! And apparently Kellogg's needs to be told.

They make money off of hungry stoners all the time. Well, we are smart enough to buy something else!


Here is how to contact Kellogg's and tell them about your decision.

Phone: 1-800-962-1413
Mail: Kellogg Consumer Affairs, P.O. Box CAMB, Battle Creek, MI 49016
Website: http://www2.kelloggs.com/ContactUs.aspx (the contactus page asks for a birthdate because they dont save information of minors or something ... just be your old self.)

Products not to buy:

Rice Crispies, Pop Tarts, Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, Fruit Loops, Eggo Waffles, Keebler Cookies, Town House Crackers, Cheezits, Special K, and much more!

Full list of products here: http://www2.kelloggs.com/Product/Product.aspx

Full listing of all brands not to buy: (Because they sell under several.)

* All-Bran® Products
* Apple Jacks® Cereal
* Austin® Cookies and Crackers
* Carr's® Products
* Cheez-It® Crackers
* Chips Deluxe® Cookies
* Club® Crackers
* Crunchmania™ Products
* Eggo® Products
* EL Fudge® Sandwich Cookies
* Famous Amos® Cookies
* Fruit Flavored Rolls
* Fudge Shoppe® Cookies
* Gripz®
* Hydrox® Cookies
* Jack's® Cookies
* Jackson's® Cookies
* Keebler® Cookies and Crackers
* Keebler® Grahams Crackers
* Kellogg's® Cereals and Snacks
* Kellogg's™ Cereal Straws
* Kellogg's™ Cocoa Krispies® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Corn Flake Crumbs
* Kellogg's® Corn Flakes Cereal
* Kellogg's® Corn Pops® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Cracklin' Oat Bran® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Crispix® Cereal
* Kellogg's™ Crunchy Nut™ Granola Bars
* Kellogg's® Froot Loops® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Frosted Flakes® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Honey Smacks® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Keebler Cookie Crunch™ Cereal
* Kellogg's™ Live Bright™ Brain Health Bars

* Kellogg's® Low Fat Granola
* Kellogg's® Mini-Wheats® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Mueslix® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Nutri-Grain® Products
* Kellogg's® Product 19® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Raisin Bran® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Raisin Bran Crunch® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Smart Start® Cereal
* Kellogg's™ Smorz™ Cereal
* Kellogg's® Special K® Products
* Kellogg's® Stuffing Mix
* Kellogg's® Yogos® Snacks
* Krispy® Saltine Crackers
* Morningstar Farms® Veggie Foods
* Morningstar Farms® Natural and Organic Veggie Foods
* Murray® Cookies
* Murray® Sugar Free Cookies
* Pop-Tarts® Toaster Pastries
* Ready Crust® Pie Crusts
* Rice Krispies® Cereal and Treats
* Sandies® Cookies
* Scooby-Doo!® Crackers
* Soft Batch® Cookies
* Themed Snacks
* Toasteds® Crackers
* Town House® Crackers
* Vienna Cremes® Sandwich Cookies
* Vienna Fingers® Cookies
* Wheatables® Crackers
* Worthington® Loma Linda® Veggie Foods
* Worthington® Veggie Foods
* Zesta® Crackers


no wuckin furries!
ahhhh thats the news story was about...i missed it...

so the message is ...keep away from the special K..... and keep on using special C ? :D .HH. =]-~


no wuckin furries!
"you drop phelps....we drop you....grow up!!...nothing wrong with cannabis....as you can see by all of is gold medals...i'll no longer use your products unless you change your decision."

i left open the field for a reply to see what i get back.....cant say ive bought there products in a long time so im cool...nor do i have any opinion of phelps(im an aussie ...and were the best :D )..but fukem...brainless twits..HH. =]-~


Thanks! Every little bit helps. :) As I said, it's pretty easy to do, and if it has an effect, then yay!


Active member
3/4 of that list are all things my children consume(and I),with gusto!!So because Phelps was a chickenshit and got scared he was gonna lose money,you expect me to stop buying Kellogs products??Help me out here,what effect do you think it will have on Kellog,if say,a hundred of us stop buying Kellogs??I believe they have more than enough brands and money to withstand a little boycott by a couple people!!Wait.......you thought maybe we could get the MASSES to stop buying Kellogs!!:laughing:


Laugh if you like, but it is possible. Enough people raising a stink can really make a difference. Besides, it is being discussed now. Why not send a message that there is another side that feels differently? Considering all the things he has been said to have done, why is weed the thing that makes him lose sponsors? It isn't right, and they need to know. Even if we have no monetary impact, getting 500 emails and calls denouncing their actions can say something too.

Also, that your kids eat so much of their product is an indication of the possibility of having an effect. Not only are you getting pot smokers to boycott, but their children are boycotting as a side effect. That sounds like a good thing to me if you want to stop a crappy company.


Poll added so everyone an show their support ... or lack thereof if they wish. :)


Just sent the email from their "contact us" page.

In case anyone who wants to send an email from that page, you will notice that they require you to leave your first and last name, along with zip code and email address.

I can see where this might cause worries to some on this forum regarding privacy and safety. Well, you don't have to leave your real name, I used a different one (a real famous historical father figure). Zip code won't cause any problems, and your email won't cause a problem either. I also never mentioned that I was a cannabis consumer or grower...don't need to do that to make your point.

Great thread BTW :)


18 and Doh!
Your poll is not fair at all. You didn't include an option for I don't agree with your idea at all. Michael Phelps is supposed to be a role model for kids and Kellogs and every other company have every right to drop his sponsorship for not being within their moral code.

No parent wants their kid to be a toker and most kids (and myself) worship pro-athletes like Gods. He's not the great role model that Kellogs want representing their company and that is their right.


Active member
His "conrtact" with Kellogg's was over at the end of the month,he doesnt have a match until July(so the 3 month suspension is useless),and even without Kelloggs he is worth over 100 million.I fully endorse Kelloggs for dumping the spineless piece of shit who HAD the chance to say something and didnt!!!
NOT the image I want on my products either,it seems to me,the one people SHOULD be angry with is being made a victim,fuck Phelps,he is a spineless,chickenshit.........I'm glad they dumped his ass,altho,it really doesnt matter to him,he is flat out set for life!!


18 and Doh!
Why are you hating on phelps so bad dude, he's a champion. I was just saying he deserves to loose a few sponsors for being a bad role model. i don't know where your comin from with that hate bra.


Active member
EXACTLY!!!!!!!His opinion would have meant something!!!!
spineless piece of shit who HAD the chance to say something and didnt!!!
But he chose to call it a bad choice!!!!


18 and Doh!
Oh your mad cuz he decided not to become a ganja activist? man not everyone is as obsessed with pot as you or me.

I'm glad he called it a bad choice. You want millions of kids to be all "yay pot is cool". dude...


His "conrtact" with Kellogg's was over at the end of the month,he doesnt have a match until July(so the 3 month suspension is useless),and even without Kelloggs he is worth over 100 million.I fully endorse Kelloggs for dumping the spineless piece of shit who HAD the chance to say something and didnt!!!
NOT the image I want on my products either,it seems to me,the one people SHOULD be angry with is being made a victim,fuck Phelps,he is a spineless,chickenshit.........I'm glad they dumped his ass,altho,it really doesnt matter to him,he is flat out set for life!!

So long as we dump our fellow pot smokers, no matter what their circumstances are, we won't have any allies. I understand why he apologized, even though I don't agree with it. But the idea that pot smoking in the off season is worth losing so much? That is like saying that pot smoking at home is worth firing you from your job. Do you agree with that?

I'm not angry with him because I don't think marijuana is something to be angry about. Why do you?

Indica Jones

Active member
Your poll is not fair at all. You didn't include an option for I don't agree with your idea at all. Michael Phelps is supposed to be a role model for kids and Kellogs and every other company have every right to drop his sponsorship for not being within their moral code.

No parent wants their kid to be a toker and most kids (and myself) worship pro-athletes like Gods. He's not the great role model that Kellogs want representing their company and that is their right.

He still shits out of the same meat ass as all of us do. Unless of course you have a colostomy bag. Then taking a dump has a different meaning. He apologized because he knows it is still illegal. Do you think he would apologize if it was a beer?
Sorry if you have put him on a pedestal, he is only super human. :joint:


Your poll is not fair at all. You didn't include an option for I don't agree with your idea at all. Michael Phelps is supposed to be a role model for kids and Kellogs and every other company have every right to drop his sponsorship for not being within their moral code.

No parent wants their kid to be a toker and most kids (and myself) worship pro-athletes like Gods. He's not the great role model that Kellogs want representing their company and that is their right.

My poll has an "other" option. I wasn't trying to compare support to non-support. I just wanted to allow people to get into it a little bit.

Phelps is supposed to be a role model for kids, but apparently getting seen partying http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/05/radar-phelps-squeezes-but_n_124302.html is ok. It's just the weed that is bad, right? I'm sorry, but I don't hold to that misconception. But then again, I have not been erecting shrines to athletes lately.

If he isn't that great of a role model, there is a whole host of other things they could have said were the problem. (Including a dui arrest) Why weed?

Kellogg's of course has the right to drop him, but we also have the right not to buy their products. I don't understand your position on this at all.


Oh your mad cuz he decided not to become a ganja activist? man not everyone is as obsessed with pot as you or me.

I'm glad he called it a bad choice. You want millions of kids to be all "yay pot is cool". dude...

No one here wants kids to smoke pot. That is in your head. Phelps is 23, however. It shouldn't be an issue.

Indica Jones

Active member
I look at it this way. For one this kid is 23...............right? How many hours....or for that matter......how many years has he been training at swimming? What does your kid do with his time? Exactly! This picture was taken on his off time. It wasn't out in the open, and it wasn't in front of a kindergarten class. Let him be normal for a change. I can just imagine the world thrust upon him after winning the Golds. :2cents: