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PPK vert 4 plant 5 light grow show and DIY, 3400w, CO2

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
oh and i just bought a 6 ballast flip box for a real good deal used. next run i will run two X grows with all 1ks on a flip flop. prepare for madness my friends :)

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Right on, just make sure your keeping that environment at the right temp.

5k dialed > 6k with temp fluctuations.

I have a 12" max fan for all of my 10' rooms, works great.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
thanks guys. apparently i am AWESOME at killing clones lol. i lost most of the ones i took. gotta start over again and i only have a small mother that will barely yield enough clones for me. oh well. i think i need a heat mat for them. they are in a cool bedroom with no real heat. stays about 70 in there. may just put a cfl under the shelf


80 degrees and 80% humidity will up your cut rooting close to the 100 percentile range DH......

No 2 cuts root in the same time frame as in faster and slower and develop different plants structure due to faster or slower growth rates....but....

They all gotta grow legs first right bro.....

Everyone murders cuts on the road to Nirvana trust me , so back up and punt....Won`t take that long to get more ready....

Good luck...DHF.....:ying:.....


Desert Hydro:

thanks guys. apparently i am AWESOME at killing clones lol. i lost most of the ones i took. gotta start over again and i only have a small mother that will barely yield enough clones for me. oh well. i think i need a heat mat for them. they are in a cool bedroom with no real heat. stays about 70 in there. may just put a cfl under the shelf

Hi, Desert Hydro.

An interesting soilless gardening experiment might be 1) media: propagation grade perlite, or fine pumice (1/4 - 1/16); 2) scion selected from the `zone of juvenility`, or the lowest branch, then the newest shoot closest to the main stem on that lowest branch; 3) 1 liter container, a scalable capacity for either short term cutting development or heirloom preservation as perhaps bonsai; 4) applying water only as a top feed at only 2-6 ounces per 24 hours, or until only damp run-off drains from the container.

Each of the above experimental items might 1) permit adequate moisture, capillary action, and oxygen at the root zone, thorough drainage; 2) selection of scion containing stored essential elements, requiring no `rooting hormone` or nutrients during the rooting formation process, as they are already stored in the young shoot; 3) scalable container capable of providing root growth and health observation, while capable of supporting a newly rooted scion for further root growth; 4) limiting the amount of applied water to support continued turgor, oxygen permeation of the media next to the scion stem being perhaps an essential element for healthy root formation, growth and health; keeping the media only damp, not `wet`.

The cutting should already contain adequate water, as might be observed by its turgor pressure; the soilless gardener might simply seek to maintain that low to moderate level of moisture (maintain the turgor) until nodes form on the scion stem (encouraged in part by `damp` conditions), and eventually root tips. During that process, perhaps equal part `water` to oxygen might suffice. The `water` necessary at that stage might only be the moisture on the collidial surfaces of irregular inert rocks, allowing oxygen through the gaps between the `damp` inert rocks.

We hope that this post might be helpful.

Kind regards,


im always in need of more motivation Dabs. i'll see what i can muster up lol.

flat9, this round im gonna do things a little bit different that normal. im gonna set up a tent to dry in with a humidifier and keep things around 65% rh for a couple weeks to get a really slow dry. in the desert its hard to slow the drying process and its hurt me in the past. i am gonna hang full trimmed branches from some fencing i will attach in the tent and then keep a small fan circulating with the humidifier.

once they get to where they need to be in about 10-15 days i will remove them from the stems and place them into turkey bags with some digital hygrometers to make sure everything is where it should be.

i was supposed to chop yesterday but i was busy all damn day and night. i will try and bust a good chunk of it out today

Hey DH, in the last picture for the top bucket, you dont put a screen on the top part of the fitting in the top bucket? just at the bottom?

edit, hey dh my bad i just looked at the ppk pics and messed up, for some reason i thought the tail pipes had screens on the top also, when it never did, fuhhhhh

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
thanks every one. devoted1, screnns only on the bottom so the tubes fill up and can wick up moisture in case of pump failure.

so i had this BRILLIANT idea by my standards lol. ive been stressing about the flip flop rooms and how im gonna section off the rooms and whatnot since i cant build and i cant use tent because of heat. then it hit me! i will run an X grow in open air with my 5 1k's and then in the big 10x10 i will run 8 plants under 5 air cooled hoods ALL of which will be run off the same PPK system. the only issue i foresee at the moment is i may have to stagger the veg times but maybe not. the tent plants will be supercropped like no other to keep the size down and leave headroom for the hoods.

i keep missing the damn UPS guy with my flip flop but it doesnt really matter since my clones arent even rooted yet. i just need to slow down and breathe haha. thanks for all the support everyone. lets see what 4 plants in an X grow bare bulb will do against 8 plants traditional style in ppk's. should be a cool side by side.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
does anyone know if im running a flip flop if i can run five bulbs on one side if i can leave one unhooked on the other side and go with only 4 1ks in the tent? i know these digital ballasts wont start up if there is no bulb in the socket but i just wanna make sure it wont mess anything up.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Depends on the ballast, all of mine wont unless there is a bulb on both sides.

I use quantums. you have to shut them on and off during the flip if you dont have bulbs on both sides


Active member
does anyone know if im running a flip flop if i can run five bulbs on one side if i can leave one unhooked on the other side and go with only 4 1ks in the tent? i know these digital ballasts wont start up if there is no bulb in the socket but i just wanna make sure it wont mess anything up.

Rives would be the man to ask about this. You can find him in the equipment and design sub-forum :tiphat:.



We once considered alternative options to static`switches` or `relays` as an experiment. Yet, instead of beginning with two (2) discreet sets of`things` that might be `switched` to either being available for use, or not, we considered the option (or, exercise) of beginning with one (1) discreet`thing`, moved to the available state, or `available box`, the unavailable state or `unavailable box`.

The approach might have attempted to employ a `Mover`, or an array of movers (modified garage door opener, motors, pullies, train tracks, strings, other mechanisms), to `Move` a tennis ball `Tennis Ball` from within an independent box `Box 1` at position `a` to independent `Box 2` at position `b`, at `t` time, by opening (sliding, levering, other appropriate mechanism) `Panel Z`, and then commencing `Move` of `Tennis Ball` on `Mover` track from position `a` to position `b` within `Box 2`, at which point `Panel Z` would close. The entire process would, ideally, only consume approximately 1 minute, or less.

The experimental process might resemble:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|.o.__ --> __....|
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|....| --> __..o.|

I have scanned through multiple ppk threads and have tried looking for anyone doing it, but is organic PPK out of the question? Lots of aeration seems to be the thing I can think of.


Active member
I have scanned through multiple ppk threads and have tried looking for anyone doing it, but is organic PPK out of the question? Lots of aeration seems to be the thing I can think of.

Water only organics would work very well in a ppk with some adjustment to media and flood times. It might also be possible to use something like Pure Blend Pro in a more traditional feed arrangement. Question becomes, is that organic to you?

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
hello everyone. i just wanted to drop by and say whats up. ive been having a lot of problems lately with the grow situation and parter and ive lost all motivation to grow. i built this brand new 12 site ppk and im gonna tear it down and store it. just gonna run the simplest drip system with floor dry in the pots on timers so i have to do as little as possible. i really hate the situation i am in but this will be the last grow in there and then i either move it elsewhere or take a long overdo break. thanks to everyone who helped me along the way.


Hey welcome back DH! I'm curious what problems you were running into? Maybe we can all help if not learn something from the issues.


Active member
Yo DH partners suck, at least you learned that the easy way.. i.e. could be worse. You're good at what you do, you'll be back, and we'll be here to watch the show. Peace.

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