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Pre-paid Visa gift card -- Transaction Denied


Tropical Outcast
I've tried xx andxx and had my debit card declined each and every time. I haven't been able to find any good current information on which exact prepaid work. Does the gift card require your SSN? Can it be used at either of the above seed banks? Thank you much

I understand you being a new member hence you seemingly having a problem narrowing down info desired, however ALL off your questions have been answered in this and some other threads.

Aside from the above there really is not one single reason not to use your regular Credit/Debit card for a seed purchase from a reputable seed bank such as SeedBoutique.com & SeedBay.com are.

PS: as far as finding a reason not to use your regular Credit/Debit Card don't bother searching, you won't find reasons given because there are none..


Well things like greendot no longer work from what I've read.

My debit card company is so strict that my debit card won't verify with paypal and can't not buy anything through paypal checkout. I have talked to the bank and they said it was with whom ever handles their debit cards. It won't allow the initial hold or charge that they run to check the card to be active. It has constantly failed with the 3 seedbanks I've tried. So this is a personal reason not to use my card.


New member
guys, im hearing mixed things in this thread. i need someone to please recommend a visa gift card that i can use for the following things below

1. use for domestic and international internet orders

2. dont have to give i.d or social security number. i dont care if i have to give a name and address to set the card up

3. has to be reloadable in person somewhere

4. lowest fees possible

if for some reason theres no card thats carries all these options than i would at least like to find one that works for domestic internet orders that matches this criteria. thanks guys


I work in a business where we handle on-line orders and we deal with AVS issues on a daily basis.

A lot of people get pissed because there card has worked for them in the past.

Maybe it has.. but for some reason your card is failing AVS check. That means the address you gave doesnt match the address associated with the card..

Other companies may have just ignored the AVS mismatch, but some wont.

If you experience this...call your card issuer and make sure they have your correct address before getting hostile with where your purchasing from. Its a problem related to YOUR shit - not theirs.

Some gift cards just do not work with address verification. Its the choice of the person your doing business with to accept your card or not - and you cannot blame them for not as unfortunately CC fraud is real and happens regularly.

Send a money order if your too lazy to get your shit straight, but stop taking it out on the people your trying to do business with. They are only trying to protect their own.

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