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PPP pure power plant / nirvana / 600w soil + some thoughts about cannabis



i made some proper calculations and i realized that i am on 55th day of 12/12

considering the breeder(nirvana) sais 8 - max. 10 flowering weeks=70days

adding the days u propose 250wscrogger goes smth like: 55(now) + 15 +10 = 80

isint this like a bit tooo much?

i dont say - i ask,
what shall i accomplish with the 8-16 lightining schedule scrogger???
-i ve never heard that before. so?

but another thing is that 4 of 9 plants are preeeetty immature compared to rest 5
(thank god its the smallest ones :D) and that technique with the 8hours light+ 16dark you think will make em mature enough to chop?


i d like to share with you some WORTHY pics i found on nirvanas ppp gallery...

very very interesting was + smth like an answer to my questions that the last pic named PPP5 had an inscription below it saying:

9th week 2 weeks to chop

so 9+2 = 11weeks =77days

the miracle grower of last 3 pics is swiss and chopped his ppp at 77days, who am i to argue , or do differently :headbange

250w scrogger- thats the same as what you said (77days) but could you plz explain what the 10 days of 16/8 will accomplish?


greek did youever take my advice and get a mini microscope to look at the triks.... you can never truly go by what the breeder says the time limit is. the plant will tell you when she is done... you can ask everyone on here.. please go out and get one there not that expinsive and you wont be asking the same Q over and over. you never kno by just looking at the plant with you naked eye and looking at the hairs means nothing. My blueberry plant hairs are all still white for the most part but the triks are all cloudy already.. gl mate



even if i had that, even if i scope it,

i cant tell what is cloudy and what is amber

and personally i trust much more a very experienced grower like 250w scrogger than my "scoping knowledges+experience+personal scoping judgement"

but i will try and find that thing u say

thx for the input


Active member
Cutting the hours back to 8/16 for the last 10 days triggers a natural ripening response...plants will think that fall/winter is coming (shorter days) and they will pack on a protective coating of resin to protect them against the upcoming cold season, thus giving you the full potency and flavor. Any strain will benefit from this. Alot of the professional Amsterdam coffee shop growers do this to white widow and ppp to give them that super thick WHITE frost that covers even the fan leaves :jump: If you do this you will not regret it. The guy chopping at 77 days probably did this too but he may have had supplemental co2 which can speed up ripening by a week or more. If you want the best bud you have ever smoked out of this grow, do the 8/16 for the last 10 days (till day 77-80) and then give the ladies 48 hours of dark for better flavor/smoother smoke :canabis: It's mouthwatering just thinking about your upcoming harvest :hotbounce This grow has inspired me to get my hands on some ppp to cross with my white widow for when I bump it up to 1200w :rasta:


now that is what i call info!

thx man, u really are smth!

i dont know what i have inspired you to do, but you have inspired me to update with pics more frequently, i have another HOT question but that will w8 untill my next update.

so plz stick around scrogger i know you have much more to contribute...


Active member
I'll be lurking around this thread for sure! :lurk: These next few weeks will be the most exciting part of the grow :respect: I can't wait for more picture updates of these beautiful fat colas :joint: I really need to get some of that PPP for my next dwc/scrog run because it seems like it's a huge yielder of top quality cannabis :dance: Some people say PPP is white widow x durban poison which is very likely because it seems to be heavily sativa :yummy:


Active member
I love nirvana seeds because the prices are reasonable yet they have some of the best strains in the world like PPP, white widow, nl x big bud, ect. :rasta:


ok ur telling me that you cant tell the differeance between the color or clear to cloudy to amber... if you cant do this man im sorry to say but you maybe shouldnt grow.. this is the only true way to tell if your plant is ripe. it will be one of three very distict colors..clear or transparent. meaning you can see throu it. cloudy- meaning its kinda hazy or a dull color. Amber- is when the Trics are at there most potentand time for the chop. you will only see these with that scope and 250 should back me up on this one......


wtf i just told you i would try and get the thing!!!!???

i have chopped again 1 more time with no scope and results were fabulous

i know i want a social - thouht producing buz so i m not gonna leave that overripening

my 1st concern is grams so as soon they produce what they r able to, its chop chop time-ONCE MORE I VE INVESTED 2000$=1400E +4months of my life and i want that to payoff

about your theory that maybe i shouldnt grow, keep it to urself and enough pression about the damn scope thing. its my grow, you tell ur opinion 1-2 times but thats as far as it goes

u may not believe it or not but by looking the calyxes the hairs the leaves and many more i can tell when the plant is at its prime+peak (like a nice apple with no sign of aging) and i will be able to tell when its going past that point...
U DONT AGREE, U DONT BELIEVE? GOOD FOR YOU, ive done things pretty damn good so far and i dont think im gonna fuck up now(and ive done many things that collide with "traditional growing techniques" in this grow)

enough talk about the scope thing and never again tell me if i should or should not grow

as long as we communicate and are respectfull to each other youare allways wellcome here


was no disripect but you need to have some faith in urself and being able to see things the way they are. you going of what the breeders say to do and that just not the way it is. but oh well like you said its YOUR money YOUR time and YOUR grow but if you want it at its peak of perfection i was just trying to help lay a foundation for your next indevers and to help make sure you get the absolut best product for yourself/ customers......lastly i didnt say you shouldnt grow i said if you cant determan the differeance then MAYBE you shouldnt remember its MY 2 cents im adding here and take it with a grian of salt. think about it your in Europe somewhere and im in the USA they way we comunicat with others is very different so dont take it personal if im blunt. just dont like to see people spend so much time and not get the best result possible YA KNOW.....:)



Active member
congratulations on the harvest greekguy :rasta: :rasta: I'm not gunna give you a hard time for chopping down your grow when you want but where are the harvest pics?


Active member
One thing I would maybe suggest next time is letting a couple plants go a bit longer for personal headsmoke to see the difference in high you will get from these extra few weeks and sell the stuff you chop at 8 weeks (since it will go for nearly the same price) but its totally your choice :confused:

Mr piston is right about the breeders estimates being useless in many cases. Keep in mind that when they say 8 weeks that usually means hydro and supplemental c02 which do speed up ripening a considerable amount, also there are different phenotypes which will mature at different rates with any strain :2cents:


who the f told anything about chopping men???

im gonna give the 22 more days as we said before!!!

i saw plants today, after 3 days, the pots-soil where SUPER dry, and many pisitils and underbuds where dry(red) the upper buds not, a single pistil red...
some leves were curly

i watered well(with nutes) and from now on i plan to visit site and water everyday
(wish that hadnt happen soooo much)

you think that theyll recover to exact previous glory if i continue doing what i used to do???????????????

no prb mrp i just get paranoid when ppl push me doing smth- i dont go with breeders timlines, if i did i would had chpped by now


Active member
yeah they should recover just fine within a day or two but you may want to stop feeding the nutes in about 2 weeks and give them only water for the 10 day 8/16 flush :rasta: :rasta: I'm glad you're waiting to harvest though because the girls are in their final ripening stage...these last few weeks are what makes the difference between good indoor grown bud or top-notch super potent headies :jump:


you know i think that they have much more to gain- much more,

the tops tops of the tops are very empty compared to the rest, and yeah i will flush not for 10 but for 7 days(i think)


man i can never thank you enough for your support!!!!

i may send you some sample some day ;) and i m serious about that
will get pics today or tomorow

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