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Oddly enough, for the past two weeks SOMETHING has been making me itch, mostly on my forearms and lower legs. Can't figure it out.

Definitely agree to look into the chemicals on the clothing, especially considering the placement.

Again though, people seriously underestimate the issues caused by the chemical diet that's the 'norm' today.

Companies are changing the ingredients in their products all the time. Could be they've added something new to a product you normally eat and so you haven't looked there. You're describing an allergy type reaction.

New clothes you haven't washed before wearing? New clothes have dyes and chemicals... sometimes more than they're supposed to. Good idea to wash new clothes at least 7 times before wearing them.

Have you been outside in the rain recently with your itchy spots being exposed?

Hope you find it...

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Definitely agree to look into the chemicals on the clothing, especially considering the placement.

Again though, people seriously underestimate the issues caused by the chemical diet that's the 'norm' today.

Companies are changing the ingredients in their products all the time. Could be they've added something new to a product you normally eat and so you haven't looked there. You're describing an allergy type reaction.

New clothes you haven't washed before wearing? New clothes have dyes and chemicals... sometimes more than they're supposed to. Good idea to wash new clothes at least 7 times before wearing them.

Have you been outside in the rain recently with your itchy spots being exposed?

Hope you find it...

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

All good suggestions, but I'd have to say no to all of those things. The itching is directly associated with when I'm going through the gardens. I believe it's due to my years spent as an aquarist, during which time I developed a strong sensitivity to salt creep (the stuff that builds up as salt water evaporates). A short time after that I became sensitive to freshwater plants.

No rain, no new clothes or newly washed clothes, either. Just plants, and I use no chemicals on the property at all.


Been on many psychotropic drugs throughout the years.the majority I did not like due to side effects..prolixin,thorazine,lithium,electroshock therapy.
Seroquel was OK..at least I slept and was chill,with a bit of focus.
I threw it all to the side and now I've lined my apartment with foil..I'm fine.

Good luck

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