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Pre 1937 stone.


Active member
Hi I was wondering what the typical stone was like of pot that was consumed pre 1937.

With no/little legal consequence, a grower was free to grow for personal preference regardless of yeild or thc content.

post 1937, those willing to grow would do so at a high risk. They would focus on getting more bhang for their buck.

If they were going to take the risk, it makes sense that the criteria of what strains were grown would change.

The focus would be on yeild, flowering time, and potency.

I doubt anyone here was smoking before 1937, (but I could be wrong) if so please comment on the quality of pot in 1937.

Also if you know the name of any strains that have a typically low yeild, low potency and long finishing time, but has some endearing quality, please post the name of the strain.



Cool topic...my grandad did time on a chaingang in the early 30s in the south,he would gather it in the ditches they were clearing and smoke it freely.He said it was more of a tobbaco substitute,than a "high" .


Active member
like indian cigarettes for the treatment of asthma...i would like to try one haha =)

or the crescent marquee!

it is a cool subject, this site is fun and has a lot of info - http://antiquecannabisbook.com/

the thread title made me think of the next big thing at the dispensaries, you know, that pre 37 bubba ;)


Active member
my heyday was in the roaring 20's, by '37, everyone and there dogs were hackin' my work. in those days, before commercialism, it was all high test...


pre37 bubba LOL ... were going to see someone say 1943 pretty soon hahah

realistically man, there wasn't MUCH smoking cannabis grown in the states at that time.
the only stuff I imagine bred for potency (and different in any way from regular hemp) , would be what was used for making medical tinctures etc etc

however, because breeding plants was Very different from what it is now, alot of the original hemp had high THC.... it was cannabis sativa, that happened to be used mostly for fiber/seeds ...
nobody was breeding for potency, nobody was breeding for NO potency (like 'industrial' hemp is today)

different phenotypes expressed different qualities.

hemp with different genetic backgrounds, would obviously contain more phenotypes with high potency, than others.

"Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda,
smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see."
- Thomas Jefferson

but why would origin of the seed/genetics make a difference?

well concider that cannabis flower-use is ancient, but not so much in europe.

most traditional use is in the middle east, india, and china/surrounding areas.

hemp that was originally imported from the areas where the cannabis had been smoked for centuries/millenia, is obviously going to be more potent (consistantly anyway) than the cannabis imported from areas where they did Not smoke cannabis.

100's or 1000's of years of selection, natural and by mans hand, makes a difference. ....Especially if you smoke and get high from that same plant ;) obviously you are going to save seeds from "THAT" plant ;) lol

so back on topic,

the highs people experienced? well in the USA i'm sure it was everything from that clear headedness that i've gotten from smoking NO-THC weed (wild ruderalis) , to getting high as hell and laughing their asses off.

depends on the genetics, the growing style, the amount of seeds/stem, and how / why they were smoking.



most of the cannabis used for tinctures, if i remember correctly, was the broadleaf strains from india.....

however most people growing cannabis would most likely have hemp, or predominantly hemp genetics, as these were WAY more common than the strange cultivars of Indica (which has little/no value as a Hemp/Fiber plant)

so it really depends


I bet the weed you got back then was like the same as you got in the 60s. Mexican, heavily seeded, males and females and stems all in the same bag. Sometimes you would get good stuff and other times not so good.


I thought it was so powerful that it made white women sleep with black guys. Jazz music and dancing, heavens no! Its the devils weed!

-H J Anslinger



Hey now! Be careful with that stuff, it'll get you pregnant!

Anyone know if any valid studies about potency were done back then?


Dam, guess that rules out studies...

Time to hit up the nursing homes with some surveys! Hey grandma, how was the weed in your days?? :D:D


lol ye the shit back then was so strong you would be addicted after 1 toke and turn into a drug crazed rapist.


Well-known member
Very important question!
this ties into the shaman mummy discovered with over 2LBS of sticky kind that still looked lime green under the scope-its too bad that the scientist claimed they were going to burn it
you know, shamans always have the stash of stashes-ask Jonathan Ott-he's done much work into the "shamans stash"
Most of the herb of the early 20th century was brought in from Mexico by the immigrant laborers to help make the mundane tasks more enjoyable. They would smoke during their lunch break. One of the main reasons herb was made illegal was to deport those Mexicans found possessing or growing herb back to Mexico. This was done after the railroads and other big infrastructure jobs were complete.

I imagine the seeded herb was very good.


Well-known member
the best accounts of this time that i've read were back in some hightimes articles in the late 70's
based on those, there was some very fine stuff around, probably mexican i would guess
i do remember the one article with William Borroughs, who talked about MJ being sold from a novelty shop in NYC
produced long laughing jags, which i think was the wording, novelty store owner said it was the best stuff he ever had


Active member
They should name a strain after the dickhead politician that attacked our beloved flower ,wish i could remember his name ,it was on the history channel recently.
but i think i have to agree with the mexican weed being the shit back then,Didn't high Times do an article about how todays weed was bred for potency and yeild versus weed of pre 1960 where it was just grown and sold?

I really think Nancy Reagan should get a big "thank you" from all of us,American born "home growers".If it wasn't for "The WAR ON Drugs" we would prably still rely on the mexican brick weed.I do have to admit I miss the old golds and reds from the day

Legalize drugs and tax religion,then we can say the recession is over


Old School Cottonmouth
They have a may '79 High Times. (the one with a devil on the cover) that has an article about harlem smoke scene specifically during 1937 ironically.

It's titled "Confessions of a Viper: Harlem's High Heydays" and it can be had for about $5 on ebay. Its a good article.

There was very little pot being grown in the US at that time. Pretty much all of it was mexican, and a little caribbean.

For the most part the pot he describes is basically the same as it was when the hippies found it.